#I'm sure it's great! for you. Jayden plans to not interact with it ever
Piggy idk if you play roblox - I myself never have and don't plan to - but I keep getting YT recommendations for this one roblox trivia game? And the whole thing has massive Jackbox energy. Very SWF Jackbox energy, but it's there, there's a narrator that's just a voice and everything.
Idk if you knew or heard it somewhere already but I just had to share
I do not play Roblox actually. I was far out of the demographic when it was most popular in my area (around 2013) and kind of despised it because the boys (around 8-12) that would play it at my library would be super loud, yelling at their friends playing in the same server instead of... talking. I feel the same about Minecraft for similar reasons. I just can't shake the "this game is supposed to be sandbox but it's mostly just preteens" mindset
But I mean hey, great alternative to those who get mad that YDKJ is written for adults. Go play Headrush or the Roblox trivia game. Could learn something.
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