#I'm thinking A LOT of lore for all of them and it makes me teehee when I get to answer things like these
tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
If kinger and Z are too big to fit inside the manor like the others, what's their living situation like after becoming sane?
They just like to explore the mansion grounds, or do whatever. Z does build a bigger quarters for the larger residents, since believe me: those two aren't gonna be the only ones LMFAO
Initially, Kingr wasn't all too happy about his living conditions, though he's still grateful for being freed from his physical and mental prison, so he's officially allied himself with the group.
Like Pomni, he was itching for battle --although, not as insistent or hot-tempered as the Harlequin was--, and Pomni suggested he should be her new training dummy; an idea to which, he was fine with, since he still owed her gratitude.
Caine does offer an ultimatum himself: a chess board to pre-occupy the oversized chess-piece when there's no training. Though reluctant at first, he's haven't had a loss since, especially because Pomni was not the best strategist, and Ragatha just ends up losing always (chess was never her best suit anyways).
But Caine does prove himself to be a worthy opponent to the King, so it's become a recurring thing for everyone to watch the two battle on the board, as the manor's number of residents grow.
As the story goes along, Kingr slowly regains his humanity by curiously exploring bugs in the mansion's forest one day, and after remembering his past life; realizing that not everything is militaristic and about winnings, and that he should take his time simply enjoying the ways of life, because even the most mundane things can be so much more pleasant and fulfilling to experience than the concept of wars, valors and victories.
And this is what leads him to regretting a lot of the things he'd done since his time as the more sane Skirmish General. (totally not gonna be a plot point for him and Pomni to begin bonding over something that's not fighting teehee)
He becomes wiser, and more easygoing.
(There's also Quinnie.... which.... we won't talk about that for now ;3)
Z is happy to not have much rowdy roommates as everyone else (there's always something crashing or breaking inside the mansion at least once a day and Z can only assume the worst on what's happening), and they're also pretty thankful they're not physically bound to one place as before and could explore if they wanted to.
Z just wants to create something, or move something, a part of their old directive clearly still being present in them. So Pomni asked them to make weapons for her, to which, the giant Figure obliges.
Caine also suggested sculpting as a side hobby, so once every few months they'll leave for a few weeks with permission from the Puppetmaster, only to come back with either a GIANT ASS TREE, OR A MARBLE STONE --that who knows where they got it from-- and start carving shapes out of them.
Caine actually advised that instead of relying on their body's special tools to get the job done easily, that Z took their time making their ideas with more traditional methods and equipment.
As the story goes along, their sculptures actually take more and more forms as they regain their humanity and remember their past life: from brutalist and sharp shapes, to smoother, actual humanoid and still-life figures that Pomni asks about.
Z becomes more open to socializing, and accepting.
(I think I also want Z to take up landscaping, it seems like something they'd do for this AU-)
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
what are your personal favorite headcanons for meta knight?
Boy, oh BOY am I glad you asked!! You have unleashed me!!
First of all, I am very much Team White-Eyed Meta!!! (And his pretty pink cheeks!!!!!) -slams my drawing from last year on the table as exhibit A-
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I respect everyone on Team Yellow-Eyed Meta since that's what is technically canon. But I just think drawing white eyes is so fun and pretty to look at... My first Kirby game was Squeak Squad and I was so mesmerized by his pretty white eyes when they were revealed for that split second! I'd replay that boss fight a bunch as a kid just to see them.
So yeah, I have the power to be in denial about a few facts for my own amusement and that's one of them. Draw and consume the content that makes you happiest, friends!! :P
About his backstory and origins, I don't have any solid headcanons of my own since I really like seeing other people's takes on it! Being Dark Matter-born, made by Nightmare, blending anime and game lore together, etc. There's so much I enjoy! His mysterious past can be frustratingly open-ended but at least it's given a lot of people the opportunity to be super creative!
I do like to think he gets more enjoyment out of a good, honest battle than he likes to let on. I mean, it's what he's best at! He fights for fun! An entire arena was built for him in Waddle Dee Town!
...So speaking of fighting, I've been doing some thinking about his powers... Like a lot of thinking. This is what I really wanna talk about!!
He's got some good old-fashioned, hard-earned skill with a sword. Probably from years of training. But his more powerful attacks use a lot of wind and electricity. That's why I think Meta Knight has the power of Storms.
Some examples of his use of wind:
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One of his signature moves is Mach Tornado, after all!
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Now, the bat effect to his spin in RtDL Deluxe kinda puzzles me. It just looks cooler I guess. This is a dude who put his face on his airship so why not have tiny bat particles come from your signature moves? Could just be a natural evolution of his power growing stronger, teehee.
Anyway, here are some examples of his use of electricity: (This man has a LOT of electric effects in his attacks!)
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So much electricity!! Zappo! Bzzzzt!
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And as a bonus, when Meta unsheathes Galaxia in the anime it materializes from lightning. THAT IS DOPE AS HELL. I don't personally subscribe to much of the anime lore, but I eat this detail UP.
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Next, I used to think Meta had telekinesis because of Star Allies. All that purple aura when he lifts the rocks seems like solid evidence.
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But then he does the same move in Forgotten Land and he's actually lifting the rocks with wind!! And a lot of it!! So his mastery of wind is significant to me! Probably helps him fly better too! I think his use of wind could certainly give his opponents the impression that he has telekinesis and psych them out a bit!
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Finally, I used to think his duplication move was because of the Jamba Heart in Star Allies but I realized he does this in the Kirby Mass Attack mini game (whose canonicity is probably up for debate, but hey.) I'm willing to hear someone else out for an explanation because I'm stumped! Lol :P
....So yeah!! TLDR I think he is a swordsman with the power of Storms!
I'm interested to see other people's takes on him, this is just what I've made up for myself, haha! Either way, I love Meta Knight and he is super cool!! Thanks for reading!!
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800db-cloud · 2 years
tell us about Mr Orange, the people wanna hear of his glory and your thoughts on him (I'm people)
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this will be the post where i tell everyone about my mr. orange interp and expose to everyone how crazy i am about him :3
BEHOLD!!!! i present to you Maximillian Romeo Orange !!! Or just Max !!! he’s my headcanon mr. orange and I’M INSANE ABOUT HIM!!
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(info under cut teehee <3)
i have a toyhouse page for him, and i go into a lot more detail about him there :))c
BUT whenever I draw Mr. Orange, i’m 99.999% always drawing Max !! he and theo were separated at birth, theo went to their mom and max went to their dad.
Max had a hard time making friends growing up, mostly because he wasn’t very interesting and he was essentially imvisible to every one else. one day he saw a young boy who looked just like him on tv! crazy how that happens, right? he saw that boy everywhere, on commercials, products, shows — he ends up idolising him and that’s when he figured out his dream in life is to be popular! a star! he wants to be loved and adored and have lots of people talking about him and fawning over him!
of course, that dream was shattered real fucking quick… now he’s a 30-something nobody who works at a convenience store. With a twin brother who got everything he’s ever wanted in life! Safe to say Max isn’t very fond of The Noise.
this is all very condensed info about him, i highly recommend checking out his toyhouse page if you wanna read up more abt his lore and stuff hehe :3c
i love max soooo much he’s my biggest comfort charatcer/oc right now and i draw him with fake peppino constantly look at them LOOK LOOK AT THEM ‼️ they’re my life force im barely even kidding they make me so happy you have no idea
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ANYWAY this post is getting long. READ MAX’S TOYHOUSE PAGE…. please :3 and please let this post make you consider thinking about mr orange and form your own content/hcs for him too heehee (if you make mr orange content i’ll love you forever and ever and ever and even a while after that)
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takkebboki · 4 months
First of all I love your art style! it's so pleasing to look at!
Second, what was the inspo for your au? You like hockey a lot, just think it's a cool concept, or something else? Also how did you come up with the RPD team name :0
Thank you sm, I really appreciate it!!! 🥺🥺🥺
The inspiration for creating the au is a bit messy, but here it is:
1) I have always liked sports that are on ice, I live in a country where it is not common and even impossible to practice for many, so it always fascinated me! Hockey and ice skating mainly because of the movies I watched when I was a child :3
2) I'm a writer, I write stories that normally don't even make it to the Internet, and the story I gave Leon is largely based on a story I wrote about two years ago, obviously changing some parts to "add" to the Resident Evil lore to it.
3) Plus, it's a rlly cool concept 👍
4) The story of the RPD team name is pretty boring lmao. I heard the word prowler in a TikTok and thought, "wtf does that mean?" (English is my second language). And it means "someone who secretly follows people or hides near their houses, especially at night, in order to steal something, frighten them, or perhaps harm them", and my little monkey brain was like "haha zombie" and then I noticed it could fit the team. (Plus, it could also be a term used for a raccoon! :3)
So, Raccoon (raccoon city) Prowlers (zombie, RE ref, funni + backstory) Division (backstory teehee, will be shared once I finish moving things around in the story to make it officially "Leon's story").
I'm sorry this was so long, I'm just really hyperfixated with my au and I have very few ppl to talk about it with😩
Btw, I'm trying to make a comic about the backstory! Can't many any promises bc of life and times, but I'll try💪🫶✨
Hope this answered your question! Mwah💋
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gontagokuhara · 3 months
What if I also asked some pointy objects hypotheticals once again 👉👈👉👈 I want to like ask me silly little questions without asking anything that may reveal The Lore™ so as for my 3am hypothetical questions (i could only think of 3):
-are meetings mandatory/can anyone call them?🤔
-generally how do the demis fare in school (since they all have different schooling and kokichi allegedly cheats off of kaede 😭)
-[in regards to all the characters/pairings,] on a scale of most toxic to least toxic which pointy objects pairings do you think are at the ends of the scale 😭
(Ngl last question was a self-indulgent way to share my opinions LOL for most toxic I vote junko+mikan BOOOO let my girl mikan go (although idk if she's all that good from that whole betrayal thing and attempted child murder thing but still booooo THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE U MIKAN) , for most healthy I vote hmmm uhm I actually vote Maki and Kaede!!! I LOVE their communication and lore in this story this fic singlehandedly made me ship them 10× more than shuichi+kaede actually) Okay BYEEE goodnight heart emojis *LOUD SNORE* mememmemeeme
HELLOOOOOO CIDER MY BELOVED <3 as always i adore your questions and comments and you have brought me some FUN ones so here we go off beneath the cut to indulge the terminal pointy objects brainworms
(spoilers? no. but i Do do some dancing around some interesting topics. teehee)
so: godly meetings! we've heard quite a bit about them, but don't actually know that much other than: they happen when important events take place, they're meant to be kept hush-hush from mortals, and even at the best of times they're kind of a veritable shitshow with even Career Politician Kiyotaka losing his patience with how they pan out. a big group of silly characters from this series all in a group yelling at each other following big things happening.....where have i heard that before?
to answer your more specific question: theoretically anyone could call a meeting, and they definitely have in the past, but generally one of the big five gods are at the helm. in which case they are mandatory, but whether or not all of the gods (of which there are a few dozen) show up is......another issue entirely. lmfao. most of the big five rarely ever go Lmfao it's usually hajime/makoto, celeste skipped the last several for uh. Rantarou Reasons. usually only hajime Or nagito go so one of them can stay at camp. most times absences are more of an annoyance than anything but since the spear went missing (and junko started calling meetings) said absences end up with a way worse impact.
but in Normal times like i said usually hajime or nagito stay behind, and unless there's an absolute emergency one of them is always at camp to keep an eye on the kids. which includes schooling for a lot of them! and as for our year-round kids (gonta, miu, kaede, kokichi, maki, ryoma, kiibo, kaito): it's about what you'd expect. gonta does all of his work by hand while everyone else has an online schooling that hajime and chihiro set up, they take it a varyingly amount of seriously no matter what hajime and nagito tell them about university, kokichi says he just cheats off kaede but secretly they both cheat off each other. tbh most of the summer-only kids go to fancy expensive private schools because they've got (generally) the better parents; angie's the only one that doesn't because she lives on her island with sakura most of the year.
and finally: toxic yuri/yaoi rating <3 you're so real actually for this one to give your hot takes (correct) and i will always take the opportunity to go on about my characters no matter how minimal to the story they are. SO for the purposes of this ranking instead of ranking them one-by-one (i tried tbh and it was really hard :sob:) i'm gonna put them in categories, descending in order of bad -> good
messy messy this is the stuff soap operas are made of:
junko/mikan (toxic yuri of a whole different breed THUMBS DOWN)
celeste/[REDACTED] (toxic yuri: classic edition)
gundham/fuyuhiko (relatively new relationship, both incredibly dramatic, they flirt by arguing)
messy but relatively functional:
makoto/byakuya (common problem-causers amongs the gods, definite flair for the dramatic but operate usually as a unit)
hajime/nagito (married longer than practically anyone else, large amount of people rely on them and places a large amount of trust in them as a team, this drives them kind of insane however. also izuru)
touko[+syo]/komaru (very solid in their relationship however have a tendency to be terrors about their children. in syo's case a terror in general)
flourishing. unbothered. except for the obvious:
kiyotaka/mondo (intense in contrasting enough ways that they balance each other pretty well. as long as maki isn't involved)
sonia/chiaki (new relationship, they hype each other up well, still figuring out how to break the step-sibling news to kiibo and himiko)
aoi/sakura (also an ancient relationship. eternal honeymoon phase. the most Straight Chillin pair among the gods due to loophole of hina living In The Ocean while sakura lives on the island with her non-bio child)
the demigods:
tenko/himiko (middle school sweethearts. very puppy love and sweet. have never had eyes for anyone else)
kiibo/gonta (newest relationship out of the whole bunch. less than 1 day together but hardcore mutual pining for AGES. especially protective of each other)
kaede/maki (untoxic yuri for the win. also very very fresh with even LOOONGER pining oh my god. intimate deeply impactful world-altering girl best friends -> girlfriends arc FOREVER!!! still have some stuff to figure out but their bond runs down to their bones)
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chipistrate · 8 months
ok ok hai chip!!!! everyone in your inbox is talking about the jeremy and cassies dad thing so now im adding onto it teehee. smiles ^_^
(also side note HOW DO YOU GET SO MANY ASKS ABOUT THE LORE LMAOOO. have people dubbed you the fnaf god)
there is a theory from id's fantasy (i believe) that since jeremy was one of glitchtrap's victims, he TOO had the vanny mask. somehow the vanny mask got stuck to his face (like how it gets stuck on you in ruin) and the scene that tape girl describes was jeremy cutting the VANNY MASK off. tape girl describes it as a halloween mask, and since we find the vanny mask in the dreadbear dlc, she isn't too far off
but like you said, idk how jeremy would just get off scot free and get re-hired by the pizzaplex??? fazbear was just about to fire him anyway soooo... did they end up doing that??? did he go into hiding??
theres a lot of plot holes in it but like. its a theory. its something
LMAO I just talk about it a lot and like discussing with people about it<3
Okay that makes a biiiiiit of sense? But then what's the ink? I know there's the theory of it being agony but why would there just be. Agony spilling out of him
Also what would the incident that makes Tape Girl so uncomfortable be? Why would she mention her fear of slicing a finger on the guillotine paper slicer seeming silly if all he did was cut off a mask? If he's just cutting off a "Halloween mask" I don't think it'd be as big of a deal to her as it is. And when regarding the lawsuit/what happened, she acts like something tragic happened that she refuses to say outright, so much so that at one point she ends the tape cause she gets so uncomfortable.
Like it's a fine theory, but it doesn't make sense to me with how Tape Girl acts about the incident- cause to an outsider (and to a court) wouldn't it just look like he spilled ink on himself and had a weird mask in the room lmao? There's nothing really "tragic" here that'd make TG act the way she does imo
but like you said, idk how jeremy would just get off scot free and get re-hired by the pizzaplex??? fazbear was just about to fire him anyway soooo... did they end up doing that??? did he go into hiding??
I'm pretty sure he was working for Silver Parasol Games, not Fazbear Entertainment- Faz Ent just outsourced Help Wanted to SPG and gave them the circuit boards that got scanned into the game and created Glitchtrap. But regardless, he still caused a huge issue for everyone- the game was almost canned according to Tape Girl, with her assuming it was because of the lawsuits. Whether it be him or his family, after whatever happened to Jeremy happened, he sued SPG and possibly Fazbear Entertainment because of their direct involvement in Glitchtraps existence, and for a game meant to cover up the events of the past, he sure made quite the "event" out of whatever happened to him. He's just caused too much trouble for Faz Ent for me to believe they'd hire him- I'd sooner believe they'd hire a hitman on him or send killer animatronics to his house LMAO
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
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[background template source!]
hmm yknow what. maybe i was supposed to describe the unique magic in that bottom box. oh well teehee!!!!!
updated references for twst rsa ocs Char and Dañarte!!!!! for now. i'll add them to artfight soon!!! I was gonna do another one for Dañarte's Scarabia Era but I worked on these all week.... so i'll just do that one separately sometime maybe lol. anyway i've posted about these guys a lot as u can see from the tags i gave them on my blog, BUT my main origin post about their soap opera lore is really long and intimidating to read.... I have a shorter lore post here, but JFKSJLDJFKLDS.... finding these templates made nice, more condensed intros for them lol. and I [slightly] updated their looks so they aren't just carbon copies of what the seven dwarf characters are wearing!!!! but i'm bad at clothing design so i didn't really change them much!!!!
also i tried to be careful but my handwriting is Bad so i'll retype the info / talk more under the cut.
First guy: CHAR
Age: 18
Best Subject: Animal Languages
Birthday: March 19
Class: 3-C
Club: Fencing [does rsa have a fencing club. idk. they do now.]
Height: 175 cm
Hobby: Horseback Riding
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Arts & Crafts, Shellfish
Dislikes: Keeping Secrets, Beets
Unique Magic: Unknown [I haven't decided one for him yet, and I may simply make him a late bloomer who hasn't discovered his yet lol]
Extra info:
Favorite Stones: Pink Opal & Chrysoberyl
Older Cousin to Dañarte
Long-lost childhood friend + new love interest to Cater
Source Character: Prince Charming from Cinderella
Second guy: Dañarte*
Age: 17
Best Subject: Ancient Magic
Birthday: February 13
Class: 2-C
Club: Equestrian Club
Height: 182 cm
Hobby: Writing Speeches
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Planning, Grain bowls
Dislikes: Tenderhearted people, Undercooked meat
Unique Magic: Kiss of Frost: He kisses something or someone and temporarily freezes them ICY STYLE!!!!! or something like that. idk it doesn't kill people[???? maybe it could. idk.] but it don't feel good. Perhaps the area of frost can vary as well, like a small smooch spot vs spreading through the whole body? We gotta workshop it a bit more I'll get back to u on that someday. maybe.
Extra info:
Favorite Stone: Apatite
Char's younger cousin
"Love interest" to Cater + later on, Jamil...
Source Character: Hans from Frozen
RSA -> NRC -> Scarabia [He gets expelled and/or leaves RSA for whatever reason, I still haven't come up w/that part LOL... and ends up at NRC post breakup with Cater and gets sorted into Scarabia.]
* Disclaimer bc I feel the need to point out whenever I bring him up about his name lol- Dañarte isn't truly a name, it's just a spanish verb that's like "to hurt you". his character literally spawned from a convo I was having with a friend when I was trying to think of a name for Char, and something I said got autocorrected to Dañarte, and we made jokes about an evil princely character... so he became his own thing and I just kept that as his name lol.
anyway. i like talking about them but i also get shy and embarrassed about it klfjslfjks. also i probs did not draw them to scale bc life is hard. so are colors. i went very basic bc im scared but im trying to remember how colors work again in our year 2024 or whatever. WAHOO FUNNY LITTLE GUYS!!!!
shoutout to op of this template [@unfinished-projects-galore] making me sit here and consider the lives of these boys a lil more w/that bio layout. i was tempted to put summoning as Char's best class but WHAT do they summon. tell me idia what does that MEAN - jk it's probably like how juice bb summons cauldrons lol. I also considered Potionology for Dañarte but I think he'd like stuff like history and all that jazz and older [perhaps FORBIDDEN] ways of doing things.
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bistaxx · 8 months
JINX !! tell me why you ship Quackity x Luzu and why you dont ship Quackity x Wilbur I need to know the Lore
Hiiiiiiiii Vin! oh gosh- I'll try to condense this as much as I can OKAY SO...
yeah I don't vibe with tntduo 😭- I already talked about q!tnt so I'll just explain about c!tnt instead:
Why don’t you ship it: The Fandom. Listen I hate saying it but it really is 90% of the reason why- I always try not to let annoying fandom stuff sour my opinions but like... MAN- Because like I actually did really use to enjoy /r tntduo fuck man I was shipping it back in October 17th 2020 after the moment in the button room and especially after the famous Niki's birthday stream like- idk I just liked the dynamic and the chemistry it was fun! I was even still shipping it when I first started getting really into the c!fiances and was hyped when Wilbur and Quackity met up again... but then. IDK- something about the fandom take on their dynamic just didn't click with me it didn't feel like the same characters I enjoyed ESPECIALLY IN REGARDS TO THE WAY C!QUACKITY WOULD GET TREATED- like GIRL- Quackity would not cave and be visibly annoyed or flustered by the first jab Wilbur makes hello-??? or the fanart that would portray Wil as like completely disregarding Q's personal space as this 'teehee funny flirty' thing like I HATED that shit- I also just hated how when I tried to look up c!fiances content I had to filter like 5 million tags to actually find what I was looking for because there'd be so many c!tnt fics that had the fiances tagged in them and 50% of the time it was just so Quackity could break-up with them for Wilbur 😭 I also just like got sick of seeing it everywhere when I wanted to find c!Q content it felt like it was inescapable and that people only cared for my favorite character solely to mischaracterize him in a ship I was quickly growing tired of... yeha I think that sums it up-
What would have made you like it? Um.. All of the above not happening LMAO-
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Like I said earlier I DID really like it and I have tnt shipping mutuals who do the dynamic justice even if I got super burnt out on it (shoutout to Thes)
... So anyway uh- SO LUCKITY-
(this will be a lot shorter despite how much I have to say about Luckity I'm just really tired rn SORRY 😭)
This will be about k!Luckity specifically cuz I rly don;t have much of anything to say about q!Luckity outside of finding Arinckity cute
What made you ship it? Started for the fluff and stayed for the toxic ship 😈- GOD Quackity and Luzu fucking outdid themselves with Luckity in Karmaland V like dude it's just so good- like looking back on it the writing was already on the walls that they were so doomed from the very start- like they somehow manage to be both "it's tragic because it didn't have to end this way" and "it's tragic because it was always gonna end this way." if that makes sense. But god at the start it was just so easy to overlook the blaring the red flags because they'd give us just enough hope that it'd end well only for the rug to get pulled during the elections and the whole dynamic get's flopped on it's head but now instead of cute fluff or funny flirting it's this Angry passion and resentment- from start to end they were devoted to each other whether in hatred or in love. The build-up and payoff were both just amazing even if I felt miffed about the ending of the arc at first I've since come to love it because really it's just the cherry on top of their tragedy leaving the possibility they could just end up doing it all over again yeah <3 They were The Moment yeah!
What are your favorite things about the ship? A lot of things but like- I love that they're sun and moon coded <33333 I remember associating them with sun/moon imagery before they took those iconic photos with the sun and moon and like I was so hyped when that happened <3 my toxic sun/moon boys yeah <3
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Not really no- but HEY check out this web weave I made about Luckity that I'm still super proud of and debate remaking one day: X :3
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lumibye · 9 months
hi... hewo... i was curious to know if marianne has any pkmn companions who go with her... 🥺 i like looking at a character's roster because it can say a lot abt them and well. i just wanna know ehehehee 🤭
ehe hewwoo jil hewooo ; giving me a mini gush pass for my sweet n silly girl u r so kind 🥺🩵 ( you prob didn't intend it to be but ?? oopsiee here i go abt my nonsensee again hehe ) tbh i'm still kind of working it out ngl ? ;; ( its v much in beta stages in terms of like . . lore n stuff because she's not really a ' trainer ' since she does contests - i imagine her being v inexperienced w battling and in turn actually catching pkmn ? we'll see we'll see teehee ) but ! she does have a team omg im so excited this might be long ( i'll make a cut just in case ! ) -
ok so ! she has an espurr , primarily ! that's her baby boyy her sweet summer child actually ! been w her the longest - castelia city where she grew up is a prime hub for trading considering so many people visit there so there's ( i imagine ? head canon . ) a lot of stray pkmn . she's kinda like emma where she doesn't exactly ' catch ' him just like . . . befriends him ? brings him like leftovers that were going to be thrown out at her barista job and he starts following her home ehehe she babies him sm !! lots and lots of baby names v much her son hehe . . 😔👉👈 umm besides that she has a corviknight she inherited from her grandma since they came from galar i think ! originally a corvisquire tho - prob evolves once she gets to kalos i'm thinking ? since she yk . . doesn't battle all her pkmn take AGES to evolve . prob also a gothorita , lumineon , illumise ( probably not all of these bc again . . how did she manage that ? lmao ;; ) and a glalie who's benched bc reasons relating to her move to kalos mayb . . oh and that's the only pkmn of hers that can mega ? weird . don't think abt it too much hehe and prob a carbink !! once she gets to kalos ofc n now im typing it im imagining scenarios ™ abt how she got that . . . hmm thinkingg
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sunnikko · 1 year
which ship fans are the most annoying?
Sunburn and Suntan.
I knowww I knoowwww that some people that follow me like them but I am so tired of seeing the same thing being said by them over and over again everywhere.
Ignoring the intimidation and attempted assault when they saw each other again after 4 years, yeah, it's cute I guess. I can see that she does care, but like if you were to see a friend after so long and they mock and threaten to beat you up, what would be your first thought? Definitely not "wow they're so good-looking." You'd have to have no sense of self worth to actually think that way.
As for suntan, a lot of these fans tend to twist the view of normal things that could also just count as platonic friend things (stares at the white and orange pinwheel placed next to each other. (If you're saying suntan is canon from that, then what about the other pinwheels??? If we're just gonna base off the ship off of those two being near each other, then clearly the other pinwheels means that that ship is canon.) (And I know for a fact that omori fandom hates *looks at notes* AubMari and HeroSun. Do you see my point and their supposed logic?))
Like people shit a lot on Sunnflower and then don't realize that their ships can also be considered toxic.
AND ON ANOTHER NOTE!!!! If you're gonna make an AU, can you please keep the shipping on the minimum. Like some hints or implications is ok but please don't make it the AUs entire personality like I want LORE and STORY not watching the repeated suntan, sunburn, photobomb shit going on. And actually, this goes to every other ship involving the group, if the ship has actual impact in the story, then it's acceptable but other than that. No :'3 it's not enjoyable at all, and I know a handful of people who would agree with this lol
Like, the only AU I think that does a pretty good job at what I'm trying to explain is Dreamscape rn (it's the first one that popped into my head teehee)
Ofc that's my opinion. And people might be like "wow!!! Mikko is a hater!!!" I always have been, I just wanted to be polite 🫶 but also if I was honest I'd be the meanest person ever known so y'know.
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eatcandlewax · 2 years
i have returned to expand upon the leech sibling dating idia post
i'm still impartial about writing the leech sibling as an oc or y/n, but i've just been calling them sage for now. on one hand, I really like the leech sibling reader fics, but on the other idk if it's okay to have this much lore and it still be an x reader.
anyways, i just wanted to write some general little hcs :)
they are the same age as jade and floyd. my reasoning for this one is just because it created more scenarios that made me giggle.
sorta a mix between the jade and floyd. not as unpredictable but also not completely calm. it depends on the situation, even if they choose to be chaotic at the most inappropriate times.
they like tech and internet related things. they're interested in video games and any relatively neat technology since there probably wasn't a lot of that in the coral sea. i also thought it'd be funny if they just had a hyperfixation on learning internet culture and became a living shitpost.
also i wanted them and idia to play obey me together bc teehee
they're in the light music club. not only are they in a room with kalim, lilia, and cater on a regular basis, but they're also given the tools to play music. mostly wanted this detail because they would play the most chaotic music. i could make an entire playlist for it stg-
they keep eating shit from the mostro lounge's kitchen. floyd doesn't do work 50% of the time, jade tries to force feed everyone mushrooms, sage is eating everything in the kitchen. perfect balance for giving azul a migraine.
"please stop eating the food, we need it for the customers"
"are you telling me to go hungry? you're making me do labor on an empty stomach? bad boss! horrible! jail for azul!"
sage dating idia would eventually lead to jade and floyd having the jurisdiction to enter idia's room. not because idia gave it to them, but because they're little shits and they wanted to bother their sibling.
like, sage and idia would be lying in bed after sage skipped work and floyd would just barge in for funsies.
you can't tell me that floyd wouldn't hop into bed with them and start a cuddle puddle.
at some point idia would stop screaming everytime and get used to it, surprisingly.
although it'd take a while for it to come to this, i feel like idia would end up getting fairly comfortable with floyd and jade. which would be an odd sight to see ignihyde's shut in dorm leader with the shady leech siblings.
ortho would immediately adopt the leech siblings as his own and get extremely excited whenever he saw them.
it makes it really hard for idia to be upset at them barging into his room when ortho is so happy about it
sometimes the leech siblings will just steal ortho
there's no reason
they just think it's funny and like hanging out with the little man
"please return my brother"
"our brother now :)"
idia starts panicking when the fish mafia is just doing fun little things with ortho
like random games and crafts
idia is also genuinely worried that one of them will break ortho
not because they're careless
but because floyd and sage hug him all the time and idia KNOWS how hard them fuckers squeeze
it's unlikely that they'd break his robot body, but he wouldn't be surprised if it happened
leech siblings are just built different
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itsmarsss · 2 months
long-ass big-ass self-ship ramble ahead this is your warning i am so sorry LMAO so i may or may not be planning to write somewhat of a series (smut included) at some point for blitz x my hellhound sinner oc who's like hella sensitive n shy n like- overthinks n all that but she's very sweet sound like any ask requests you've gotten recently? and SUUUUUUCH a people-pleaser it's insane she ends up working as his assistant at one point but it's mostly doing the paperwork no one else bothers to do and figures out that she has literally never been more attracted to anybody than she has him and they're good friends n shit n work well together otherwise BUT THE THING IS!!! back on earth before she died, she only ever really had one irl relationship and then the rest were online/long-distance, none of them ended well and it kinda gave her a fear of loneliness/being alone and also a MASSIVE need to please people so they'll stay n all this shit and also this whole like- idk she grew up watching disney movies and believing in magic n true love n now it's like she can't stop thinking about it and being in love and,,, idk it's kinda like true love is her endgame to the point she gets a little self-destructive about it ANYWAY but her love languages are physical affection and gifts so having a crush irl. something like this, in real life- she's fucking beside herself like even a mere pat on the head brings tears to her eyes but he wouldn't know that unless he looked close enough she's really bad at hiding it but every little thing he does makes her blush and it's insane at some point as they get closer, he kinda opens up ab his relationship shit (briefly- well, as much as he feels comfortable) immediately she's doing her damnedest to keep herself in check cuz she doesn't wanna freak him out or make him leave and she's like- working extra hours n all this stuff to help him out because she cares about him a lot and wants to show that and help out without it being some crazy big thing they hook-up at some point..... teehee who knows anyway it's gonna be so tragic and sexual and beautiful and AUGH i might be coming back with more as i write,,,, maybe,,,, sorry i didn't ask first but feel free to ignore LMAO anyway take a quote i made (to my knowledge) and a quote i found off twitter (in order): "And the sad thing is- I don't know whether I love you, or whether you're the one I want to finally find love in." "you don’t think i’m a bad person? / all i think is that i love you." (i then saw this quote retweeted with stolitz..... which..... also fuck yeah augh sorry if there're any typos or shit you don't understand but i'm thrilled to answer questions/clarify shit if you or anyone have anything OKAY COOL SORRY ABOUT THIS BYEEE -🍯⭐🪷
omg that one was yours!!!! I’m writing for it right now!!! I’m merging so many concepts into it simultaneously lol I hope you like it when it’s done!!
ohhh I love me some lore 😭 gimme the reason why that persons fucked up!!!! I eat it right up
do come back with more whenever you want!!!! and I wanna read it when it’s done babes pleaaaaseee?? 🥺🥺
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ravnloft · 6 months
writer interview
tagged @bardic-inspo (*´▽`*) thank u my friend these are so fun
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
3 lol. eventually i'll post more. probably. maybe
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
100,989 (not counting the original "draft" of wicked turns because a lot of that got reused in the current version)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
girl (gender neutral) i don't even have 5 fics total... top kudos though is wicked turns :')
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!!! comments are so nice and they let me know i am not posting into a void and that other people are actually interested in what i'm writing!!!! if you have ever left a comment on anything i wrote you have such a special place in my heart and you make me so happy!!!!!!!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
haven't finished it yet but it's going to be drowning lessons :)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
also have not finished it but everyone in how to win friends will come out SO happy and well-adjusted. it's at a good little stopping point for now and i might skip into act 2 for the next chapter/s... idk it doesn't really have a plot it's just me giving myself like. writer aftercare from the stuff in drowning lessons or wicked turns fjgdfjjfdgj
7. Do you write crossovers?
not anymore but if you know the ancient piri lore of when i did tumblr rp......... the harley quinn/norman bates "it started out as a joke and now we're really invested" ship still makes me go insane from time to time...... i have a type and it is unhinged men who fall for somehow even more unhinged women
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes. the kind where i get wine drunk or have an edible and then scream into my hands after typing each word because i hate writing smut but damn if it ain't relevant to the storyline
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no but i HAVE had my peebles art stolen/reposted on at least one site
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
if you count tumblr rp as co-writing fic, then yes
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ough. waugh. how can i choose between my beautiful children
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
yeah so i have. the loose outline of a peebs fic. and it has been rolling around in my brain for years and years and years. but in order to truly do it justice i feel like it would be a full-on multi-issue comic series and the last time i tried making a graphic novel-style work (shoutout to princess huntress, your worldbuilding lives on but i'll never finish you) i got maybe 8/100+ pages done and then spiraled into art burnout for like 4 years
15. What are your writing strengths?
i like to think i am good at writing horror and gore teehee <3
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
sex scenes...... i don't like writing it, i don't like publishing it, i am ehhhh about reading it, but again, damn if it ain't relevant to the storyline
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
don't trust google translate. just use <> or whatever if you don't know the language.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
batman (stares wistfully out the window for 10 hours)
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
i REALLY want to write a skyrim long-ish fic. i have so many thoughts on it. there would be two LDBs (amma and sigg). both of them are cursed by daedra but in wildly different directions
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
wicked turns :)
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
Simon playlist!
Hello remember the Reiki playlist? This is the Simon playlist. It's not quite done but here's it so far
Warning for lik. Depressing themes and maybe suicidal themes and potentially overstimulating music also flashing lights and bright and rapidly shifting colors!!!!! And some suggestive and religious themes (more religious themes then sexual) and likem violence and blood
Also one of the dongs might have spoilers for a game called Cell of Empirio I'm not 100% sure so if you're wary of spoilers for that then beware
Songs and my silly commentary on them under the cut
White Happy by Maretu (English cover by Milkychan) - Literally the most Simon song ever also I live this song so much. Idk why I put an English cover of this song but not the other songs in other languages on this playlis. I really like this cover tho so I'll allow it
Chiri Chiro Juso (Dust Dust Curse) by Kikuo - Depressing song about death. I could see this being like from Simons point of view of himself and during his death
HURT by 1800 PAIN (I think) - They do wanna see you hurt. Idk how I feel about this song in general tbh
Montreal by Penelope Scott - Ok this song just makes me depressed about life and not even like in the good way it's a good song but like. Cries.Anyways this fots Simon a lot he won't make it to Montreal guys same
Sweet Hibiscus Tea by Penelope Scott - like most songs here it just fits him pretty well idk I might remove this so g I do t even have much to say
Angel Eyes and Basketball by Foot Ox - Good song I wish it was longer tbh it scartches my brain. We get it Simon is depressed /j
Cradles by Sub Urban - um
The Chattering Lack of Common Sense by GHOST - This song reminds meminds me of Simon and Beau specifically this is just the duo where one is probably murderous song to me. Also this omg is just so good I love it so much <3333 Simon would be the guy in the hoodie with bandages over his eyes his name is arc
IN MY MOUTH by Black Dresses - Why'd idd I add this song. I dobt know.it just fits kind of trust me (I kinda forgot I added this song to the playlist)
there I am, there I am again by RP_A (I think??????? I'm not sure) - This song isn't super specific to Simon actually it mostly just fits the Lore™ its more of a Rosa song tbh
SCAPEG∞AT by GHOST - okay one good so g obviously but also this song is mostly just on the playlist because of the chorus it fits Simon so fucking much like what the fuck- also the ending parts- also unrelated but these guys have deity oc vibes tbh
Dr Gaster by Shadrow - Teehee :) (lore)
I'm Difficult by Talkshow Boy - Making you guys listen to talkshow boy not sorry /j /nf
Abnornality Dancing Girl by Guchiry - Okay this song doesn't exactly for him because of what it's probably about but the chorus fits him alot and so does the ending part. Also I'm making some art of him base don this sign it'll probably be a while until i finish because it's not super high priority but yeah :)
Fry Me In a Pan by Talkshow Boy - You will listen to my favorite Talkshow Bky songs. Might remove this one too tbh
Orthodoxia by Gunchiry - Okay doesn't necessarily fit Simon specifically if anything he'd be one of the religious followers but like. (Then again he also lives off the misfortunes of others) The lore was literally inspired from this sign and also it fuckign slaps I can't NOT include it wtf
Kitchen Fork by Gustavuo Rubio (I think) - Also one of the most Simon songs ever. Something is very wrong with this man
Also I ahvent added this yet but I think it's be funny if I added the happy song that's like "I am really special cuz there sonly one of me look at my smile I'm so damn happy all the people are jealous of me" yknow the ond
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Random Em doodles [Long Thread]
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Anywho off we start with this image and God 💀 it is so terrible out of context because it IS ESSENTIALLY WHAT HAPPANED
Okay so basically the whole plot of this AU is basically Em trying to create a reality where Emmet and Ingo do end up getting their reunion in exchange for his mortal body to be severly twisted and his already terrible mental illness and sociopathic behaviour isn't helping him make any decision a good decision so he ends up by accident in order to control the lives of Emmet and Ingo he has to essentially manipulate their surroundings and suggest them so many things to become who they are today. Nothing can fix this man, my guy.
Youre gonna watch him suffer.
Anywho. More bacon man here, hes smiling for once ^-^
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Picture of him sleeping with a pillow ^-^
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Height difference and usual arguments at their shared abandoned house
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He has severe abandonment issues 💀 He'd be pretty hurt if Lolo ever betrayed him but I dont think so, at least. Would Lolo do it?
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Em merged his account with Lolo's account because he's technically not supposed to be alive. He has his grave back in Unova but he never visited it before. It was right next to Indigo's grave too, except Em brought back Indigo's corpse all the way from Hisui.
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Em doesn't understand a lot of emotions and Lolo is usually trying to get him to understand what he's feeling. Sadly he also uses it to his advantage too at times.
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If there was an otome train gacha game I'd want it too
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Em: I was laying on the ground right behind our house. It was raining and really damp and all the worms and maggots started eating me. It was ticklish at first but it was relieving. And then, the ground kept piling up on me until I couldn't see the sky anymore
Em: I couldn't feel my muscle, and the bones I had were starting to break down to scattered pieces. It was really nice, I felt hazy mostly but it was honestly just relaxing. And then next thing you know I was able to fly and there was nothing on me. I had no weight
Em: It was like I became some kind of angel ghost thing, it was really freeing. I've been repeating this dream for some time now so I'd figured I'd share it with you
Lolo: So all this time you were sleeping for 4 days straight was just you dying in your sleep?
Em: Wish it was
Lolo: Wow, okay. I'm trying to sleep here but after hearing that I'm not sure I'd like that kind of dream. Small spaces freak me out
Em: it's so freeing though, think about it. If you're no longer human, you don't have to suffer any more
Lolo: Ugh, wake me up in the morning
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Finally! Em in some normal clothing
That's all for now see you next time ^-^
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cynthplop · 2 years
Hi, I just saw your dd heir Robin & his family and they got me hooked, so I'd ask about them if that's okay. 🙂 First, what kind of persons are the siblings, what do they do? Exactly how old are they and what's with these large age gaps (not that I mind)? Last but not least, there's a lot of art indicating that another girl is part of the family (rose, from another artist) too, what's her deal? Is she really a blood sibling or an adopted child? Overall, you got me into DD, I better check it out.
Hi!!! Thanks for your interest :''D Robin means more than anything to me he's my heart and my soul,, I absolutely appreciate when people ask me about him and my other characters :)
(not entirely sure if I've already explained this somewhere on my blog, but it's all good, I'll just go over them again briefly teehee )
So Robin's siblings are all manifestations of the Ancestor's personality traits that he wanted to keep alive and pass down as a way to teeechnically live forever (essence, if you will. And each child is a spike in the Iron Crown hint hint nudge wink).
Edgar, the eldest at 37, represents gampy's leadership, charisma, and the social face. Looks up to and wants to be like the Ancestor soooo bad it makes him look stupid Phillip, the second oldest at 36, represents gampy's obsession with the occult and the old ones (and his habit of mapmaking and journaling). Viciously jealous of Robin becoming the Heart's vessel. Howard, middle child at 29, represents the Ancestor's murderous intent and his talent for violence and killing. Robin's greatest rival. Then there's Robin, who does not possess any part of the Ancestor in him because he was sold to the Heart of Darkness in utero and spaghetti god didn't want no stinky old man pestering in its vessel. The unwilling golden child of the Darkest family. Then the youngest, a girl named Annalise, 12 years old, represents the part of the Ancestor that lacked remorse and humanity. I can go deeper into detail with the kids later if that's something you or others may enjoy seeing!
As for the age gaps, uh, lol, no reason really. It just kinda felt right to me I closed my eyes and a number popped into my head LMAO. If I were to think more lore-y for those reasons tho, is that I doubt that their mother, Aadhya, would be able to healthily deliver that many EXTREMELY MESSED UP KIDS with her depression and physical state if they were just conceived one after the other. So, it's a way to kinda give her a break as a way to keep her alive (she was a young parent too).
And uhh, yeah, in regards to Rose, sorry if that disappoints you but she's not connected to Robin or his story anymore. I think it's better for me and him that his story is just his, mine, and sometimes a friend's if we're busting it down collabing :) and I'm hoping everyone can just leave it at that.
It means A TON that I could peak your interest in DD!!!! I've been into it since late 2018 and it's done nothing but fuel me creatively since then. Absolutely wishing you the best in your dungeon diving endeavours :D (bring shovels!)
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