#I'm so proud of myself!!!! I've got the BIGGEST shame complex around sex and I !!!! talked about it for like 35 minutes with my therapist an
yellowshibe · 8 years
so it's 1 am so I can post about this now and none of my mutuals will see it and I won't be embarrassed BUT tonight in group I was talking about how I struggle with not being able to get laid and they were talking to me about it for like 20 fucking minutes we ran over ending time and I stayed for another 20 minutes just talking to my therapist about how much I love my girlfriend and how much I want to kiss her and stuff and IT WAS SO WILD I've never talked about sex with my therapist THAT MUCH and I'm just like......wow.....I DID THAT....we went there.......it was so wild.....tez kept saying. "Get a vibrator!!!! Get a dildo!!!!!" And I was CACKLING and SO RED it was so great....joey stayed the whole time they're so sweet.....I literally haven't talked that much about sex with people other than my sisters and alex EVER it was so cool!!!!!!!!!
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