#I've got sleepwriting
vitalphenomena · 5 months
NAME : lye
PRONOUNS : they/them
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : disco disco disco. IMs make me crazy they're so unreliable. i love talking ooc to plot and shoot the shit about writing. ive also made some incredible true friends through this.
NAME OF MUSE(S) : (chuckles) im not going to do that
BEST EXPERIENCE : four person double date thread with juniphil and romanjo. that was craaaazy @tahitiwoke @ruinaa @withbeasts
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : vagues, godmodding, i don't super love when a mutual is broken without a softblock purely because i don't want to accidentally interact by liking a post/sending a meme and making someone uncomfortable because they broke the mutual and clearly dont want to interact since we're pretty much all mutuals only. nothing else really gets to me anymore, and im hoping to get to a point where nothing at all bothers me considering What This Is.
MUSE PREFERENCES : i think there are thematic consistencies in the stories im interested in telling. bisexuals. men are bad. those are two of the main things that stand out to me
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : short :) we're in an improv troupe and i can only take my turn for so long :)
BEST TIME TO WRITE : when im awake! replies tend to embarass me when i sleepwrite on discord
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : considering there are like 48 of them now, i've probably got something in common with a handful of them. haters think spirit is my self insert, real ones think it's juniper, and only the truly based know that it's burns
TAGGED BY: @citizenstarlight posted and i stole it!
TAGGING: anyone on my affiliates list. im not just gonna tag yall every time just know your place. in addition, anyone else who wants to share, im curious :-)
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Comics this week ?
Superman #18 - Farewell Campbell, I loved your art on this book when you were actually able to draw it. Most enjoyable part of the Absolute Power event was this tie-in, rarely get to see Supes and Zee team up. Do need to reiterate that all the writers who make a big deal that "Superman never lies/Superman is bad at lying" are making themselves look foolish. Waid at least has tried to justify it in interviews by saying *his* Superman never directly lies as Superman, but Clark is a proficient liar no matter how you try and spin it.
World's Finest #31 - Boring start. Waid defied my expectations with the Imp arc, but this appears like it will live down to my expectations of being half-assed. Reads like Waid is sleepwriting, Eclipso and the JSA have never held my interest and this doesn't appear set to change that. I do want to shout out Gutierrez, his art is fantastic. He's great at drawing facial expressions to sell the comedy bits and he's great at fight scenes.
Wonder Woman #13 - Diana blocking bullets despite being powerless was awesome and the Diana/Steve flirting here was cute. Otherwise this sucked like the last two issues did. I finally get why people hate Damian, he is insufferable here. Normally his bluster is entertaining but here the stilted delivery King writes his dialogue in irritates me. At least it's finally over and we can get back to the main storyline.
Jenny Sparks #2 - Jenny being this emotionally affected by 9/11 is the most ridiculous thing since Doom cried over the Twin Towers. She's done plenty of genocides all by herself, knocking down two buildings is her equivalent to a cat getting stuck in a tree. All the grawlixes need to go, King overuses them to the point it's hard to follow what the characters are actually saying. That said, Jenny and Clark having had a fling in their past is perfect and everyone who got mad at that can get bent. Another $820 billion to Tom King for a Superman mini with Jenny in it please.
Incredible Hulk #17 - First time since Immortal Hulk where I've let out several "holy shit" reactions. Don't think this book will surpass GL: WJ as the peak of PKJ's cape work, but I'm back to being eager for the next issue like I was during the Warworld Saga.
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lilolilyr · 1 year
I got a 'so good' comment + 'fav fic' reply + a mile long analysis comment about how the fic fits canon so well, on a fic I wrote in one hour past midnight while half asleep, in a fandom the canon of which I've never seen adsfghjkl idk whether this is saying sth about my sleepwriting skills or just about how the fandom managed to grasp the characters&themes&motifs etc so well in fic that I managed to replicate that perfectly after reading like 200 fics in two weeks
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oumiyuki · 5 years
I’m sleepy
So. Instead of “I’m sleepy” maybe I should title this “I was asleep” because I totally don’t remember writing what I wrote. But I suddenly had this vague feeling I was writing while lying in bed, 3/4 ways to sleepy-land. XD
And well, eh...here we are.
Pairing: ChikaYou
Genre: Fluff in the night
"You-chan...I'm sleepy..." Chika whines from where she lays on the couch.
"Go to bed then." You replies, hands busy working up a sketch.
Chika makes sounds sleepily and whiney, her hand dropped offf the edge of the sofa, dangling. "But you're not with me..."
You pauses after a stroke on paper. Turns her head and sees Chika's eyes closed; sleepy but still holding out to get her to sleep too. You smiles and stands up.
Putting her hands under Chika, she easily lifts Chika up in a princess carry. "Let's go then."
Chika drowsy and  weakly slips her hands around You's neck. Then thinks she lifts herself up but actually pulled You over to her, kisses her nose and rests in the crook of You's neck.
You smiles softly, places Chika  into bed and joins her soon after.
A loving gaze. A loving smile and a loving touch. You brushes some stray hair on Chika's face. Leans in to press a good nighr kiss before whispering. "I love you, Chika-chan... Good night."
And they fall asleep in each other's arms after Chika snuggles closer and wraps her arms around You with their legs tangled.
It was a warm night.
Author Notes
Me not editing this proves that I wrote it half asleep because obvious typos on a short :>
Also, I amazingly uploaded it on AO3 while sleeping? =v= mmm~
I love ChikaYou (heart) (heart) (heart) (´・` )♡
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