#I've been taking him on little hikes for his walks and take him to cafes and stuff and play fetch with him SO MUCH
Very tired but determined young man still thinks I'm going to throw his toy again
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horsegamesins · 3 months
OC summaries again cause I've been cooking
Alexei Sparrowhawk (sona) Half Finnish, half Jorvegian, born in Dundull, had a pretty average small town childhood full of eating bugs and exploring the woods. She grew somewhat estranged from her mother due to them having differing opinions on the future. She works as a Jorvik ranger and due to her deep affinity with the wilderness she does primarily survey work deeper in Wildwoods than anybody else wants to. She also keeps tabs on the Jorvik Wild Horse population and plans to write a book about them. She lives most of her days in a small camp by a cave in the cliff face, and on the hill above there's a fire tower.
Alexei once adopted 5 fledgeling Jackdaws, who she named Luna, Stelle, Sol, Fulgur, and Lux. Luna ended up being the only male of the bunch, and Lux is leucistic with a very faint, creamy color. They are all now grown up but like to hang around her camp and bring her trinkets from time to time.
Irina Kaamos Alexei's mother. Finnish woman who grew up in North Karelia. Moved to Jorvik to start an equestrian business, then got married to a local. Runs a small-ish stable in the outskirts of Dundull, where she raises horses and organizes trail rides and longer hikes for locals and tourists alike.
Frederik Sparrowhawk I don't know much about him aside that he's Alexei's father, he's a sailor and spends most of his time out at sea. He likely grew up in Goldenhills and later moved to Jorvik city. Like most Jorvegians, love of horses runs in his blood.
How Alexei's parents met is a bit of a mystery, but I think what's most likely is Frederik's ship stopped to unload in Dundull, and they bumped into each other in a cafe, maybe literally and he accidentally spilled some coffee onto Irina's clothes, and he gave her his number and told her to call him on the day they would be in Jorvik City so he could properly apologize.
Tomie Axemoor British Indian background, grew up in London, came to Jorvik for university and ended up properly immigrating after graduation. She has a degree in history that she hasn't managed to do anything with yet. She lives in Firgrove where she makes ends meet by working at the stables. She makes a little extra money taking and selling photos but it's not much. Kind of an otaku. Occasional alcohol abuse to drown out the meaningless of life.
Quicksilver Jorvik Wild Horse mix stallion, grew up as a Warror and lives in Wildwoods, the usual. Kind of an underdog in his herd due to most Warriors being rather large and him being mixed with a smaller breed of horse, to which the others just thought he was a runt. Met Alexei as a yearling and lived in Dundull a bit, then once Alexei started living in Wildwoods full time he came with her and is her go-to horse. They can talk to eachother because cool horse island magic powers, but he's the only horse Alexei can understand. A bit naïve and hotheaded with a deep bitterness towards the other Jorvik Wilds, but he has a good heart when it comes to people.
Jellybean Tomie's rescue horse, a bit larger than breed standard Dartmoor pony mare. Back when Tomie was just finished with university, her and her friends got a hint about a kill-buyer horse shipment that had been delayed and they decided to break down the fences. The operation was kind of a mess but they managed to round up a few horses at a nearby stable, and one of those horses was Jellybean. She was thin but otherwise healthy, and she's part of the reason Tomie moved to Firgrove, as one of her friends had connections and a few other rescues were moved there. Jellybean is rather grumpy and lazy, and the vet estimated her to be almost 20, so she spends most of her time on pastures or walks enjoying life.
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myarmsaretoolong · 2 years
find the word tag game!
thanks for tagging me @sarah-sandwich!!
words: hint, blow, tremble, smile, flat
all these are from my upcoming coffee shop/mafia adjacent irondad fic just a coffee shop
hint: (weirdly enough this is the only other extract of this fic i've shared but its also the only 'hint' ive got in this bad boy so)
It hit him, then, that he had no idea how a person went about getting a job.
The man looked Peter up and down, one eyebrow raised. His hair had a hint of grey appearing, and his face was beginning to wrinkle, but he didn’t seem all that old really. His eyes, though, were sharp and attentive as they picked over Peter. After what felt like a lifetime, he asked, “Have you got any experience?”
“Well… No…” Peter scratched the back of his neck, cheeks reddening for the second time that day.
“None? What about serving customers?”
“Using a cash register?”
“You ever baked anything? Anything at all?”
So that last one might have been a slight lie, but the monster he and May had made that one time hardly counted as baking. And it definitely wasn’t worth mentioning in a job interview.
Peter sighed, preparing himself for the inevitable rejection. He should have seen it coming, really. Should have waited and come back tomorrow with some sort of plan and a handful of harmless lies about his nonexistent skills. He hiked his bag up his shoulder, ready for the walk home, when the man spoke again.
“Good enough for me.” He reached over the counter, his hand outstretched and waiting. “What do you say to a trial shift?”
blow: (this is my we're talking about so yes there's angst)
It wasn’t until the first time Stane entered the cafe that Tony felt the craving of the lukewarm glass in his hand, the burn in his throat. The man walked in as though he owned the world (which he thought he did) and greeted Tony in that skin-crawling way only he could. 
“Anthony!” with cheer in his voice and evil in his eyes. Just like that, he owned Tony. Again. 
He was transported back. Watching again the smoking wreck of his house, sprinting to their old cafe and watching the windows blow outwards, sinking to his knees as the firefighters dragged him out telling him it was too late. Too late. Too late. Always too late. 
Too late did he realise the truth. Too late did he try to leave. Too late to save them. And now, too late to stop Stane from getting to Peter too.
Peter didn’t recover until the weekend, when he did so so suddenly that anyone would have thought he was faking to get out of school.
The first day after the trip, Peter slept more hours than he was awake. May only woke him to give him soup and water, his own hands trembling too badly to not spill it all over his duvet. He got a little better over the week, able to sit up and feed himself–which he was eternally grateful for because honestly being fourteen and spoon-fed soup by your aunt was a wholly embarrassing experience.
He couldn’t quite bear the glare from his phone screen, but he put up with it a couple of times to send reassuring texts to Ned who was freaking out and had looked up various antivenoms to spider bites. The rest of his waking hours, he spent thinking.
smile: (look characters in my writing smile all the time, it's my crutch okay? there's 46 'smile's alone...)
The bell chimed and Peter hauled himself out of his seat. A single man walked in, bald and large and smiling in a way that made Peter’s stomach turn. He stopped in the middle of the cafe and looked around slowly, taking in every inch of the place. Mr Stark stood frozen behind the counter, Ned and MJ fell silent and kept their heads down. The man managed to suck the warm, cosy atmosphere out and replace it with an uncomfortable, tense climate.
“Anthony!” he cheered, throwing his arms out in greeting. “Good to see you again.”
Peter had seen Mr Stark smile, and this wasn’t it. His lips were turned upwards, sure, but his jaw was clenched and his eyes callous. “Stane. You too.” He spoke without emotion, simply formality.
“How’s the new place? Shame about the shop in Malibu, you had to leave so suddenly.” The man–Stane–shook his head, expression solemn. Peter didn’t believe a second of it.
Mr Stark flexed his hands, curling them into fists. “It’s going well.”
Peter watched the two. Stane’s forced friendliness made him feel sick, and seeing the effect he had on Mr Stark made him angry. And what about this shop in California? Mr Stark had never mentioned it before.
“Who’s this?” Stane asked, smiling down at Peter. He opened his mouth to introduce himself, but Mr Stark spoke curtly over him,
“My employee. Let’s talk in the back.”
Peter stood and sort of crouch-ran along the arm of the crane. A biting wind whipped at him, but he remained balanced easily and began descending the rig. He only went low enough to leap onto the neighbouring roof, along which he tiptoed to the edge and lay flat on his belly to peer over.
The car had stopped and four people were extracting themselves, stretching and grumbling amongst each other. One of them raised his arms up over his head, making his black jumper rise up and revealing a pistol tucked in his waistband.
“They’re armed,” Peter breathed, hardly daring to make a noise. He wasn’t sure if Ned even heard him.
im tagging @winter-turtle, @imyoursavinggrace, @sdottkrames, and anyone else who feels like it :)
your words are: nudge, grip, flew, silver, problem
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nancypullen · 11 months
Delightful Dingle
I know I'm moving like a sloth getting these posts up, and I can't even promise that they'll be worth it. Still, aren't they better than me droning on about my gardens or another recipe? Besides, I have something on a back burner that just might turn things around on the ol' blog. I might be making some life changes. MIGHT. Not counting any chickens before they hatch, but I'm a little bit excited. More on that later. For now, let's talk about Dingle! Dingle. It's fun to say and even more fun to visit. Of all of the castles, incredible views, ancient sites, and islands frozen in time - our day in Dingle was my favorite. The mister and I vacation differently. He is happiest when hiking up to a scenic vista, capturing an incredible snap of a cliff, tree, waterfall (oh, how he loves a waterfall), or meadow. I also love nature in all her glory, but I can get a lot of that at home. When I visit a foreign country I want to talk to people, find out what they do, what they eat, what's playing on the radio, how they spend their time. I absolutely love striking up a conversation with a stranger and getting a taste of normal life in wherever I might be. I was able to do that with a wonderful gentleman and artist in Waterville -Leo Quinlan, retired Irish Army major. He was a cadet sent by Ireland to JFK's funeral, now he paints. You can find him on Instagram! lqart.ie
Anyway, that's what I do. I will talk to people in shops, cafes, public restrooms, train stations, you name it. I don't think I've ever received more delightful responses than I did in Ireland. The warmth and openness of the people we met was exceptional. There's a reason that you see "Cead mile failte" posted near practically every door. It's Gaelic for "100,000 welcomes". They actually mean it. Our visit to Dingle was a chance for me to talk and talk and talk to locals. It was also a chance for me to take my fingernails out of the dashboard. You see, much of what you want to see in Ireland is found along "The Wild Atlantic Way". A little two lane road, much of it perched cliffside with the Atlantic crashing against rocks below. We didn't drive the whole thing, it's something like 1600 miles, winding along the west coast of Ireland. We did enough of it. I have very few pictures and no video because I was too busy hyperventilating. Here's a taste.
My blood pressure goes up just watching that. Flashbacks. I know that Mickey is capable driver. I don't know if anyone else is. Factor in that he was driving from the right side of the car and on the left side of the road and I get jittery. In my defense, I was once a passenger in a van (driven by a high school drivers ed teacher) that rolled off the side of a mountain. I lived to tell the tale, but I've never forgotten the sensation of tipping over the edge. It was all because the driver was distracted, so when I'm in the passenger seat and I see Mickey's eyes darting all over framing photos in his mind, I get nervous. I probably should have dealt with that bit of PTSD decades ago, but you can just add that to the long list of things that make me weird interesting. I do feel sorry for Mickey when I'm along, because he loves a good, twisty drive. We've been on too many. And I did enjoy some of the views (when I opened my eyes). This was at a lower elevation, almost to Dingle.
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That was a long-winded way of explaining why a day spent walking around a beautiful town and talking to friendly people was so welcome. Dingle was an oasis in the desert for me. Hello, Dingle!
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Its a lovely seaside town with a very artsy vibe. There were lots of pubs and restaurants, plenty of pretty boutiques, art galleries, gift shops, book stores, and ice cream shops. Apparently, Dingle is semi-famous for their ice cream. There's also a statue near the harbor dedicated to Fungie, a local dolphin whose antics delighted fishermen and tourists. He sought out human contact and chose to live alone in the waters near Dingle, enjoying his interactions, rather than join a pod. He was first spotted in 1983 and is believed to have died in 2020. His legend lives on.
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Everything about this sweet town was fun. I don't blame Fungie for staying.
I sent the mister off to snap photos and I roamed up and down the streets. Murphy's was the most popular ice cream spot.
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We also ate lunch at Murphy's Pub. I'm seeing a pattern.
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One of my favorite stops was this little shop.
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Do you see what I see inside the shop, just past the painted cat?
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Of course I had to go inside and pet her. She was a bit chunkier than when her portrait was painted. Bless her fluffy heart, I understand.
I walked and walked...
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popping in and out of shops and talking to everyone. It was so much fun. Little chats, interesting tidbits, not a stranger in sight. I felt that I was actually experiencing Ireland. Not just the many, many beautiful sights, but the heartbeat of the country - her wonderful people! I had so many little sacks with me when I finally met Mickey for a late lunch, I had scattered my money in every corner of town. Irish linen sachets filled with Irish lavender, tea towels decorated with happy Irish sheep, a fascinating book on the potato famine from a charming book store, a beautiful print from a gallery, two very pretty coffee mugs for two coffee lovers I know, and even a wedge of cheese from this little shop.
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We enjoyed a wedge of Wilma's Gouda. Wilma O'Connor is a Dutch woman who married an Irish fellow, and in the 1980's began making the gouda of her homeland with Irish cow's milk. It was a hit and Wilma is now famous. Tasty cheese, well-deserved fame. Bonus points for the sign in English. I knew what I was getting before I walked in. Most shops had signs I couldn't read, if the window display didn't provide enough clues, I had to go inside, right?
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That's my story and I'm sticking to it. By entering every shop I experienced everything from local pottery to a tobacco shop that smelled like my Grandpa Holtz. Even better, each shop had a friendly face inside just waiting to chat with me. Delightful. I really loved Dingle.
I met up with this guy for a bite.
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Then I suggested we walk off our late lunch (I wasn't ready to leave!) and before we strolled back to the harbor where our car was parked.
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For the mister that also meant a stop at Murphy's for ice cream. So yes, we saw amazing castles, we visited the Hill of Tara where Irish kings have ruled for centuries, we saw natural and manmade beauty around every corner. But my day in Dingle, talking and laughing with the warm and wonderful folks of a colorful, happy town - best day of all! That said, there's more to come. I swear I'll wrap this up. I'll be back to talk about more castles, ancient sites, and snails...so many snails. Until tomorrow, stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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kakubun · 4 years
Teams Seeing Their Manager In A Maid Outfit
teams: seijoh x gen!reader, inarizaki x gen!reader
requests are open???
i forgot to say this was inspired by @luvbub 's manager in bunny suit hcs, i love her headcannons 💖💖
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i've been trying to think what kind of maid outfit y/n would wear- UGH
like do vines wrap around their arms to represent plants- IDK SJBEK
but tbh you would rock a crown on your head and a maid outfit as well
it was embarassing, to prance around in a poofy maid dress that's why you're stuck in the clubroom, not ready to skip around with your maid dress
ah yes, you regretted having friends as they dared you to wear a maid outfit till the end of practise
what's annoying you is that the crown on your head keeps slipping so it rolled off when you wanted to get up and face the team in your maid outfit
it rolled and stopped at someone's feet and you slapped a hand over your mouyh and darted your eyes immediately to whoever it was and it was oikawa.. AND THE WHOLE TEAM- WHAT
"and why is our manager in a maid outfit?" oikawa snickered and iwaizumi crossed his arms but he can't hide his obvious staring even if he tried to
"it was a dare.. sorry to keep everyone waiting, i know i'm like 5 minutes late" you bowed to apologize and yahaba had a nosebleed when the skirt hikes up to reveal your thighs in those cute thigh highs you were wearing
you walked past everyone, grabbing your crown and kept your head up to assert dominance but you did not when you especially look adorable with your cheeks puffed out
kunimi couldn't stop staring and he was aware that he was suppose to stop
yahaba's still recovering from his nosebleed
kindaichi just watched your movements, how your shoes made clicking noises when you walk, your flimsy skirt and the crown that was tilting back
watari respects women, so he shifted his eyes to his feet so he wouldn't think about anything else
you still were pissy about oikawa's comment earlier and you shot him a death stare at him (which made chills run down the first and second's years spines and made oikawa twitch as well as kyoutani even though the stare wasn't to him)
oikawa: hey cutie, can-
you: *hisses*
the other third years couldn't take you seriously, you look like you didn't belong in the school but rather a dress up party just somewhere NOT at school
you look like a lost maid cafe worker in a club of sweaty boys playing volleyball
the meme team couldn't stop poking fun at you, iwaizumi jut ignored you but he just couldn't help but let go of his tough demeanor when anyone calls you and the skirt would swish around
(except you knew makki and mattsun was just playing with you so you didn't give them the satisfaction and turn around)
oikawa: i'm sorry y/n!!!
you: i'm being petty, go away
makki: just one picture y/n!!!
you: you also shut up, *fixes your crown*
since you didn't pay attention to oikawa's begging for forgiveness ghat means your full attention was on the clock and when it was time, you ran to the changing room and immediately got in your school uniform
still ignoring oikawa, you had an idea
you: hey can you two-
makki and mattsun: yes, royalty?
you: shut it, anyway *pspspspspsps*
the day ended with you complementing oikawa in your maid dress that barely fit him and mattsun and makki managed to snap a few pictures embarass him
little did you know, mattsun manage to snap pictures of YOU and they're probably gonna edit you two working in a maid cafe or something
(wait LMAO wat if they two idiots decided to do posters of them, stuck it around school and make oikawa suffer with his crowd of fangirls thinking there was an actual cafe of him and y/n JSGSKDBKD)
you didn’t wanna go in but your friends were ready to kick you into the gym if you keep complaining about their idea
you were wearing fox ears and a tail representing the team and you tried punching your friends from opening the gym doors but once managed to slide the door open and kicked you in 
you fumbled around with your maid dress and you were still when you heard kita 
“y/n, why are you in a maid dress?”
c h a o s
were they complimenting you or giving you snarky comments cause you can’t hear anymore 
probs both but you coughed dryly and loudly to get their attention 
“listen i know i look ridiculous right now but-” chaos erupted again just to tell you, you looked perfectly fine 
“SHUT IT, i know i look like this due to a dare but don’t let me distract you. now get back to practise,” you clapped multiple times to get their attention back to what they’re doing
you looked too sweet to not comment about, your drooping fox ears and your fox tail that swishes when you got up from the bench to pick up the paper you dropped from the pile of paperwork you had next to you 
how innocent you looked when on a daily basis, you would bite off any of the boys’ heads if they said anything inappropriate about what you’re wearing
osamu sat down next to you pulling out something from his bad and atsumu kept flirting with you, telling you how you could be their ‘school mascot’ 
“i don’t want your fangirls to bite my head off” you objected to his pervy request and looked away from his indecent staring and smirk from playing with your fox ears and looked at osamu who had onigiri out
“i made carrot onigiris” you sighed dreaming, making osamu smirk at his brother that was shaking his fist 
“bunny maid..” aran looked at kita when he wiped the sweat off his hands and hummed in confusion
 aran saw you eating onigiri and thought how perfect it would be if your fox ears would twitch indicating your liking of osamu’s onigiris and he smiled to that thought 
“sorry ignore me, that slipped out,” kita apologized when he had said his thoughts, he just wondered how it would look if you dressed up as a bunny maid instead 
he would remember this when he has to feed his grandma’s bunnies
(i’m sorry but the thought of kita softly looking at a pile of bunnies make me a a a a a aa)
suna would pull on your tail and you look at him with your glare and pull back your tail from his hand  and he managed to snag a pic of your pout and your embarassing appearance 
suna and atsumu is obssesed with how you looked, they would play with your ears for hours to annoy you
atsumu: hehe fox tail fox tail
y/n: h *bites him*
suna: 🚶‍♀️
finally, you could go home now 
you walked with akagi and osamu since they haven’t annoyed you yet
“hey y/n, are you going home in that?” akagi murmured, scared you’ll get in trouble 
“ my so called friends took my clothes so i’m going to one of their houses” 
“you could go home with me and show off that maid dress you got on~”
you should’ve known they’re equally as worse 
but akagi said that in a rather cheeky tone while osamu said that with s m u g painted on his tone 
y/n: you live in the same house as atsumu and akagi, no-
and you ran before any of them commented 
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