#I'm though curious if Horikoshi has something planned for Denki but until so I'll be dropping him a bit
indygotcha · 7 years
Wondering a ton about Denki Kaminari
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Now and then I find it bit humorous that Kaminari gets quite, if not most swimmingly along, with Mineta, already cemented as most hated character in the series due his pervertic tendences, some which Denki was also shown to have back in Sports Festival Arc due the Cheerleaders-stunt he and Mineta pulled on the 1-A Girls. 
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Since then it’s been pretty much a norm to pair Denki with Mineta as a duo of pervertic losers in various fanworks, if not subtly in the series due Denki already being possibly a hopeless womanizer (OVA 2, if non-canon but still accepted as fanon depiction) and bit of a perv, whom most of the class doesn’t take liking off naturally and treat him almost as dismissively as Mineta due how well he and Mineta get along with their negative traits (if not for his loser tendencies).
This of course doesn’t apply as much to when Denki’s being part of Bakusquad, but again, even there he sticks out being the idiotic bum of the group.
At some ways, such a pair-up makes me wonder if it’s intentional in this faux-selfaware way on stabbing at the shallow character archetype that Denki’s represents, being the typical “loser comic relief” that’s been done to death by this point of in whole spectrum of animation medium and not usually done anything new or fresh with, like in case of Sokka from ATLA or Mako Mankanshoku from Kill La Kill - because how just straightforward this archetype is in means of how you have to write it, and exists in this spectrum away from main cast that implies they’re not to be taken seriously compared to the other characters.
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Since they’re not treated with much respect or depth as other characters, they come off as highly irritating and shallow over time, and never are treated much well by most, if not everybody. These tend include the authors themselves because how they view this role/archetype the comic relieves are written for, and results in the comic relieves coming off too sympathetic for the audience to find much comedy off over time, as shown in this bit infamous copypasta showcasing Yohei Sunohara’s overall role and involvement in CLANNAD.
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Now I get it, I’m sure ton of people don’t mind characters like this since they can bring in good sum of humor to the series they’re in.  But over time I’ve come to notice more and more how these kind of comic relieves just stick out jarringly from others, due just how formulaic and shallow these characters just get as series’ progress. 
Mainly this is because they’re not given much depth and chances for character development that allows them to mend up their former tendencies or poor dynamics with rest of the cast, giving us some showcase that they are also believable characters capable of growing. Even worse is that when they do develop, they’d compensate out their comedic traits in the process to show they are to be taken more seriously among others, kind of enforcing that comic relieves are actually bad/awful kinds of people that none’s gonna like until they become “reformed” completely into less haughty and respecting of others, usually shedding off the “comedy relief” part of themselves as it mainly stems from them being too self-centered and egoistic/haughty of themselves.
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Now how this all pertains to Denki, I know he’s had some great moments as of now (especially his big moment in Hero License Exam Arc)  but I guess him still being kind of dismissed by some characters (mainly girls) because what he’s like, implies to me that Denki has to still develop bit further to not become actually irritating to them over time, or I can’t really take him as seriously as other characters, due how much more depth other characters are, and will get compared to him.
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On that end, when Bakugou was able to tap better on Denki’s comedy relief tendencies better than Denki himself even did, and show it as part of slow character development he’s been having - that’s bit of bumming to Denki’s character he’s meant to represent as a whole, since he wasn’t allowed to take advantage of that for the better mood of the class after rather grave series of events.
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I guess I might be saying this too early or taking this too seriously, who knows what’s in store for the Denki as he’s still trying to find his Whey. But if to be really honest with myself, I wanted to vent this out for good after dealing with too many characters resembling what he’s been like, and getting tired off how they don’t feel as believable characters, or are treated as such.
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