#I'm so incredibly normal about yttd
lemonynuggets · 2 months
for yttd asks ( https://www.tumblr.com/lemonynuggets/749649632519487488 ),,,,, i don't know who else has submitted this. ough
2 : who is your least favorite character in the game?
I'm afraid it is fucking Keiji sighh what is his deal dude. I'm sorry (no really) Keiji fans
7 : if you had to kill one character, who would it be?
Midori... he is a fascinating character but by gods he's like the one that did the most shit in the game. Like making all the characters sign the consent form for example idk I think that's maybe a little fucked up + the entirety of chapter 3 could've been a lot less awful if he was dead + I'm well aware he technically died once and he dies at the end of the coffin game but nothing stops me from killing him before all that. Me and Alice are killing him together with the power of friendship and this gun I found
9 : which character dynamic/friendship is your favorite?
THIS ONE IS REALLY HARD TO CHOOSE but uhh I think it's Sara and Ranmaru because it's SO INTERESTING, I'm looking at this plot-wise and not friendship-wise so like ransara is absolutely fascinating, it's completely one sided and Ranmaru's entire character is built around it, on both routes he goes kinda mental just because of this random girl. I'm studying their dynamic like they are bugs in a lab
Otherwise I really love Midori and Shin's dynamic plot-wise too and wish it got more explored on chapter 3 and I love love love little dynamics like Sara and Joe or Sara and Kai AND GREENBLINGS!! Shin and Kanna save me. I cannot escape wholesome relationships doomed by the narrative but also bound by the narrative. Do you get it
13 : which character would you get along the most with?
This really depends on the circumstances we meet but if it was in the death game then I think Gin. I can't explain why it just makes sense to me
15 : whats a part of canon do you dislike? 
The way the characters move on from stuff too quick sometimes... I know they've been through a lot and by now they're kind of used to things but like. On emotion route Shin just died and Kanna barely grieves!! She barely gets to feel sad about it!! And Shin barely reacts to Midori and all the shit he sees on chapter 3, or how the game moves on so fast from Ranmaru trying to put the Joe AI in his body and stuff like that... it's kinda silly but it just feels unnatural idk
21 : what is your favorite attraction from chapt 2? which one is your least favorite? 
charge card battle was pretty fun and also didn't require motor skills so I could say it was my favorite + I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE FLY SWATTER FUCKING INSECSE ATTRACTION I HAD TO DO IT 7 TIMES I HATE IT
28 : if you had the sacrifice card, would you be able to get out of the DG with a massacre ending?
Ok this one is hard.... I have a real hard time evaluating what I'd do in a situation, there's no way to know if I would panic or not but if I manage to stay calm I think I could act my way out of it by staying really quiet during the discussion and just overall copying Kai on the first main game so everyone would think I'm the sage and vote for me, otherwise I would probably be too nervous to think of something and would blow my disguise methinks
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rekino2114 · 5 months
Could you do yttd girls with a reader like Nagito Komaeda?I love your blog ;)
Yttd girls with a nagito komaeda reader
A/n:Thanks so much. And i love your request cause it's the first yttd one, also I know this sucks I didn't have that many ideas, I feel so sorry giving you this after you complimented my blog😭 also sorry I couldn't think of anything interesting for nao and the dummies.
Spoilers for your turn to die
Sara chidouin
When you first met after being kidnapped, sara liked you, she thought you were just another normal person who was forced to participate in this game.
It was only when you completely went insane during the first main game that she realized she was wrong.
She started to notice the similarities between you and sou, namely the fact that you both were kind of psychotic so she just stays away from you two. Sara in on the verge of a mental breakdown every 15 minutes in this death game she doesn't need another crazy person to deal with.
She's kind of annoyed at your talk of hope and your luck mainly cause you somehow always end up with the commoner or sage card while she had the keymaster and sacrifice in a row.
"Ah, Sara how are you doing on this fine day?"
"Oh? Are you ignoring me? I understand a beacon of hope like you should never interact with trash of my kind"
"*sighs heavily*"
Reko yabusame
She also thinks of you, kinda similarly to how she views sou:a weirdo
You always compliment her singing which makes her really uncomfortable.
She tried to punch you when you said any of your weird things after Alice's death( if we're in her route)
"Reko your singing is truly sublime, might I call you the ultimate singer?"
".....the fuck are you on about?"
Sue miley
At first, she thought you were another boring participant that she would enjoy seeing suffer, but during your crazy monologue in the first main game she realized you are much more interesting than that.
Even if you were kind of insulting her calling her an agent of despair or something similar, she didn't pay attention, she could see it in your eyes, that same look she had, you were insane and you weren't even faking it like sou,that made you much more interesting and entertaining in her eyes.
She was pretty sad that you had to go to the other floors, but she could still watch your progress, she kinda started rooting for you to win, and she tried talking the other floormasters into increasing your chances of survival after what they saw.
"Listen y/n, before you go, i wanted to tell you that you're much more entertaining than the others I would appreciate it if you were to win"
"I don't plan on winning but destroying this game so that everyone can see that hope will win against despair"
"Tch whatever, just don't die"
Tia safalin
To be honest, she's kinda scared of you. You remind her of ranger, but somehow more sadistic and insane.
She's very impressed and kinda freaked out by the fact you somehow always complete the attractions without receiving any damage because of your luck.
She'd like to study your brain, so she tries to convince you to use her machine a lot, but you always refuse cause you just have no trauma even after everything that happened, which makes her even more curious and scared.
"H-hey y/n are you OK?"
"Ah, safalin, yes, please don't worry about me. I'm totally alright"
"A-are you sure? I-i could help you if you want"
"No it's fine you don't need to worry about trash like me"
You two surprisingly get along pretty well maybe because the only person who can understand and not be freaked out by your personality is literally not a human.
You're intrigued by how technological her body is and how she can feel emotions despite being a doll, you liked seeing her hopeful face when she talked with you
You feel incredibly angry towards midori for what he did to her, and when she died, you swore to kill him because he was the epitome of despair in your eyes.
"Oh y/n, you're back! I'm so happy would you like some tea?"
"Thank you maple, yes I would like some"
"I'm glad you come to visit me so often, it gets lonely in here"
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miztrixx · 1 year
Hopes for YTTD: Chapter 3-2
Not sure if anyone else has made this sort of blogpost yet, but this is essentially going to be a master compilation of all the specific things I hope we get to see in Chapter 3-2: - Sara facing her simulation self, perhaps in a battle or just in a small confrontational discussion: This (alongside possibly her memories of Joe being restored in the Logic Route) would serve as an amazing end and send-off to the character of Sara Chidouin. Having her face down her greatest insecurities, all the things that she thought were true about herself until she met Joe, and beat them? And not only that, coming to term with Joe's death and moving forward in life? It would be such a great way to show how far Sara has grown, all the way back since that fateful night stroll...
 - An epilogue scene: It doesn't matter how far into the future it is, could be one week after the events of the game or 10 years (though I'm hoping for the latter, imagine how bittersweet and emotionally gut-wrenching it would be to see Kanna and Gin all grown up...my heart will melt), just a scene showing us how the survivors are adjusting back to regular life. After all the pain and hardships they went through, seeing so many people die including some of their loved ones and having their lives put on the chopping block so many times, just seeing them live life normally and try to move on from all that has happened would be....bittersweet...so so bittersweet. I can imagine that the survivors would heavily value life and try to make the very most of their experience as humans after such a traumatic experience, but I can also imagine the survivors trying to live a peaceful and relaxing life after this as well. I'd also think it'd be heartbreaking but also uplifting to see the survivors honoring the memories of everyone that died. Contacting their friends and family and letting them know what happened to them, holding a huge memorial for all of them, making sure that their final wishes were realized (like Nao wanting to paint that picture of Mishima). All in all, I'd think it make for a pretty banger ending.
- "Shin" abandons the scarf: This one is pretty self-explanatory, Shin abandons the red scarf which is/was the symbol of Midori's control/influence over him, what drove him to become "Sou Hiyori" alongside the Four Papers and what drove him to do all the malicious and manipulative things he did. It goes without saying that if Shin ever gets a redemption arc as the final conclusion of his character, which I definitely see happening, he will have to break free of Midori's influence over him and this includes ditching the scarf. But he can't just put the blue scarf back on, he can't just return to the innocent and frail man that Shin Tsukimi was before the Death Game, he watched his sister die in front of him and had to bear all the pain and angst that came with it, his existence in the Death Game was filled with anger and malice, Yes. But it was also filled with fleeting moments of concern and connection, something Shin will have to do in order to fully get over Kanna's death: It may take years, but he will live and survive because that's what Kanna wanted for him. He will abandon the red scarf but I don't see him putting the blue scarf back on: Either he will move on from both and not adorn a scarf at all or he will adorn a purple scarf, a combination of both.
- On the note of Midori....he gets briefly revived before dying again, similar to how Rio Ranger (or Rio Laizer, I suppose) was: This sort of ties back into the previous hope, having Midori come back and having him interact with Shin would be incredibly satisfying and seeing them get to talk about everything that went on between him and maybe even Shin killing Midori this time, it would be amazing. It could also clear up a few minor plot details such as his participant status. Was he a candidate or a non-candidate? And also...
- Fake Hinako's backstory or info pertaining to her: This one I don't mind not happening because we'll probably get it in her minisode but just to talk about it... Kai had a lot of his character and backstory revealed to us post-mortem because the surviving characters were driven to doubt him and uncover his motives. The very same may happen to the Fake Hinako, perhaps it's revealed that Fake Hinako had a much bigger hand in interfering with the events of the Murderer Sub-Game, perhaps there's a function on the Dummies that she changed because she harbored rebellious thoughts, there's a lot of ways we can go with this due to how much of a mystery the Fake Hinako really is. Another hope I have that I'm going to bundle in with this one is for a Real Hinako face reveal and possibly even a wish reveal, if Fake Hinako is heavily linked to Real Hinako then this may be a possibility? I don't think it's very likely (unfortunately) but it'd be nice to have some more info on these girls who we barely know nothing about.
- Speaking of black-haired girls who died in the First Trial and weren't revived in the Dummies, one thing that may happen in the Emotions Route is that we get to see Kugie's victim video, not for any plot-related reasons but....yup, you guessed it....CHARACTER reasons!! Particularly, Kanna's: Unlike with what I talked about Shin and Sara, I see this sort of moment being more of a send-off or a testament to Kanna's character since chapter 1-1. She's grown so much, from the sad little crying child to a determined girl who's lost everything and wants to move forward with hope. Having her watch Kugie's victim video, and not even flinch and cry would be so...empowering for her? Not sure if that's the right word, but whatever. Oh, and there's one more black-haired girl who died in the First Trial too...
- Megumi Sasahara will become plot relevant in the final chapter: I'm not saying that she'll be given a fleshed character and a sad backstory, just that she will hold some sort of plot relevance in this chapter. Perhaps it will be revealed that she was unknowingly helping ASU-NARO by accepting bribes from them, perhaps there is information about the Hades Incident that she knows about and that we will find out through talking to her A.I. That latter seems pretty likely to me, especially since we still have the mystery of "Shinobu Gokujo" to figure out.
- Hayasaka, Kurumada and Mai's wishes (or perhaps for Mai, her special info which wasn't revealed): Hayasaka especially here considering how he cursed out Sara's name in his victim video, there is definitely information that he knows that we may draw out with the lantern and it could be related to his ASU-NARO vow wish. For Kurumada, there is a possibility that he was the one who wished Sara into the Death Game. Perhaps his wish was something like "I want to fight someone stronger then me" and Sara did have the highest percentage after all. For Mai, perhaps her secret info relates to some function of the dolls that we don't yet know about, I can't see how her wish would be relevant though.
Before I end this, I'd like to say that I'm not going to go into 3-2 with all these insanely high expectations, these are just hopes after all. In reality, I will be okay with any outcome we get, as long as the ending is satisfying and makes sense (simulation theory is one of the ones I don't want to happen) but it'd be nice if a few of these were to happen in 3-2!!
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