#I've always imagined that kanar was syrupy sweet
marymoss1971 · 2 years
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Admiral Edward Jellico poured himself a tall glass of kanar. This had been a clusterfuck of a day and he needed it.
Like many officers who'd served on the Cardassian front during the Federation-Cardassian War, he'd developed a taste for kanar--the v'lal version which was favored by the Cardassian military. "How could you drink that stuff?" people would ask him, and, yes, the thick, syrupy-sweet liquor did take some getting used to. But he always felt one could better understand a race through the food they ate and liquor they drank.
Of course, with Cardassia decimated at the end of the Dominion War nine years ago, exportation of the liquor was rejuvenating the planet’s dire economy. 
He took a large sip of the liquor. It was almost hard to believe, hundreds of ships were lost today. It was like Wolf 359 all over again. And who do they have to thank for getting them out of this mess? The best minds that Starfleet has to offer? No, they owe their salvation to a bunch of teenagers. 
He took another large swig of kanar, downing it. A part of him wanted to blame Commander Tysess for this--HE was the one who recommended the blockade to begin with! “Send all available ships” he said. But that wasn’t fair. After all, how could he know what kind of weapon was on that ship? Besides, Jellico himself signed off on the plan.
All that destruction-on HIS watch! The folks at Utopia Planitia were going to be working overtime to replace the ships lost--not to mention all the repairs that'll need to be done at Starbase 1. It was going to take everything Starfleet had to clean up this goddamned mess. He sighed heavily and poured himself another glass of kanar. Yep. a goddamn clusterfuck of a day.
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