#I'm tired of people thinking that they can adapt books to film without seriously considering the medium. TIRED OF IT!
vividgoth · 3 months
He thought Interview with the Vampire was going to be a faithful adaptation of the book! He mad!!!
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brucee-waynee · 7 years
alright, so i'm really tired when people say that Bale!Batman is better than Batfleck when he's actually doing a better portrayal of Bruce Wayne??? do you think so? and could you maybe give some reason to shut down these fools people? lol
I know the feeling entirely and since I agree with the statement and you asked. Here’s why Batfleck is better than Nolanverse Batman:
The idea of Batman/Bruce Wayne has become one with pop culture since before I was born. I enjoyed Batman films when i was young and even the not-so-good film Batman & Robin. It wasn’t until i was older that i realized there was so much more to Batman that people don’t necessarily see when they see the character since the whole pop culture thing. 
The reason why Batfleck is better for me and many others when were talking about a comic adaption Batman its because of his raw emotion, his brooding hurt self. Batfleck suffers from PTSD at the loss of his parents. He shows and conveys that pain in so many ways throughout Batman v Superman. Batfleck emodies Bruce Wayne from the comics unlike every other Batman before him in a way that is not just some rich white man with a deep voice in a batman suit, He’s essentially like Logan from X-Men, constantly losing his loved ones but also his parents death is apart of him. The sheer difference between Nolanverse Batman and Batfleck is that Batfleck conveys so much emotion surrounding their death and is quite human where his rage is fueled from things he cannot control. If you just want a short and sweet way to argue that Batfleck is best, here’s a decent article. This will mostly be about uplifting Batfleck as the best batman rather than pitting it against Nolanverse!Batman. 
Disclaimer: To start I just want to state that i find great distaste in Nolanverse Batman but i do think the films are entertaining and good on their own accord. As Batman adaptions, they’re so off point from the comics. I will also state that although i’m a huge Batman fan, i am not at all read on every Batman comic. I would not consider myself the most knowledgeable Batman fan. That being said, i think my opinions as well as others who have shared the same opinion are quite valid.
The DCEU thus far have been comic adaptions, maybe not to the T but to the extent that scenes have looked like panels from comics. The DCEU is also in its early stages and when people compare the MCU it makes no sense considering the MCU was started before it. Not to mention, reviewers have related the DCEU to the MCU to put shame to the DCEU. The point of why i started with this is because the DCEU as of now is questionable and has got a lot of bad reviews for its films either than Wonder Woman. 
I’m going to skip to Batfleck where we first seen him in Batman v Superman and then talk about Justice League. As i’m doing that i will bring in examples from the Nolanverse trilogy that missed the mark.  
Batfleck was meant to be a serious toned Batman and because of Zack Synder’s vision it was pulled off really well. You can read more here from this article I thought fit well. Because of this seriousness, people have either loved or were questionable about him. I think the for me, and others, the serious tone really played off the part well. Batfleck was not meant to be all smiles or cracking jokes every few seconds. No, he was in pain (mental pain to be exact) and that pain is central to his character.
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From the death of his parents, we see this pain from the beginning. I could go into talking about Synder’s visuals which were highly deceptive of the comics but i’ll stick to Batfleck.
We have many moments where we can visualize Bruce’s feelings and how they have a connection the death of his parents. His PTSD is tied to him.
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The destruction of Gotham
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Visiting parent’s cemetery 
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Batman: Dark Victory parallel
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Batman: Year One parallel
Back to the theme of Batfleck and parent’s death
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In the moments between the big action scenes we see the pain he witholds from his eyes to to his facial expression.
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Even in his speech, its clear that there is pain in him and he takes that pain and pushes onto Supes. That pain is not only a result of his parents dying but Jason Todd’s death
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This could be suggestive of Jason and/or others who went from hero to villain or something else entirely. Either way there is a malingering grey area about Bruce that is not just good vs. evil, black vs. white, bat vs. supes. There’s more to him and as he fights with Supes, this is shown more. 
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He has a moment of disbelief with the idea that Supes (Clark Kent) has a mother and shares the same name as his. He’s thinking of his mother in this moment and instead of killing Supes, he gets back in touch with his humanity, something that Martha Wayne would have made him realize if she were alive.
“Men are still good”
There’s so many comics hint or explore Bruce’s pain. Those ones are my favorite. Batman: Ego (2000) is my favorite Batman comic book because it explores it so well. And i see Ego!Batman when i see Batfleck. I could parallel a bunch of comic panels to everything on here but i think Batfleck even on his own is superior.
Hell i don’t even dig Batman: the animated series but look:
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Tell me that Batman’s pain and seriousness ain’t part of his character even in a mostly children’s series.
also if you want more lookalike, tell me Batfleck doesn’t look like comic!bruce
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Batfleck and fighting especially that one scene™ 
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Straight out of a comic book
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even when fighting Supes
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which are said to be similar fighting style to the critically acclaimed video game Arkham Knight [check the gifs of it here & here since tumblr can only have max of 3mb gif size]
Speaking of video game
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This shot in particular says not only video game but Comic Book panel
Justice League trailer coming in hard with the visuals ACTUALLY looks like Batman:
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Bruce Wayne™ is merely a persona 
The whole idea of rich white Bruce Wayne is suppose to be a persona. And in fact Batman tries to fight poverty no matter if its Batfleck or Nolvanverse. The thing that Nolanverse gets the most wrong is that Bruce Wayne is a shield from his mental health. Its also not to spend too much time as him because that’s not really him. I think another thing that kind of took away from this in terms of Nolanverse is that it didn’t feel that believable even when they tried to split pained!bruce with persona!bruce and i think its cause of how they conveyed persona!bruce as an all powerful being. i also get corporate vibes from bale!bruce so there’s that lmao.
I think the whole sarcastic thing batfleck had with clark outbeats anything we were given from nolanverse when it comes to bruce showing his true side while showing his persona!side. He was confident but had something about him that wasn’t over-the-top where he could be cocky like Nolanverse!Batman
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There’s so much i could say in terms of Batfleck’s strategy and detective work.
There two things are central to Batman as a hero. He does not just go into any given situation without a plan. He is also more than his gadgets. And as much as i love this line:
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and this line:
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Batman as a hero is quite great cause he’s human but does things that make him superhuman and it goes without saying his big heart.
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He came prepared against Doomsday
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Also against Supes
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Batplane helping Martha Kent and against Doomsday
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Detective work with the mafia and “white Portuguese” in Gotham City, which he investigates Lex Luthor as he believes he is the key. He was going to go there as Batman but was invited as perona!Bruce Wayne. This was much better writing in utilizing the persona rather than Nolanverse
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Investigating the soon to be Justice League
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Showing not only his investigative work but his big heart. He also knows what it feels like to lose people he loves. 
All in all, Batfleck is the best batman to ever Batman. This is merely based on one film and part of a trailer. We are yet to have a standalone Batfleck film and The Batman dir. Matt Reeves is guaranteed to be a phenomenal film. ‘Reeves has hinted at a possible trilogy of the The Batman film as well as rumors around Jason Todd’s resurrection. He has also expressed interest in telling a noir-driven, detective story that shows the audience what’s going on in Bruce’s head and heart. Its planned to be an emotional story.’
The main features i highlighted in this messy meta are Batfleck & pain, fighting, strategist, detective, big heart, true to himself and not persona!bruce, looking like comic bruce, animated bruce, video game bruce, visually like bruce, etc. and we don’t even have much were going off here. In compared to the Nolanverse!batman, Batfleck has all the balls in his court, considering we’ve only got a taste of him unlike the trilogy from Nolanverse. I realize i didn’t cap and look over Nolanverse but my point was not to tare down Nolanverse for Batfleck but more to highlight that Bafleck is the best batman and there’s no way something that is more popular culture entertainment could out beat him. That’s a rap. Hope you enjoyed and @ me if you have any other questions. I mostly simplified this only cause its more accessible to all and cause i’m tired.  
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