#I'm taking my time on this chapter cause I love my disaster gay
khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼 ¿cómo estás bebecita? Espero que tu día haya estado mucho mejor que el mío (that bar is low AF) mi día fue largo y lleno de reuniones tediosas que habrían podido ser un email 🤦🏻‍♀️ I really miss being a preschool teacher!! Kids are fun and never ever boring 🙌🏼
At least I had LBAF'S newest chapter to look forward to...
The One with the Equal
Magnus kept telling himself that he would simply run into the boy in a century or two.
He can’t really be dead, can he?
He cannot, he is NOT!
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Look at him sleep so sweetly. As if he hadn’t been causing earthquakes in the Baltic Ocean an hour ago.
It took them less than a minute to find him – with the magic of tracking and pure parental terror.
Malec are strong AF because I would have die 3 times if mi bebé precioso had called me in such a panic 😭😭😭
“She is still breathing,” Alec yelled as he picked the girl up, she was limp and unconscious in his arms. “Magnus. We have to go.”
Oh thank every force in the universe, I was actually scared of the "Dani strike again" but alas, you've shown mercy this time!!
“Magnus, we don’t have the time. We have to get her help,” Alec said urgently.
Yes, there is, take it, take it taaaaake it!!!
His pale eyes filled with regret. “It’s real.”
Well duh... all of this could have been avoided if you hadn’t treated him like the crazy bitch he was!!
Gigi wanted to say something dramatic like ‘I don’t need Lexi! I need answers!’.
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Marcus didn’t deserve an ironic death. He deserved a painful one.
I agree!! I wanted fire lots and lots of fire!! 🔥🔥
Rafael kissed her hand. “You like him, don’t you?”
Who doesn't like my son?? He is the sweetness 🥰
Hot tears started to fall down his cheeks. Rafael sobbed quietly as he held her hand and begged her to come back to him.
¡Ay no! Mi bebé precioso no llores, ¡rápido que alguien abrace a mi bebé! 😭😭😭
“Like your dad,” bapak said gently. “I like it even more now.”
Me too!!! Also I want to peek at that list!!
“It’s a privilege to be someone’s namesake,” bapak smiled. “It means someone loves you and respects you enough to want more of you in their world.”
I love this so much!!! 😍 I have so much love for my twins not only because they are awesome and great gay disaster but because we share a name and I feel connected to them 💚💚💚
She wondered where he was right now.
In hell where he belongs!!! Burning as he should!!!!
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To be killed by the very thing you love.
Mallory wanted to die in Max’s arms. She would love that.
Please, please, please, let this be foreshadowing 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
“You have a warlock boyfriend?” mum asked. “Can he help bring Marcus back?”
No!! What she has is a severe case of the crazies!!
These bitches are really jumping all the way into crazyland, I'm an astounded by their deliriousness 😯
When the seashell fell open, she was blinded by the blue light.
Fell open??? What do mean "fell open"?? Nope... I don't like this!! I knew they should have taken the seashell!!!
“Didn’t I tell you?” she asked. “I am his equal.”
Daniela what have you done?? Why would you do that???
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Thank youuuu Dani!!! I am beyond terrified about this Mallory development... babygirl you are an evil genius, I did not see that coming, holy fuck!!! But I'm also beyond excited... is it friday yet???
Thank you, thank you, thank you... I am love you 💚💚💚💚💚💚
omg alex why is adult life literally just attending meetings that all could have been email??? i hate this shit too. my day was okay, i think. i had a task to do and i didn't do it so i am not very happy about it. I'm hoping to finish it by tomorrow morning!
I am love you too and hope tomorrow is kinder 💚
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lea-andres · 2 years
Hello again 👋☺️ just wanted to know if you’ve seen my latest au updates I made recently
also how many lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 ships do you have in your fic cause I literally just started reading some of it both today and yesterday especially the part where tumble almost broke his hand punching bark
anyways I hope you’re having a good day 😊😉
I've poked around some, and I'm gonna take more of a look when I'm done cooking dinner. You've got some neat stuff though! ☺️
As for lgbtq ship content in my fic... Really kinda depends on what you're looking for. Since I'm firmly of the opinion there's no such thing as a straight Sonic character (even if there are characters that are convinced they are... *stares long and hard at Fang*), not even the seemingly straight ships could classify as that. But we'll ignore Bark and Jewel and Fang and Mina for now. Here's a round up of all the other ships that will appear, in one form or another, in When the Day Met the Night:
-Whispangle - They've been together for years in this fic. They live together, they get a subplot where they're both planning to propose to each other on the same day, we might get a couple stories about Tangle's childhood as a disaster gay, from both her and from Jewel. We love to see it.
-Espilver - We never see Silver, and they're not together yet, but Espio's crush on the hedgehog gets discussed several times... even by the ninja detective himself later on in the fic... 👀
-SonJet - They're not together, but we find out later Jet has feelings and Amy's trying to help. (She's legitimately trying to help BTW, she's moved on from Sonic, so no sabotage here! Except for maybe self sabotage, because Jet is a disaster. 😂)
-Mightourge - We also, sadly, never see Scourge, but Mighty tells the tale of their love story to Jewel in a later chapter. They, like Whispangle, have also been together for some time. Also, if the tale sounds familiar, it's totally @mightourge 's tale of how they got together. 😂
-Cuorb - We'll only see them for like, a chapter and a half near the VERY END, but we've got gay robots! ☺️
-Shadfinite - IF YOU KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR, THERE'S THE TINIEST HINT OF SHADFINITE LMAO! I bet @bitter-sweet-coffee can find it! (It's in Chapter 5, Izzy! 😂) It's admittedly, a very vague line of dialogue, but we'll see more Shadfinite in my later fics. (This probably doesn't count, I just wanted to set off Izzy LOL)
-Donite (Don the Rooster and Nite the Owl) - We'll see them for a paragraph way later, but those are two gay birbs, you cannot convince me otherwise. They're husbands in this, we'll find out. 🥰
-Misc. OC ships: Rune's (@mightourge ) Sting the Wasp and Tough the Beetle, my Spinella the Spider and Mae the Red Panda... that's all I can think of right now OC wise. I might be missing someone. 🤔
The good news is WtDMtN's the first of a whole series I'm working on, so there will be pay offs to some of these hinted at ships and more ships that will follow in later fics. One hint for a future bit you might take interest in is Bark's cousin Crystal (a very butch jock lesbian, we find out) gets together with Fiona Fox eventually. 👀
I hope you're enjoying the fic! I had fun writing those Rough and Tumble fights. 😂
And I hope you're having a good day too! ☺️
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Watch the Heavens update
“His laugh sounded like a dying seal. 
Klaus thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.”
(I hope y’all are ready for the overwhelming gayness of this chapter. Klaus is in LOVE goddamn it.)
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