#I'm too unstable and small for my true potential right now
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maybenoots · 8 years ago
When you’ve been ignoring your spirituality for as long as possible but The Forces That Be are constantly trying to get in contact with your ignorant ass and they finally just send a guy to call you out 
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2lim3rz · 2 years ago
Hi! I’m the anon who wrote the ask about remembrancer!reader and I’d like to say that while the original idea was that the chaos gods just saw you as easily corruptible due to being around Lorgar’s legion. I’m now imagining that the chaos gods took a look at Erebus “I’m so in need of acceptance and attention that I killed and stole the identity of a child when I was 10-12 years old and haven’t stopped since” WordBearer and thought “hey maybe he needs to chill?” And set him up with the local unrealised potential psyker that they were already trying to convert (you)
Also him feeling/sensing your dreams? Now what about him growing to sense all your strong emotions? Cause for him it’s:
Pros: understanding you better, having more shared experiences due to feeling what you’re feeling
Cons: after a while he cant be alone because your emotions are a part of him now and without them he feels like a piece of him is missing.
And you know when you said how the reader would try to leave once he showed his true colours to them? Imagine if he felt how scared you were, how strongly you resented him for it? He wouldn’t let you leave, he’s smart and has a lot of plans on if you tried. But of course you wouldn’t try?? You wouldn’t just leave him? The fear and anger is just a temporary emotion and he’s sure that you’ll love him and stay with him so please tell him that’s the truth (he knows his gods can be cruel at times but they wouldn’t go and deprive him of you?). Please say you adore him for who he is and get all of this over and done with because he can’t be around you without crying (he thinks it’s because of your feelings. He’s 60% right)
In warhammer not only the reader suffers but also the love interest!!!
Hello Erebus anon! Everyone suffers in 40k, which is why I'm going to publish my half-done Daemonculaba fic. Yes it exists. You're all going to read it. I swear it's not as cursed as it sounds.
WARNINGS: Some descriptions that definitely lean to that this is abusive, gaslighting, Erebus is very unstable. Come to me for fluff later but still keep in mind that this is not a happy thing happening at all.
He felt it.. small mental touches at first. They were so easy to ignore (doing so many rituals and being in contact with the untouched tends to leave the mind.. open to many things) but.. they were different. Soft. Warm. Unintentional.
The same feelings he had with you. In fact, at first they only occurred when he touched you. The skin-crawling unease.. the shivers of happiness.. The jolts of pleasure that you ran through his veins.
Then it grew to the same room, and while the distance was still.. admittedly too small for his liking still, he could feel it.
Yet that night.. that wretched night.. He was called many things behind his back, after all. A spoiled brat was certainly one of those.
"No." it was the only other noise in the room aside from the shuffling of hurried packing and your choked sniffling. For a moment your hands would freeze. When did the door open? How did.. you changed the password..
Turning around, you looked up into that deceptively handsome fade and pressed your back against the desk. You felt your heart bolting in your chest, everything was.. heavier and stronger around him.
"Ereb..Ere..Erebus I'm not discussing this with you." you choked out, turning back around, shoving whatever article of clothing was in your hands next. You didn't even have the heart to demand your things from him. The next shuttle was in your claim and you didn't care of they left you on the next planet.. not that they would. The Word Bearers were so good about ensuring the planet could still function after they conquered it.
"You're not leaving." his voice was.. so hushed. You froze in your fear, the only sound now being a quiet hiss from the First Chaplain behind you. Were your hands always trembling?
"..I..I am.." you whimpered. Ignoring the heavy step behind you and the door closing. This was it. This was how you were going to die. Murdered by one you felt so close with.. You should had paid attention sooner- Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath and gritted your teeth. You were standing your ground this time. No more being pushed or told little lies that meant nothing!
"I'm.. Tired of this. Tired of doubting if anything about you is true. I don't.. I don't even know if the Erebus I'm talking to is the front or the real one. If- If there was even a real one!" in the middle of your speech you closed the suitcase and lifted it. Turning around and moving to walk around the Astartes covering up the bulk of your room.
Only to drop it with a shriek. His hands moved so fast, grabbing your arms in a grip so tight it was painful. Looking upwards to those foreboding eyes of his. Expecting the anger. The ferociousness.. not.. Erebus's eyes were wide. You felt a shaking in his hands that stopped. He just.. stared at you. Neither moving.
"Let.. let go.. M-my shuttle's going to-" "No one is leaving." he whispered, his left hand sliding down your right and gripping your suitcase. Yanking it from your grip as you cried out. Why did he flinch? You doubted he cared at all-
"Stop looking at me like a monster!" he abruptly snarled, letting go of you. You stepped back and fell to the ground; scrambling back and pressing yourself against the nearest wall. "Don't.. don't worry, I'll have all of this fixed." just as quickly his voice was quiet, gentle.. Manic?
A soft chuckle bubbled from his lips as he knelt before you, taking your shivering hands even if you tried fruitlessly to pull them away. "Erebus-" "Don't worry, my little dewdrop," you winced at one of the pet names he used on you, the deserts of Colchis never left him. Even now. Even as he lowered him self so that his.. eyes stared into yours.
Wide with.. a mixture of emotions that made him look wild. Insane even. Eager, angry.. fearful. Why.. why was he scared? "I'm with you. Nothing is how you think it is-" "But-" "Shh.. shh, look, it's a misunderstanding. I'm going to fix this for you. Don't.. worry about hiding from the others, they know your mine."
A sob choked out from your lips as you half heartedly tried to pull away. The blurs of tears made it hard to see how Erebus's own eyes were misting over.
"Stop. STOP THAT!" he bellowed "You're not supposed to cry! Stop looking at me as if I did something wrong!"
His voice was so angry, wrathful even. Yet he still kept it measured, as if worried he'd hurt your ears.
"I can-can-can't!" you hiccupped out the words and thrashed your arms. Kicking out with your legs to try and force him to let go even though logic screamed at you so angrily at your foolishness.
"I'm not a monster!" why was he so insistent on that?! You just wanted to leave! Just wanted to go to your home! To leave Erebus and the Word Bearers behind! Forget gathering historical evidence for the analogs of Imperial history. Forget it all!
"You're not leaving me!" he roared into your face, letting go for bare seconds before you were wrapped in his large arms. Shoving you into a crushing hug as he trembled around you.
"Ere-bus.. Ereb-bus you're hurting- You're hurting me-" you wailed. Even though your own hands were tangling themselves into the robes he wore. "You're hurting.. m-me-"
Erebus said nothing, yet you felt the way his hearts were booming drums in his chest and his heavy breathing.
"You are not.. leaving. Please.. please tell me you love me." only your own silence broken by choked sobs answered him. "Tell me. Please." his voice was stern now, you swore his painful grip tighter..
"I.. I.. l-love..you.." you whimpered out. Knowing you sounded too similar to a kicked dog.
"I love you, too." he whispered into your ear. You knew his relief was all too real.
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talesofsonicasura · 4 years ago
Fallen Royalty
*warning: contains vivid curses and slight gore*
Trust is a very fragile thing. It can easily be shattered by misdirection, lies but the most devastating were secrets. And something very important is kept from someone by those they consider family, it can make a soul fall unto a very different path.
The Snatcher, a legendary and powerful spirit who ruled the Fallen Kingdom known as Subcon. He used to be a human prince married to a princess of a different kingdom named Vanessa. Before the prince and Vanessa lived happily ruling their kingdom but this wasn't a happy story. A misunderstanding had brought out a dark side within the princess. Her love unknown to the prince was actually toxic.
Anything that stood in her way of the prince had met brutal ends. Not even the young man himself wasn't safe. He purchased flowers for his sweetheart only to be accused of cheating by the insane princess now Queen. She locked the prince in the dungeon and unleashed dark magic all over Subcon freezing the land solid. The residents were cursed to live as spirits and the dark magic gave birth to the Snatcher from what was left of Subcon's prince.
Snatcher reigned over his fallen domain that became consumed by the forest around it. His magic kept Vanessa's frost contained in her castle and locked the witch away. Through his magic, the cursed citizens were given new bodies in the form of wooden puppets Snatcher crafted. Subcon Forest was created and its denizens lived in peaceful solitude. Then came the Demon King Satan.
Subcon brewed with so much magic that powerful demons sought it out. Demons dwelled in Gehenna and could only reach Assiah, the realm of man, through possessing an item there. However Subcon Forest's powerful magic could grant demons easy access to Assiah by harvesting its mystical energy. Something Satan wanted and wished to discuss with Snatcher himself. The discussion didn't turn out good for Satan.
The powerful specter had immediately been ready to refuse the Demon King access to Subcon's magic. Even though Snatcher hated outsiders, he understood the balance between their worlds and saw Satan as a threat! Being devious, Snatcher had the Demon King signed a contract. Before realizing what it read, Satan had already signed the paper. The demon began screaming in pain unaware of his own folly.
Snatcher could create powerful magical contracts that become true once signed. He had tricked Satan into hurting himself and his schemes greatly. The first was Satan could never possess any nonhuman for his power will burn it to ashes and humans will die from his possession. Second was the Demon Lord couldn't touch or set foot in Subcon for eternity and neither could his servants. And finally, a chunk of Satan's power became Snatcher's own along with a particular possession the Demon King would acquire in the future.
Satan cursed Snatcher before being banished back to Gehenna while the King of Subcon laughed. Though the spirit knew it wouldn't be the last time he'll see the demon or his schemes. The ghost didn't know what this key possession the Demon King would seek but he had enough time to prepare so he could eliminate it. However, he didn't suspect this.
A small boy ran through the busy crowd of Kyoto, Japan. He had dark blue hair and the brightest blue eyes leaking tears down his cheeks staining his white shirt and black shorts. His name was Rin Okumura and today wasn't a good day. The boy knew he was always different from everyone else. He was much stronger than what a 7 year old should be also he was more aggressive and easy to lash out at those who anger him.
People from kids to adults would look at him like a monster and call him a demon. He thought he could trust his foster father Shiro Fujimoto and his twin brother Yukio but clearly it was a lie. Rin had come back home a bit earlier than he usually did to see his Father and brother talking. What he heard broke his heart. Demons were real, Fujimoto and Yukio were exorcists that killed demons and Rin…was the bastard son of the Demon King Satan.
Rin had Satan's flames and they were sealed in a sword along with half of his soul, his demon half. Yukio being trained to kill demons by Shiro himself. His mother killed by exorcists the day they were born. A whole basket of lies and secrets hidden under his nose. It didn't take long for Rin to slip out of the monastery that served as home his whole life and run away. The boy didn't care where he was going but he had to get away.
Tears blinded his sight and sorrow messing with his rationality, Rin ran into the woods specifically a section banned from the public. A part of the forest where people disappeared and never came back, the Snatching Woods. After a few minutes of nonstop running, Rin sat on the ground and cried. He didn't notice how the forest around him had transformed into something otherworldly.
Glowing mushrooms of yellow, pink and red shining in a garden around him, a large picket fence with spikes lit in flame, a large marsh like pool surrounded by pumpkins, wisps of blue, green and orange floated about and finally the large tower shaped mushroom house that the boy currently sat on the front doorstep. Something large and dark purple began to slither through the home, no doubt searching for the crying source.
The dark purple thing was a large ghost. He had a noodle like body with thin arms each carrying two large claws, a mane of fluffy fur around his head, bright yellow childish looking eyes and a jack o' lantern smile with two small fangs. The towering ghost looked at the small crying child in utter confusion. "Hey kiddo? How the peck did you get all the way here?" The ghost questioned with his raspy and light static echoing voice.
Rin looked up from crying to see the ghost hovering above his head. "I don't know and I don't care! Rather die lost in a forest than live a lie." Rin cried. That clearly got the ghost's unwanted attention. "Why the peck do you want to die because of a lie? What kind of lie would get a kid this depressed?" The ghost asked as Rin looked back at the spirit. He definitely had to know the kid's story.
"I lived in a monastery with my twin brother since I could remember. I never knew that Father Fujimoto and my brother were keeping secrets from me. I walked in to hear their conversation about me. Demons are real and evil. Father Fujimoto teaching my brother to be an exorcist and...I'm the bastard son of Satan! My mother was killed because of it and I learned half of my soul was stripped out then sealed away." Silence carried through the woods once Rin spoke that last sentence.
The ghost figured Satan would find a new way into Assiah but...this was going too far even for him. And he was Snatcher, a spirit that ate unlucky souls and toss their husks away like a banana peel! However, he would never use his own child, even though he didn't have one, for a sick game like this. A particular girl and a purple hat flashed through his mind. He was going to regret this but he didn't care. No way in hell was this kid going to suffer from his bastard old man.
"Then to hell with them!" Snatcher exclaimed grabbing the boy's attention. "Kid, I ain't a good person but even I know common sense. Just because you are the son of an idiotic peckneck demon doesn't make you him! The fact that your own foster father not only kept important information like this from you but now your brother is wrapped around his finger. Not all demons are evil. Some of us are mischievous or just want to be left alone." The ghost began.
"You have the right to know your origin and your own mother. Plus, that peckneck doesn't know the damage he has done sealing half your soul away! Your power even though suppressed is unstable without your demon half. It messes with your mind making you aggressive as it fights to the surface. You are a walking infernal bomb capable of wiping out half the continent and yourself by reaching a major mental meltdown! You are a person, a child for pecking sake! YOU ARE NOT SATAN!!!" Snatcher exclaimed voice roaring with irritation at the cause of the boy's misery.
Rin stood shellshocked at what he witnessed. Other than Father Fujimoto and his brother, no one ever helped or cared about him. To see a ghost he just met get so angry at his mistreatment made the pain in his heart fade. "Thank you." Rin said as Snatcher looked at the boy. "Boy, what's your name?" Snatcher asked as Rin wiped his tears. "Rin Okumura." The boy replied. "Rin Okumura? You can call me Snatcher, boy. How would you like to stay with me in Subcon Forest?" Snatcher asked as Rin had a look of surprise.
"You aren't safe staying with an exorcist who sees you only as the Son of Satan and potential threat but also filling your brother's head with half baked truths. That kind of person can turn your own sibling into your potential murderer even as an unwanted consequence. I can teach you how to forge your own path and control the power within you. You see, I met your blood father and suckered him into giving up part of his power and any potential of escaping Gehenna." Snatcher explained conjuring a ball of blue flame in his hand.
"Pretty." Rin said looking at the glowing blue flame. "This pretty flame can also be used to craft some powerful spells as well. Along with fixing your unstable power, I'll be teaching you magic and the ways of Subcon. This place will be your safe haven and no secrets will be kept from you here. A clone crafted from my magic will take your place so no one will suspect a thing. What do you say kiddo? Want to live with me in Subcon Forest?" Snatcher asked offering the boy his hand.
Rin looked at the hand and remembered all the years living with Father Fujimoto and his twin brother. What glittered gold slowly rotted away to faded gold paint old wood. The boy reached his hand towards Snatcher's and took it. The deal was struck as blue light surged throughout Subcon forest. Many unaware of the single act that sent ripples throughout the world and it's future. 9 years later…
A 16 year old Rin Okumura was being attacked in the home of True Cross Monastery. A powerful demon hunting him had attacked the boy out in public forcing to realize he wasn't normal or human. Father Fujimoto had taken him back to the momastery fending off hordes of undead demons coming after them. However, one demon possessing a teenager had crashed a truck into the monastery giving it and other demons easy access to the sanctuary.
Rotten dogs, growing demonic fungi and any other unholy creature bridled with maggots, rot and decayed flesh were creeping towards the young man, head priest and his follow exorcists. Father Fujimoto faced Rin who wielded a blue scabbard sword in hand. Running a hand through his short gray hair and dark eyes was prepared to shove Rin into the hidden basement for safety only for the boy to push him down.
"Rin! What's the meaning of this?! You have to run!" The man shouted only to be confused when the boy began chuckling. "Why should I listen to the words of a liar? I'll handle these pecknecks myself." Rin spoke earning confusion from Fujimoto and the monastery men. "Pecknecks? What kind of insult is that?!" The possessed boy laughed only to jump back as a burst of blue flames erupted from under him.
"If I knew you guys were going to attack me earlier than I would have put on my best clothes already! Oh well! A quick costume change won't hurt. Ain Soph Aur!" Rin said before snapping his fingers. He ignited into blue flames to the group's horror and absolute confusion before it died down. The young man was completely changed from head to toe. His suit was replaced with a dark violet long coat with azure flame, a dark blue tunic bearing a peculiar symbol that looked like a spirit surrounding a burning tree, black tights often seem worn by royalty, fancy black Italian shoes, white gloves and a violet top hat with a yellow ribbon.
His ears were pointed as he had small vampirish like fangs and hints of yellow in his blue eyes. He was also much taller having 5 inches more than Fujimoto's 6'5 height. In his hand was a long dark blue umbrella with dark violet flame like flares on the fabric and a yellow handle. The air Rin now carried was of royal but very ominous and eerie compared to his cheerful street punk one. "Rin?" Fujimoto questioned.
He was caught off guard by Rin's sudden change but the boy merely ignored. "I'm giving you demons a chance to leave with your souls intact. I can't guarantee you'll even survive the trip to Gehenna if I slay you instead of the exorcists." Rin said with a wicked glint in his eyes despite his jovial smile. "You think we are afraid of your clothes change and a dumb umbrella? Sorry brat but you're going back to Gehenna to your father Satan!" The possessed boy laughed only to suddenly flinch.
The air was flooding with instant killing intent that leaked from Rin as he looked at the demons with a disturbing malice filled smile. "I gave you a chance but you spat on it. Prepare to die because your contract has just expired!" The young man laughed as his voice sounded distorted saying the last few words. Rin suddenly vanished from sight only for a group of demonic fungus to explode in blue flames!
Rin burst out from the burning blue mass almost as if he teleported from underneath them. He faced his umbrella at the demons he hovered above as blue flame spheres manifested at the tip before firing them like a gun. Multiple ghoulish corpses and vile living fungus ignited which crashing sphere burning in pure anguish. The horrifying part to the child possessing demon was the flames were actually destroying the demons instead of sending them back to Gehenna!
Demons possessing objects or people couldn't die in Assiah since their real bodies existed in Gehenna but Rin's fire was burning both through their souls! The chilling part was Rin was singing with the carnage. "Run along this forest trail. Now you'll find you'll failed. Never gonna reach that goal, now give me your soul! Some advice, don't think twice! Should have known I wasn't nice! Off with your head! Tata, your dead!" The boy sang as he continued his carnage. However the next few lines was when the demon truly realized that initiated a fight with someone that Satan himself couldn't win against.
"Got no more use for you! When you sign that dotted line you should've thought it through! Your subconscious holding on clinging to your fear. Every haunt just moved along but now the SNATCHER'S HERE!!!" The demon's face along with Fujimoto's grew dramatically pale. "You?!! You know the Snatcher?!" The demon questioned shivering in terror within his host's body. Rin merely laughed at the demon's frightened words.
"Know him? More than just that little peckneck! He's my true father! Not your dumbass king or this lying priest bastard that kept so many secrets from me! He treated me like his own son and taught me all I know. He was honest with me and actually gave a crap about me for being myself, Rin Okumura, not Satan's bastard son!" Rin roared as Fujimoto looked a bit hurt. "And don't think Satan will pop up here either. My father's magic will immediately expel him upon possession. It was listed in the contract the Demon King was tricked into signing." That had gotten the demon to literally piss itself in its host body.
"Enough talk! Time for the finish!" The young man shouted as he began waving his umbrella and danced as if he was on Broadway. "And the weird and the wild should have left you all beguiled. That is that, you little bastard child. Rid my jobs that took time and bask! Now it's time to take you to task!" A ring of blue flames surrounded the remaining demons preventing any chance of escape.
"As the ink is slowly drying, it's time you get dying! Your contract has expired, sleep now in the fire! You gonna meet your match! Your soul belongs to Snatcher! Now let's sing higher!" The flaming ring grew smaller as the flames burned brighter and more intense. It was so bright that Rin's face was shadowed revealing a terrifying jack o' lantern eyes and mouth smiling at the torture.
Every demon and their host burned away until their screams became silent and bodies turn to ash. The young man snapped his fingers as the blazing blue flames extinguish themselves before Rin glared down at Father Fujimoto. "Rin…" Fujimoto spoke only for Rin to interrupt him. "Don't say a word. I learned about the truth coming home 9 years ago. I watched you through a clone crafted by my father's magic and gave you multiple chances to tell the truth." The boy started.
"Did you know that sealing my soul's demon half made my power so unstable that I was a walking timebomb? Not only did you kept secrets and lie to me but you put everyone in danger. You didn't see as a child or son but a potential threat because of my damned sperm donor. If you did, you would have told me and trained me to be an exorcist than just Yukio. I wanted to die that day but Snatcher saved me from potentially killing myself." Fujimoto flinched and looked truly hurt once realizing what he had done.
"I won't kill you or get revenge for keeping secrets because you spared my life instead of killing me or my brother on the spot when we were babies. However, you, Yukio and everyone in this room are no longer my family. A true family would see me for me, not some bastard son of Satan or a potential threat. And if you go after me, I won't protect you from the full might of the Subcon Kingdom! You have been warned." Rin explained as he took the sword that contained his power before stuffing it in his hat like a magician.
"Rin! Please don't go! I'm sorry! It was for your own good!" Fujimoto cried out but Rin merely ignored him. "Goodbye Shiro Fujimoto." And with those last words, Rin Okumura disappeared in a flash of blue fire. Shiro Fujimoto fell to the floor and weeped. Secrets were a dangerous thing and he didn't listen to his friend's warning. The price he paid was his own son's trust now in the hands of the infamous Snatcher. Yukio came home to his weeping father and the approaching pike of mistrust that crucified his father's heart. It wasn't anyone's day at the True Cross Monastery.
And that's it! This was written last year so if the writing style looks different then that's why. Blue Exorcist was one of the first Mature mangas I ever bought, I got Volumes One to Three.
And honestly, I feel really bad for Rin. His brother tried to kill him, his foster father kept TONS of secrets, his friends immediately turned on him for his heritage despite him saving their asses and trying to regain their trust, or just being marked as a target for existing. I mean WTF?!
Poor boy needs better friends and a hug because I don't think Kuro or Ukobach(from the anime) could help for so long. This was also one of my early attempts into writing Snatcher before I got the game myself.
I did watch someone play it quite a few times but limited my experiences to the first three end chapter bosses and Snatcher's area being Subcon Forest. This was something I usually do before deciding to buy a game.
Snatcher honestly felt perfect for this especially taking the dad role. When you take his experiences in the ghost's past life to now, betrayal and mistrust are two big factors.
Even if Snatcher is an antagonist character, he does have some morals and personality than just the common soul eating specter with a grudge. This also takes place after the events in a Hat In Time.
And yes. Rin was singing 'Your Contract Has Expired' cover by Man On The Internet although the last bit was abridged on purpose. If this Rin had a theme, it would be the Phase Two Version theme of Your Contract Has Expired.
Anyways, until next time folks! Smell ya later.
This is an Phase Two Version of Man on the Internet's Your Contract Has Expired, done by Ben Newsome. Please read the description because they cited this song belongs to their original owner and not stole it. Poor guy doesn't need anymore accusations involving copyright.
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parachutingkitten · 5 years ago
So here's the sitch, Pixal has ice powers, she knows it, and the show has been dancing around it for seasons now, and I'm here to tell the writers how to make the reveal happen.
(Fair Warning, this is a long one)
So, for those of you who have somehow never heard this theory before, Zane gave Pixal half his heart, Zane's heart is heavily implied to be the source of his elemental power, hence Pixal should theoretically be able to use it. Let's go over the evidence, shall we?
Season 3 Zane splits his heart and his spinjitzu stops working. He gets it back later in the series, my guess is just over time his body gets used to the amount of power available to him. But this clearly shows the heart has some effect on his powers.
Season 8 they make a point of having Zane mention that "you have half of my heart" implying that though these two have been rebuilt, those two pieces are still a part of their hardware.
Season 11 Pixal is able to use the staff of forbidden spinjitzu. She doesn't get crazy hair, but her eyes do glow. As apposed to Kai (whose powers are stolen at this point) who gets no reaction from the staff. This implies some level of powers, right? Maybe dormant powers that have yet to reach their true potential? Thing is, the ninja must have known whoever sent them had to have powers of some kind (at least subconsciously) and Pixal must have volunteered to stay behind. So she must have known it was possible for her to use the staff.
Her whole arc the past few seasons has been about the ninja... kinda ignoring her. No one guesses or finds out early that she's Samurai X (like happened for Nya). She stays behind on missions all the time. The ninja don't notice when she builds a giant base in the house, and kinda take her for granted time after time, depending on her gadgets to get them out of tight situations, and then running off to have fun with them. Granted, most of this is played for laughs, but it wouldn't be too far fetched for Pixal to reach her true potential connected to this kinda tension. There are two ways this could go over the course of the season, but the end result is the same.
The Big Moment:
The ninja did something stupid and get captured, even though Pixal told them very deliberately to be careful cuz her suit is out of commission rn and she's not sure how soon it will be ready to go into action again. But, she's the ninja's last resort, she gets the distress signal, grumbles for a second, but decides to take her unstable mech out to save them. She finds them. They're in some giant cage in the middle of some evil lair or something. Idk. Anyway, she fights the villain. She has to abandon her suit at some point cuz it's malfunctioning. The team is all like "oh no, she'll never make it! Get out of here while you still can Pixal!" Pixal looks around at the room, and then back at the team, and then directly at Sensei Wu, and sighs. "I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this." Sensei Wu is all like "It's time." They all start freaking out cuz the robots on the team have a tendency for self sacrifice. No one wants that. But Pixal calmly approaches the villain, closes her eyes, she starts floating, epic true potential glowy eyes and BOOM! Ice blast destroys the villains and saves the day. The whole room is coated in ice. The Ninja are flipping out over what just happened. "WHAT?! PIXAL CAN USE ICE?! HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN YOU COULD DO THAT?!" Pixal just knowingly smiles. "Long enough."
There are two routes from here.
Option 1: that wasn't her true potential, she reached it long before then.
The next episode is a flashback to an episode earlier in the season where we only saw her at the beginning of the episode. It's the story of her reaching her true potential. It's an episode about her going back to her roots and clear out the baggage from her past that’s holing her back. Stuff with Borg and coming to terms with the fact that she’s pretty much the only droid from that original season 3 line that survived. True potential on top of Borg tower. That would be an awesome image. Just another true potential episode. Wu is the only one on the team who saw this/knows about it. Maybe they have some talk at the end of the episode about "do I even use this power?" And Sensei Wu is just like "You'll know when."
Cut back to the end of last episode, the ninja have a bunch of questions. Maybe you can have a funny montage of all the times she's used her ice powers to help the team without them noticing. This option is a quicker way to do it, and results in Pixal looking super epic and on top of everything. But, it has a true potential episode with none of the ninja present which is kinda abnormal.
Option 2: that WAS her true potential and there has been build up all through the season
Pixal is feeling especially disregarded one episode. It ends with her being kinda bitter towards the team, and as a closing stinger maybe she slams a door, and we zoom in, and right where her fingers were, there's frost on the edge.
Next episode, there's a scene of Pixal meditating. She has some Zane style visions of things to come in the season all relating to ice- but she gets interrupted by someone- again we see some trace of ice as she leaves the room.
Maybe you have a few more teases like this if you want.
Later, she approaches Wu. She's known since season 11 that she has potential for ice power. He's known too. They talk it out. She's felt the ice more prominently lately, but she doesn't know what to do about it. She hasn't reached her true potential yet or anything. She doesn't want to step on Zane's toes, she likes just being Samurai X, and she knows that the power isn't really hers. It was given to Zane for a reason. Wu is all like "yeah, but Zane then gave it to you for a reason." She doesn't have a responsibility to use it necessarily, but she shouldn't be afraid to use it if she needs to. Some other wholesome bonding stuff and what not.
There's a couple of glances between the two over the course of the season, finally culminating in the true potential scene with the ninja from earlier. This option is defiantly longer, but results in a more rounded character arc.
The important thing here is that in either scenario, Pixal rarely uses her ice powers after this. Especially in combat. It's like a last resort, season finale superpower sorta deal.
If you want a more concrete reason for this other than she’s just humble and doesn’t feel like using it, maybe Pixal's systems aren't equipped for ice powers, and it actually damages her whenever she uses them. She can be very up front about this and the team gets worried, or maybe she tries to hide it, but eventually it becomes too much for her. You could also use this as a way to get another droid self sacrifice scene, cuz we all know this show loves those.
Also notice, her true potential doesn't have to do with Zane in either of these scenarios. Her true potential should separate her from him to be her own independent character.
Of course, there is a third option of having a whole season dedicated to Pixal as a character and she reaches her true potential at the end. Bring back Cryptor, maybe. The main villains are the 15 older models of herself. Lots of wholesome Borg content. But that's very unlikely at this point.
Thanks for reading this far! On a very small side note... I don’t think I’ve ever seen any Pixal-as-an-ice-elemental-art. Just kinda strange considering this theory has been around since season 3.
Anyway, there's some good ideas in here. Pixal is an awesome character with awesome potential. Don't waste it writers.
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victim-on-main · 6 years ago
A yandere blog that also loves FE? I'm so happy! If you don't mind, could I request Kaden and Leo headcanons please? Loved your previous hc post!
Thank you, I’m so glad you liked them! I’ve been playing a lot of Fire Emblem the past few days, and it’s exactly as addicting as I remember. I haven’t even progressed the story in days because I’m just playing around with all the supports. Leo in particular is one of my favorites, so I had fun getting to write for him! Hope you enjoy these!
Kaden Headcanons:
Kaden loves beautiful things, and in his eyes you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
He loves to spoil you- he’ll do anything for you, anything you want! And he’s very generous with gift giving- if you even casually mention liking something, it’s yours. If you try to gracefully turn it down and give it back to him, it’ll just turn up in your room the next morning.
And Kaden will pretend, poorly, that he knows nothing about it.
He especially loves buying you nice clothes and accessories, dressing you up to highlight your beauty. He picks out clothes for you all the time- you’ll have a whole new wardrobe in no time.
Definitely one of the most nonviolent yanderes. He’d have to be pushed really, really hard before he would snap. If he were ever jealous of any potential rivals, he’d most likely just try to guilt you about it to get you to stop talking to them. Lots of puppy dog eyes, did I do something wrong, I never meant to, am I not good enough?
He’s not even intentionally manipulative, necessarily- he’d never want to take advantage of you or hurt you! He’s just hurt that you would feel the need to be with someone other than him.
He’s very physically affectionate and clingy- the kind of partner that wants to be touching is S/O at all times. Hopefully you like cuddling, because he thrives off of it.
Light kisses on the cheek, butterfly kisses, an arm wrapped around your shoulder, or possessively around your waist- anything, as long as he’s close to you.
He gets jealous when you hide anything from him, however small- he wants to know everything about you. You’re together, so why would you want to keep anything from him?
He also loves it when you wear his clothes, or vice versa. It’s like a way of showing the whole world that you belong to each other! He goes out of his way to purposely leave his clothes lying around in your room or hanging in your closet, and you’ve lost clothes multiple times only to find him wearing them a few days later.
He would never force you into anything, of course. He loves you too much for that.
He’s always around, no matter where you are. He knows you’ll be together forever.
Leo Headcanons:
Leo is by far one of the most manipulative yanderes. He’s more than willing to lie to you or take advantage of your weaknesses if it gets you to stay with him, or even just to do what he wants you to do.
He doesn’t feel bad about it, either- it’s only natural, he knows what’s best for you far better than you do, so really, you should just let him handle everything- do what he says, and he’ll make all of your important decisions for you.
In a similar vein, don’t expect much praise from him- while it’s true that he’ll likely be attracted to a S/O for their skill or intelligence, he won’t often tell them that. He’s much more likely to push you to keep improving your talents than to compliment you on what you’re doing right.
Besides, if his S/O has too much confidence in themselves, they might get silly ideas about not needing him as much, and we don’t want that, now, right?
Unlike some other yanderes, he’d view eliminating rivals only as a last resort. After all, it would be politically disadvantageous for the third in line to the Nohrian throne to be caught- getting rid of Nohrian citizens. He’s more likely to use more subtle tactics. Why risk killing someone when he could just convince them to leave you alone? With a few choice lies, they might not ever want to see you again. Would they still care for you if they thought you were the manipulative one? If they thought you were violent, or unstable? If all else fails, bribery is always an option- he’s a prince, he has more than enough assets at his fingertips. He wouldn’t normally throw resources away on such things, but for you, he’s willing to make sacrifices.
Or he could just forget them entirely, as he would prefer to do, and instead convince you to stop seeing them. Do you really think that they actually care for you? I’m not so certain. I’ve heard them talking about you when you’re not around, and I could never imagine someone saying such unkind things about a friend.
He’ll buy you anything you want, but he’s also willing to use it against you if he has to. He’s done so much for you, don’t you owe him?
He wants you to be happy, of course, but that’s not the priority. The priority is keeping you with him- your happiness is second to that.
He loves you so much it hurts- you’re all he can think about. If he lost you, he couldn’t take it.
Whether you’re happy or sad, willingly wed to him or locked in a room in the castle futilely planning another escape attempt, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you stay with him. Forever. 
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