thewrite-words · 5 years
Without your permission, I'm neither in a position to question why nor to offer any form of empathy. But, when I ask if you need help, whether it be in terms of food, money or a proper roof over your head, I need to know that you'll think about it before rejecting
girl with a bulletproof heart, draft
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frost-queen · 6 years
Hi everyone 👋
How are you all doing? I hope you are all having a great weekend and that you are all happy and overwhelmed with love from everyone around you ❤❤❤
Thank you again for those who send me some requests I really love it when you do that, so now I have a que again and I can let my brain train work again 😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘
I hope you are all having a wonderful time and if there is someone out there that is having a bad day or horrible week, let me tell you that it will all be alright 😘😘😘 know that I love you and support you as the beautiful person you are and that I will always be here to help you out of those darktimes. Let me be your shining beacon that will light up your hearts ❤❤❤❤❤
Lot's of love my dear Queenies 😘😘😘❤❤❤
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amazing you.
Don’t EVER,
I repeat EVER,
Change your self for any human being,
You can improve yourself,
But never give anyone the privilege to have,
Power over who you are and what you are,
Cause what you are is amazing, don’t ever,
I repeat ever,
Let them take that amazing away from you.
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elenesp · 4 years
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Dear Friend, I'm finding it so hard to live with my mom. Whenever I want to go out with friends she says I'm choosing them over her. When I say this makes me feel guilty she says I’m choosing that guilt. I feel sick physically + emotionally when saying I’m going out & sometimes ask because it’s like I need permission. I cancel plans so that I’m “available” which is being in the house available to her even if she's doing something. I am suffocating
Dear Anon,
It sounds like you have a controlling mom who is scared to let yougo. Whatever her reasons may be, she does not like you leaving the house ordoing things spontaneously for your own enjoyment. The fact that she is makingyou feel that way reflects more on herself that you. A person who behaves thatway is more concerned with their own desires than yours. Her behavior isselfish and unloving. Forgive her and learn to be less yielding to her and heremotions. Let her pressure you and be verbally manipulative, but remainrespectful and resolute. Know what you want and be ready to defend it, even ifit means agreeing with her arguments (no matter how untrue they may be). Shewill probably label you stubborn and selfish but you must learn to accept thisand remain steadfast in your convictions. I wish you all the best. You cannotescape from people like that in life unfortunately, but you can learn how togrow around them and become a more resilient person. For all you know, theseexperiences will help you to know yourself and grow into a stronger person.Over time she should begin to see you as an independent and mature individual.
dangerouslydistractible x
(for help from a friend message here)
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the-13th-battalion · 4 years
12, 24, and 44 for the fic writer asks if you want :))) (also if you’re bored just message me and we can talk about whatever because I am also bored) ❤️❤️❤️
Ahhh thank you!!! <3 :)) From these asks:
12. Your favorite work?
Oh my gosh... my latest favorite is Constant, but overall, my favorite is Hold Onto Me. I never thought I'd say that! I hated it when I posted it. I was really down on myself about my writing and I felt isolated from everyone, including people I knew physically. That's when I started getting to know many of you, and my whole perspective changed! I read Hold Onto Me sometimes and I never find anything I'd change about it :) I've written a few for the A:TLA fandom also and I gotta say, The Warmth of My Heart fits in the favorite catergory also :)))
24. How many unfinished works are in your drafts?
Skdksksk just on AO3 and my computer orrrr in my brain also??? Lol ok technically I have one unposted AO3 draft, however, I have 23 more Zygerria fics for febuwhump in my brain (yup I have them planned!!), I have an undetermined amount of drafts in my head for fics in my Anakin as a Jedi Healer AU, and then I have a couple random Obitine and post-TPM fics floating around my head. So uhhh... probably 50+ lol!
44. Share a snippet of your current WIP?
Oh my gosh ok ok so this should be illegal, but I got this image so clearly in my head for day TWENTY HECKIN FIVE and I just had to write it before I lost the clarity... why can't I write in order lol??? My stupid brain! I might just have to go bonkers with the order here in a bit because I'm so scattered! ANYWAY here's a snippet of the Zygerria/Kadavo Chronicles Day 25 Prompt "Car (speeder?? ship??) Accident":
Ahsoka peered around the corner. Sure enough, there was Anakin, on his back and half under the ship. She rubbed her forehead and fortified her mental shields as his frustration and anger pulsed out into the Force with renewed vigor.
She watched his foot tap on the grass, his anxiety manifesting in the rapid, repetitive movement. She wished she could calm his frayed nerves, but the moment she lost focus on her shields, his presence cascaded into hers and overwhelmed her already aching head.
I could help him if only he'd let me.
Metal groaned and creaked from the ship's underbelly. Anakin grunted and muttered a string of Huttese curses. Ahsoka tiptoed towards him a few steps. Her heart longed to lay down beside him and help him sort out the cause, but his protective and stubborn nature prevented that.
In a different time, she would have rolled her eyes. Now, she hardly even knew how to address him, let alone how to interact with him.
Stupid. He's your best friend, your big brother. Treat him like you always do. Nothing's changed.
But something has changed, a sinister voice whispered in the back of her head. The word "master" hung at the edge. She lifted her hand to her mouth and chewed on her nail.
The metal groaned again, then cracked. Anakin stilled. Ahsoka held her breath.
Anakin breathed deeply through his nose. In one fluid, rapid motion, he pushed himself out from under the ship and got to his feet. His eyes blazed. He tossed the tool he had been using into the brush around them.
"FUCK!" he screamed, followed by more Huttese. At last, he sank to the ground. He set his elbows on his knees, shoved his fingers in his hair, and pulled at it.
Tears filled Ahsoka's eyes. She blinked them away as approached Anakin, her feet moving automatically. As she got closer, she heard him mumbling, "I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't..."
She sat down beside him, keeping a small distance between them. She looked at him with wide eyes. "Master" hung on her lips. She hated how poisonous it sounded to her.
Anakin briefly lifted his head. He took his hands out of his hair. Tears of his own shone in his eyes. "I'm sorry, 'Soka. I-I didn't know you were there. I shouldn't...I shouldn't talk like that."
"It's okay," Ahsoka replied, forcing a smile.
"No, it's not okay!" Anakin gestured wildly, his tears slipping down his cheeks, "I can't fix this damn ship! I can't get you home safely, I can't get to Rex and Obi-Wan, I can't even get us off this kriffing planet!"
He stared at the middle distance and barely suppressed a sob. He clenched his hands into fists. After a moment, he looked at her again. He tore off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. "Kriff, I hate that outfit. You've got to be so uncomfortable. I'm so sorry."
She put her arms into the sleeves and hugged herself. She didn't take her eyes off of him. She watched him crumble, pieces breaking off and shattering on the ground, one by one. A million different sentences sprang to her tongue, a million different words with a million different variations. How could any of them tell him what I want to say?
Ahsoka touched his arm. "Anakin..."
They locked eyes. Gradually, they lowered their shields and let the onslaught of paingrieffear I'msorry I'mhereforyou flood their bond.
Then all at once, they launched themselves at each other and tangled in a tight embrace. They trembled and wept in each other's arms until their tears were spent and the tension eased. Around them, the Force glowed and sang not of pain, but of peace.
that's not a snippet that's a whole fic OOPS I GOT REALLY EXCITED AND POSTED EVERYTHING I HAVE FOR THIS FIC UHHHH HNGGGG MELANIE YOU'RE THE BEST AND YOU DESERVE THIS!!! And if anyone else is here reading this far, I LOVE YOU TOO *crying*
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aheartstillbeating · 4 years
If we are ever talking and I say or ask something that seems a bit intrusive, I really don't mean it. I just analyze a lot and try to understand why someone feels or thinks a certain way. I like to get to know people. You can ask me anything as well. I won't be offended. 🙂
A Heart Still Beating
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phoenixwolf876 · 8 years
Imagine you have a nice pair of Jordan's..you bought it because you like the way it looks and you wanted to treat yourself and then you get beaten and robbed.So you go to the police but instead of investigating the crime the police asked you why you were wearing your Jordan's instead of just regular sneakers,then they ask "have you ever given a pair to anyone else?"is it Possible you wanted to be robbed? "Why didn't you wear bell foot jeans to cover the sneakers,if you didn't want to be robbed?" And then after that everywhere you go,they're whispers and constant jokes about your Jordan's getting robbed.People you dont even know whistle at your Jordans and makes jokes of cutting your feet of to get it.The media doesn't help either,they portray whomever wears Jordan's as Flamboyant losers who secretly just want to get robbed,when damn all you wanted to do was wear your nice Jordan's without getting harassed for it,when you start telling people you feel unsafe,people laugh you off and say you're too uptight..Nevermind you getting robbed because of a friggin pair of sneakers.. Imagine all that Sucks doesn't it? Well that's a rape victims entire experience after the fact,so now that we had to dumb it down for some of you,maybe instead of blaming the victims blame the men that are making you all look bad.. So fuck off and stop making them feel guilty FYI: Just because a man is raped doesn't mean you have the right to make fun of him for being too weak to fight the girl off,don't tell him he really wanted it but probably played hard to get, and definitely DO NOT call him a faggot if he was raped by a man.. FUCK OFF ALL MENTAL MIDGETS THAT CALL THEMSELVES MEN WHO BLAME WOMEN AND ATTACK PEOPLE FOR DEFENDING THEM...if all you have to give to the world is vitriol then what purpose do you actually serve in society except steal our oxygen,This goes for the women that victim blame too Stop fucking condoning these creatures actions by saying "boys will be boys" or blame the liquor. I'm a lesbian and I have been around many intoxicated women,some even naked and I managed perfectly well not to rape them.. I STAND WITH THE USUALLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT VICTIMS-MEN THAT HAVE BEEN RAPED,I hear your voice and others do too.. There might grammatical errors I'm high as fuck,feel free to message me and correct me but come at me rude,you won't like the reply
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comfort-snob · 3 years
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#tryingtostaypositive #positivity #staypositive #lookforthehelpers #love #loving #I'm listening #I'mhereforyou #helpme #deppressionquotes #depressionhelp #depression #chronicdepression #livinginpain #chronicillness #chronicbackpain #chronicpainblogger #chronicpain #fibromyalgia #feelingdiscouraged #feelingdown #howareyou #mommyblogs #2021 #iloveyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CVttl4hsOYN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rhikachu-cut-u · 8 years
Late nights when we didn’t care about anything as long as we were with each other Late nights when I caught you shaking under the covers, under spot light in the room next door
Late drunken nights
Late nights on liquor and hydrocodone  Late nights sneaking out to get high Late nights on each other, breath after breath We held each other
every night
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warped-candy · 8 years
If you are scared/anxious/depressed/etc. because of the election or because of anything, always feel free to message me.
I’m here for you, fellow Tumblr-ers.
Reblog if you are open to these messages as well. 
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aheartstillbeating · 4 years
Can I Pray For You?
A Heart Still Beating
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eyemcoolest · 8 years
Beauty comes with life. You're full of beauty. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, and if they do, tell them they better watch out for me because I'll have a sharp knife in hand!
My heart
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kaykay12333-blog · 9 years
I love you I love you even if you're a smelly potato that has the heart of a chicken nugget *idk where that came from* I will always be there for you Feel free to come and talk/rant with me about anything and everything even if you decide to start a conversation about how sad onions are i will glad fully discuss this shit with you Even if you don't know me I'm here for you🙏
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hotcupofcoffeee · 9 years
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no-inbetween-blog · 9 years
why do you feel so alone? i’m trying to be there for you. let me in. please. i want to know how your mind works, the darkness of your thoughts can be enlightened by the fire you set in my soul everytime i get near you. i can be the shoulder you punch when you can’t hold it in anymore. i can be the person you yell at when you can’t fathom another’s idiocy. i can be anything and everything you want. just please let me in. why are you pushing me away? am i not enough for you? i’m trying.
no wonder you left
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