#I'm upset that I'm not doing it bcuz I rlly want to still and I told myself I could if I didn't do it yesterday but ik that with the way-
mosspapi · 3 months
Proud of myself for successfully ignoring the urges. Don't mind the fact that I only did so bcuz I freaked myself out over dying of sepsis and getting found out again shhhhhh I ignored it and that's the part we should focus on here
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driedupeyeballs · 7 months
for the ask game!! 💯, 🖤, 🎮, or 🔱 for skye (yes i know as a half-mer they can swim... but is it like azul where they don't like doing so with people around or like the leeches where they're super chill about it???)
💯-“ what are three random facts about your OC?”
Skye cannot stand sour food. They grew up eating Jamil’s cooking so they’re well acquainted with spice and love foods that would burn off most people’s tongues, but if anythings even slightly sour they won’t eat it. They also don’t like coffee, but other than that they’ll rlly eat anything. And I mean anything.
They have a cat! I mentioned that briefly but I’ll share the cat lore. When Skye was around 6 or 7 they saw a little kitten on the side of the road. They went to grab it bcuz they thought it was a mouse and wanted to eat it, but no longer wanted to eat it once discovering it isn’t a mouse. So they took it to Azul who freaked out bcuz this wasn’t long after the Guinea pig incident (more on that later), so he takes the cat to the vet and gets everything sorted then talks to Jamil about finding it a home, bcuz he’s anxious abt keeping it around w Skye. Skye then expresses that they want to keep the cat, so Jamil purposes they leave the cat with Treyjade for a few months to figure things out cuz they live nearby and already have animals. Azul agrees to this, so for abt 3 months of Skye begging to go to treyjades house and getting upset when they are denied permission to hold the kitten (they didn’t show interest in any of the other animals), Jamil and Azul decided it was probably fine, so they took the cat home. Her name is Mariana and she’s a Russian blue cat! She’s very much a lap cat but only for Skye, she will hiss and claw at anyone else who tries to pick her up lmao
And for the third fact, they became housewarden about a month into their time at nrc. Which is impressive by any standards, but not impressive enough, bcuz Shenzi (my younger kaliruggie kid who Skye despises), became Scarabia housewarden three days before Skye became Octavinelle housewarden. They initially didn’t wanna take the title super fast, but when Shenzi did, they got pissed and went for it. They’re still salty about this and will likely always be salty about this.
🖤 - “Has your OC killed or seriously wounded someone before? Have they broken someone’s heart and/or broken someone’s trust?”
God damn what a question- okay so idk if you’ve read my 2nd Skye post where I go more in detail abt their venom/hunting strategy but they do have some extremely powerful venom. No human/mer/beastman has ever been killed by it, tho a lot of animals have. Skye was very reckless as a child, a big difference from their collected and put-together appearance they hold. They bit everything as a kid, edible or not, and Jamil and Azul had their hands full trying to keep them from killing any animal they saw. I’d say the worst thing they ever killed was one of treyjade’s pet Guinea pigs when they were like 7-ish, but I don’t think they lost the trust of treyjade from that bcuz Jade being a mer himself and Trey being married to a mer/having mer kids understood some things couldn’t be helped. They’ve never fully envenomated a person as it stands, they bit Floyd once as a toddler cuz they were curious but he didn’t die or even get super hurt. He didn’t hold them for a while tho lmao
🎮- “what are three of your ocs favorite hobbies?”
Skye reads a lot, they were the kind of kid where you had to take their books away as punishment lmao, they’ll read anything and they’ll read it freakishly fast. They’re really good at board/video games but don’t really play them much outside of their club/with friends so I wouldn’t count that, so as for the other two- idk if tea counts as a hobby but I am counting it, they grew up very close with Jade, he’s always been their favorite uncle (the octatrio and their spouses + kids is a very tightly knit group they’re all family), so from a very young age Jade was teaching them a lot about tea, so into their high school years they experiment more with making tea blends and they have a huge tea collection in their dorm room (and an even bigger one at home). As for the last one- this may surprise you! So I’ve had this in some of their unpublished notes for a MINUTE, they do tarot cards! And they’re extremely good at it. This isn’t a lifelong hobby like the other two cuz no one in their family was ever into it, but they picked it up as a way to make money for the lounge like a true ashengrotto. their plan was to have a temporary psychic reading thing for Halloween, but they ended up getting weirdly interested in it and now they have at least 5 decks amongst all the tins of tea
🔱 - “can your OC swim? Does your OC enjoy swimming?”
Uhh yes and no? Well they can swim in both forms, Azul made sure of that after the incident with their brother (long story), but they really don’t like doing it in human form. They’re obviously great in their merform, idk if you’ve ever seen a video of a sea snake swim but it’s really cool so I’ll link one. But swimming with two legs instead of one long tail + without the security blanket of strong venom isn’t something they enjoy.
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violetrance · 7 years
1~ Y' know I don't care which pairing becomes canon, the show may include romance but it's far from it's main focus, & I LOVE this show. I do care about good writing tho & beautiful relationships romantic & platonic portrayed. So I'm down with anything they write well. I could only see them write A/L or other All. ship as endgame bc most stories we see have forced romance, especially on the girl's side & I think the creators are 2 good for this. It'd be bad writing for her to suddenly like him
2~ out of nowhere. It doesn't make sense. She has spent every moment Lance has flirted thinking of him in a romantic context & her response has always been UGH. She knows Lance by now, his good/bad, real personality from s1ep1 & she is NOT interested. Every single a/l meta I've read says Lance likes her,he was jealous, he wants her, Lance, Lance, what about Allura remember her? If the reasoning for her suddenly liking him is: just cause! then she's miles behind Hunk & Pidge who haven't shown
3~ any dislike of him in romantic context & have liked him for ages & Hunk is his best friend he has much better chances. & she is leagues behind K. ,his "rival shows more interest in him than his love interest in romantic context: holding hands, lookin @ each other intimately, upset t Lance denied him cradling in his arms, forgot himself in battle as he was gawking @ him, jealous, fond looks etc. he is the 1 with the intertwined arc w him & deep moments. Lance in private shows he likes him 2
Yeah this is honestly what I was thinking too. Allura could still develop feelings for Lance, but based on what? She’s never rlly showed that much romantic interest in him, so if she suddenly started liking him would it be bcuz he’s maturing? But either way like you said, she’s seen his good/bad sides, she’s seen the flirtatious Lance and the mature Lance, but she still doesn’t rlly seem to be romantically interested. Rather than this dude’s “rival” who’s been showing clear romantic interest since s1 and Lance is starting to show subtle interest in him too. We’re kinda just immediately susceptible to believe that this m/f will be canon just cuz the guy is showing obvious feelings for the girl, but then there’s the m/m pairing that so many ppl doubt even tho one of the guys is literally showing blatant interest in the other, it makes 0 sense
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mosspapi · 3 months
Whyyyyyy is my doctors office trying to get me to do my mental health assessment intake form thru an AI program. I don't fucking want this. What the fuck.
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mosspapi · 5 months
Hhhhh I really don't wanna b laying in bed all day again but I fear that's what I'm gonna b doing
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