#I've considered making one for mutantbloods too but that's a can of worms idk if I know enough about to do
hotmilf45-xxx · 15 days
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Extended Hemospectrum (not accounting for mutantbloods)
I'm aware I'm not the first person to do this but since it was relevant for something me and my friend made I thought I would share it :,) Please do feel free to use it or base things off of it etc etc LOL
Anyway, so like I said the idea of an extended list isn't new however the one that I made operates off the assumption that your aspect is what determines your actual blood color and it's not arbitrary; so the higher up your aspect is on the list (spanning from time on the lowest end and life on the highest), the closer your blood colour will be to whatever the next caste is; starting with red and ending with fuchsia of course because they are the first and last colour on the hemospectrum.
As you go higher up the hemospectrum it becomes less of a continuation (see the difference between rust transitioning smoothly into bronze VS indigo having lighter shades than cerulean at the very beginning). I based the colour order around the true zodiac signs, therefore making each aspect's lightness or darkness relative to whatever their "root aspect" would be instead of one clean continuous line. Now you can guess someone's aspect based off the colour of their blood relative to the real world zodiac, hoo-ray.
Why did I pick to make the colour relative to whatever the true sign is? That's because I pulled the colours from the main troll kids, who as we all know are our real world zodiac representatives. Going off the assumption it's not arbitrary and aspect based like I said, that'd mean that a spectrum of colours in a caste revolve around those colours since we aren't shown any variation otherwise (with the exception of Gamzee, but that doesn't count here LMFAO).
Lunar sway, thank fucking god, has no relevance to colour because that would be too much work. This chart accounts for aspect only. If there's any difference it's not perceptible to enough people to make me compelled to add it—so feel free to add that yourself though
Anyway, there's my YAP SEEEESH just wanted to share because I spent too much time on this stupid fucking thing to not be annoying about it
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