#I'm sorry I kind of rejected the message of the poem
unravelingwires · 10 months
Katie knows she’s asking for someone to steal her personal diary as a historic artifact one day, but she still keeps journals. She doesn’t burn them, either, or try to keep an eye on them. She simply avoids using anyone’s real names, never says the word “vampire,” and assumes no one will draw a connection between a woman from the 1920s and the young adult too ditsy to hide anything serious.
One cannot remain alive for centuries without becoming a little self aware.
Anyways, the result of this is that Katie’s genuinely surprised when a few of her journals end up in the museum’s archives. How would anyone have put together those were vampire diaries without realizing Katie was a vampire? She’s kind of glad, though. This gives her a chance to flip through her old writing. She runs a finger over a clipping from Ungaretti in the original Italian. “La mano in ombra la clessidra volse,//E, di sabbia, il nonnulla che trascorre//Silente, è unica cosa che ormai s'oda//E, essendo udita, in buio non scompai.”
Katie considers taking the poem home, but she decides its not worth it. “E, essendo udita, in buio non scompai.” At some point, she needs to stop listening.
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pearl484-blog · 2 months
Adrien Augreste Entry 1: Memories
Adrien has fond memories of Kagami
Ao3 link
Andre's Sweetheart Ice Cream was a popular hangout for couples, and it wasn't hard to see why. It was fun, solving a scavenger hunt together with your sweetheart, touring the most romantic and scenic places for a chance at a sweet, sweet custom ice-cream perfectly designed for your love. And while Andre's was also nice to hang out with friends, especially with Andre's friendliness and poems, the love celebrated there was solely the romantic kind-as Adrien had sadly discovered when he'd tried to bring both Marinette and Kagami. It was the place where Adrien finally got a clue and realized that if Ladybug would never love him, he could be happy with Kagami. Kagami, who was strong, independent, and knew what she wanted. Kagami, who loved him, wanted him, and would never abandon him. Kagami, whose strength was beautiful, even as her heart was so tender. Adrien had kissed her there, and with it, he sealed a vow to her that he would never leave her.
Anyone who called Kagami was an Ice Queen clearly wasn't paying attention. They didn't see how she threw herself into fencing with her whole body and soul. They didnt see how she held his hand, always so strong and firm, but also with a purpose, à need to make sure Adrien was moving towards the next, new exciting thing, and so ready to stop at a moment's notice for him. Adrien had never had someone so attentive towards him, like he mattered. Like he was all that mattered. Oh, but everything paled compared to when Kagami was talking about her latest romantic manga. How her eyes would shine, and shed discuss the most ridiculous plots with the utmost sincerity, like it was the most serious thing in the world. Every time Kagami talked about them, Adrien was torn with one of the most difficult choices in all of history: Did he let her talk uninterrupted with all of her passion or did he kiss her silly for being so cute?
Although Kagami reminded Adrien of Ladybug-a lot- sometimes they were exactly the opposite. Case in point, before the first match against each other, Kagami cornered him in the locker rooms. "You've performed poorly in our practice matches," she informed him. "You need to fight this time." Adrien winced. With Ladybug, he'd always avoided fighting her, and even in the few rimes they'd sparred, Chat Noir had always gone easy on her, afraid to hurt her or her self-confidence. But Kagami was different. She wanted Adrien to give her his all. She was disappointed when he didn't, and she'd made that clear before, but it was hard to fight he woman he loved. Adrien wanted to hold Kagami, cherish her, but Kagami was too tough for coddling. She didn't just want a challenge from him, she expected it. "I'm sorry," Adrien said. "Don't be sorry," Kagami scolded. "Be better." Yet, despite her cold words, Adrien could hear the warm message underneath. "I know you're better. I know you're my equal." Her equal. God, Adrien loved that. Kagami thought he was her equal and she wanted him to be. She challenged him to be. Despite her annoyance, Adrien kissed her, watching in pleasure as a deep, dark blush spread across Kagami's face in surprise. "I will", he promised. "For you."
Adrien huffed as Kagami rejected yet another pose. She sounded just like Vincent as she scolded him for using model poses, and not being "real enough". "I'm a model," Adrien complained. "Every pose I do is a model pose." "You know what I mean," Kagami grumped, even as Adrien leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I want this drawing of you to be perfect." "Everything you draw is perfect," Adrien muttered, and they were. The same way the sky was blue and the sun set in the west. "You don't get it," Kagami said, pushing Adrien away. Adrien frowned and then decided to hold Kagami, wrapping loosely around her so she could easily push him off. "Then explain it to me," he whispered to her, making sure he was close enough to her ear to tickle her with his breath. "Tell me what's going on in your gorgeous mind." Kagami sighed. "My mother started losing her eyesight around my age. It's from a disorder. One that's hereditary." Kagami stared at Adrien in his eyes. "I respect my mother greatly, and her strength is no less than if she could see, but I'm afraid..." "Of going blind?" Adrien asked. Kagami shook her head. "Of forgetting what you look like. The things I draw, I pour hours of work into them. I know every line, I know every Shadow because I made them myself. I studied them. Drawing them, it only makes them more beautiful, and harder to forget. Like I etched them in my mind." Kagami took Adrien by the hand. "I want to do that with you. I want to remember you, the real you, not some fake ad people made up. I know this sounds ridiculous. I'm not going to wake up blind one day-" Adrien hugged her. "It's not," he said, kissing her shoulder. "I know how you feel." Kagami glared at him, pulling away. "No, you do not. Your father is not blind. You know nothing of that kind of dread." "But my mother was sick," Adrien told her, and Kagami froze. Adrien never talked about his mother. He said it was too painful. "No one knows why, or what she was sick with. One day, she just started having these...these dizzy spells and coughing. A lot. Eventually, she couldn't walk, and," Adrien swallowed, "I'm scared that one day, that'll happen to me. I'll end up like her, unable to walk, and no one will even notice. Or care." "I'd notice," Kagami promised loyally. "If that ever happens, I'll ensure that all necessary preparations are taken for you." "And I'll do that for you," Adrien told her. "Not that you're not as strong as capable as your mom, but I'll fight for you. You'll have everything you need, and you'll never forget what I look like, cause I'll remind you every day." Kagami smiled, and Adrien-quick as a flash- took a picture of them cuddled together and sent it to Kagami. "This is one moment I'd hate to forget", he told her, before kissing her on her cheek again.
Adrien stared forlornly at the wallpaper on his phone, a picture of him and Kagami together. They were just memories with a girl who didn't love him, who didn't even want to be friends with him anymore. It was for the best that he forgot about it and left his pain behind before it consumed him. So, with a heavy heart, he deleted his photos of Kagami, and that terrible ache deepened like a hungry maw.
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yeonchi · 10 months
Two Sides to a Rider Kick (a poem)
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I wrote this poem in 2018 for someone I knew in high school who I've never wanted to Rider Kick so hard because I liked and hated her so much. Of course it's a "her", I spoiled the context for you right here.
This poem was meant to be split across two columns for simultaneous reading, however this post only has it as one.
This is just an edgelord poem, so don't take it seriously.
He Rider Kicked me today.
And in that moment, I could feel his sadness, his sorrow, his rage, his anger, and his resentment pierce through my heart.
Or at least I would have, if only I could understand what he was really feeling.
I wonder why he did it? Was it out of jealousy? Was it a prank gone too far? Or was there some kind of secret hatred that I didn't know about?
I feel kind of sorry for him, to be honest. Everyone knows he has a thing for me, but I'm too scared to say anything to him in case he takes it the wrong way.
One Valentine's Day, I got a letter from him. I was astonished that he took the time to write that, considering how long it was.
The next day, he sent me a message on Facebook asking me if I got it. I didn't know how to respond to that, so I asked my cousin to do it for me. Either I just so happened to be visiting him or he just so happened to visit me.
Guess what happened after that? He called me a fucking bitch.
Yeah, so what? I don't care. Why would I want to go out with an idiot like you? I've never seen you hang out with me or my friends. All you ever do is drift around doing "mainies" while imitating poses from "Kamen Rider" or "Super Sentai" or "Power Rangers" or some shit. Yeah, I know, a friend told me.
It's been a while since then. I've been used to all his Japanese samurai bullshit. Every time he tries to kill me in a pretend way, I just ignore it because I'm not even surprised at this point, but sometimes I wonder if the one thing he really wants is a friend who cares.
He doesn't hesitate to do what imaginary "Kamen Rider" shit comes to him when he sees me or my friends. Wait, isn't this a kids show, like "Power Rangers"? Why does he like watching those shows? I remember that he watches Doctor Who and for a time, I remember that he liked My Little Pony; yeah, he wouldn't shut up on Facebook about Rainbow Dash or some shit.
I don't want to think about him again when we part. I won't. I know what I did and I don't care. I'll move on from all this and I won't look back at the time when this boy had such a deep crush on me. I only hope he can survive. I know he will; at least he isn't one of those creepy guys on Tinder.
I wish he knew how I felt about him. I wish I could have told him how I really felt. His image of me must have been ruined by now; I must look like a demon in heaven and an angel in hell to him.
On top of having friends who have been in relationships, I've seen and heard enough things to know what a relationship really is like. Does he really know what being in a relationship actually entails? I don't think he does.
I wouldn't have minded him being friends with me; all he had to do was ask. He likes talking and hanging out with some people he knows, but why doesn't he talk to me or my friends? Is it because he's scared of us? I wish I could say I'm sorry, but I'm worried that he might see it as me hitting on him. What if I made the first move and he rejected it because of what he thought of me?
I don't know what Japanese lines he says before he shoots or slashes. Did he learn them off those shows he watches? That's something a kid would do and not someone of his age. Sometimes, I see these slight patches of maturity over all this childishness. Maybe he's not as silly as he looks.
I know I said I'm not surprised at what he does, but sometimes the things he does annoy me when I'm trying to do something important. Look, he's a nice person and that, but even I have my limits. Given that he's somewhat mature over all this childishness, I think he understands. I can only imagine that he has his things to do as well, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to keep up with the rest of us.
But oh no, that's not what I'm thinking about. Right now, my mind is on this guy, a guy who's generally nice and mature yet rude and childish, trying to kill me. He's floating in the air like the laws of gravity don't apply to him; he's got one foot back and another right on my torso, shouting like he doesn't care.
"But hold on, isn't that violence against women?" I hear you say. Yes, you're right, it is violence against women. I don't care what reasons he has; violence against women is wrong, whether in TV or in real life. I know he's not going to kill me with that imaginary bullshit, but deep down, I think that I deserved it for emotionally torturing him like this... no, I don't deserve it; I don't love him!
A few seconds ago, as he was coming towards me, he was waving his hands around this invisible thing on his waist he calls a "belt" or "Driver", saying some random Japanese shit as he was doing it. Then suddenly, he jumps into the air and lands a flying kick on me; something that should only be possible in the shows he watches, not in real life.
The kick took me by surprise and caused me to fall backwards onto the ground. I was scared that he would end up trampling me under his feet, but he quickly moved away before it happened. He didn't hit anything important, but the speed and force of his kick made me feel like I got run over by a car.
I thought I was going to die. I thought I was going to be in a wheelchair for a while. Luckily the floor was carpeted, but God knows what would happen if it was hard. I heard him blurt out, "Oh my God, are you alright? I'm so sorry!"
Angrily, I said the first thing that came to my mind: "What the fuck, man? You almost fucking killed me!"
And the rest is just a fantasy.
I Rider Kicked her today.
And in that moment, I felt my sadness, my sorrow, my rage, my anger, and my resentment piercing through her heart.
Or at least they would have, if only she could understand how I really felt.
Why did I do it, I wonder? Was it out of jealousy? Was it a prank gone too far? Or was there some kind of secret hatred that she didn't know about?
Should she feel sorry for me? I don't care. Everyone knows I have a thing for her, but nothing really came out of it, so it's a dead meme now.
One Valentine's Day, I sent her a letter. Writing it absolutely made me want to kill myself from the cringe. That's how much of an ironic meme it was.
The next day, I sent her a message on Facebook asking her if she got it. She didn't respond, but her cousin did. I'm not going to divulge the details of our conversation, but whatever he said triggered me unironically.
Guess what happened after that? I called her a fucking bitch.
Why did I do that? I sacrificed my dignity to write that letter and she had the gall to not tell me herself how she really felt. I didn't mind her rejecting me, but the fact that she got her cousin to reply instead of her showed me what a two-faced bitch she was. It's astonishing how her friends don't know this side of her.
It's been a while since then. People keep telling me that she isn't worth it and I keep reminding myself of that time and time again, but always, I find myself drawn to her. Why? What's the point in trying to get someone to notice you when she clearly isn't interested?
The voice inside me keeps telling me all these things, but I clearly don't listen time and time again. "You've never hung out with her", "You've never even talked to her", "You have unrealistic expectations", "You're gonna lose more friends before you even make any" - the kind of things only someone with so much self-doubt and self-hatred would say to themselves.
What if this continues on long after we've parted? Am I willing to sacrifice any remaining friendships I have just to chase after this one girl? Can I really keep up the fantasy that something good would happen between us? Help me, I've become self-aware!
I keep saying to myself, "Does she really know how I feel?" every once in a while to the point where my inner voice just snaps and says, "You absolute fucker, do you even know how she feels?"
It was then that it suddenly hit me; I actually felt what it was like to be on the other side of all this. It wasn't the truth straight from the horse's mouth, but it was close enough. Help me, I think I've actually developed empathy!
Every day, I see her with all her friends, male and female alike, and I felt like I never stood a chance to them. The thought of wanting to be friends with her never crossed my mind because I thought she and her friends would laugh at me. A boy with being friends with a girl he's obsessed with? Get real, like they don't know you're trying to hit on her and ask her out.
The modernisation of the Kamen Rider and Super Sentai series comes with collectables and toys designed to be used with them. These toys are also used in each series as well and they make various sounds; some are either innocuous and serious, while some are just exaggerated and silly.
Every day, I always found myself playing the hero to the villains that were her and her friends. Every gun shot, every sword slash, to me they were reminders of how much I hated them, but deep down, they were calls of help; I wanted to be friends with them, I just didn't know how because I thought that my way was better; when you've met someone for long enough, you automatically become friends with them. Boy, was I so wrong.
Sometimes, I wish she and her friends would know how I felt inside; tortured, scarred, in pain, and I wish I could inflict to them the same pain they did to me. Hold on, I'm not talking about killing them - losing them would hurt me just as much as it would hurt those around them.
"But hold on, isn't that violence against women?" I hear you say. Yes, you're right, it is violence against women, but for all I cared, she was a despicable woman who basically ripped out my heart and ate it whole in front of me. I'm not someone who would hurt a woman who was innocent or kind; oh yes, she was kind and beautiful, but that's only if you ignore what I just said about her.
I didn't know what Rider I was that day and I didn't care; all I care about was that I was transformed and that I knew the moves. As I saw her, I triggered the finisher sequence on my invisible Driver, then jumped in the air and let out a shout just as my foot landed on her - I made sure not to hit her head or her legs because I didn't want to do too much damage.
I thought my kick would go through her, but instead it caused her to fall over backwards to the ground. I quickly got away from her before I found myself standing on top of her with both my feet. Hey, at least the floor was carpeted and she doesn't explode like the monsters in the tokusatsu shows!
Suddenly, I was filled with horror and remorse; I thought that I had killed or severely injured her, something that I never wanted to happen. I said the first thing that came to my mind: "Oh my God, are you alright? I'm so sorry!"
The next thing I heard was her saying angrily to me, "What the fuck, man? You almost fucking killed me!"
And the rest is just a fantasy.
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Ouran Headcanons
(In a relationship)
Please remember this is just for fun
(And my first fanfic type thing, so please forgive me if its weird.)
♡ ohshc X GN! Reader ♡
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♡ Tamaki would spoil the living daylights out of you, by giving you presents and flowers daily.
♡ He's definitely big on PDA, any chance he could get he'd give you hugs and kisses and if your not comfortable with it he'd understand.
♡ The pet names he'd give you would probably be like "My Angel ", "My Highness " ,  "Mon trésor ",  possibly even "Diamond".
♡ He would cuddle you any chance he gets, And if you reject his cuddles you'll most definitely gonna find him in the corner of the room pouting and growing mushrooms.
♡ Now I'm tellin ya this man gets jealous so easily, if a person kisses the back of your hand at a party he'll immediately pulls your hand away from the person he'll say something along the lines of " Please do not touch my angel " he'll most likely be mumbling under his breath the rest if the night
♡ If you ever get sick or are in pain he wouldn't let you leave the bed constantly telling you "My angel you need to stay in bed, if your hungry tell me and I'll bring your food " he would call the best doctors in Japan just to make sure you are ok.
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♡ Just like the others he would spoil you but he would do it in a kinda old fashioned way by writing you a letter or a poem or possibly sending you 9 lavender roses.     (9 lavender roses stand for eternal love)
♡ Now he is not the biggest on PDA but he will hold your hand and maybe once in a while kiss you, and like Tamaki if you tell him that your not comfortable with it he'll fully understand and stop.
♡ The pet names he would call you would probably be "Darling " or "Angel ".
♡ Now though he is not the biggest on PDA, But in private is a different story he adores the feeling of you in his arms or when you lay in his lap.
♡ Kyoya doesn't get jealous that easily, But when he does he writes in his death note he immediately pulls you away mid conversation smirking at the person staring at your leaving forms.
♡ If you end up getting sick he immediately calls the family doctors, if you say the simple words of "why I'm fine its just the flu " he would smile sweetly at you saying "I'm sure darling but it's better to make positive it's just that and nothing worse "
♡ Now Haruhi isn't rich like the others but she will still spoil you and the way she would do it is cooking your favorite food or probably writing little loving notes and letters.
♡ Haruhi isn't big on PDA at all, at most she'll hold your hand but that's about it.
♡ The pet names Haruhi would give you would be simple things like "babe " or "baby ".
♡ Now at home Haruhi she's not the kind of person to beg for cuddles, but she will if you ask she enjoys cuddling with you but she's not crazy about them either.
♡ Like Kyoya Haruhi doesn't get jealous easily she's really laid-back  but when she does she is very polite about it she'll say the the person something like "I'm sorry but I must pull y/n away from you " if you ask her what's up she'll just tell you that she was somewhat jealous.
♡ If your sick she would make you stay in bed making sure you rest, she would make your favorite food for breakfast with you tea/coffee.
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♡ This man is a he adores you but he wouldn't spoil you like the others he would do in a subtle way by sending a good morning message or kissing your cheek.
♡ he may not be as big on it as Tamaki but he is bigger on PDA than Kyoya or Haruhi
He will willingly hold your hand, kiss you and hug you as well, he'll tell you just how much he loves you.
♡ The pet names that he would call you would be something like "Baby " "angel "  " darling " he would most likely use them to tease you to be honest
♡ This man sits down and demands cuddles just arm open waiting for some cuddles "Y/N come here and give me cuddles " if you refuse he'll just pick you up and take you to the couch or bed.
♡ Alright we all know Hikaru gets jealous very easily and when he gets jealous he tends to get overprotective he'd most likely pull you away from the person and just have a death glare target at them.
♡ When your sick he would just stay by your side the whole time he would try to schedule an appointment to the doctors but otherwise he would bring you food in bed.
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♡ Kaoru being the mature twin he tends to be more calm but he adores you none the less, he's very sweet about it too by sending you your favorite flowers or giving you freshly baked treats.
♡ Now Kaoru doesn't mind PDA to him its all up to you if you wanna show PDA if you do he'll hold your hand hug kiss you and more, if not then he would completely understand.
♡ the pet names he would call you would be little thing that remind him of you like  "sunshine " "baby " or " angel "
♡ Now with cuddles he love them a nice cuddles session with you at the end of the day the definition of heaven to him he loves the feeling of having you in his arms or vice versa.
♡Kaoru doesn't get as jealous as Hikaru but he does get jealous once in a while, like Haruhi he is very polite about it he'll just gently pull you away just making a small excuse.
♡ If your sick he is the same way as Hikaru, he will stay by your side the entire time he would call the doctor just to make sure your gonna be fine he would bring you your favorite food and tea/coffee.
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♡ Ok I'm gonna say this right off the bat Honey is the most loving S/O you could ever have,  he would give you cake, cookies or your favorite sweet treats if your having a bad day.
♡ Just like Tamaki Honey-Senpai is big on PDA he just loves being able to show your his by holding your hand, kissing you, or by just hugging you, but if you tell him your uncomfortable he would understand and stop.
♡ The pet names he would call you would be "sugar ", "cupcake ", "sweetheart ", "sweetpea ", and probably "cookie "
♡ Any chance this man would get he would cuddle with you and usa-chan he would make a full on cuddle fort with hundreds of pillows and blankets.
♡ Honey doesn't get jealous really he is just really overprotective of you but if he does he'll just pull you away saying "cmon y/n-chan let's go " with just the sweetest little smile.
♡ If you were sick or in pain he would probably be giving you a lot of cake and your favorite treats.
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♡ Now Mori is very protective of you just wants to make sure your safe and happy and he will do anything in his power to do so.
♡ Mori isn't big on PDA but he will hold your hand and give you his rare smile doing so, and possibly on special occasions he will be more  affectionate.
♡ He would be simple on pet names he would probably call you "Darling " or "Angel " just short and sweet Nothing too crazy.
♡ This man may seem like he wouldn't be big on cuddles oh but he is loves cuddles any moment he can hw will cuddles you but if you tell him that your busy he will fully understand.
♡Mori hardly ever gets jealous, but if he does he'll just pick you up and take you away from the person.
♡ Now if you end up sick he'll make you stay in bed, he bring you food he'll call the doctors and if you try to get up he'll just put you back in bed.
Hi I'm ghost and I appreciate you reading this, this is my first thing on here so please forgive me if its not the best, I will be working on getting better
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lavenderlyncis · 2 years
F, R, U?? :)
This turned out so so long, I'm very sorry <3
F: a snippet from a dialogue scene that I'm proud of with an explanation
This was kind of tricky, because there are so many scenes from tbwb that I would love to talk about and explain. I decided on this one purely, because I can talk about it without spoiling too much.
"This one is called 'sunflowers'," Regulus began.
James wheezed at this. "I wonder why."
"Shut the fuck up." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, this was painted with only three shades of yellow. He demonstrated that it was possible to paint with one singular colour, without losing any amount of eloquence. The sunflowers represented a sort of gratitude for Van Gogh. He once wrote that in a way, he owned the sunflower. I believe that to be true. No one else has ever painted sunflowers quite like he did."
"I guess." The dismissal in James' voice made Regulus' blood boil.
He sharply turned to him. This time, James was looking at the painting and not at him, which was strangely disappointing. "Excuse you?"
"I mean, yeah, he owns the sunflower, but that's not a very nice flower to own." He shrugged and focused on Regulus again.
Regulus was shocked. The sunflower, not a nice flower to own? Didn't James have any eyes? He opened his mouth, but no words came out.
James, the tasteless prick, continued. "It's not as impressive as painting... oh, I don't know, water lilies perhaps."
"Excuse you?!" Regulus saw red. "You did not just compare Van Gogh to Monet, did you?" His voice became shrill, and he had half a mind not to actually scream at James in public.
"He is the superior impressionist," he asserted with mischief glinting in his eyes.
Regulus sputtered. "He is- No! What? How do you even come to that conclusion? The audacity! You come into this museum and disrespect the man himself?!"
"What can I say, I just always liked water lilies better than sunflowers." He shrugged and Regulus paused.
Was James trying to tell him something? This had most likely been some teasing on James' part, but 'water lilies'? James had to be a fool to not read the hidden meaning of that. Was this his way of rejecting him yet again?
Regulus had gotten the message the first time. James didn't need to remind him.
I like this scene so much because it tells us everything we need to know about James and Reg's dynamic and the cause of their issue.
On a surface level, James tries to get under Regulus' skin because he likes seeing his reaction. Regulus is very reactionary when it comes to James. Those two know exactly what they have to say to rile the other up and that's a very important part of their relationship. It shows how well they know each other.
On a deeper level, the entire core conflict they are facing gets demonstrated here. James says something random without thinking about it and Regulus, lead by his insecurities, interprets a deeper meaning into it, that James didn't intend. They face a major miscommunication issue that they need to adress, but neither of them have realized that it's even happening.
I also just really enjoy the metaphor of Lily being waterlilies by Monet and Regulus being sunflowers by Van Gogh. The sunflower motive is going to be continued throughout the entire story, which can be seen by the title of the very chapter that scene is from, "blooming of a sunflower", which is a reference to Regulus' feelings being rekindled.
R: are there any writers that i consider an influence?
I would be a fool to not mention @mcplestreet here. I think my love for their work is widely known, but they are singlehandedly responsible for getting me to post my work, so they definitely had the lairgest influence on me.
Another writer I would consider an influence is actually @wegkreuzer. She's not a fanfic author, but she sends me poems and sometimes short stories of hers that always inspire me in some way. There's even going to be one of her poems featured in tbwb.
U: Three of my favourite fic writers and why I love them so much
I don't think I can choose just three. I'm sorry. These are in no particular order.
@aureusprongs. I don't think I even need to elaborate. Omnia vincit amor is a masterpiece. He just gets the characterisations of these characters right.
@euphorial-docx just delievers the best version of Regulus there is, but what I truly admire her for is how they're able to set the atmosphere. I have such a vivid image in my head when reading their work and it's wonderful.
@plutosmoony has an amazingly artistic portrayal of Regulus' mental health, which is so addicting to read. I love it when people put work into their themes and motifs and Pluto does that so much.
@thebattlehamster. No one is surprised by that. I love it when characters lament about the past and when you were mine is full of that. Yaz is able to create a story that's so dramatically beautiful and I love them for it.
Yes, I'm gonna put @mcplestreet here too. How could I not? They're stories are pure art. I especially admire them for portraying the Jegulus interactions in such a beautifully romantic way.
I just realized that I can't actually name everyone that I wanted to name and now I'm sad :(
Just know that if I follow you, you belong on this list as well. And if I don't follow you, you probably also belong on this list. I read a lot.
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nxtsnw · 3 years
Hello :D can I request a Tokyo Revengers romantic relationship matchup? I'm a straight girl with an ISFJ personality. I'm an ambivert and a quiet person in general but when I'm comfortable enough I like to make others laugh and make sassy comebacks.
I tend to have a resting b!tch face but when others talk to me a tend to smile a lot, I'm that type of person that smiles in uncomfortable situations and to hide my real emotions around people I don't trust enough.
I like learning languages, dancing and my dream is to become a writer/screenwriter, I'm studying animation so I'm interested in any type of art, right now I'm trying my best to learn how to draw anatomy correctly and I enjoy drawing flowers, my favorite type of art is Art Nouveau!
I dislike relationships that are too clingy, I'm not into PDA so I prefer to keep those things in private. In romantic relationships I prefer to be able to joke around as best friends with my partner, to annoy/insult each other in a playful way when we are in public.
In my group of friends I'm the one that stays out of the drama, I'm the friend that listens to my friends problems and try my best to help them and be positive about everything. I'm also brutally honest most of the time so some people get offended by it but I never try to say anything to hurt someone, I always feel guilty if I know I offended someone and it's hard for me to stay angry at others, If I'm angry with someone I prefer to avoid/ignore them completely.
I've been called egocentric by my friends because of my humor, I prefer to joke about being the best rather than insulting myself. I was also once called an enigma by a guy that was trying to flirt with me, I still don't understand why he said that but I think it was because I rejected all of his approaches.
Finally I'm known for having a stylish and elegant look, I like to try new clothes styles everyday. What stands out the most about me are my glasses and my long curly mohawk haircut.
Thank you and sorry for any Grammar mistakes! (English isn't my first language).
n.a.: pls you sound so cool!! I hope you'll like it, and sorry for any mistakes<3
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I match you with NAHOYA KAWATA (smiley)
- I think it's impossible to get bored with him, and besides, he would do anything to never make you feel uncomfortable :)
- he much prefers your real smile when you are with him rather than the forced one when you fell unconfortable
- I imagine your dinners while you cook with blaring music and dance without embarrassment.
- you could ask him for an opinion on all the things you write and he would love to read them!!
- It's always a headcanon but I'm sure that he also loves drawing, you can spend the afternoons doing it together.
- this is how I imagine your date: (you have already been engaged for a few months :)
He invited you to his house to have lunch together, you tried to cook sushi (or another dish of your choice) and magically you succeeded (please teach me). You started talking about your days and as a pastime for the afternoon you decided to try watercolors (?). It was one of the first times you used them, you both put more color around than on the canvas- (but the paintings turned out beautiful !!). You swapped them, and I'm sure he has yours hanging in his room. As a subject, you chose to make a portrait of each other (a really easy thing...) but he was so happy with how yours turned out. He paused for a long time to look at you while you were concentrating on the drawing (he found you so cute AAAAAAA). Take a good look at the picture he gave you, there may be a secret message inside, (something like a little poem he wrote for you<3)
- he likes to annoy you in front of other people, even just raising your ego (giving you lots of compliments) to embarrass you and make you blush;).
- he and he also prefers physical contact in private <3
- he would like your brutally honest side, he likes honest people
- I see your relationship as from best friend to datings, so never lose the good relationship you had before.
- loves to play with your hair and tickle you often (he suffers a lot too)
- he loves to match elegant clothes with you
- he's the kind of person who calls you at 2am to book a trip for the next day:)
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confuzzled-sheep · 7 years
Lemme throw my opinion on Horikawa into the void
OK, so I have been playing toruabu for well over a year now, and have been using Horikawa since the very beginning, when it was just Mutsu, Atsu, and Hori in my citadel. Having him for that long made me realize; he is not the pure little angel people tend to make him out to be. He is loyal, hardworking, and supportive, dont get me wrong. However, one must look into his past and fate to fully realize why he is acting this way in the anime.
Horikawa was present at Hijikata's death at the Battle of Hakodate, where a bullet shattered his lower back while riding on horseback.
Hijikata entrusted most of his remaining belongings to his 16 year old page. Including his death poem, a photograph of himself, (Which would have been insanely valuable, photographs were treated like portraits, so it would be like inheriting the Mona Lisa) some important documents, and two swords. Little is known about what happened to Ichimura after Hijikata's death, and all we know about Horikawa is that the sword was confiscated after WWII and is probably at the bottom of the ocean.
Now, back to the chase:
Horikawa Kunihiro is not perfect, or innocent. The reason he works so hard is because he realized that the only thing he has in his new human form is Izuminokami. Horikawa felt like he failed as a weapon, being with his master at the time of his death, and then sitting around in a box before getting tossed into the ocean by the U.S. Army. He feels like because he messed up once, he can't do it again. He wants to take the burden off of everyone else's shoulders, thinking he is the only one to deserve it. Horikawa wants to make himself suffer because he can't stand to see others suffer. Especially when they are close to him.
Now, how does this play into the events in episode 10?
Horikawa obviously has thought long and hard about what it would be like to see Hijikata. Horikawa knows how and when he dies, and was literally at his side through all the suffering. Horikawa watched Hijikata suffer as his nation metaphorically back stabbed him, but Hijikata went into a losing battle, to his DEATH, because he believed it would be honorable to stay loyal to the version of his nation he wanted to protect. Horikawa carries that loyalty on, putting up with Izuminokami's shit all the time. (Sorry Izumi fans, but he can be a huge dick to Hori and it bothers the hell out of me sometimes)
Izuminokami is kind if Horikawa's ideal, his charge, but Izumi said some things he shouldn't have, and throughout the series, seems to respect Horikawa less and less as a person. We can watch Horikawa get sidelined throughout the show. This slight abandonment is exactly what Horikawa has been trying to avoid, his deepest fear. The fear of rejection.
How will this shape the story:
Well I'm a bit of of an emotional Masochist, and I'm a slut for good/unusual story paths, so I want to see Horikawa descend. Will he become like the retrograde army? Will he mess everything up in a future mission because he was being 'selfish'? If he does 'go dark', will he retain the same form? WILL HE BECOME LIKE AN ENEMY WAKIZASHI??? How will the others handle this?? Will they redeem him???
My personal ideal plot would be Horikawa slowly goes darker, morphing into a partial enemy Wakizashi, but he still retains recognizeable parts. (The torso thing on the top of the creatures) Therefore, the Second unit knows its him, and freaks the hell out. (HUGE BONUS POINTS IF HE CHANGES/STARTS GROWING EXTRA LIMBS AND STUFF WHILE HE IS STILL WITH THE SECOND UNIT) Cue final battle, and everyone is occupied by enemies. Horikawa dissapared for a while so the second unit is not openly worried about him. Kanesada is searching for stuff in the battlefield (allies, Konnosuke, enemies, historical figure, etc.) Ends up in a secluded area, and Bam. There he is. A nearly full transformed/dark Horikawa. Kane is horrified, and Hori attacks. While fighting Kane, Hori is explaining why he chose to leave the second unit and shift. The primary reason? "Because no matter how many times is saved you, or Kuninaga, or Tonbokiri, or even your precious Yoshiyuki, you never cared. Do you know why I even spared the effort to do that?! Because I wanted to be loyal! I WANTED to protect you! And what do you do... You dont care. You NEVER cared. Then I realized... Maybe I should fight for my OWN beliefs. Not the beliefs of my Master, dead or alive. Aruji made a terrible mistake, giving us souls. So go on, Izuminokami Kanesada, fight for your master. They never care in the end." Kane is startled by a gunshot, and Hori slumps onto the ground. Mutsu is standing behind the dying wakizashi, crying, hand still clutching the smoking gun. Horikawa is dead, back shattered by the bullet on the 'back' of the wakizashi creature. Kanesan is dragged by Mutsu away from the corpse, and towards the room where the Final boss is supposed to be. The Boss is long dead, and the room is spotless. Except for some writing on the back wall, reading "Regardless if it is a losing battle, I will fight for my freedom". Every member knows its Horikawa. Even in death, after reverting to the 'dark side', he still helped them. He always would.
OK anyway here's my mess of shit haha fuck I hate myself please take this message me if you want to yell about the intense shit this show could do.
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