#I'm very slowly allowing myself to enjoy things again and express the same passion I did in the past
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throughpatchesofviolet · 2 months ago
I brought in some homemade peanut butter fudge for my coworkers, today, as well as some ornaments as little holiday gifts, and everyone who saw me expressed appreciation ... it felt really nice, I won't lie. Just ... to do something small for others like this. And I've been noticing that whenever I reach out and try to help or comfort or offer something to someone else, it makes me feel a bit better.
I think sending out tree messages yesterday had a similar effect, and helping the kiddos on Thursday with building gingerbread houses and making shakers for their sing-a-long. It's hard to put into words, but it feels like I'm finally coming out of the funk I've been in, and it's because I'm choosing to be kind in spite of everything I'm going through.
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amishfruit · 4 years ago
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Lady Of The Lake, Chapter One: Wade
pairings: fakir/ahiru, background mytho/rue
word count: 7048
on ao3
A young woman comes out of the lake one day mid summer, walking into town completely nude, long ginger hair falling in waves over her petite frame. Her wide blue eyes blink naively back at the stunned people milling about. It doesn’t take long for someone to provide her with a blanket to cover herself with and later clothes once they’ve gotten somewhere safe to dress.
Once the initial shock wears off a bit, the woman observes the space she has been welcomed into. She sits on a bed dressed with a soft purple duvet and a pleasant assortment of pillows. It is simple but elegant, the walls were left mostly bare, but the sweet collection of knick knacks more than made up for it. The clothes she's wearing now were given to her off a rack by the bed, where a modest number of dresses hung. She finally turns to the friend who had invited her into their room and attempts to speak, at first nothing but a strangled call comes out but after clearing her throat she begins again. “Thank you.” she meets eyes with them earnestly, “for helping a stranger.”
The person across from her flushes lightly, seated on a stool in front of a small vanity.
Tucking a strand of their long black hair that had fallen out of a lovely ribbon behind their ear, they answer. “You’re very welcome, though I don't think we are truly strangers anymore.” Their voice is gentle and light, but there is a playful glint in their grey eyes and the woman of the lake realizes she is being teased.
Her cheeks heat, but she knows it is not malicious. “You're right, we aren't strangers.” She huffs a small laugh, “though i do not know your name, i am..” her face falls momentarily as she struggles to remember, but it comes to her in time. “Ahiru. my name is Ahiru.”
Her new friend smiles beautifully in response, rosy lips contrasting against their pale unmarred skin. “A lovely name, I am Raetsel.” A pause, “..forgive me if this is rude, but why, or, how did you walk out of the lake today? Where do you come from? Also, are you alright?” it all comes out in one breath and Raetsel gnaws on her lip anxiously once she finishes.
Ahiru smiles a small, sad smile, blue eyes seeming to dim. “I don't remember..I cannot answer even one of your questions, Raetsel. I only know my name.”
Raetsel leans forward delicately, concerned. “You don't need to answer me Ahiru, i'm sorry to have upset you.” She grasps ahirus hand in hers and gives an encouraging squeeze.
This seems to warm Ahiru who lifts their joined hands and leans forward to embrace her new friend. “I think I am alright.”
The sun was just at its highest when she had risen from the lake and after a very eventful few hours of awareness, she finds herself quite hungry and tired. Raetsal hears her stomach growl and laughs, leading her to the kitchen and informing her that it is time for supper. Upon entering, Ahiru wakes up a bit in response to the wonderful smell coming from the stove. She follows and sits next to Raetsel at the table, there is an extra setting next to her. Before she can ask, the smell gets closer and stronger and she can't suppress a delighted sound as her nose chases the scent. Opening her eyes after a particularly deep sniff she is met with the sight of a tall, handsome stranger. Their skin is a deep olive shade and it compliments their dark green hair beautifully. Like Raetsel, a few locks of shorter hair fall out of a low ponytail that reaches down to the middle of their back, the ribbon tying their hair in place is simple and not as decorative as Raetsel’s, but it has its own charm. Their face is stoic, thick eyebrows resting low over their sharp green eyes. They turn to the side a bit and Ahiru admires their strong profile, a strong nose is the most noticeable feature from this angle, long and curved down with a high bridge that flows into sharp brow bones. Their jaw is square and defined, but their neck and shoulders are more lithe than she expects. There is clear strength in their arms but they maintain a lean figure that holds a surprising level of grace.
They turn to ahiru with a quizzical expression, lips twisting before they decide to speak. “I take it you are the lady from the lake?” Their voice is rich and low, quiet but stern.
She nods slowly, “yes, i am Ahiru. Thank you for allowing me into your home.”
The stranger sets a plate of food in front of Raetsel, and then another in front of her giving a noncommittal grunt. “Mm. I’m Fakir, am I correct in assuming Raetsel has already introduced herself?”
Ahiru smiles, “yes, she has been very kind to me.”
Fakir looks at Raetsel, searching for something in her face that he seems to find. He nods to himself, sitting down next to Ahiru. “I hope the food is acceptable to you.”
She grins, “it smells delightful, I have no doubts I will enjoy it.”
He flushes a bit at this, fidgeting with the rolled up sleeves of his white linen button up.
Raetsel laughs lightly, “Please excuse my brother dear Ahiru, he is not accustomed to company.” She leans closer to Ahiru and continues in a conspiratorial tone, “Especially not company as kind and lovely as yourself.” She ends it with a wink, laughing as fakir chokes slightly on his food and flushes red.
Ahiru, for her part, is just as embarrassed and is very sure her face has turned the same color as her hair. Rather than trying to respond, she stuffs a bite of the meal into her mouth, quickly forgetting her own embarrassment as she tastes things she has never tasted before. “Oh!’ She exclaims after swallowing, “this is so good!”
Raetsel hums her agreement, “Fakir is a talented cook, most of his ingredients come from the garden out back as many of them are not commonly used in this town.”
Fakir seems to be pointedly ignoring the conversation, focusing on his plate and pretending not to notice how his ears are burning.
Ahiru turns to him, “where did you learn to cook like this?” She asks earnestly.
He seems surprised at being directly addressed but he swallows and clears his throat, looking to Raetsel for help but eventually realizing he cannot avoid the question. “I taught myself.” he meets her eyes and looks away quickly.
Raetsel, satisfied that she has tortured him enough for one night, fills in the blanks. “Fakir came here as a very young boy from a place far away, there are spices and herbs from his home that aren’t commonly used here and when my mother took him in she provided him with many books about his culture, though the food is what turned out to be most important to him.” She smiles at her adoptive brother, who’s embarrassment seems to have faded if only slightly. “He has been cooking for our family ever since.”
Ahiru is very impressed, taking a moment to look at Fakir with appreciation. He pointedly ignores her stare and lets his bangs fall forward to shield his eyes.
They finish the rest of their meal with minimal conversation, both of the women respecting Fakirs clear desire for the topic to be dropped. When every plate has been cleared, Ahiru offers to clean them up. Raetsel quirks a brow at her and asks if she has ever actually washed a dish before.
Ahiru rubs the back of her neck, “well I.. don’t remember if I have.” Fakir seems surprised at her response and she avoids eye contact with both of them, “but it can’t be that hard! I remembered that they needed to be cleaned, right? I’m sure I can figure it out!” She is so passionate that Raetsel chooses not to question her further, but she does accompany the tiny woman into their kitchen and watches over her as she carefully cleans and dries each dish. Fakir joins them in the kitchen, quietly putting away ingredients and tools that he had used to cook their meal, when he is done he bids them both farewell and retreats to his room.
“I hope he hasn’t put you off.” Raetsel comments, showing Ahiru where she can hang the dish rag.
Ahiru shakes her head, “not at all! The food was so delicious, he is very skilled.”
Raetsel is amused, “you didn’t find him rude?”
Confused, Ahiru tilts her head to the side. “Why would i? He fed me.. that was very kind.”
Raetsel smiles, “you have a very open heart, many of the townspeople have issues with him. He's just a bit too blunt..” she puffs out a breath, “sometimes they misunderstand him, and he gets frustrated.”
Ahiru nods sadly, “I would too.”
Raetsel seems surprised at this answer at first, before settling into a very pleased disposition. “You are really something new Ahiru.”
The aforementioned lady blushes softly and straightens up. “T-thank you Raetsal.” She ducks her head in a miniature bow.
“Come dear, I’ll show you your room.”
Once she gets settled and bids goodnight to her host, Ahiru takes a moment to breathe. Slow, in and out. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with, well everything that had happened in the day, she wishes to braid her hair, dress down and sleep. In the room Raetsel provided to her there is a vanity, and on top ribbons and a wide tooth comb. Ahiru smiles at the thoughtful touch and carefully undresses, mindful of her steps so that she does not damage Raetsels’ lovely dress. She hangs it on a hook by the door, removing her socks and leaving her chemise on, remembering the earlier incident and cringing at herself. Next, she sits on the vanity stool and takes the comb carefully, starting at the ends of her long hair and working her way up slowly. Once all the tangles are gone she separates it into three sections and plaits in a simple pattern. She hums as she does this, a tune she knows and loves, something comforting. At the end of her hair, she ties a thick satin ribbon into a bow and tucks herself into the comfortable twin bed.
She is on the lake, dancing mournfully by herself. In the distance, she sees a royal couple performing a grand pas de deux. They only have eyes for each other, and she dearly loves them both. Her steps don’t falter with her sorrow, she only dances more freely, allowing her tears to fall as she lifts herself up into the air. The foggy air grows dark and eventually she realizes she’s alone, the prince and princess are gone and everything is quiet except for the sound of her own crying as she falls into the lake.
She wakes with a start, the grief in her chest real and heavy, cheeks wet. Deep breaths in, and out. Again, until she feels ready to open her eyes. The sun is rising, shining soft light on her face and the pain from her dream eases slightly. She sits up, donning her socks once more and making her way to the window and leans on the sill, observing the small flock of birds on a neighboring roof. Soon Ahiru is able to put the nightmare out of her mind, and the sun gets higher so she dresses once again, at first struggling to fasten things by herself but figuring it out through trial and error. Her braid is a mess from tossing and turning, so she sets to combing her hair out once more and choosing to do two braids today, parts it all down the middle. Her fingers are quick and nimble and she picks a set of wide gray ribbons to match her dress. Once she is ready, she makes her way back into the kitchen, hoping she hasn’t woken up too early.
At the stove once again, Fakir doesn’t notice her right away, continuing to add ingredients and muttering quietly to himself on occasion.
Ahiru chooses to sit down rather than interrupt, leaning on her palm and watching him as he works. His shoulders are wide but she can see how narrow his waist is, emphasized by the plain apron he wears. Fortunately, she catches herself as her gaze wanders lower and her eyes snap back up to his hands. They are large and clearly strong, but he handles everything he holds so gently. Ahiru wonders if she would ever want to see the strength in those hands used rather than controlled, and she cannot decide. Lost in thought, and busy staring a hole into fakir, she doesn’t see Raetsel come in.
“Oh ahiru! You look lovely this morning!”
She doesn’t react quick enough and is caught when fakir turns around quickly, eyes wide and mouth opened in a surprised little ‘o’. they both flush and break eye contact, electing to ignore Raetsel’s amused smirk.
“Smells good Fakir, something special for our visitor?” Raetsel continues teasingly.
He shoots her a sharp glare but it lacks it’s usual spark when his face is still bright red. “It’s just bread, Raetsel.” His tone is measured but it’s clear he’s irritated.
Ahiru finds the exchange remarkably cute and tilts her head to the side in wonder as she observes the siblings.
“We should get you your own clothes and shoes.” Raetsel says to her, looking at the ill-fitting dress she’d loaned ahiru. “I don't mind sharing, but they’re much more comfortable in the right size. When we are done eating I know someone who can help.”
Ahiru is hesitantly excited about this, swinging her feet a bit under the table.
Fakir comes with the food soon after, setting each plate on the table.
“Woah.” Ahiru states quietly, when Fakir had said bread earlier, she hadn’t expected french toast. Upon tasting, she notices something floral and a bit of spice and sweet honey. She can’t identify all the flavors but she loves it all and happily digs in.
Raetsel watches her in amusement for a moment and then turns to Fakir who also watches Ahiru eat with an unreadable expression. He is focusing more on their guest than he is his own breakfast and she stifles a laugh as he misses his own mouth.
Ahiru seems to realize she has all but ignored the two others at the table and slows down, swallowing and wiping her face with a napkin. “This is very good fakir.” She looks down as she says it, a bit embarrassed by her own actions.
Raetsel agrees, “delightful as usual.”
Fakir thanks them quietly, looking at his plate with the same unreadable expression and eating slowly. The two women finish eating before him, but Ahiru still insists on cleaning the dishes that he isn’t eating off of. He almost smiles at her, but the urge to confuses him and he is easily distracted.
“Are you coming with us?” Ahiru asks when he brings his own plate to the sink, wide eyes boring into his skull.
Fakir falters, looking at Raetsel who simply shrugs. “Uh.. I don't know if I would really be of any help.” He hopes his reasoning is enough to appease her.
Ahiru furrows her eyebrows, “why not?”
“He’s avoiding his fan club.” Raetsel chimes in, amused by the exchange and how easily their guest catches her brother off guard.
Ahiru does not know what this means, imagining a group of people gathering together to discuss fans or perhaps dance with them as she remembers doing many times. She notes the remembrance to herself before speaking, “was there a disagreement? If you’re in a club with them, you should be friends right?”
Fakir looks at her incredulously, “I'm not in the club.”
“Well then, what’s the problem?” She asks innocently.
Raetsal chooses not to help clarify, retrieving her boots from the front door and sitting at the table to lace them, leaving the two alone.
“It’s- well,” he shoots her a quizzical glare, “are you teasing me?”
Ahiru is thoroughly confused, “what?! No!! Why would you think that?”
Fakir can tell she’s being truthful, “it's not really a club Ahiru, Raetsel was joking.”
She sticks out her lip in a small pout, “why?”
He sighs in defeat, “you’ll understand once we get there.”
Raetsel returns to them, “so you’re coming?” She sounds surprised and more than a little impressed.
“Yay!” Ahiru claps her dainty hands together cheerfully.
Fakir nods, still unsure of how she had convinced him.
The summer weather allows them to leave the house quickly, not needing to don cloaks or extra layers, and they walk a short while to the stables.
Raetsel turns to Ahiru, noting the nervous glances she shoots towards the horses they pass. “Have you ever ridden?”
Ahiru’s face is pale and she wrings her hands in front of herself. “No.”
Fakir turns from where he is retrieving their steeds. “No? Or you don’t know?”
She laughs a bit at this. “Definite no. I think I would remember a creature of this size.”
Raetsel notes that Ahiru is a whole head shorter than herself, and Fakir towers over
her in a way that would intimidate anyone else, but it doesn’t seem to bother the bright little flame of a woman. “You should ride with Fakir then, he can keep you safe.”
Fakir looks at her, opening his mouth to argue but he snaps his jaw shut once he sees that Ahiru looks less afraid. He waits for Raetsel to mount her own horse before swinging himself up onto his. They both look at Ahiru who is once again starting to look a bit sickly.
“You’ll be fine.” Fakir reassures, “you were watching me and Raetsel right?”
She nods, spark returning to her eyes and mouth set in a hard line of determination. She steps into the stirrup that Fakir has left empty for her and attempts to swing herself up onto the horse's back like her two companions. At first she thinks she has succeeded, but her leg doesn’t go all the way up and she begins to slide backwards towards the ground. Fakir grabs her ankle, then uses his other hand to guide her by the waist until she is settled in front of him. Her head is still spinning from the near fall and it takes her a moment to find her words again.
“Thank you.” She breathes, overwhelmed by the feeling of his hand still on her waist.
He moves his hand as if he’s been burned and thanks everything that she can’t see his face. “Dont mention it.” he responds gruffly, avoiding Raetsel and using the reins to steer their ride forward.
Raetsel follows them close behind, looking up at the bright sky and wondering what good deed she did for the universe to think her worthy of this newfound entertainment.
They ride mostly in silence, except for Ahiru’s occasional exclamations of delight or awe as they pass under trees and through town. She is constantly turning her head in an attempt to take everything in.
It isn’t a very long journey, and soon they come to a quaint little shop with mannequins dressed in a variety of fabrics displayed in the large front windows.
Raetsel is the first to dismount, smoothing her skirts down as Fakir follows her and offers a hand to Ahiru.
Once the three of them are safely on the ground, Fakir guides their horses to a small grazing area where they will wait obediently until the shopping is complete.
Raetsel leads them into the shop, Ahiru close behind her and Fakir bringing up the tail end. A bell rings as they open the door and a head of blonde hair pops up from behind a counter.
“Welcome in- oh! Raetsel! Let me grab Pike.” Before they can respond, the shopkeeper is running to the back, pigtails bouncing as she moves.
Fakir finds a bench in a corner and sits down, hoping the racks of fabric and garments are enough to hide him.
The shopkeeper returns with her coworker, “has Lilie helped you at all yet?” She asks, tying her shoulder length violet tinted hair into a high ponytail.
“Hmph.” Lilie pouts, “I thought you’d want to do the consultation together.” She lowers her voice so only the three women can hear her, “plus, the handsome Fakir has graced us with his presence.”
Pike rolls her eyes, “you are so dramatic.” She scolds, though it doesn’t have much bite when she is craning her neck to peek at the man hiding in the corner.
Raetsel clears her throat politely, “My new friend could use your expertise.”
The two shopkeepers turn to Ahiru at last, looking her up and down before turning to each other.
“Do we have enough yellow left?” Pike asks Lilie, ushering Ahiru to a section of the room where the floor is cleared and producing a measuring tape from thin air.
Lilie hums, moving towards a rack against the wall and sifting through the materials until she finds a sunny yellow linen. “Yes! And perhaps a blue?” She suggests, stacking a soft blue cotton atop the yellow draped over her arm.
“Oh yes, that will compliment her eyes nicely.” Pike addresses Ahiru directly for the first time, “how many dresses are you looking for today?”
Ahiru looks helplessly towards Raetsel, letting Pike move her arms as she takes her measurements.
“We are starting her wardrobe today, so however many items you both think she will need.” Raetsal answers, earning a surprised look from Lilie.
“What happened to the rest of your clothes?” The blonde asks, pausing in her search for fabrics.
“I don't have any.” Ahiru answers simply.
“Long story.” Raetsel adds.
The two accept this answer easily, “Well then, we should send you home with something today. Lilie?”
Lilie looks over, setting the chosen materials on a large cutting table. “A premade garment for now?”
Pike nods, “just try to find the smallest things you can and we can alter it to fit her properly.”
Raetsel interjects, “she will also need shoes, mine are too large for her. Do you think you have something that would work?”
“Oh i’m sure we do,” Lilie answers, returning with an armful of dresses and blouses. “Shoes are over by Fakir.”
He starts at the mention of his name, looking at his surroundings and finding the shelves stocked with shoeboxes.
Pike measures her feet and calls out the length, instructing Fakir on where to find the correct size of boots.
He carries them to Ahiru once he has found them, bringing a few different options and setting them down next to her before awkwardly standing off to the side.
“Alright, you can try those on Ahiru. We’ll be right back.” Pike says before disappearing into the back of the store with Lilie.
“Do you need help?” Raetsel asks, showing Ahiru where she can sit to unlace her borrowed boots.
“No, thank you, I think I'm alright.” She smiles gratefully at her and sets to work, slipping her feet into one of the pairs Fakir brought her. She carefully tries on each pair but ends up settling on the first, made of dark brown leather with a slight heel and strong black cord lacing them securely.
Lilie returns and writes down the price on a pad of paper tucked into her dress pocket, setting it aside and guiding Ahiru to a fitting room. She helps Ahiru undo the fastenings on her loaned dress, hanging it carefully and instructing her to keep the chemise on before darting out and returning with Pike, both women are carrying armfuls of clothing and Pike has a pincushion strapped to her wrist. They help her into a simple white blouse, pinning where it needs to be taken in. The remaining garments are tried on in the same fashion and Ahiru watches them work. Before she knows it, they are done, helping her back into Raetsel’s loaned dress once more and walking her back to her companions, assuring her that they will return momentarily and asking her to wait while they stitch the adjustments into place. Ahiru seats herself on a bench next to Fakir and Raetsel follows the two shopkeepers to assist them and discuss the items they will be making for pickup at a later date.
“So..that’s the fanclub?” Ahiru guesses.
Fakir looks uncomfortable, “that’s just what Raetsel calls them.”
She giggles, “did you hear what they called you when we walked in?”
He shakes his head, too afraid to ask.
“The handsome Fakir.” Ahiru tells him, stifling another giggle. “Is that your title?” She teases.
He shoots her an irritated glance, “you know that it’s not.”
She shrugs, an impish grin stuck on her face. “It could be.” she states it as if it is a fact and doesn’t seem to catch what she is implying.
Fakir stammers, embarrassed. “W-wha-“ clearing his throat and looking out the window to hide his blush, he scolds her. “You can’t just say things like that!”
She sticks her tongue out at him, “why not? They said it first!”
He shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “They shouldn’t be saying it either.” He groans, wishing he had stayed home.
“Hm. whatever, I still don’t get why it’s such a big deal.” Ahiru bumps her shoulder against his, “are they your friends?”
“I barely know them.” He answers honestly, “they’re the best seamstresses in town so I’ve been a customer but Raetsel is the one that comes here most often.” He looks at her for a second before continuing, “I usually avoid them.”
Ahiru hums, “I think I understand why.” She acknowledges, “they’re a bit like a whirlwind aren’t they?”
He snorts out a laugh, “don't tell them that, they’ll never let it go.”
She nods. “Yeah, that doesn’t really surprise me.”
They fall into a comfortable silence and fakir studies her when she isn’t looking, trying to understand the mystery of this little lake lady.
It doesn't take long for Raetsal to return with a large package wrapped in brown paper and fastened with twine tied in a bow. “That’s it for today, we will return at the end of the week for the rest of it.”
Ahiru moves forward and takes the package despite Raetsel’s protests, “wow! That was so fast!”
Raetsal winks, “6 hands work faster than 2!”
Fakir takes the package from Ahiru while she’s distracted and holds it where she can’t reach when she tries to take it back. “You’ve paid already?” he nervously glances around the store as he says it.
Raetsal laughs. “Yes Fakir, don't worry. Those two are busy in the back, we’re done.”
He relaxes a bit and they make their way out again, Fakir holding the door for both of the women.
Ahiru skips forward, looking down at her new shoes and admiring how comfortable they are. When she looks up again Fakir and Raetsel have already mounted their horses, the package safely secured to the back of Fakir’s saddle.
“Do you need help? Or would you like to try again on your own?” He asks, looking down at her with his brow furrowed in concern.
Ahiru answers by sticking a boot in the stirrup and once again trying to lift herself up. This time she gets closer to her goal, but Fakir still has to catch her when her leg doesn’t properly hold her up.
“Good try!” Raetsal encourages from behind them, smiling as Fakir adjusts their friend with gentle hands before taking up the reins.
They ride home with minimal conversation, the two siblings focused on steering their horses in the right direction and Ahiru distracted by the people out on the streets, going about their days.
When they are home again, Fakir helps her down and retrieves her parcel, leaving no room for her to argue as he carries it inside.
She follows him, Raetsel not far behind. He stops outside the door of her room, waiting for Raetsel to open the door before carefully setting the package on her bed and excusing himself politely.
Raetsel helps her unpack and hang her new clothing, she picks out a new chemise for Ahiru and shows her to a room down the hall where she can bathe. After making sure she knows how to fill the tub, she too excuses herself with the promise that they will see one another at lunch.
Once she has dried herself and wrung most of the water from her hair, Ahiru dons the fresh chemise and pads up the hall to her room. The new clothes hang neatly and she has trouble choosing when given so many options but eventually she settles on a short sleeved, collared blouse made from a lovely cream colored cotton and a simple, tea length yellow linen skirt. Plain white socks cover her feet and the boots are left by the door for when she needs them. She sits at the vanity to comb her hair, leaving it down to dry but tying a yellow ribbon under her hair and around the top of her head to keep it from getting in her face. She smiles at her reflection, the clothes fit perfectly and she can finally see herself now that she isn’t drowning in fabric.
She retrieves Raetsel’s loaned dress and chemise and carries them out to the room she was first brought in to. She knocks gently, and when there is no response, she cracks the door open.
“What are you doing?”
She jumps, turning to find Fakir glowering at her. “I-well I was trying to find Raetsel!”
His face softens, “she’s the door at the end of the hall, moron, this is my room.”
Ahiru flushes, indignant, she bites back “I’m not a moron! How was I supposed to know that! I've only been to her room once and it was a really hectic day!”
Fakir puts a hand on her head, “I know, I was teasing. Could you move out of the way?”
She settles down, embarrassed. “Yeah, sorry.” She shuffles off down the hall and he watches her go, shaking his head and entering his room.
Raetsel, having heard the exchange, opens her door before Ahiru can reach it and gives her a kind smile. “You can just set those in the laundry basket over here.”
Ahiru follows her instruction and smiles at her gratefully, “Thank you Raetsel.”
“Anything for you Ahiru, now, would you like to see what’s for lunch?”
Confused, Ahiru tilts her head, “didn't Fakir just go to his room?”
Raetsel nods, “He’s probably referring to one of his cookbooks.”
“He doesn’t keep them in the kitchen?” Ahiru asks, following Raetsel back out into the hall.
“It’s easier to keep them in good condition away from the steam and mess of food.” Fakir answers from his doorway, “Plus, I don't always need them.” He closes his door and leads the way to the kitchen, resuming his work.
Raetsel and Ahiru seat themselves in the same spots as always, chatting and watching Fakir cook. Raetsel asks how she likes her new clothing and Ahiru gushes her thanks and talks about her favorite things.
Fakir comes with plates of food soon after and seats himself next to her.
Ahiru claps in excitement, tucking her long hair towards her back before digging in.
Raetsel eats more politely, complimenting Fakirs choice of ingredients and asking him questions about the recipe.
Ahiru barely pays attention to them, so focused on enjoying her meal that she doesn't notice when the conversation turns to her.
“Ahiru?” Raetsel prods gently.
she starts slightly in response, looking up and finding them both turned to her. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”
Raetsel smiles, “Do you know what you want to do here? I work at Ebine’s bakery for part of the week and Fakir writes for our local paper. Pike and Lilie offered to teach you how to cut fabric but you are free to choose what you like.”
Ahiru blinks, “I’m...staying?”
Fakir answers this time, rolling his eyes. “Of course you are, where else would you go stupid?”
Raetsel swats his shoulder, “Oh be nice to her Fakir.” Turning back to Ahiru, “Yes, you are welcome to stay with us as long as you wish dear.”
Ahiru grins, “Thank you! I like it so much here, I’m so happy!” She looks down at her hands, “As for what i want to do.. I’m not really sure yet. Pike and Lilie are very nice but I don’t know if I could really be of any help to them.”
Fakir nods, “You don’t have to decide yet. You haven’t even seen your other options so take your time and don’t feel bad about it.”
Raetsel agrees with him, “I'm sure you will be good at whatever you choose, with passion like yours you can do anything.”
Ahiru flushes and curls into herself, hair falling forward to hide her face.
Fakir watches in horror as a lock of her hair begins to flop into her plate, instinctively he tucks the hair back into place. Once he realizes what he’s done he can feel the steam coming out of his ears, “Y-you should probably tie your hair up when you eat.”
Raetsal barely stifles her laugh, shoving a bite of food into her mouth to keep herself quiet.
Ahiru stares at Fakir, mouth open and cheeks pink. It takes a few more blinks before she twists her knee length hair up and up and up, using the yellow ribbon to loosely tie it into place, it’s the best imitation of a bun she can do with the current materials.
Clearing his throat and drinking water in an effort to cool the flush on his skin, Fakir continues eating as if nothing happened and the two women soon follow his lead.
Ahiru is grateful for the diversion, feeling more shy than usual and needing the silence. She is also easily distracted by how much she loves this food and each bite brings her farther away from the embarrassment.
Soon, the meal is over and they separate, Ahiru washing the dishes without supervision as Raetsel has deemed her able. Fakir puts away anything left over in the kitchen and excuses himself to his room.
When the dishes are cleaned, dried and put away, Ahiru wonders what she’s meant to do, yesterday and this morning there was no time for boredom. Now she feels like she should be doing something and without noticing she has begun to dance, the kitchen floor not ideal for ballet but accommodating her nonetheless. There is no music, but the early afternoon sun shining through the windows above the sink highlights her more beautifully than any spotlight. When she finally realizes what she’s doing, she is in the middle of simple barre exercises. Her muscles ache in relief, as if they have been waiting for her to use them. She smiles, closing her eyes and tilting her head up towards the sun, letting muscle memory take over.
Fakir carries his notebook under one arm and holds his inkwell and quill in his hands. He is headed to the kitchen for a glass of water, but stops when he sees her. Not wanting to interrupt, he sits at the table, partially hidden by the open doorway that connects the two rooms. His things are set down carefully and quietly, and then he turns his attention back to the ballerina in his kitchen.
She moves through her relevés with the ease and joy of someone who lives to dance.
Chin in palm, Fakir watches her. The light flickering over her face moves with her and he is entranced. Warm ups finished, Ahiru moves into a choreography as if it’s second nature. His heart aches in his chest when he realizes it is meant to be a pas de deux, her body struggles to support itself and he longs to take the weight for her.
She continues, oblivious of her audience, dancing to the song only she can hear and baring her emotions with every movement.
When the steps come to a close and her head is bowed in an ending curtsy, Fakir panics, realizing that soon she will open her eyes and he will have to explain why he’s been creepily watching without saying a word. Cringing, he braces himself and opens his notebook, hoping to at least look busy when she catches him.
She lets out a small startled noise when she opens her eyes, coming back into her mind after letting her body take over. She sees Fakir sitting at the table and despite the open notebook, she knows that he has not written a word for she would have heard the scratch of his quill. She flushes prettily, sneaking out of the kitchen while he’s still looking down and all but running to her room.
She leans against the inside of her closed door, putting her head in her hands and trying to calm herself down. She hadn’t planned on dancing and she definitely did not expect an audience, no matter how politely he pretended not to be watching she knew he had seen at least some of her dance and she hopes that she danced well. Most of the remaining afternoon is spent like this, trying to distract herself by thinking over the job offer from Pike and Lilie, but mind wandering back to the kitchen and her dream from the night before. There is a mix of confusing emotions swirling in her chest and she unties the ribbon holding her makeshift bun in place, running her hands through her own hair in a calming fashion. The dream had felt so real and coupled with some of the memories that had come back to her, she has a feeling it was something that had really happened. Brows furrowing as she thinks, she tries desperately to recall the events of her dream but most of what she can remember is emotions and steps of a dance. There is a flash of black curls and red lips kissing a pale figure with hair like the feathers of a swan, but this imagery brings a panging sorrow and the tears rising in her eyes warn her not to push this memory back into her conscious mind. Wiping her cheeks where they have gotten wet, she takes Fakir’s advice and sets to braiding her hair into a crown. It doesn't take her very long, and soon Raetsel is knocking on her door to alert her that supper will be ready soon. Ahiru thanks her and says she will be there in a moment, needing some time to collect herself and finish tying the braids in place around her head.
When she finally comes to the dining table, Fakir and Raetsel are already seated and a plate is waiting in her usual spot. She squeezes by Fakir, who avoids her eyes and looks at his plate with pink dusting the bridge of his nose. Once she is settled, the three begin to eat, they are all tired from the eventful day and conversation is light.
It is a quick meal and Raetsel is the first to bid them goodnight, letting Ahiru know that she will be gone for work by the time they wake and making sure Ahiru does not need anything before she excuses herself.
Ahiru pokes at her remaining food listlessly, wishing she could enjoy it the way she wants to but emotions ruining her appetite. Sighing, she carries the dishes to the sink and begins scrubbing, not even noticing when Fakir follows behind her.
“Ahiru?” Fakir asks quietly, “I hope I didn’t upset you earlier.”
This breaks her reverie and she looks at him, confused. “What? No! Why would I be upset?”
Fakir seems doubtful. “Well you’re obviously upset about something.”
She puffs her cheeks out. “No, i just…” brows furrowed she admits defeat, “Okay yeah you’re right I am. But I promise it has nothing to do with you!” She says the last part earnestly and Fakir is momentarily stunned by the shine of her eyes.
“Do you.. want to talk about it?” He says it awkwardly, as if the idea is foreign to him.
Her eyes dim, “I don’t think I was very happy before I came here.”
He seems surprised at her answer, “Was the lake not good to you?”
This makes her puff a tiny, sad laugh, “The lake may be where I came from, but it wasn’t where I lived before.”
Fakir looks at her concerned, “You don't remember very much, do you?”
She shakes her head, “Most of it is just feelings, there’s something there definitely but trying to recall more than just blurs hurts.”
He feels deeply sorry for her, “It sounds like.. well sometimes our brains try to protect us by blocking some things out.”
She tilts her head to the side, “You think it could be that?”
He nods slowly “There are many written accounts of this experience, if you’d like, I can help you research more about it tomorrow?” He says the last bit as a question, unsure if she really wants to open herself up to possible pain.
She smiles gratefully, it is smaller than her usual grin but still makes his heart skip, “Thank you Fakir, I would like that very much.”
Flushing at her sincerity, he looks away. “D-dont mention it.” He dries the dishes that she is finished washing and together they finish the chore faster than either could on their own. When the dishes are put away and the kitchen is clean, Fakir walks her to her room and bids her goodnight with the promise of a library trip the next day. Ahiru is so exhausted she barely manages to take her hair down and remove her blouse and skirt before crawling into bed and falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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guigz1-coldwar · 4 years ago
'Our vision' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"Our vision"
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"Freya, people don't forget....nothing is forgiven !"
Chapter Summary : After having spent an peaceful night in an old cabin, Yirina & Park are ready to infiltrate the hidden soviet base in the Mount Yamantau but for the two of them....something's off....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3400
Me & Park really did it...right in the middle of the USSR at the Mount Yamantau in an old abandoned cabin, the same place I presume I have done this with Freya before an long time ago. Honestly, both of us never thought that we were going to able to finish, thinking that at any moment, we could be jumped by an surprise guest but in fact, we were able to enjoy an moment of peace alone...an moment of passion we didn't really have made since some times...last time we did that was in an car, I can say that it's far better back on an bed.
Even with everything that happened since days, that moment was for releasing ourselves, to forget about all the things around us, like if we weren't spies at all...just women in love with each other. Directly that we finished our things that we went into getting sleep, me holding her like the person I wouldn't want to lose. That wasn't her fault at all to have me brainwashed....I can't be angry at her and I wouldn't never do this, knowing that after that, I will hate myself for what I did, I can't be mad at her because I'm in love with her.
All night, during my sleep, I was wondering of an lot of things, mostly about the mission that Hudson assigned to us : why only the two of us ? Why we don't have any radio support ? I couldn't answer those questions even if they were still in my head at the moment I woke up first, still holding Park in my arms. I got up and dressing up back in my clothes before heading to the little space in the cabin to prepare our two MREs, knowing that she will soon woke up.
"What an night." I could hear Park's slowly awakening voice behind me as I was actually preparing my MRE after doing hers.
"I'm seconding this." I smiled, turning around to look at her, her body covered by the white blanket hold by her hands. "You're looking like an angel." I exclaimed, watching her with great eyes, amazed by her beauty.
"Thanks." She whispered, passing her hand through her hair to make it look back to normal. "Which time is it ?" She asked, having finished.
"Almost noon, we slept for 12 hours straight." I replied, looking up at my watch on my left wrist before turning around to finish my MRE.
"Bloody hell." She exclaimed, sounding an bit stunned.
"Yeah, you really did sleep 12 hours." I scoffed, taking the two MRE in my hands, going to walk to the table where ours guns were posed on. "I've prepared your meal, get dressed and come eat."
"Yes, ma'am." She expressed in an fake lazy voice as she start to get up to put her clothes on. "I've been thinking now, that's an first." She said
"What ?" I stopped myself, almost getting an part of what I was eating in my mouth to look at her curiously on my chair. "An first to what ?" I added, wanting her to clarify.
"That you woke up first before me or anyone else." She replied, putting her jacket on and laughting about it.
"Really ?" I raised an eyebrow, slowly moving my arm to eat the meal I've got in my hands.
"Yirina..." She rolled her eyes around as she walked to get to the table. "You know what I mean, I'm always waking you up or you always waking after me." She clarified, sitting up in her chair to eat her own MRE.
"Is that an compliment ?" I chuckled, faking an incomprehension towards her.
"Well, since I'm always here when you woke up, yes." She winked at me before taking an bite of her MRE.
"So, thanks, then." I grinned, continuing to eat while exchangings some glares during the few moments after that little compliment.
"Apart of that, did you have any memories back ?" Park demanded after we both finished our meals together at the same time but I shook my head.
"No, didn't have anything this night." I fully responded, putting my arms in an crossed form on the table and looking outside through the window in front of me. "I was thinking of something else."
"And what was that ?" She asked me.
"At first, it was about you." I smirked back at her direction, causing an blushing from her on her cheeks before looking away. "But then, it was about that mission."
"You too ?" She breathed, putting her meal aside.
"I'm wondering why Hudson did sent only the two of us here." I started, taking an deep breath. "I know that saving Adler is important for the CIA but even if Perseus want an mysterious necessary data in that base, why he didn't send more people on it ?" I continued, knowing that she couldn't answer that question, no one couldn't right now. "
"I did propose to him to have some MI6 reinforcements but he wasn't allowing it." Park revealed, making me more curious about that.
"Why did he refused ?" I questioned her.
"He said that he wouldn't want to waste time and it must stay an discreet job." She answered, sounding like she wasn't believing his words at all. "You saw what the others tried to do, it was the same thing." She added.
"Yeah, you needed here, Adler's our priority number one." I sort of mimick Hudson himself and my impersonation did caused Park to laugh.
"You got lucky that he wasn't here." She joked with me laughing about my own joke about Hudson.
"I would have done it even if he was there to be honest." I admitted, leaning myself against the back of my chair.
"I bet you would do." She nodded with an smile before looking outside the window. "Do you think that our path will be clear to get to the base ?" She asked me.
"Since that the snowstorm ended as it seems, it would maybe take an little bit of more time to travel until arriving to the base." I responded, thinking about it even if we didn't set an foot outside to verify my claim. "We will scout out the entrance and when it's done, we will try to find an way to enter."
"The base must be lightly protected even if it's holding some dark secrets." She suggested, biting an part of her lips to me. "The soviets are maybe careful with that but as the base is deep inside the USSR, they aren't going to bring too much firepower." She continued, crossing her arms.
"Maybe but we don't have too much guns too." I exclaimed, making her look to our two MP5 on the table next to me. "An MP5 isn't going to blow up the entire soviet army arsenal." I scoffed.
"I agree with this." She stated before she got up from her chair. "We're going now or we wait for the afternoon ?"
"I think that we should go now." I replied, also getting up from my chair and grabbing my MP5 in the process. "More we wait, more it's possible that Freya & Knight can strike at any moment." I expressed, checking my MP5 current mag.
"You're right." Park said, moving to take her own MP5 and making sure that she got her pistol in its holstler. "Well, let's go." She ordered, moving to grab the other part of our very limited stuff in the cabin.
After we checked up that we got everything : guns, pistols, knifes and the map of the base with us, we were ready to leave and get out of that cabin, preparing ourselves to walk in the numerous path of the mountains to reach the hidden soviet base in the Yamantau. As we got out, we could see that the snow was much higher than the last time we were outside thanks to the big snowstorm that occured all night.
Once fully ready, we started to walk into an different direction from the path we took to get here and thanks to the snow, we had to peak a view at the map every 2 minutes to be sure that we weren't completely lost in the Urals Mountains. As I thought that we were going to woke up with the snowstorm still occuring, instead, we were greeted by an blue sky, some clouds and the sun, not even snow dropping on us and strangefully, the heat wasn't so cold, more moderate.
We walked almost 45 minutes on the mountains, trying to avoid any dangers in our path like maybe helicopters patrols or just ground patrols but by chances, the environement was calm...too much calm to be honest. Is it either me or it's just the ambience of the Urals everyday ? After that time, we finally arrived in sight of the hidden soviet base....that wasn't so hidden after all with an concrete entrance in the side of an mountain.
"Finally." I breathed, seeing the base in my sight before we start to walk on an path below it, Park taking the lead.
"This little storm should cover us." She told me, advancing as during our walk, an little snowstorm was happening and like she said, it was going to provide cover. "You didn't hear some shots before ?" She demanded to me as 10 minutes ago, we heard like two louds noises, echoing in the mountains.
"No, I don't know what he could be." I expressed sincerely as these sounds were like inaudible for me. "Do you want....
"Jesus !" Park cut me straight in my words and stopping herself and when I moved my head to look at what was in front of us, I could discover the dead body of an soviet guard. "That doesn't look good." She admitted as I moved past her to check the body.
"Someone shot him, must be the sounds you heard." I said, on one knee to observe the gunshot wound on the body. "One in the shoulder, one piercing his hand and his skull." I added, watching his left hand with an bullet hole in it. "He tried to protect himself but he didn't manage to survive." I then got up from it.
"That's means that we're not alone to have interest in this data." Park whispered, approaching me by behind.
"And also meaning that Freya & Knight are already here." I proclaimed, looking towards the path leading to the entrance of the hidden base. "We can't back down, it's maybe dangerous but it's too late to flee." I affirmed directly as I start to walk again.
"Do you think that they're still here ?" Park questioned me as I took the lead.
"If they're still here, we will try to stop them." I admitted before stopping at an few meters from an chained fance. "And if they're here, you will have to call me 'Bell'."
"To maintain the illusion that you're not aware of your true state." I nodded to her statement, she know that it's sometimes painful for me & her to pretend to be Bell but with Freya, I've got no choices.
"When our feets are inside, you're using Bell as my name." I breathed before moving to get through the fence that was already moved away, meaning that we were maybe walking in Freya & Knight footsteps.
"I know." Park chuckled, passing in the fence as I was making sure that she didn't have an scratch from the cut part of the fence. "There's more dead guys." She pointed at an direction and when I turned around, I could see this time two dead bodies, facing each other.
"Poor devils didn't see the two coming." I exclaimed, both walking to get next to the two bodies. "These two were slashed by something that's not an knife." I checked up the wounds on them. "The cuts are too large for an single knife." I verified that by putting my own knife above on the wound of one of the guys at his chest.
"Must be Knight's work." Park thought, making me look at her with an curious face. "Back at the time, Knight was using like ice pick for his job." She continued, kneeling with one knee on the ground. "Guess that it's still his tools of work."
"Bodies are still hot, meaning that the two are still here." I proclaimed, having checked the heat of the body only by touching his neck.
"No way to back down." Park whispered, getting up and looking at the big entrance in the inside. "It's maybe an trap but....let's do this." She took an deep breath before we start to move away.
With the guards already dead, our doubts about having to face Freya & Knight were confirmed, the two were still there and we will have to watch out. It's with guns up and checking our surroundings that we start to enter the hidden base, discovering some dead bodies on the way in. When my foots were inside, I was now 'Bell', I need to react & act like her and I will have no choices, Park knows it and even if it's painful for us.
"We should maybe check the security room." Park proposed, arriving at an sort of junction between two big hallways. "There's cameras around here."
"Good idea." I nodded, walking in the left hallway as the security room was in that direction. In fact, it was just at an few meters from the panels indicating its direction. "I'm going in." I told Park, taking my M1911 in my right hand, holding the door handle in the other before slowly opening the door. "All clear." I said as the room was quiet but with an dead guy on the ground, an knife on his back.
"Cameras." Park pointed at the control panel, discovering multiples TV in front of us. "There must be an way to rewind them."
"Let me check that." I volunteered myself, putting my M1911 on the table, starting to verify if we were able to verify our claims. "Got it." I breathed, 30 seconds after I start. Hopefully that I was russian...."Camera 5" I pointed at the TV in the middle of the others.
"That's the two, entering inside." She scratched her forehead as we were seeing Freya & Knight advancing while neutralizing the soviets guards on their path. "Wait, there aren't alone, there's an third person !" She exclaimed, putting her finger at the position of where she see them.
"Yeah but they're hooded." I muttered, seeing them now. "I will try to put the cameras back to normal, trying to see where the trio could be." I suggested as Park walked behind me to check that no one was coming in. "Freya is in the archive room." I expressed, looking at the TV right next to the middle one. "She's alone." I added.
"Bell !" I could hear Park's voice behind me, sounding an bit in trouble and some footsteps too but when I redressed myself, I could hear an click of an gun...pointed at the back of my head.
"Game's over, you fucking fuckers." This was the voice of an man just behind me, his pistol threatening me. "Tutututut....don't even think about it." He added, knowing that I was looking at my M1911 on the table that he decide to grab in his hands.
"You must be...the british Knight." I put my hands up while turning around him to face him.
"I'm an Irish, you wanker." He told me, pointing his pistol right between my two eyes, seeing that Park was hold at gunpoint behind him by the third person, still hooded. I could discover his outfit, an big Perseus white paint on his torso and an black helmet. "You are the lady Bell, it seems."
"Touché." I decided to joke around, playing what Bell would do in that situation.
"Pretty funny." He breathed, sounding annoyed before he moved behind me, still aiming at me. "Walk, we're going to join Wraith and don't try anything with your friend." He ordered as we start to walk outside the security room, Park at my side and our hands up as Knight and the third person was holding us at gunpoint. We then arrived in the archive room where I could see Freya, putting something in an bag. "You got the data, Wraith ?"
"Yes, our work is done soon here." She replied, sounding normal before she turned around to look at us, not even surprised to see us here. "Where did you find them ?"
"Been wandering in the security room, Freya." The third person responded to her....that voice was..familiar to me as they were moving in front of Park before removing their hood.
"Sonya Kuzmin !" I snorted, discovering them after all these times in front of us...."How was the arrest by the CIA ?" I scoffed but my words only provoked Knight to literally put his pistol behind my head.
"Seems that you didn't forget about me." They exclaimed, smiling at me. "But now, the roles are reversed, right ?" She was the one to scoff right now, aiming at Park's face. "We got luck that the CIA guy told us about them." They turned around to look at Freya with an smile.
"He sold us out..." I whispered silently, exchanging an glare with Park...this mission was an set-up from him...he gave us away to Perseus....that's why he never wanted us to have support.....
"What do you want ?" Park asked Freya directly.
"What I want ?" Freya started, moving slowly towards Park to face her. "I want to know why...you stoled my Yiri ?" She demanded, feeling in her voice an broken tone deep inside her.
"What are you talking about, Wraith ?" Park was faking an incomprehension at Freya before Sonya moved to put Park on her knees.
"Don't touch her !" I ordered to Sonya, feeling the angriness in my voice before Knight decided to do the same for me and then, Freya moved to face me, kneeling.
"What did they do to you ?" She told me silently, resisting the urge to put her hands on my face before she did it anyway.
"Hey, who is she, Freya ?" Sonya demanded, sounding an bit stunned to see Freya doing this.
"She wasn't just an 'sister' to me, Sonya." Freya answered, turning her head towards them as me...I was keeping an straight face. "What...did you do ?" She repeated to Park.
"Nothing !" Park admitted clearly. "No one is touching Bell or they wil suffer !" She affirmed in an angry voice and Sonya decided to hit her on her face with their pistol, not knocking her down entirely.
"You..." I was going to curse and threw myself on Sonya before Knight put his hands on me to stop me moving.
"You ain't moving an single inch, maggot." Knight said in an serious voice. "We kill them and we're off ?" He demanded.
"No !" Freya directly replied, sounding an bit angry to heard this idea to have us killed here. "We have to bring the two with us, we will try to save Yirina and....maybe persuade Park to change allegiances..." She revealed to us before getting up.
"In your dreams." Park taunted them.
"Sonya." Freya gestured to them to move to Park to maybe hit her again but then, Sonya took an syringue out of one of their pockets to inject it in Park's neck who in the seconds following the injection, lose consciousness before falling on the ground on her back...
"What did you fucking do ?" I exclaimed loudly.
"We just put her to sleep." Sonya responded, throwing the syringue aside on the ground.
"Sonya, you call the helicopter : they will took the two with you back at the hideout." She ordered in an serious voice before Sonya moved away to make that call. "Knight, we will have to arm the nuke to cover our tracks."
"I ain't going anywhere and you will not take Park with you." I proclaimed, sounding like an death threat.
"I'm sorry." Freya whispered before she took an needle too, causing me to struggle but it was useless as Knight was holding me until Freya injected me with the needle...in the neck..."It's the only way, I'm sorry."
"Things are done now." Knight said as I was slowly going into vapes, falling on my back, watching Freya & Knight on top of me, watching me & Park almost inconscious before Freya took an radio in her hands.
"Stitch, we got the data !" She started as she looked at us. "We also got Yirina & Park, the CIA guy was right."
"Good, bring them to me." I could hear Stitch's voice through the radio as Knight was moving to grab my & Park's legs to drag us on the ground and I could only look at Park, trying to join my right hand with her left one....she was...inconscious and I was soon going to be like her...before I could hear Stitch for the last time as my body was going asleep....
"They will soon understand our vision for an Greater Russia !"
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