#I've got 2-5 more drawing of her human form I need to do depending on how much I'm willing to suffer
blackbackedjackal · 2 years
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This started off as an updated reference sheet for June but I switched it to a model sheet for the pitch bible since I’d passively made most of the art I needed for one last year. I’m really happy with how she’s looking. Now I just have to do this for...every other character :,)
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dandylion240 · 2 years
And all of them for any of them for Maja, as I need to learn more about her
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1.Would you hug a stranger? How close someone has to be to get a hug?
No I would not. I would have to know someone really well before I go around hugging them.
2. Have you tried some exotic/weird food? How was it? Would you eat it again?
It depends on what you call exotic. To me pizza is exotic. It's not something I've ever had up until recently I had almost steady diet of fish and kelp.
3. If you had to give up one sense, which one would it be?
Oh that's a difficult choice but I'm a musician so I need to hear, to see and to touch. So maybe smell? I mean I can still play and sing and not be able to smell.
4. How good are you at remembering dates? What about numbers in general?
I keep close tabs on my calendar so that I don't miss any gigs and I'm more into musical notes and scores than facts and figures.
5. Do you like cold or hot weather more? Why?
I'm used to the cold and I feel like I'm wilting if I'm outside too long in the summer time.
6. Would you rather spend a date night somewhere quiet or in a more crowded place (e.g. club, festival, amusement park, etc.)
I love going out to clubs or concerts. Any place where there's music.
7. What shows your emotions more, your words or your actions?
My songs. I can put my feelings into music more than words or actions.
8. Is curiosity good or bad thing in your opinion? What makes you curious?
You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat. That being said curiosity led me here so it can't be all that bad.
9. Balloons or confetti?
Neither really. You wouldn't like them either if you've seen what balloons and confetti do to the environment.
10. Have you ever had an animal to eat from your hand? Do animals usually like you?
There's nothing like feeding a dolphin. I love all kinds of animals and they just know I mean them no harm.
11. Would you rather be stranded in a huge deserted field or locked alone in a room, for following two weeks?
Both sound absolutely horrid. I could probably do a huge deserted field if that field had a lake or something.
12. Do you prefer to sleep with socks or without them? Do you usually even wear socks?
I don't wear socks until recently I didn't even wear shoes.
13. Do you tend to get sick easily? If so, what do you do to prevent that? If not, what’s your secret to strong immune system?
I don't think I've ever been sick. I think I'm immune to most human illnesses.
14. What is your first language? How many languages can you speak?
I know quite a few languages. Mer, Simlish, Dolphin, etc.
15. Do you like drawing/painting? What’s your preferred art tool?
Music. That's the only art form I need.
16. Are you more organised or disorganised person? Or maybe you like to plan only certain aspects of your life?
I'm very organised and I plan everything out before I do anything. I have to know what I'm doing before I start. Of course you can't plan for everything but I'm seldom caught off guard.
17. Would you choose a dream car or a dream house?
Dream car I guess. That way I can travel between gigs. I don't know what I'd do with a house.
18. Are you the type of the person that would laugh when someone else falls? Or would you rush to help? Maybe you would just walk by without reaction?
I suppose I'd stop and help if they looked like they needed it but if it looked like someone was already assisting them and I was in a hurry than I'd probably just keep on going.
19. How often do you travel? What you like the most about it?
I haven't done too much traveling yet but I can see myself doing a lot of it once I have my music degree.
20. Do like stargazing? Do you believe in shooting star wishes?
There's nothing like a sky full of stars. I don't honestly know if I've ever made a wish upon a star but if I did I know what I'd wish for.
Thank you for asking!
@wannabecatwriter correct me if I got anything wrong. I'm still learning her personality.
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