#I've been in kind of a sucky mood lately but today
pointless2theend · 9 months
I'd certainly be too scared to say I miss someone but well I'm just super pleasantly surprised today. What a great day!!
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fenimores-book-nook · 10 months
Quatrième jour d'écriture sur les soins personnels
(Day four of self care writing ;) )
November 17th ~ 2023 *FRIDAY*
If you couldn't tell through my text, I'm very happy that it is Friday. It's not only the last day that I work this week, but it's alsoooooooo OPENING NIGHT FOR THE MOVIE, THE BALLAD OF SONGBIRDS AND SNAKES, AHHHHH! I've been looking forward to this movie ever since I heard a new Hunger Games movie was coming out. And even more so after I read the book. Which is most definitely in my top three favorite books. :3 I'm planning on going to the theater in my town with a couple of my friends. As well as, because I'm a nerd, I'm bringing along one of my copies of the books. (yes, one of, I own two copies) 'Cause wouldn't it be fun to write my thoughts down in it and have everyone that I saw it with sign it? Yes. Yes it would. And who knows? Maybe the actors or the author will show up, I don't want to be unprepared. (haha, I wish)
So, I am looking forward to THAT. You better believe I will be having a post or thoughts that I wanna get out here about it. Don't worry, I'll make sure I put "spoiler warning" if I include any. ;)
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(pinterest, obviously)
I've noticed in my last two (I think) self care writings I didn't really start it with a greeting, but you know what? I think that's okay. Happy morning, if it is also morning for you, if not, afternoon or evening! It's 10:29 am currently, for me. I have been in the mood to write all morning, so I started out with journaling in my notebook which I realize I've never posted a photo of my journal. Really, I switch between notebooks quite often. It's just whatever I feel at the moment, what kind of notebook I want to match my feelings. :)
Now, since I like making lists and answering some questions, we're gonna do something like that. :)) (plus, self-care writings, of course)
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(this is a part of the "night journaling" one that I've done before :) )
How am I ~ I'm doing okay. I think I feel about the same as I did yesterday, but that isn't bad, I don't feel worse! And that's a victory worth celebrating. :)
Today's goals ~ Keep an optimistic mood throughout the day! Talk to one of my close friends about some struggles that I think they could relate to. (even if it's something not so good to experience, having someone to relate with helps with not feeling so lonely tremendously)
Experience goals fully ~ If I'm feeling my mood dip down, do something to clear my mind and get the good feelings going again! Even if it's just to feel some sort of comfort; read a comfort book! And even if my friend ends up not being able to relate with me, still look at talking to someone as a victory. It can be really hard to talk about feelings sometimes, so don't forget about those steps!
Gratitude ~ I'm grateful for my sister, I love how much we talk even with her not living at home anymore. It's fun to just talk about books or just about life with her. I'm also grateful for Christmas music because it's such a cozy type of music. :)
Affirmations ~ Even though it feels sucky right now, it doesn't mean it's going to feel like that forever. This is just temporary. It's only a chapter, or even just a few pages; not your entire book.
To-do today ~ DECORATE MY ROOM FOR CHRISTMAS!* Yes, I'm one of those people that decorates for Christmas before Thanksgiving. Although, you could've come to that conclusion on your own with my other posts. ;) Do some house cleaning things after work. Go see The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes at 7:30 tonight!! And REST! The past couple days have been kind of busy, so take time to recharge. <3
*I didn't end up decorating today but I am going to try to do it this weekend. Hopefully the motivation will be there! ;)
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Christmassy photo from last night. :)
Fast forward (I've been doing that a lot lately) quite a bit to now: 11:50 pm, yes. I have watched The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. *screaming internally* And as much as I want to just spill my guts on everything about it, I am also very tired. So we'll leave off with one more self-care thing and say goodnight. ;)
One thing that happened today that I'm grateful for. (that I feel like helped my mental health)
I face-timed one of my closest friends and talked about something that has been bothering me for several days now. And she not only was a great listener but it helped so, so much that she could relate to it. And we discussed different things that I had been wondering about too. I feel like that talk made me feel more secure in that friendship and gave me a sort of peace with the whole situation. (very grateful for her <3)
And with that, I hope you have a great night and...
jusqu'à la prochaine fois,
Thalia <3
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