#I'm still kind of torn on the new development with Gatthew!Jacob and Grant
isobel-thorm · 4 years
All evens and vowels for my wide son in law? 🙏
2) How easy is it for your character to laugh? In “canon”, it’s next to impossible to make Grant laugh. You have to try extremely hard, catch him when he’s in a rare good mood, make sure the planets are aligned, the whole nine yards. Unless you’re Nic, then you’re mostly home free and just Have That Effect. In the Gatthew verse, it’s way easier. He’s a lot more fun-loving so he’ll laugh at anything. 
4) How easy is it to earn their trust? Kind of same as above. In canon, it’s not that he doesn’t want to trust you, it’s just that he doesn’t care enough, and there’ll be a general base line of trust no matter what. In the Gatthew verse, he’s a little more lenient, but protective over himself and his friends, so if you make a move to enter their circle, so it takes a bit longer, but the trust is deeper.
6) Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? He tries to stick by them, but figures they’re slightly bendable- especially if the occasion calls for it or the circumstances are dire enough. 
8)  What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child: Answered here
10)  What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? In canon, “I’m okay” any time he’s asked about his welfare. As far as regretting it/it haunting him, it depends on the day. In the Gatthew verse, “yeah babe, this dinner tastes fantastic.” ;)
12)  How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach? Doorway corner will do just fine.
14)  What animal do they fear most? Jacob Seed, Cobbler and Peaches, because what the fuck was Nic thinking taking in actual mountain lions to rehabilitate them, why did John let her, why did the local authorities let her- wait a second- 
16)  What makes their stomach turn? Seeing his friends being belittled or hurt in any way
18)  What embarrasses them? Getting too much attention/feeling all eyes on him. He gets super self-conscious. 
20)  If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so? Romantic/platonic love is conditional but you make the conditions, it’s deeper more desirable for him. Familial love is an obligation but it’s unyielding unless it’s too toxic, and you’re lucky if you have a decent enough family to partake in it with. 
22)  How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? Thankfully he doesn’t really have it in him to be jealous. He’s lived a life where he got everything he wanted and it turned out pretty awful, so he’s learned to appreciate what he’s got because it’s all on his terms. 
24)  Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? Depends on the person and the ‘verse. In canon, he’d probably only ever talk about it to Nic (because she bullied him into it), and maybe eventually John but only after the relationship is solidified platonically and romantically. In Gatthew he’s a little more open to talking about it, he’ll crack a few jokes about it too- but only to his main circle of friends. 
26)  What is their preferred mode of transportation? Car. He’s got a beaten down rust-orange pickup truck,  you have to crank down the windows and the A.C only works half the time, but he loves it. 
28)  Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? Depends on what it is. A little white lie, fine. If it’s a monumental, could-ruin-lives truth, yeah, lie away. Definitely a “lesser of two evils” deal.
30)  Who do they most regret meeting? In canon, Jacob. Funnily enough in the Gatthew ‘verse Jacob’s one of his “Top 5″ for ‘loved meeting.’ In Gatthew ‘verse, Matthew’s in-laws- the ones that don’t try/are straight up rude to Matt, anyway. He could care less about them being rude to him. 
32)  Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? “So when I first got here and joined the Police, Nic came over asking me a lot of questions, and apparently didn’t get the ‘please go away’ vibe I was sending her way. Anyway, she talked my ear off for like, two hours [...] letting her talk was the best worst thing to ever happen to me.”
34)  How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? In canon, it’s physically impossible. The guy’s got a case of survivor’s guilt the size of the Empire State Building, which leeks out into all his other guilt about anything. In Gatthew it’s a lot more easy, considering he’s Miller in Jacob’s scenario and the pair of them managed to get out of danger, no cannibalism required, so there’s nothing to be guilty of. In that case, smaller cases of guilt get shrugged off unless a personal relationship is damaged severely. 
36)  Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? In canon he doesn’t think he deserves romance, in Gatthew he’s not overly interested in sex, so he definitely waits until it falls into his lap - without the waiting. How does that Rascal Flatt’s song go? “It hit me in the face, ‘cause that’s where I’m at” - that’s a decent summary. He wasn’t looking or expecting but he still got it. 
38)  What memory do they revisit the most often? In canon, the Ambush. In Gatthew- the stuff that came after getting discharged. Jacob and him bonding more, Nic basically adopting him as a friend, Matt and his first patrol together- the much happier things. 
40)  How sensitive are they to their own flaws? Canon- hypersensitive, Gatthew- fairly sensitive but can be easily distracted away from focusing on them. 
42) How badly do they want to reach their end goal? In canon, it’s... not exactly a great, desirable goal, very much the most toxic goal you can have, if you catch my drift, and he was determined, but then the whole thing with Joseph and subsequently John gave him a fighting chance at wanting the opposite, so it worked out. In Gatthew, he wants to settle, get married, raise a bunch of dogs and he’s eager to get to it - as long as it’s what his husband or wife would want, and he’d be willing to do it on their desired schedule, too. It definitely helped that Matt was 0-60 real quick on all of those same goals. 
A) Why are you excited about this character? Can I admit I wasn’t that excited about him initially? He was just kind of there as a worldbuilding thing, and then he became a meme on Discord, and then I got my Angst Lord wings with his backstory so I ended up loving him. And I’m excited about a lot of his stuff in theory - except continuing Blood on My Name, because figuring out what comes next is a damn nightmare. 
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? He probably would be someone I would get along with, if my empathy didn’t super kick in. We’re both so quiet I think getting us to talk and bond with each other would be like pulling teeth. 
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe? I mean, if you made it this far, you read all the answers. Would you want to keep him in ‘canon’ vs Gatthew or any of the other AUs he’s in? HELL NO. Or if yes, shame on you. Come here, choke yourself. 
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