#I've got a weak heart // Trucy
selfdestructivecat · 3 years
I found you on the Klapollo tag and honestly if you’re still super into it (I know I am) I would love to hear ALL YOUR THOUGHTS AS THEY ARE LIFE ty <3
Oh no ALL MY THOUGHTS!? They're too much!!!
I have written fanfics about them before (which you can read on my AO3 here if you’d like!) so if you want my general thoughts on their dynamic that's a good place to start!
However, since I've been recently doing the 4 Headcanons Ask Game and even recently got one asking more about the dynamic between two characters, I think I'll do that here, too!
Realistic Headcanon: Klavier is the more affectionate one in the relationship. He restrains from PDA because Apollo hates it, but when they're alone or around close friends? Apollo's like a magnet to his metal. He will always have an arm wrapped around Apollo's shoulders, be clinging to the shorter man's arm, or pressing a quick kiss to Apollo's cheek before bolting if he thinks he can get away from it.
It's even worse when they're alone at home. Apollo is doing paperwork? Klavier is either leaning his entire weight against him or clinging to him like a koala. Watching a movie on the couch? Klavier's head is on Apollo's lap before the brunette has even settled into the cusions.
And maybe Apollo isn't as generous with physical affection. But that just makes it that much more special whenever he does decide to gently press his lips against Klavier's as he wishes him "good luck" before a case.
(More Headcanons Below!)
Unrealistic (but hilarious) Headcanon(s): They both proposed at the same time. Apollo is the first one to get down on one knee, and he feels a horrible mixture of terrified, devastated, and furious when Klavier's first reaction is to burst out laughing. However, all of that vanishes when he notices the tears in Klavier's eyes as the blonde kneels down as well, reaching for his own ring inside his pocket. It's safe to say that the rest of the evening is filled with lots of tears, kisses, and the repeated, almost frantic whispering of the word "yes".
And also another because I can't help myself: Apollo calls his cat, Mikeko, his girlfriend. This is hilarious because 1) Mikeko is a cat and 2) Mikeko is a male cat. The term arose in the first place when Clay makes an offhand remark about how Apollo loves that cat as much as he would a romantic partner, and by then Apollo had not yet taken the stray to the vet and therefore they thought that Mikeko was a girl. When Apollo tells Trucy about his "girlfriend", she thinks it's hilarious, leading to it becoming a bit of an inside joke between them (and later the rest of the agency, once Athena learns about the adorable calico).
Enter Klavier, ready with his "I am here to deliver paperwork with no ulterior motives regarding a certain loud defense attorney" excuse, when he hears Apollo talking about his "girlfriend".
He. Is. Crushed.
But that just makes it even more hilarious when Apollo invites him over to his apartment for the first time. He can only stare dumbfounded as Apollo holds the cat up to his face with a huge grin that would usually make Klavier's knees weak, wondering how the hell he ever thought that this very obviously gay man would have a girlfriend. It took every bit of willpower he had to not ask Apollo out then and there. He had plans, after all. (None of which he ended up going through with. The impromptu confession was much better, anyway).
Heart-Crushing and Awful Headcanon: This is Apollo's first real relationship. He has been out on dates before, but they never ended well. If someone had asked him out first, turns out it was a prank, and Apollo is usually stood up. If it's a blind date or otherwise set up by someone else (perhaps Clay?), it wouldn't take long for the other person to deem Apollo too loud, or passionate, or closed off. Even when Apollo was a kid, struggling through his teenage years while dealing with trouble back home in his latest foster family, he was usually the kid who was asked out as a joke.
This is why he constantly rejected Klavier's flirting and affections at first. He had to be joking, right? After all, Klavier was a gorgeous, incredibly talented rockstar, and Apollo was the boy whose role was to be made fun of. He wasn't someone who gave people butterflies, or who took people's breath away, or who lit up someone's day with just a smile. He was loud, overly-passionate, and closed off. He was just him.
Even when Klavier finally does get through to him, Apollo is very insecure during the start of their relationship, and this insecurity never truly goes away. He doesn't tell Klavier, at least at first. After all, it would be just another fault to add onto the list, and Klavier must be one excuse away from dumping him anyway, right? The least he could do was try to live up to whatever expectations Klavier had for him, even if he had no idea what those expectations were.
(It turns out that the only expectation Klavier had for Apollo was to be himself. And when Klavier found out about those thoughts? He was quick to double down on his affections, to use every moment he spent with the brunette showing how much he loved him. And maybe it isn't always enough to silence the little voice in Apollo's head. But it's certainly close.)
There is an absolutely wonderful fanfic that bases its premise on this headcanon (and is probably where I adopted the headcanon in the first place) that you can read here! PLEASE give it a read if you haven't already! It's so good!
Unrealistic Headcanon that will probably never happen:
(Ignoring the fact that this ship will likely never happen in the first place anyway but shhhhh)
The reaction Klavier's fans have to their relationship is surprising, to say the least. Sure, there is some disappointment and jealousy from the younger girls, most of which Klavier is quick to shut down before Apollo could be affected by it, but the majority of fans eagerly accept Klavier's loud, snarky boyfriend.
Well, they do more than accept him. They adore him.
Whenever Apollo appears in a social media post or livestream (which I headcanon Klavier does often after his band breaks up), the comments/chat is filled with people saying "hi" to Apollo, or cooing at their interactions. Apollo even gets fanart (which Apollo would never admit that he finds extremely touching, at least the art that isn’t too weird or personal). He gains a bit of notoriety on the internet, of course not anywhere near Klavier's level of fame, but it does surprise them. But he was expecting tons of hate, so this is a much more favorable outcome.
Thank you so much for this ask! I hope this met the bill for enough Klapollo fluffiness. I too am obsessed with Klapollo even after so long. Their dynamic (grouchy and sunshine) is one I can't get enough of.
(cough cough prinxiety cough cough)
I'm still totally up for character headcanons! I'm also willing to give headcanons on a particular dynamic like I did here, if you would like! Go wild!
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