#I'm slowly going through my list of media saved on my private blog and this may be quicker
Hello tumblr people, specially those of you who read tons of books and consume a lot of fantastique media, I’m hankering for a specific type of story/setting/theme, etc.
I already consumed The Magnus Archives, The Expanse, Dark, Annihilation/The Southern Reach Trilogy, Mad Max Fury Road and some others, so I really need your knowledge for the less popular and more obscure stuffs.
If there’s a post with a list and you send me a link, I’ll love your forever.
I don’t expect one media to tick all the boxes (that would be too perfect haha) so if something you know sounds like it’s similar or may evoke similar feelings, please let me know.
The Yes Please list:
Sci-fi, surreal, horror or New Weird (this would be a winner). Sci-Fi the further away from our time the better. I’m not into modern day or historic settings without any kind of fantastique. I’m not into european medieval high fantasy, but I’d love to give a try to any other cultural settings.
Female or lgbtq+ protagonist/main cast. Preferably wlw protagonist.
Romance is not the main thing. I like it when it exists but would prefer if it’s a secondary thing. Preferably no hetero romance.
Creatures and/or weird entities exists. If they are not explicitly and  stereotipically hostile (they just exist and do their thing, minding their own business) that would be lovely.
The Please No list:
Preferably not set in the US (this one I can pass, preferably if it’s set from the perspective of non white and/or lgbtq+ protagonists)
No teenage anything. I can’t emphasize enough this one.
The less “The Hero’s Journey”-like narratives/structures the better. No “chosen one” due to birth/genes/condition the person didn’t need to work for.
No fetishistic male gaze.
No sexual violence and preferably no sexism.
No Christian or Greek based mythology/narratives. I will consume anything based on different, less western mainstream mythologies however.
No super-hero stuffs.
You know, media for your typical leftist who likes fantastique and is tired of the dominance of US/Western Europe narratives and exceptionalism (and who also happens to be from one of the myriad of countries colonized by them)
Regarding plot:
Stories that are about the world and its structure/composition, in a cosmic or esoteric or macro scale. Have some kind of trascendental mystery that unravels slowly. Going through some kind of apocalyptic and/or traumatic, extreme irreversible change and/or transformation, either slowly or extremely abrupt. That lovecraftian thing where the fabric of existence is revealed to an extremely mundane person and they go mad because they can’t see or experience the world as before anymore.
Travelling through very different, varied landscapes or distinct locations, the more alien the better, the more traumatic and weird the exploring the better. Intense or extreme feelings of anguish, loneliness, alienation and displacement are explored but do not culminate on a desire for dying. Separation and reunion from loved ones. Grieving, burying and moving on from attachment to the past.
If not a happy ending at least one where peace is achieved. Preferably no death of the protagonist or loved ones. Romantic relationship are not the sole or ultimate point.
Essentially, people going through traumatic/horror fantastique adventure with some kind of cosmic esotertic mystery and making it alive at the end, either ready to face and thrive in the new reshaped world or at least be at peace with it and adapt. There’s no return to the old staus quo.
IDK I kinda feel like reading/watching about a Courage the Cowardly Dog like character going through some kind of apocalyptic environmental and body horror Spirited Away-style adventure, to return to Muriel in the end to an extremely altered looking Nowhere and using knowledge acquired through the journey to adapt and thrive on this new landscape.
Anyways, thanks for reading my extremely specific request.
Have a good day you lovely person.
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