#I'm familiar with characters being combined in adaptations. like in twilight Jessica was Jessica and Lauren and Eric was Eric and ben
I don’t get why so many people hate the Death Note drama.
I guess I can get it if people only saw the first few episodes, and thought it was going to be a normal Light vs. genius L--because that really isn’t Death Note--but it isn’t.
This Light is/was a genius too, but just didn’t apply himself after his mom died--and wanted a normal life--so it takes him a little bit to become the Light we know from the anime, but he does become that. And everything anime Light does, drama Light does do. They also take a longer time to corrupt him... but I kind of prefer it that way? Because this version of the character made me sympathize with Light in a way I never had before. 
...I haven’t seen the Netflix movie (and probably never will. Thank God), but the general consensus seems to be that it also tried to make Light more sympathetic. But it went about it the wrong way, in making Ryuk the master manipulator and Misa--err, Mia--the more evil one, so that it really wasn’t even Light at that point. I feel like the drama is sympathetic Light done right.
What are other issues people have with this drama? Oh. Light being “ugly”, which he’s not, and L being “hot”. And I guess if this bothers you that much, that’s your choice. But IDK. Adaptations making someone more or less attractive than they were in the source material has never really upset me. All I care about is if I think they’re good for the characters. And for the most part, I think these two are (Light especially. Seriously. He plays Kira so well).
And then people don’t like that they changed L’s mannerisms... which I guess is fair. But for me, L’s mannerisms don’t make L. And they seemed to trade them for similar things (for instance, L’s new weird sitting thing is him jumping into a chair and having his legs dangle over the armrest. And instead of him picking things up with two fingers--and holding them far from his face, because he’s a germaphobe?--now everyone has to be sprayed with disinfectant(?) when they come in to see L now). I guess I’m okay with this, because this is an adaptation where they’re making things slightly different, so people won’t be bored. As I definitely think this is an adaptation that assumes you know the original well, and is trying to find some new ways to surprise you... which I actually appreciated. I guess if I have to mourn one thing of L’s that was lost, it’s probably the social awkwardness. Though it’s still somewhat there, like in L thinking nothing of having Lind L. Tailor die to prove his point, and Soichiro having to chew him out for it.
This adaptation also does more with the Light and L friendship... which I’m personally here for; and I think that’s a good thing to highlight if you want to make some changes, but still stay close to the source material. Because I won’t say it was my favorite thing from the original... but the fact that Light and L probably could have been friends, if things were different, was something I hadn’t expected but enjoyed. And it added a nice bit of tragedy to the whole thing.
I think that about covers everything I’ve heard complaints about? At the end of the day, it’s not my favorite version of Death Note. And I don’t think it should be anyone’s entry point into the series. But if you know the original story well, and are looking for another adaptation to enjoy the story through, I think the drama serves its purpose well. Especially since, as said, I think the drama assumes you know the original, so the few changes that are there can take you by surprise. There are a few changes, but it’s still the same story.
Like, I remember when Shadowhunters came out (The The Mortal Instruments adaptation), and the director, writers, or whoever said that they get to the same points differently, but they still get to them in the end... But I think that statement became disingenuous, and it did eventually feel like an entirely different story from the source material. I feel like it’s true about this drama, however.
Also... remember, guys, that they had a budget and stuff. I’m sure they did well with what they had.
Edit: I’ll even mention that I think it makes sense for this L to be more sympathetic towards this Light. Because this Light wanted to be a cop when he was a kid... but then his mother was dying, and his dad chose a case over seeing his wife in her dying moments (and I mean, to be fair, a very dangerous escaped murderer was on the loose. And I didn’t think Soichiro realized he was squandering away his last chance to see her). And Light is furious about this, because he called his dad so many times and he didn't come. So after this, Light has a bad view of the police and never wants to be one. But deep down, he did--or would have--if this hadn’t happened. So when he gets his hand on the Death Note, the sense of justice he’d always had sadly came out in a twisted way and L realizes this.
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