#I'm taking duolingo french but I'm not good and consulted google translate for the rest
Each of the batkids has had a moment where they once forgot that they spoke multiple languages(or even their mother tongue) in high stress situations.
A woman: *speaking Arabic to Damian*
Damian who forgot his first language: English woman! English!
A young girl cries out in french
Duke, who's in ~collage~ and is learning to be a ~productive and successful member of society~ is taking university level Korean and is still in that ~headspace~: swis-swis uljima
A young boy: *speaks german*
Stephanie "I'm the best at German, Bruce said so" Brown: Est-ce que....uh....oh shite
An old woman: *speaks Romai*
Dick: * replies in Romanian*
A shocked person: Hel-
Jason: Do you sprechen American!
Person: Ma mere! Óu est elle? Elle n'est pas ici!
Tim: Je m'appelle Red Robin
Someone: *signs to Cass*
Cass: *failing computer noises*
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