#I'm very annoyed rn and this is the best place to vent while getting caught in spoiler tags
theladydrgn · 1 year
As an ace person, the more I see other ace people being upset at a queer kiss the more annoyed I get. Crowley and Aziraphale sharing a canon kiss doesn't invalidate ace headcanons or interpretations. It doesn't invalidate aromantic headcanons or interpretations. HELL. Them having sex on screen wouldn't invalidate those headcanons either!!! Canon is a guideline, not a set of rules you have to follow! If you don't like it just fucking ignore it jfc
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I... have been very irritated lately by the sudden discourse or debate (depends on how amicable these sort of discussions ended) over the Ink Demon design in both Batim and Batdr.
Now on a usual day, I'd say "They're both great and everyone's entitled to their own opinion" but today is not such a day. What triggered this you may be thinking?
The whole notion of one demon being scarier than the other.
That..... hmmmm.... that got me.
So I have decided... to do a thing. I would like to say beforehand I really do like the Ink Demon the character. Both Batim and Batdr (Even if I'm more biased to DR). But all this talk of who is better is really irritating. And it repeats over and over and in such a medium-small, relaxed fandom on its way to sleep mode rn: that's something akin to a broken record.
And I hate being told the same things over and over and over again.
So I'm gonna, perhaps quite harshly but at best, just criticise and at very worst completely trash both the BATIM and BATDR Ink Demon's designs and mechanics because as much as I love this character and his flaws, I'm two bad takes of "one is scarier than the other" away from just never interacting with anyone in the Fandom again.
If you haven't caught the vibe already, I don't take anyone seriously who says one Ink Demon is scarier than the other.
Are you seriously trying to convince me that Batim's Ink Demon is scary? BATIM? The guy whose head looks like a crescent-shaped stress ball smacked onto a malnourished human body? The guy who can get stuck to a crate during a chase? BATIM? Ink Bendy?? Gtfoh
BATDR Ink Demon ain't very scary either. Grotesque, maybe, certainly more than stress ball. But the gross does not scare me very much
Almost like horror is pretty subjective and its not worth fighting over what's scarier
BATDR: The hunchback ain't it chief. Why couldn't we see him in full size, back straight in places where his height wouldn't be restricted. Your posture sucks babe.
BATIM: The legs. The fucking legssss. Need I say more
BATDR's thighs are stick thin and honestly no way will his lower body be able to support his gigantic upper body. I'm not willing to "cartoon logic" reason him out of this.
You cannot tell me that between DCLT and the first cycle of Henry's newborn hell that the Ink Demon is still limping from the injury Buddy gave him. What happened to invulnerability
Ways to incapacitate/kill the Ink Demon (Guarenteed to work): Go for the Legs Apparently (on both of them).
Look: getting chased by a monster is scary and slightly distressing in certain situations, but if the monster constantly gets stuck/glitched in the stairwell and amongst the crate and debris while you're trying to run away from him, he loses intimidation and a lot of it.
Also does not help if a good amount of his chases are scripted. Also does not help if his story presence is next to nothing in the most lore heaviest chapters.
Speaking of glitch: The glitch of the Ink Demon being able to get you in the vent. Makes my eye twitch.
"But Precious these are game glitches that's not fai-" I know
Honestly the nature of being chased by the Ink Demon on both games is relatively the same. It all ends with you hiding from him. Why does it matter that he chases you vs appears in front of you after a certain amount of time. You're still experiencing the same anxiety of trying to find a place to hide before he can kill you.
BATDR's claw length is annoyingly long. Honestly a lot of his body proportions are annoying. If he insists on walking on his hind legs holding his hands like a Jurassic Park Velociraptor, he best prepare to fall flat on his face. His balance must be so off holy fuck.
I still find BATIM's zombie walk wack, I'm not sorry.
BATIM's design just isn't all that visually interesting imo, this I am sorry for.
BATDR's design is interesting but it's both too little and too much. I'd list what I like but this is meant to be a negative post. I'll keep my positives in different post perhaps. I think Dark Revival's would benefit from some cartooniness but not as much as BATIM's ugly stress ball head.
This felt good to get out.
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