#I'm surprised by the result Copperhead got but... it's really fitting at the same time??
cxpperhead · 14 days
Who would you be on a pirate crew?
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Whether your intimate knowledge and interest in chemistry and biology (more specifically human anatomy) is the reason for your unhingedment or if it's the cause, you're undoubtedly very intelligent. You're not a fan of large scale violence or chaos of any kind, you'd rather keep to your own studies (which may or may not involve brutal small-scale violence). You've never brought serious harm to anyone from your own crew and so they're used to looking the other way when you decide to drag a suspiciously human-sized bundle into your cabin again. Despite all that, you've saved at least two dozen people from certain death and have invented new medicine, some of which actually works like it was intended to.
Tagged by: @ratwhsprs (mwah ♡) Tagging: Whoever hasn't done it yet??
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