#I've been cooking thoughts since like.... late 2021 early 2022? I think?? The pre-critrole days for sure
barkingbarghest · 5 months
Man something I have not stopped thinking about is how part of why Midst podcast is so mind bogglingly good to me is because of how Third Person makes it. The whole thing is basically them just making up a story in beats and arcs ahead of time, and then RPing individual scenes.
They thought about what kinds of narratives sounded compelling, what ideas they wanted to see in the world and/or story, and how they wanted the story to unfold… but they didn't write scripts. Instead, they rolled up with maybe like an index card of story beats and scene summaries and then started recording [tangent: they shared the outline of the first episode and it's hilarious it's like 5 bullet points very cool stuff].
WHICH MEANS that all the dialogue is improved which makes me go [cartoon foghorn mallet-bonking cockle-doodle-doo] because some of the dialogue is [cartoon cymbals crashing cat yowl stock sounds of a crowd cheering]! Like I don't know how else to say this but the words that they are saying makes me feel like my brain is getting vaporized.
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