#I'm so curious how people's opinions of Finn have changed
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bucketsofmonsters · 9 months ago
Deep Water - Part 4
cw: the ocean, animal carcasses, rotting, malnourishment, more tags to be added as the story continues
merman x fem reader
Word count: 3k
read on ao3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
You woke up disoriented on an unfamiliar floor, the steady sounds of snoring filling your ears. 
You turned to see Finn, still fast asleep as you rose from your little spot on the floor. He was bundled up in blankets, his head just barely peeking out of them enough to breathe. 
You didn’t want to bother him. He’d done so much for you, the last thing you wanted to do was to disturb his rest. 
In your attempt to begin to get ready without disturbing him, you managed to get your feet tangled in the loose blankets below you and tumble back to the floor.
You quickly righted yourself just in time to see Finn begin to shift, waking fitfully. 
He groaned, eyes barely peeking open to look up at you. “Is… Oh. I forgot you were here.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
He tried to wave dismissively but in his half-asleep state, it looked more like he attempted to clumsily swat a fly out of the air.
He rose from the bed slowly, a little unsteady on his feet.  “I’ll find you some clothes.”
You took him in as he moved to the drawers beside the bed. He was a little scrawnier than the average man working on the docks and only a few inches taller than you, but still, you were sure that his clothes would fit you awkwardly, if at all. “You really don’t have to do that, my clothes are mostly dry now.”
“Nonsense, I have just the thing for you.”
And then he pulled out a dress, a practical one with reasonable skirts and allowance for movement. A dress you’d seen before. 
You reeled back a little as you asked, “Why do you have my sister’s clothes?”
It came out harsher than you’d intended it to. Maybe the shock was to blame, you weren’t certain. 
He deflated at your words, crumpling in on himself, his shoulders slumping as his face fell. 
“I should have told you,” he said, visibly mortified. “I know I should have. You just… you look just like her.”
The realization hit you instantly. “You two were…”
“I wasn’t trying to replace her,” he said, rushing in to cut you off. “I mean, I couldn’t replace her even if I did want to. It was just… it was nice to see you. I could almost pretend, just a little.”
The more he tried to justify it, the more your heart sank. “How long were you together?” you asked, your voice flat and distant.”
“Years. She was everything to me.” His voice was low and sad, sadness that you were sure was for her and not for you, standing betrayed in front of him. Why would it be for you? How selfish could you be?
You almost wished he’d yelled at you. Then maybe it wouldn’t make you feel so bad. He seemed devastated and apologetic and all the things he could be and yet now that you knew you could just tell. You could see him looking at you like you were her, with faux, unearned affection in his eyes behind the heartbreak. 
It made you furious. You wanted to throw something, to shout at him, to demand to be seen as a person, to be removed from her shadow. 
But he was grieving, just as you were. Probably more. 
The least you could to was be kind. 
So you gave him a half-hearted, soft pat on his shoulder and tried to paint as much sympathy accross your face as you could manage.
“You didn’t mean any harm,” you said, and you knew it was true. 
It still stung. 
And then you took the dress from his hands, his grip softening as you reached for it, and you left. 
You found an empty room to change in and went off to work as quickly as you could.
The next few weeks passed quickly, settling into an easy routine. Without Finn hovering over your shoulder as you worked, you were free to move quickly and mindlessly, doing your job exactly as intended and no more. 
You stopped by to see Simon almost every day. The days you couldn’t, held up late at the docks, he no longer threw a complete fit. There was huffing and pouting but he hadn’t kindaped you again and you considered that progress.
In fact, after the stunt he’d pulled, he seemed hesitant to even get near you, like even his presence was tainted now. He was more careful than he’d been, asking before he did anything. 
You supposed it was preferable over the alternative. 
You and Finn had grown distant. He was clearly trying to give you space but you couldn’t quite breach that gap and bring yourself to talk to him so instead you let him fade away, sharing quiet polite smiles when you saw one another and nothing more. Your only real friend here now gone. Other than your monster that you still caught glimpses of below the docks, no matter how many times you warned him that it was ill-advised.
You didn’t mind going to see him. There was very little understanding between you but it felt nice, having him so eager to meet with you every day, shifting uncomfortably in shallow water that he braved for you. 
It had been a bad day. 
Nothing had happened, not really, but that awful ship was back. Every time you saw it, a wave of nausea overtook you, brought back to you kicking and screaming on the deck, inhaling rain as you huffed in breaths. 
Finn had shot you a concerned look or two as he apparently read your nerves off your face, but he had kept his distance, respectful and stomach-churning. 
You wanted him to come check in on you, something he clearly wanted to do, but you still refused to go speak with him first. You couldn’t do it, couldn’t return to him like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs, offering yourself as your sister’s replacement if he’d just speak to you.  
So instead, at the end of an awful day, you scurried off the docks to your spot, content that you’d at least get to see your siren. 
On the shore, where you usually sat, lay the tail end of a sea lion, bloody with bones sticking out, looking almost rotted.
You looked into the water to find amber eyes staring back at you, wide and expectant. 
You knew instantly he’d brought it here, though you couldn’t fathom why. It wasn’t a fresh kill, instead looking like it had been pulled off a beach somewhere where it’d washed up. 
A sense of shame flickered in his eyes, fighting back a grimance as you noticed it. 
“Do you want it?” he asked, head nodding towards the carcass.
“No,” you said, and he reeled back, not looking surprised but seeming upset all the same. 
“It’s the best I could do,” he said, eyes downcast. “I’ve been trying to find something better but I’m not built for this.”
His voice was tinged in a sense of bitterness and frustration and you wished you knew what he was talking about so you could comfort him. Or at least understand why he was upset. 
“Built for what? Why is this here?”
“It was supposed to be food,” he said with a huff. “I have nothing for you. I can’t provide you anything.”
“Provide me… You don’t need to provide for me, I can get my own food.”
“You shouldn’t have to. I want to… I want to show you I can keep you safe but I can’t. Couldn’t even keep you fed.”
As he spoke, you really took him in, sitting behind a rotting carcass that wasn’t fit for anyone to eat. 
What had he been eating if after weeks, this was the best he could bring you?
And then it struck you, the way he’d begun positioning himself in the shallows, stomach carefully down, arms in front of it, shifted away from you. 
“Come here,” you said, trying to keep your words soft. 
He looked like he was about to cry but he shifted forwards all the same. 
You fought back a gasp as he finally let you get a good look at him. 
He looked emaciated. Where soft, plump skin used to be, it instead had begun to pull taught over ribs that looked sharper than the human ribs you were accustomed to. 
With the new context, you could see it in his face too, his full cheeks beginning to bow in.
“What happened to you?” you asked, cursing yourself that you could have missed this, could have let him keep his distance and hide this from you so easily. 
“I’m not good at hunting,” he said, rufusing to meet your gaze. 
“You were fine before, what changed?”
He shifted and you could see a war waging inside his head, the conflict written accrosss his features. 
You waited, owing him patience at least. 
Finally, he seemed to come to a decision and he spoke, still sad and low but with a sense of finality rising behind it. 
“We’re not hunters, we’re not built for it. Not fast enough or sharp enough. We’re built to lure in prey but… you’re a person. If I hadn’t stopped to talk to you, you’d just be gone, drowned and devoured, and I wouldn’t even have known that it hurt, let alone… I can’t do it anymore,” his words had shifted from sad and low to frustrated and sharp. “I can’t hunt so I can’t eat fish but I can’t do it anymore. Every time I look at them I keep just seeing you.”
Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes at the thought that you had done this to him. The revelation that he’d been eating humans fell by the wayside at the sight of sad eyes on a gaunt face that used to be warm and soft.
And you couldn’t even do anything about it. You didn’t have the resources to get him fish, not after the measly few weeks you’d spent here. You had barely managed to find yourself lodgings in a grimy old inn, barely eating enough to keep up your strength. 
But you had to. You couldn’t just leave him to this, in this situation that you’d dragged him into when you’d gotten thrown off that ship. When on the worst day of your life, he saw easy prey in front of him and decided to be kind. 
And then an idea came to you. An awful idea, sure, but the only one you had. 
You muttered a quiet “wait here” before you stood up and sprinted back to the dock, knowing you had to catch him before he left. 
Finn’s face lit up when he saw you nearing him, relief pulling the tension out of his shoulders and bringing a soft smile to his face. 
You grabbed his hand and with a soft noise of confusion escaping him, you dragged him down to your isolated little spot on the beach. 
The whole time you pulled him along, as he followed you without question, you tried to think how to explain any of this to him. 
You kept moving as you wracked your brains, needing to solve this, needing to know it could be fixed, and you came up with nothing.  
Anything would be better than just bringing him in blind, a fact you realized seconds too late, arriving at your spot on the shore. 
You saw the panic in Simon’s eyes seconds before disaster hit. Right before Finn noticed him, he was being snatched into the water, pale arms hooked under his armpits, holding him down in the shallows. It seemed mainly like shock and confusion that kept Finn down. Submerged in deep water he wouldn’t stand a chance, but here, in the shallows, against a malnourished and emotional siren; he could’ve taken him easily.
But he didn’t, instead thrashing a little with eyes wide and he tried to take in the simultaneous facts that sirens were real and that one had just dragged him into the water. 
“He’s here to help, drop him,” you snapped, shooting a harsh look at Simon. 
“I didn’t even do anything wrong,” he said, a grouchy look crossing his face as he let Finn go, drifting nervously back into the water. You recognized it for what it was. He was preparing for his escape, just in case. 
You didn’t blame him for the instinct. To be honest, it was a good one. Blind trust like that in anyone could get him killed. 
You hoped this wouldn’t be one of those times. You hoped you’d prove him wrong. 
Your hand snapped out to grab Finn’s wrist as he tried to stagger away, eyes wide and frightened.
“Finn,” you said, keeping your voice measured and level. “This is Simon. He’s a friend.”
You didn't think you'd ever seen such panic and betrayal in his eyes, his face normally light and happy. He was breathing heavy, eyes darting between the two of you like he couldn't quite believe he wasn't about to get pulled back in.
Finn looked down at your hand encircling his wrist. He tested his strength against yours, almost pulling away before deciding to let you keep him there. Ever patient, he didn’t take the out, he didn't run. He waited, by your side, nervous but steady.
His breaths slowed, taking stock of Simon in the water.
You weren’t sure who looked more frighted, both sizing one another up, ready to bolt should the need arise. 
You left them to it, terrified that any sudden movement would shatter the tentative peace that was forming between them. 
He nodded slowly, eyes not moving from Simon, shivering slightly in newly wetted clothes. “And why exactly,” he began, eyes locked onto Simon, “did you want me to meet this friend of yours?”
“Um. So he wants to stop eating people,” you said, wincing as you heard yourself and the reality of what you'd just said sunk in.
“He eats people?” Finn asked, his voice spiking up in panic as his head whipped towards you.
“And he would like to stop. If we can’t help him, what do you think he’s going to start doing again?”
“It’s not my fault!” Simon huffed from the water. “The fish don’t hate you for eating them, why do you get to be mad at me?”
“The fish aren’t people,” Finn insisted, arms wrapping around himself as he shivered in the cold air. 
“And you aren’t sirens. I thought you were stupid anyway, like fish.”
“You thought we were like fish?”
Simon shrugged. “Not like fish. But the difference from you to fish is like the difference from you to me. Or… I thought so. We might have been wrong. I don’t know, I just eat.”
He seemed uncomfortable with having to explain himself, shifting in the water as he glanced at you every few seconds. 
It took a moment for you to realize what he was looking for. It was approval, you could see him searching for it in your eyes. 
You weren’t sure you could give it to him. Your stomach churned at his words but you could feel how earnest he was, could hear the confusion and distress in his voice.
He hadn’t thought he was doing anything wrong. Why would he? He was just doing what sirens had always done and now he wasn’t so sure about it any longer and his whole past was filled with deaths he didn’t know if he could justify anymore. 
How would you feel, you wondered, if you met a fish one day and that fish told you it was afraid? If it told you that it told stories to its young about your kind and how they’d snatch it up and cook it over an open flame. 
Would it be your fault? Would those deaths be on your conscience?
Would you ever have the presence of mind to see a fish, alone in strange waters, and save it? Could you even do what Simon had done, take that first step?
Your heart hurt for him, alone in his crisis, with no one to talk to about it. His only options were his kind that depended on these horrible deaths to survive and you. And his prey. 
Finn pulled you aside, far from out of Simon's earshot but it seemed to settle him a little bit to at least feign privacy. 
“What do you want me to do here?” Finn hissed.
“I want to help him. He saved my life and… and even if he didn't, is this not for the best? He wants to do better, we can't just not help him.”
He nodded, hesitant but willing. “Okay, so what now.”
“I don’t know. He can eat fish, we know that for sure. Maybe other food too? Do you think he can eat human food?”
Finn pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes. “I don’t know. How would I know? I guess I can get him fish, we could sneak a couple out and buy some before we leave at night. Would that be enough?”
You shrugged. “I have no idea.”
He sighed. “Great."
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this, I just didn’t know anyone else I could go to.”
He gave you a soft smile. “It’s the least I could do. Now, I’m going to go scrounge something up, you keep your little siren company.”
You shot him one last grateful look before settling down on the beach, water lapping at your shoes. 
Simon pulled himself out of the water a bit, trying to get closer to you.
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice barely audible over the sound of the waves. 
You took his hand from where it lay, shifting nervously over some rocks, and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
“I know.”
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space-blue · 2 years ago
Hi, I'm not sure if you've talked about this before and it might be silly to ask this, but I'm curious about your opinion:
There was a scene that surprised me quite a bit in episode 6 when Vi escapes. Initially, Silco was sitting calmly, and then boom! Everything explodes. It's understandable, but it's strange because Silco has always reacted in a cautious and calm manner, except for one time in episode 3 when he was talking to Vander. After that, he has been someone who knows how to stay calm. I've seen people say that Silco's reaction is because he's a megalomaniac who doesn't like anything being out of his control, but I don't think that's the case. I think it's something more complex. I see Silco as someone who internalizes everything to maintain control or appears to have it, keeping his thoughts and emotions to himself. That's why you see Silco exhaling or releasing tension before and after meeting with his associates, but I might be wrong. Anyway, I'd like to know what you think is the reason for Silco's actions.
And I'm sorry if I made a mistake in my grammar, I don't speak English very well
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Hello anon! Thank you for reaching out and asking me this question... It sends me back to my Arcane meta days with a big smile on my face.
But honestly, I don't know who looks at Silco in that episode, having finished the story, and thinks he screams because he's megalomaniac. Not only does this not go with the rest of his character, it just fails to comprehend his character arc.
Silco doesn't want power. He wants freedom, and he wants his mission to realise itself. Silco has more of a religious fervour to him. He's a zealot. He speaks of the 'Nation of Zaun' with an air of rapture. He believes it, lives only for it. Just because we may not like his ways doesn't change that. I mean look at this guy :
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#fully lost in the sauce
A character who really wants power would be Finn. We see him fallen to the trappings of wealth, plotting to uproot Silco from his position. Finn never shows any care for the cause. He only cares about supplanting Silco.
If Silco truly cared about power, then why is he still leaving down deep, on top of a night club? If he's a megalomaniac, why are his list of conditions for Jayce not covering him, but demanding amnesty for his people and equal access to the Gate for commerce?
No. Silco isn't a megalomaniac. He definitely wants to be in control, but that's hardly surprising for a leader. We also only ever know Silco at crazy important moments of his life, where his plans are running wildly or exploding in his face. It's not exactly every day Silco.
Most of the people we see him interacting with also tell us things : of course he needs to be ruthless and in control while facing Marcus. That man would lash out at the slightest show of weakness. Same with the other chembarons, who actively turn on him after the factory attack (that makes him look weak).
Silco isn't a control freak to be a jackass. He's like that because he's a Zaunite, and a Zaunite in a dangerous position of power. He's shaped by his environment too.
Anyway, why does he lose his cool in episode 6?
It's actually a very short answer! It's because of Jinx.
Jinx is his everything. Across my many meta posts I covered how codependent they are. How she physically abuses him, yet he never reaches out with any force towards her. The most violent he is, is after she nearly ruined his life plans and won't listen, and all he does is snatch a pen from her hand to make her pay attention.
They exchange caresses, rest against each other. He keeps her gifts on his official desk and actively uses them. And in the end, he can't accept her mortality, and sacrifices everything he's suffered and fought for his entire sad, fucking miserable life, because he loves her more than his cause.
So why does Silco lose it? Because Vi is alive, Vi is looking for Jinx, and Vi is the only person who could actively take Jinx away from him.
I mean like a day or two prior Jinx lost her shit and nearly killed Sevika because she saw a pink haired girl. Silco takes her to the pilt to try and soothe her and put her demons behind her, the only way he knows how. And then she happily gets to work! She's doing well!
But Silco isn't dumb. He knows Jinx is unstable and unpredictable. And finding Sevika hung like a ham from the ceiling? With a broken arm? Yeah, he knows she knows, and she's pissed... And he KNOWS that he just told her that VI IS DEAD. Which he 100% believed! Since when Sevika tell him about Vi being back he's like "From the dead???" in total horror and disbelief.
Marcus completely blindsided him, and it's a race against time now.
A race in which if Vi lives and finds Jinx... His Jinx, the only person he thinks he has... The girl he loves more than his cause, even if he hasn't fully realised it yet... Might hate him. She might decide to leave him.
Then he'd be alone again. And uhm... IDK if you all noticed but like... Silco isn't exactly a picture of clean mental health either. He's trauma ridden, set in very harsh ways, and has a solid spark of paranoia (which has kept him alive, but also isolated).
So the Silco screaming and spitting and kicking is a Silco who thinks that potentially everything will be fucked up now. He's stressed about the developing situation (the one where he asked his unstable daughter to basically make a nuke with stolen uranium, while juggling an increasingly strained sheriff and actively traitorous colleagues), AND the potential idea of his ONE person, his one broken, fucked up, twisted emotional bond, potentially being ripped from him.
Last time that happened, Vander was trying to drown him.
So he's just in a Bad Place™️
Cut the poor man some slack ahaha. I think it's normal that the mask finally cracks and reveals his emotions.
Silco isn't a cold character! His speech to Vander shows his zealotry and his passion! He has a dark humour too, and is aggressive and bitter when cornered. Silco wears a mask of cool professionalism when it's convenient, which is very often, as a leader in the undercity. But he also shows lots of emotions whenever suits.
I don't think you can be a cold character and stay riveted on your insane freedom fight for like 20+ years. He's got a big fire burning in there, and the scene in episode 6 is the proof of how hot it gets when he thinks he's about to lose it all. All your examples of him 'reining it in' are great too! He clearly has strong emotions. He just manages them a lot.
I hope this answers your question! AAaaaahhhh look at me, I just went and gushed, didn't I?
Thanks a lot Anon. And your English is better than some native speakers I know, so don't worry! <3
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ramblings-of-a-mad-cat · 4 years ago
You are literally the only person who isn't a woman that I've met who actually likes Rey. I'm not complaining though. More people should respect the Queen! People say Finn should have been the main character and I guess that would have been fine but this was always Rey's story.
Rey is so underrated. The sequel trilogy has it’s problems, I’d never deny them, but one thing I refuse to budge on is this idea that Rey is overpowered. Like...she didn’t even know how to shoot a blaster. Han had to teach her. How to fire a blaster. Something every other character has just implicitly known. And she’s too powerful? Come on. Another example I see is her being able to fly The Falcon on her first try. But that’s not really impressive? Look, I know it’s the Falcon and we all love it for that reason, but...it’s not exactly advanced tech. It is stated again and again to be an old, trashy ship.  Then there’s her first duel with Kylo Ren...but there are like, eight different reasons for why Rey came out on top and they’ve been detailed time and again in video essays far beyond what I could do. The short version? 1) Kylo Ren was physically injured, from his fight with Finn and Chewie’s Bowcaster. Y’know, that weapon that causes explosions. 2) He was emotionally devastated and thus distracted. Snoke even points this out in TLJ. He had just killed his own father and it threw him off his game. It weakened him. 3) Kylo isn’t actually trying to kill Rey or even hurt her. He wants her to turn, so he’s taking it easy on her. 4) Kylo puts his foot in his mouth by reminding Rey that she can tap into The Force. Notice how it’s right after that when Rey gains the upper hand. 5) Speaking of, Kylo was destroying Rey for most of that duel, she was on the defensive. She only gained the upper hand for the last sixty seconds. 6) She also used anger, no doubt fueled by her rage at Han’s murder, and Finn being hurt as well. Anger has always been a shortcut to power in The Force. 7) Rey may not have formal lightsaber training, but she has extensive experience with melee weapons. This is shown to us early on. 8) If you really want to get technical, Rey didn’t best Kylo. That duel had no conclusion because of the big chasm opening up. Who’s to say Kylo couldn’t have turned it around? 
...I did not mean to go off on a ramble, just...the Finn/Rey/Kylo lightsaber duel is my favorite one in the entire saga, and I am well aware that this is an unpopular opinion so I’ve grown used to defending my feelings about it. But speaking of Finn, man oh man did he have squandered potential. At least Rey got to have a consistent storyline about her identity issues. I’m not happy they made her a Palpatine, but Daisy Ridley nailed Rey’s conflicted confusion, so that was cool. As for Finn, he didn’t really get much to do after TFA. Which is a crying shame because he was arguably the character I was most invested in. I don’t know if I’d want him to replace Rey as the lead character, but considering that John Boyega was told that he would be playing the star...yeah, I’d die to see an alternate trilogy with Finn as the protagonist. (Psst, @dalekofchaos, consider this a challenge!) Y’know, I’d really love to see alternate universe versions of all the trilogies. Obi Wan should have been the lead character for the prequels. I feel like those really were his story. And the originals? They are of course, fantastic...but I’d be curious to see a version where Leia was the main character. Because much like Finn, she’s kind of set up to be, until we meet our desert rat. And much like Finn, she is completely wasted in my opinion. (Her whole planet was destroyed...are we not gonna talk about this? Is she never going to be shown dealing with it?) Even making her a Skywalker didn’t really add anything. You could remove that and barely anything would change. I guess Kylo wouldn’t be Vader’s grandson anymore but he could still be inspired by the story’s of his Jedi Master’s father. In fact...now that I think about it, Leia’s status as a Skywalker is...only ever used to develop her male relatives. Y’know, there’s the overt stuff like the slave bikini, but then there’s the quieter stuff that you don’t notice at first...
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cutelittleluckysoul · 5 years ago
Hi! I'd like to ask for a Star Wars & Marvel ship, please. I'm a straight woman who's an ISTJ and a Ravenclaw, as well as a Gemini sun Virgo moon & Virgo ascendant. I'm also intelligent, hard-working, determined, ambitious, sassy, curious, level-headed, reliable, analytical & determined, but also affectionate, empathetic & helpful. Additionally, I can be arrogant, bossy, compulsive, blunt, competitive & a bit controlling. I love banter, giving advice and helping others, even if I (1/2)
can be a bit tactless when voicing my opinion. A friend once described me as "the advisor you need but don't always want". I always see the good in every person & situation, and although I'm an excellent student and speak 4 languages, I suck at anything involving physical activity. My dream is to be able to leave the world a better place than I found it. My hobbies include reading books, watching movies, and over-analyzing both. Thank you lots for doing this, btw!! (2/2)
Here you go I hope you like it. Sorry for taking so long
For the Prequels I would ship you with Obi Wan Kenobi
he admires your intelligence and always asks for your opinion
but that doesn’t mean he always agrees with your opinion
you are strong minded and so is he and neither of you likes to back down from anything
so you bump heads sometimes 
it helps the both of you grow tho
Anakin always teases the two of you that you are basically one and the same person
always giving great advice even if no one asked for them
Obi is really impressed with your language skills 
that is also why you are allowed to tag along for certain missions
but he does make sure you are safe in every situation that might come up
you are both a bit competitive so small things can turn into something intense
but it is always fun and you are determined to win
there are some quiet nights where the two of you talk about everything
and it can get really deep and meaningful
Obi loves these moments because they show him that he isn’t alone with some of his believes
he loves how you care about others 
and how you stand in for your believes
he is just happy that he found someone who shares his will to make the galaxy a better place and does not judge him for his actions
because he can always count on you
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For the Original Trilogy I would ship you with Luke Skywalker
again Luke also wants to help wherever he can 
and he believes in the good in people just like you do
so you two really fit together
and although you can be a bit bossy at times Luke kind of needs it sometime
because he often does not know what to do and you telling him helps
but after a while he gets bossy himself 
which can be a problem sometimes but he is very calm so you don’t fight too often when the both of you want different thing
he can always rely on you and depend on you as well
because he has a lot of stuff to do and it is good to have someone at your side who is there for you when you need them
you are very intelligent which often helps him forming his plans 
honestly the guy would be lost without you
and he loves you
sometimes he forgets that you two are actually in a relationship because there is so much stuff going on
but when he remembers he is full of love and affection for you 
and he makes up for lost time
after everything is done he finally thinks he can give you the life you deserve
and he does
it is quiet and peaceful
sometimes a bit boring but he comes up with ways to make life more fun
but he enjoys having some quiet moment with you where the to of you just cuddle and be with each other
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For the Sequels I ship you with Finn
the guy needs someone in his life who understands him
and I feel like you would be very good at that
you always give him great advices and he really appreciates them
you are always there for him 
and he can rely on you to always have his back
he loves how smart you are
and is really impressed when he hears you speak different languages
it makes him really proud to have to have such an ambitious girlfriend
and he can always be sure that you are honest with him
but he also needs a lot of love and affection 
which you are always  happy to give him
and he loves cuddling like so much
the both of you want to make the galaxy a better place 
and you succeed in the end
Finn is really happy to have you at his side because it wouldn’t be the same without you
you are his light 
even if you can get bossy or cold or whatever
he knows you are not mad or anything that is just who you are
and he wouldn’t change you for anything
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And for Marvel I would ship you with Loki
now listen
Loki might be very mischievous
and a little shit
but we all know he is just a bit hurt
and even though he does not want to make the world a better place he doesn’t mind that you want that
and you see the good in him 
even if he denies it all the time
you can see him getting soft around you
and you are living for it
of course there is a lot of bantering between you two
because your view on the world differs vastly
but that is the charm of your relationship
and neither of you tries to change the other one drastically
you are happy with each other
and you tell him off when he is being an idiot and a bit too manipulative
he loves to read just like you
so the both of you are bonding over several books
even when you don’t agree on certain topics it is always fun to discuss
you can also show him all the good movies there are because the guy didn’t know any
he would get really into them
he also wants you to teach him all the languages you can speak
and you do, he is a very fast learner
he also likes to impress you with  some of his tricks
they amuse you and you think it is kind of cute that he wants to impress you so much
also the first time you cuddle him he absolutely melts because something like this doesn’t happen that often
and he realises that he really does love you
even if you are just a small human
but you are his human and he will protect you with everything he got
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kane-and-griffin · 8 years ago
Hey so I known you don't particularly ship bellarke, but what do you think of the bellarke/kabby parallels? I'm only asking because I'm curious to see what the other side of the fandom thinks?
I actually do ship Bellarke!  Kabby is my #1 but I’ve always been invested in Clarke and Bellamy’s relationship.  I have very strong opinions about Kabby/Bellarke parallels and have talked about this at LENGTH on Meta Station, where @reblogginhood, my co-host and best friend, is a ride-or-die Bellarke shipper, so most of the time I feel like I have dual citizenship through Erin (and vice versa, since the Kabby fandom loves her too).  We both love both those ships, and we both love all four of those characters, just in rearranged order, and we like to yell about this a LOT.
I’ve meta’d on this before a number of different times, but I’m too lazy to go back and dig up old posts, so here goes.
First of all, if you are a Bellarke shipper (are you a Bellarke shipper? Am I reading this ask correctly?  HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIIIIIDE), the most important thing I want to say in aid of positive fandom-to-fandom relations is that the phrase “Kabby/Bellarke parallels” has begun to elicit a knee-jerk primal scream reaction among Kabby shippers over the past few months, since we regularly find the Kabby tag full of posts that either describe Kabby as the “old” version of Bellarke, or that it only exists to pave the way for Bellarke, or that the parallels that exist (and they do exist, and we’ll get to that in a second) essentially make Kane and Abby metaphors instead of people who only exist in the narrative to shed light on Bellarke instead of being their own characters with value and storylines of their own.  Articles or blog posts highlighting the things that make Kabby special to Kabby shippers will get reblogged with someone saying “if you change the names, it’s about Bellarke!” or with lengthy meta about how Bellarke had that thing first or that the Kabby version of some particular moment or symbol or metaphor or visual cue or phrase only exists because it will become MORE important later, when it’s attached to Bellarke. 
So I’m frustrated because I love this ask, I love getting this question, I love talking about the relationship among these four characters, but also it’s hard - as you can imagine - to feel like we’re told over and over again that the things we feel make our ship, and these two characters, really special to us, don’t really matter on their own merits.  
Anyway, I’m saying that both A) so the Kabby fandom, where we are perpetually having this conversation, knows MOM’S ON IT, and B) so that you as a Bellarke shipper who seems delightful and asked a great question has some context for why sometimes other asks or posts about this - which aren’t phrased as nicely as yours was - receive a negative response or make Kabby shippers upset.  I think the context is important here, because this has been a BIG thing in our world of late and we’re all a little thin-skinned about it right now.
oh wait I found another post where I already did this STILL GONNA YELL ABOUT IT THOUGH, MY HOUSE MY RULES
Okay so FIRST OF ALL let me just real quick BLOW YOUR MIND with my Kabby/Bellarke parallels theory, which is that the REAL parallel is Abby/Bellamy vs. Clarke/Kane and everyone else has it backwards. 
I think the easy, default place most people go to when we talk about this is to contrast Kane and Bellamy - the self-doubting, tortured, wannabe martyrs who carry the weight of every sin on their shoulders well past the point of reason - with Abby and Clarke - the resourceful mother and daughter who never give up and will drag all of humanity kicking and screaming to their salvation if it’s the LAST THING THEY FUCKING DO.  And I think there’s a lot of interesting character stuff to be mined there, for sure; I think Kane and Bellamy’s parallel redemption arcs are some of the best stuff they’ve done in the whole series (until 3A Bellamy regressed back to an asshole but let’s skip past that for the moment), illustrating the way that for both of them, the Culling was really a turning point where they realized that they will forever carry the burden of having been complicit in that massive loss of innocent life (Bellamy for throwing away Raven’s radio and Kane for not waiting like Abby asked him to) which could have been prevented if they had listened to the Griffins.  It’s beautifully executed, even in S1 when these two characters have never interacted onscreen, and it ramps up even more in S2 where we see them meet and immediately butt heads with each other before in S3 developing a real partnership.  (Which then got torn to shreds.  I’m still bitter over 3A Kellamy  I’M GONNA NEED A HUG IN S4 JASON DO U HEAR ME) (I mean I need Kane to hug Bellamy, not like I’m requesting a hug from Jason, TO BE CLEAR).  And I think the mother/daughter parallels are drawn beautifully as well, especially in S1 where we see Abby on the Ark and Clarke on the ground filling similar roles and working towards the same goal, barreling through the opposition however they must.
BUT.  If we’re talking about which characters are MOST SIMILAR, then I think you CANNOT get away from the reality that the parallels are actually gender-flipped.
Clarke has a lot of her mom in her, clearly, as well as a lot of her dad.  But she’s not actually the kind of leader her mom is.  She’s the kind of leader Kane is.  Abby and Bellamy are the ones with the crowd charisma and the stubborn recklessness; Clarke and Kane are the cool-headed, deliberate strategic thinkers.  Bellamy and Abby have quick minds and no fear and will do absolutely anything, no matter how insane, to protect the people they love.  You can map, beat-for-beat, so many of the things Bellamy does for Octavia onto the things Abby does for Clarke, and vice versa.  Abby sneaking the kids out the back door with guns in the middle of the night to go find Clarke? Bellamy would do that in a second.  Bellamy sneaking onto the dropship to make sure Octavia doesn’t go to earth unprotected?  ABBY AF.  They both begin the show as people who are fiercely focused on keeping the person they love most safe, and it makes them blind to ancillary consequences.  Bellamy will fight anyone.  Abby will tell any lie.  There is no such thing as too far, when the person you love is at stake.  WE know Abby’s hope that the kids are alive is borne out by fact, but NO ONE ELSE ON THE ARK KNOWS THAT.  From Kane’s point of view, she’s being as unreasonable and reckless as Clarke thinks Bellamy is when she yells at him about the radio.  Or think about Abby sneaking Bellamy and Finn out the back door with guns to go hunt for Clarke, even knowing she would get in trouble for it.  You know who else would do THAT EXACT SAME THING in those circumstances?  BELLAMY BLAKE.  I bet they cooked up that scheme together off-camera.  So what I think is interesting for both of them is how their circle expands over the course of three seasons to change the way they are as leaders, and the ways in which their recklessness is tempered by their leadership partners. 
I’m fascinated by the relationship between Clarke and Kane, and I hope we get more of it in S4.  I heard rumblings that they go together to find Kenza, the Nightblood scout, and I’m hoping we get a lil’ dad/daughter road trip bonding, because I think they have a really strong connection and they share a similar leadership brain.  Where Abby and Bellamy are quick and passionate and make snap decisions, Clarke and Kane are more calculating.  They’re thinking in the big picture and the longer term.  Floating 300 people to save the whole Ark, and irradiating the residents of Mt. Weather to save all the Sky People, are identical decision-making processes; not everyone can live, someone is going to have to die, so how to we map out the most effective path where the fewest of my people die as possible for maximum survival?  Whereas there’s nothing Bellamy wouldn’t burn to the ground to save Octavia.  Leadership isn’t PERSONAL for Clarke and Kane, not right off the bat.  It’s about the numbers.  It’s about as many people as possible surviving.  And so sometimes you have to let the bomb fall on Tondc, because letting those people die is the only way to give your own people the chance to live, even though Abby “there has to be another way” Griffin finds that notion so appalling she can hardly even recognize her daughter in that moment.  But you know who understood it immediately, and didn’t judge her?  Kane.  Kane and Abby’s scene underground in 2x13 is such a beautiful, crucial moment in their relationship, but it’s also the moment the show really begins to lean in on this idea that Kane can see Clarke more clearly than Abby can, because she’s Abby’s baby girl and Abby is still trying to protect her from harm - including from the harm of having to make, and then face the consequences of, terrible decisions.  But Kane is the one who tells Abby not to diminish either Clarke or Lexa’s leadership skills just because they’re young.  Kane is the one who calmly talks Clarke down when they’re trying to figure out who poisoned Lexa’s drink, using the same kind of coolheaded, rational language we can easily imagine Clarke using to one of the delinquents if the shoe was on the other foot.  And so it makes perfect sense that it would be Clarke and Kane who make the strategic decision, together, that Skaikru joining the Grounder Alliance is the smartest long-term tactical decision - a notion we see that Abby and Bellamy don’t like, because they, emotional thinkers that they are, still haven’t forgiven Lexa or decided they can trust her again.
I’m really interested in where the lines end up getting drawn in S4, but it definitely seems to me, from the bits and pieces we’ve seen and heard, that Clarke has some kind of crazy-ass save-the-world plan that other people think is too reckless or too dangerous or will have too high a casualty rate, and that the group sort of divides itself into factions based on who is willing to get on board and who is resisting (or just giving up and waiting to die).  And it does seem, from the trailer, that Kane and Abby are using the same language Clarke is using.  We’ve also heard that Bellamy and Clarke are back as a power duo again, so my guess is he’ll be on the squad too.  So what I’m really excited about, because we’ve never really had this before, is the four of them working together as a co-leadership team.  I want to see Chancellor Kane and Ambassador Clarke negotiating with Roan and Luna.  I want Abby and Bellamy working together in Arkadia to convince their people to go along with Clarke’s plan.  I want Clarke and Abby to talk about Lexa and Jake, about how you go on with a hole in your heart and how to grieve and heal.  I want Kane and Bellamy to talk through all the things that happened in S3, how Bellamy almost got Kane executed because he stopped trusting him, how ALIE made Kane almost murder Bellamy in cold blood, and where they go from here.  I want us to see the parallel relationship dynamics - the big-hearted, loving Griffins who are used to giving and receiving affection reaching out to the isolated protector men who are still getting used to the idea that they have a place they belong and people who care about them. 
TO CONCLUDE: Abby is Bellamy and Clarke is Kane and they’re a big beautiful leadership power squad family and I love them all with my whole heart THANK U AND GOODNIGHT
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