#I'm sorry Harlan this may be insensitive to your guys dead daughter but I actually couldn't sleep if I didn't figure this out
The implication of the pipe organ is the larger the body of water the more dramatic of an instrument, thus in the opposite direction if faroe drowned in a bucket he would be carrying one of those cat pianos
So I wanted to use this logic to see what instrument Arthur would have played if Faroe drowned in a pool
The average bathtub can hold about 40-70 gallons of water. Averaging about 55 gallons
At the time I'm assuming Arthur didn't have the money/space for a full grand and would most likely have some sort of upright piano.
An average upright piano is around 500-800 lbs averaging at 650 lbs
The average swimming pool is around 18,000-20,000 gallons which makes the growth rate from 55-19,000 gallons to around 344.4545
Using y=a(1+b) with y being the final amount in lbs, a being the initial weight of the instrument in lbs, and b being the growth rate, that gives us. 224,542.5 lbs
Someone said that Arthur would play an organ if Faroe drowned in a pool, which is kind of a dead end to figure out because of how varying organs are in weight and I doubt they'd be able to match 224,542.5 lbs. But who knows, I'm in no way an organ expert and please correct me if I'm wrong.
However, I tried the same thing but measuring a piano in Base Size. Average upright piano is 58 inches in width and 24 inches in length. Making our base area 1,392 square inches
Using the same growth rate, that would mean Arthur's instrument would have to be 480,866.4 square inches. Making that 40,072 square feet
Stay with me here. The reason I tried base size instead of weight was because while looking for gigantuous instruments I found this:
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The Great Stalacpipe Organ. Located in Luray Caverns, Virrginia, USA, and stretches over 3.5 acres. Now 40,072 square feet is a lot buts it's only 0.92 acres which doesn't exactly cut it. But the good news is we're going based off hypothetical logic and all we need to do to get Arthur to play this little number is to drown poor Faroe in a bigger fuck ton of water!
So, that being said,
We need to find how many gallons of water are needed to make his instrument 152,460 ft.
So if we convert 152,460 ft into inches we now have 1,829,520 inches
If we take the growth rate from 1,392 to 1,829,520 (Which is 1313.31034) and plug it into the eq y=55(1+1313.31034) that gets us 72,287.069.
We can check this by taking the growth rate of 55 to 72,287.069 (which is 1313.31039) and plug it into our original y=1393(1+1313.310) which gets us 1,830,833.83, the exact size of our Organ!
So that being said, 72,287.069, which is about the size of a small lake, is exactly how many gallons of water we'd need to drown Faroe in to make Arthur play The Great Stalacpipe Organ!
**Side note I did this all at literal midnight so I'm providing my calculations because there's like a 80% chance I totally fucked something crucial up because 1. I'm like the textbook definition of mathematically illiterate and 2. It's midnight
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