#I'm too dumb I definitely would've posted stuff to the wrong place by now
cookinguptales · 4 months
FUCK lmao
one day I'll get better at having a sideblog but not today
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sludgewolf · 2 years
omg could I request Aradiabot x Troll-Reader hcs?
Reader is a mutant-goldblood(blood color is a bright orange-yellow) Reader can also be genderneutral
- 🧪
So so sorry for taking so long 🧪anon, but here's your hcs, if I intrpreted somthing wrong you can send another ask detailing what you want
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Aradiabot x Mutant-goldblood!Reader
As a mutant you preferred to keep to yourself, always keeping other trolls a safe distance away
neve really having that many friends and the ones you had you were cautious no to let them get too close
even the one that you didn't like to keep secrets from
Looking back now Aradia probably knew you were a mutant, or at least that you were different
now as Aradiabt she definitely knew, not that you needed to hide anymore
and that took a massive weight off your chest, you hated hiding things from her and finally telling her was a relie
even if the way she found out was less than pleasant
You were sloppy, dumb, naive, hopefull even, with the game a new start, a chance for a new home, a new future where you wouldn't need to fear being culled for just existing, you had so many expectations for this
but you didn't expect that a final boss level threat would've needed someting on your planet, much less that that thing would cross your path
you were bleeding, like, a lot
it's surprising that you weren't dead already, but that wouldn't matter anyways
you slowly dragged your trut pods alon an endless corridor, leaving a thick trail behind you
everything felt heavy, slow, cold
then everything turned black
You woke up in a strange place, a place way too bright for your tired eyes, you squinted and looked around
it looked like your resprite block but not quite, not to mention that it looked like someone spilled those toxic neon faygo flavours all over your stuff and stained it all that stupid nauseating colour
then you remembered, you were dying
quickly you jumped from your coon and looked for your wounds, but no bright orangish yellow stained your fronds, and you felt fine, no pain, your wounds gone, and being in a strange yet familiar place
you were dead! It had to be it, there's no other explanation, you died and you-
"there y0u are" your thoughts were interrupted by a robotic Aradia
ok.. maybe not dead but hallucinating? you think out loud
"y0u're n0t dead" she says matter of factly "n0r anywhere cl0se t0 it. this is y0ur dreaming m00n and that's y0ur dreaming b0dy, it is kind 0f an extra life. th0ugh it's better t0 try n0t t0 bleed 0ut again."
you panic, she saw your body, she knows you're a mutant, it -why- Why would she still be talking to you??
Aradiabot helps you sit down and grabs your attention, "i d0n't give a shit ab0ut the hem0spectrum, t0 me it has always been t0tal bullshit, s0 d0n't w0rry ab0ut it"
"and besides, y0u didn't care that i'm n0w a r0b0t, s0 why sh0uld i care ab0ut s0mething as dumb as y0ur bl00d c0l0r?"
oh, right
you were so caught up in the panic of dying and being discovered that you didn't even stop to think about her new look
you ask her if she's ok with it, to which she says she doesn't care much,
you then look her in the eyes and sas that if she's still her then why would you care
"and y0u're y0u, why w0uld i care ab0ut y0ur bl00d c0l0r?"
damnit, defeated by your own argument, you awkwardly laugh at the irony and asks her for a hug since you needed one, to which she complies
After that you finally allowed yourself to let people in and that made you and Aradiabot inseparable
completing missions and traversing the medium side by side
You helped her safely get rid of Equius' creepy love program he installed on her, which she gladly threw back at him
on his head, with force
It also wasn't all that uncommon for you to prank each other
you using your psionics to mess with her mechanical parts,
while she would retaliate going back or foward in time to set traps for you
But her time powers weren't all just for battles or to mess with you
she would sometimes jump back to before Alternia was destroyed to find you presents or snacks that you missed from your homeworld
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