#I'm sending this to silvie
chiriwritesstuff · 10 months
Meet Me at the Farmers Market! - 3. Sunflower
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Farmers Market! Joel Miller x Confident! Plus Sized F! Florist Reader
Series Masterlist
Series Summary: What does a Contractor do in his spare time? Sell his wood carvings at the Saturday Farmers Market, of course! A Grumpy x Sunshine Joel Miller series collective of one shots, Updates every Saturday!
Rating: M
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: Jealous! Joel Miller, Tommy is a meddling little shit, Joel is emotionally constipated, Joel checks out his new vendor neighbor like a fucking caveman!
Chapter Summary: Joel, meet Sunflower. This story takes place before parts 1 + 2.
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Banners by @saradika
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"I heard there's a new vendor this week."
Joel grunts, lugging the 10x10 pop-up tent from his truck as Tommy casually steps out of the passenger side, a cigarette dangling lazily from the corner of his mouth.
"Put that out, asshole, and come give me a hand," Joel says, dropping the tent onto the blazing Texas pavement. 
Tommy flicks the cigarette out into the wind, snagging the pop-up table from the truck bed as Joel lines up the tent with precision, not a hair's breadth off from the designated markers.
"You ain't a bit curious about your new neighbor? Sylvie spilled the beans. Says it's some out-of-town florist, a friend from her college days. Rumor has it she's a looker... and flying solo," he says, shooting Joel a pointed look, a sly smirk playing on his lips.
"Oh yeah? and how did you get Sylvia to tell you this?" 
"I have my ways."
"I'm sure you do."
"So, I was thinking..."  
"Oh come on, Joel! You didn't even know what I was going to say!"
Joel grabs the last crate from his truck, slamming the tailgate in frustration as he shoves it into his meddling brother's chest. "Why would I be interested in some random girl who," he huffs, "I ain't know nothing about? What if shes..."
"Silvie showed me a picture of her, she's exactly your type!" Tommy pulls out his phone, flicking through his messages. "I just so happened to ask her to send me one of her photos..."
"I'M. NOT. INTERESTED." Joel snarls, gritting his teeth.
A JDM minivan, adorned with painted sunflowers, pulls up behind the brothers, a voice calling out as they bicker.  
"Excuse me," a sweet and amused voice breaks through, observing the tense standoff between the two men. "Mind if I slip into my stall real quick?"
Joel pivots toward the voice, a glare etched on his face, irritated at being caught in this compromising and - rather fucking irritating - situation. "Just hold..." His words trail off as he lays eyes on the girl — no, a full-fledged woman, his new vendor neighbor.  Goddammit, he thinks, she's fucking gorgeous. Fucking Tommy...
It's Tommy who speaks first.
"Well, hello there!" he calls out, a look of satisfaction on his face as he faces you. "Don't mind us, let us get out of your way!" he pulls him aside, rolling his eyes at his brother's sudden silence. "I fuckin' told you," he whispers in his ear. Joel swears he feels his satisfied told-you-so smirk as he pivots toward your direction, the smug bastard. 
You pull into the stall next to his, your hair piled up into a messy bun, sunglasses perched on your nose. You're wearing an oversized flannel, the sleeves rolled up to your elbows, hints of flowers - Jasmine? - delicately tattooed on your forearms. "Thanks!" you call out, your voice - your voice... The voice of a fucking angel, he thinks, his Adam's apple bobbing as he nervously nods in your direction.
"Need a hand?" Tommy says as he approaches you, his hands in his back pockets. "Joel's just about done setting up, why don’t I give you a hand? I’m Tommy, by the way. That grumpy asshole right there is Joel.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I got..."
"Don't you worry your pretty little head off, Joel's a big boy, he can manage."
Joel rolls his eyes as he sees Tommy saunter over to you, opening your door as you step out of your van. He breathes heavily as he sees your legs pop out, the sight of your very short jeans cutoffs barely covering your... assets.  Those shorts should be fucking illegal, he thinks as he fiddles with the collar of his shirt, suddenly too tight and constricting, the Texas sun and the heat suddenly plunging him headfirst into the depths of hell.  
Joel glares at nothing as he watches the two of you from the corner of his eye, your head thrown back as you laugh - with your entire fucking body - at something stupid that his brother is telling you as you both look in his direction, Tommy's head shaking as you playfully slap him in response.  How in the fuck does he make it look so easy? he ponders as he sees his brother effortlessly make buddy-buddy with his new vendor neighbor.
"Dad," Sarah calls out as she stands next to him, mindlessly arranging his woodland carvings on his vending table. "What the hell is up with you today?" she chides as she takes in her father's tense form, his hands clenching atop the table. She looks in the direction that her father is looking at, seeing her uncle standing next to you in your stall as you arrange several floral arrangements on your table. "Who is that with Uncle Tommy? She's new. She's pretty, Uncle Tommy doesn't waste a darn minute, huh?"
"I don't know," Joel grumbles. "Some transplant from out west. Sylvie's friend."
"Sunflower? That's her?"
"Yeah, Sylvie's friend from Washington. They were college roommates, she's planning on opening a nursery in town sometime soon. Next to your office, I heard. I want to pick her brain, she's totally cool! She lived in Japan for a while, and learned ikebana!"
"Ike... what?"
Sarah rolls her eyes at her father's ignorance. "IkeBANA, the art of Japanese floral arrangement?" she motions to the flower arrangements on her table. "It's not like the stuff you get at the Whole Foods, it's totally fucking cool!"
"Language, girlie."
"Dad, I'm in college now, I'm a fully realized adult, and if I like to recall," she gives him a pointed look, "I didn't have the best influence about swearing growing up, especially with you and Uncle Tommy cussing each other out every five minutes!"
Tommy waves in your direction as he approaches Joel and Sarah, a wide smile on his face. "Shes somethin' else," he says to the both of them, placing an arm around Sarah as he nods in your direction. "Her family was stationed in Yokosuka back when she was in high school, that's how she learned how to do all of her arrangements and shit. She also does this thing where she fixes broken stuff with liquid gold... her pottery is fucking amazing! better than these fucking critters we be selling every weekend..."
"Kintsugi, Uncle Tommy. That's what it's called." 
"Whatever it is, don't ya think she would be perfect for your old man?"
Sarah scoffs, punching Tommy in the ribs. "Didn't you just spend the entire morning flirting with her?"
"Tommy flirts with anything with two legs"
Tommy flicks Joel off. "I have you know, I was talking up your Papi for the last hour, tellin' her all about his woodland critters and how he's a business owner, shit, I even offered his services for her new nursery...."
"Tommy..." Joel warns, shaking his head in frustration. "We ain't got time for some new project..."
"Her new space is the one next to ours! you know, Jimmy's old spot! It's hardly an inconvenience! I'm sure judging how your mouth flopped like a fish when you laid eyes on her you wouldn't mind her being around so much as you like to deny it!"
"Hi," a voice interrupts the three of them, their eyes darting towards you in shock.  
"Hey Sunflower!" Tommy clears his throat as he motions at you. "What's that tree you got in your hands? It's a baby!"
You look at the Bonsai tree in your hands, it's reclaimed pot laced with gold. "Oh, it's just a little gift for Joel, now that we're vendor neighbors," you reply, a shy smile on your face. You hand it over to Joel, his hands slightly gracing yours, as he looks at it in wonder. "It's in a reclaimed pot that I fixed with liquid gold... it's called Kitsungi. I hope we can be friends, and thank you for offering to help out with the nursery, Tommy told me you own a construction company..." you look up at him expectantly.
"Dad..." Sarah whispers, nudging him. "Say thank you!"
"Your tent is three inches off from your marker, by the way," he replies as he places the bonsai off to the side of his display table. "You might want to get that checked out, don't want to get a fine or anything like that."
"Oh," you reply. "Yeah, thanks for telling me..."
"What he means is, thank you, Sunflower. I'm Sarah, by the way. Joel's daughter," she cuts in, clearly embarrassed by her father's gruffness. "Don't worry, he's not always like this!"
"He's actually always like this," Tommy mutters.
"Well, It was nice meeting you all," you say as you look in Joel's direction. You nervously bite your lip as he looks at you intensely as he suddenly licks his lips in response. Tommy and Sarah both look at the interaction, giving each other a knowing look. "I hope to see you around," you say, turning as you walk back to your booth. "Thanks again!" Sarah yells at your retreating form.
"Joel... what in the..."
"Don't fucking say it, Tommy."
"You just looked at her like she was in fucking heat or something, what the hell is wrong with you?!"
"Don't!" he warns, looking in your direction as you bend over, grabbing a basket off of the ground. He adjusts his collar again, his face suddenly covered in sweat.
"Oh Dad," Sarah muses, looking in your direction.   
"You're SO FUCKED."
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silvyysthings · 11 months
Ryan a newborn baby and so what lol ? He is Armie's friend and is very involved in his life cause he wants him to be happy. And at this point, Timmy is his happiness.
Btw if Ryan is reading this : BIG UP TO YOU AND YOUR DEDICATION 👏💪
So yeah, I stand behind everything I said and I'M THE LEAST DELUSIONAL PERSON AROUND HERE.
To your Anon : No need to act all arrogant and full of yourself when you're full of shit and 100% ignorant about everything that's been going on. 🖕😘
It's kinda crazy how Armie's friends give SO MUCH away about what's going on, but no one (but me) seems to get it (which is maybe for the best after all). Y'all prefer to stay oblivious and live in lalaland.
Oh and btw, me sending messages to silvy has to nothing to do with harassement, WTF? I'm actually giving you some precious informations, even though you don't want anything to interfere with the perfect image of A&T you have in your head.
Previous ryan anon you have an answer !!! Communicate!
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vimse · 1 year
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Reposting my two TBBAW2023 entries together just to showcase how they relate to each other, and to talk about my art, my favourite music and my OC because I'm shameless :')
Except for the fact that Tech is depicted as a black silhouette while Silvie is fully rendered (which is lazy from my part, sorry Tech! Maybe one day I'll fully render the details), I'm very happy with how both paintings turned out. The colours and environments are very different, but the composition and the orange/yellow horizon line did a good job of connecting the pieces together.
I hinted it in Silvie's post, but the artworks are heavily inspired by the song A Moment Apart by Odesza. I'm very normal about this song (it totally hasn't been no. 1 on my Spotify wrapped list for four consecutive years 😳). It's a beautiful song, I love the part where it gets quiet; it's calming, contemplative, a touch nostalgic. Their album art is also aesthetically pleasing, so naturally I took heavy inspiration from them (mainly composition and colour scheme).
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And now, a little self-indulgent rambling about Tech and Silvie. Tech x OC shipping content under the cut:
Silvie is a character I made up to explore the unoriginal concept of “Tech’s relationship with people other than his family”. My vision of it is a mostly platonic relationship that blurs into something more over the course of several years, maybe even a decade. I think the most interesting part of their story is that they start out as enemies/nemeses.
Their personality and skillset kind of clashes, they’re very much alike (but still different) to each other—and like charges repel, so they don’t get along very well at the beginning. Tech feels threatened by Silvie’s presence whenever Cid sends her on a mission together with the Batch. I think he could be the type of person who sees his entire self-worth in the skillsets he can provide to his family, and I think he would cope very badly with the prospect of someone who (he perceives, no matter how illogical) could potentially replace him, especially someone who quickly gets along with most of his family members. And so, he disguises his insecurities with arrogance and indifference towards her. He’s never mean to her, but he’s always quick to dismiss her suggestions, butting into conversations with his own facts and coming up with ideas he deems better instead. His mind is superior, and he doesn’t hesitate to let her know that.
Silvie’s entire survival tactic is to be perfect at everything that she does. She uses other people’s approval as a measuring stick of her success, and so she is a compulsive people pleaser. Despite trying so hard to prove herself, she never seems to meet the standards of the Marauder’s pilot and technician. She doesn’t understand why he’s like this only to her and this leads to feelings of spite and frustration for Tech. Even so, she’s as stubborn as a bantha and her natural instinct is to try again, but even harder next time.
This leads heated arguments, petty competitions and general animosity between the two. But as they get to know each other, they start to see through the facade. Progressively, they start working with each other instead of against one another, and in doing so they become quite the unstoppable pair...until they have to part ways.
Uh, yeah, that is all. If you're reading this, I love you and I hope you have a nice day 💖
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silviaflowers · 1 year
˚ʚ♡ Hey, I'm Silvia Flowers! ♡
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˚ʚ♡ Hi I'm Silvi! ♡
She/her prns!!
Im a little multifandom gremlin (fandom list below)
Autism Suspect™ (self-diagnosed)
Young Digital artist :)
I'm a Christian, but I won't mention it much.
Here's my carrd, strawpage and linktree!
I LOVE MY QPP !!!! @capt-marty
If theres anything you wanna avoid, I tag with "___ tw" for generally triggering subjects! Shoot me an ask if you see something specific you'd like me to tag <3
(if we're moots, im completely fine with making "x dont look" tags!)
(fandom art requests and commissions are both open!)
(previous pinned post)
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˚ʚ♡ Tags! ♡
#silvia flowers is every original post of mine
#silviart is my art tag
#silvi speaks is my talking tag
#silvi answers is my ask answer tag
#silvi sings is me yelling song lyrics into the tumblr void
#gift bouquet is for art people have made for me/of my content
#userbox rb is for userboxes i relate to
#floral lore is for my OC lore
#silvia flowers hall of fame is for my most popular posts! (namely TBH papyrus)
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˚ʚ♡ Fandoms! ♡
(ꕥ means Im deeper in the fandom!)
ꕥ Undertale/Deltarune
ꕥ LEGO Monkie Kid
ꕥ The Ghost and Molly McGee
ꕥ Welcome to Dreamworld
Five Nights at Freddy's
Digimon Tamers
Warrior Cats
Sanders Sides
The Owl House
Spooky Month
Murder Drones
Garten of Banban (chief idk what to link to for this one)
Fool's Gold DND Campaign
The Amazing Digital Circus
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˚ʚ♡ Sideblogs! ♡
@silviartflowers - my art rb blog!
@mayihavesomeicecreamplease - my spam reblog sideblog!
@djtether-selfship - my selfship lmk blog!
- inactive sideblogs -
@blackjack-bullets - my blackjack (undertale yellow) ask/rp blog!
@edenandthad - my first murder drones rp blog!
@qthedissassemblydrone - my second murder drones rp blog!!
@maketheblorbsobrawl - my (finished) tournament of pacifist blorbos!
@eclipseaucomic - my FNAF comic blog! (currently on pause)
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˚ʚ♡ PSA ♡
I do not have a DNI, and this blog isn't for controversial debates. All I'm going to say is that I don't support people who hate or harm others, such as racists, sexists, nazis, predators/MAPs, etc.
[I ALSO DO NOT SUPPORT PROSHIP. I refuse to get into discourse about it, but I choose to block people who are proshippers. You are NOT welcome here.]
If you see me reblog something from someone who's confirmed as one of the above groups, please send me an ask or DM about it and I'll remove the reblog!
I encourage everyone to be themselves and don't participate in cringe culture.
If you're here to start drama, please leave.
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I hope you have a fun time on my blog :)
[Dividers by @/raaawrrxd]
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Me watching Laws of Attraction Ep. 2:
1. <On Tin and Grandma telling Tonkhao that it's okay to fail in school> As an East/Southeast Asian I call bullsh*t 😂 No Asian parent would accept a child failing school subjects- especially Maths (or Science). Now if it's arts or languages, you might get a free pass. Might.
Sorry, guys. We are living, breathing stereotypes lol.
2. Oh. My. Gawd. Charn is a freaking menace - seems like his default setting is "flirt" lol 😅😅😅😅
3. Charn: "It takes a devil to fight a devil". Well, he is not wrong there.
4. Well, at least Tin's dojo is still flourishing and not affected by rumours 😭
5. Grandma is a shipper lol. Also, Charn not needing a surveillance camera to watch Tin as he had already "seen all of him" sends me in a downward spiral 🤣🤣🤣🤣
6. I'm so intrigued. What did Thantai want from Tonkhao's family that wasn't found on her dead body???
7. Oooh my. The neighbour lady's got guts. Also, poor motorbike. 😅
8. I think there is something seriously, seriously mentally wrong with Charn. 😂😂😂 I mean seriously. Lol.
9. What is Tanthai's deal? Why so full of hate for persons he barely know???
10. Oh hello, Silvy. Voice of a goddess, as always. 😊🤘🤘🤘
11. Wait, what doll??? Also, tbf Tin's handmade doll is not that bad.
12. Tin's grandma is nice, it almost hurts. 😔
13. Charn always speaks as if he swallowed whole volumes of law books lol Very useful though 😅 Also, gotta admire his relentless flirting with Tin lol
14. Grandma is officially sold on the TinCharn ship. She's probably planning the marriage of her grandson and the cute lawyer in her mind.
15. I also want to know what happened to Charn. Were him and his mum kidnap by somebody he sued in pursuit of justice??? I WANNA KNOW!!!! 😭😭😭
<Need to stay strong. Must not look for spoilers>
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 5 months
“Uh no. Phones don’t really get euhm, that thingy-“
“Yeah, that” Silvie answers back, before looking over at Evan in surprise “Oh you’re still here. Hm”
“You didn’t actually care whether I asked about your job did you?"
Silvie shrugs “I wanted my gift” he says simply, giving his new little frog all his attention as Evan hangs his head in defeat, hiding a small amused smile of his own
He’d forgotten how silly his former time in the circus had been. The running around, the vagueness, the silly
It was Silvie’s normal here
Silvie who was digging in his pockets for a piece of paper “Here slap this on your phone. It should absorb the thing ya wanna send me” he says
"Uh... okay." Bing does so. "Oh, shoot, wait, Evs I'm in normal clothes! When the heck did my dino costume go away?"
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iviarellereads · 1 month
The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 27 - Tel'aran'rhiod
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Stone ring icon) In which we get to ask ourselves lots of questions.
PERSPECTIVE: Egg's Accepted room is in the same gallery with Nyn and El's, with only subtle differences, but it feels palatial after novice quarters. That night, though, she half wishes she was just a simple novice with no grand task assigned her.
Verin had come by while they were washing pots and asked if they found anything. Alanna came by and asked Egg if she wanted to know more about the Green Ajah. Elaida came and watched them for a while, then after she left Sheriam did the same in an almost identical pose of sternness, then Anaiya the same as the two previous. Egg can derive no special meaning from any of them(1).
Egg in the present says she's ready, and she threads a leather cord through the center of the stone ring, wearing it around her neck as she lays down. Nyn says again that someone should go with her, but Egg says she'll feel more comfortable with both of them guarding her in case of... she can't say aloud that she fears Gray Men and Black Ajah both, and more dangers besides.
She falls asleep, and finds herself in a perfect afternoon in hills full of wildflowers and butterflies. She checks that she can channel, which she can, and then takes a single step, only to find herself in an inn. An inn with Perrin sleeping against a pillar in the floor. She tries to wake him, and the dog besides him wakes, making her realize it was a wolf. She steps quickly backward into a hall, but just as Perrin says "Hopper, no! Egwene!" the door swings shut and she's somewhere else again.(2)
A campfire in the woods, with Rand sitting at it. He sneers at her, believing her to be a vision from Baa. He refuses to believe it's her, even going so far as to try to move to attack her, and she flees again.(3)
She doesn't know where she is, but she feeds a trickle of the Power into the stone ring, asking it to bring her where she needs to be, where she can find an answer to what the Black Ajah wants. A voice says she's found her way at last, all sorts of answers here. She's in the Callandor room, and an old woman comes out, calls herself Silvie, says she served Egg's family all these years.(4) Egg plays along hoping to get answers out of her, and Silvie says the Heart of the Stone is full of answers, and secrets. Egg asks what kind of secrets.
But Silvie was hobbling toward the crystal sword. “Plots,” she said as if to herself. “All of them pretending to serve the Great Lord,(5) and all the while plotting and planning to regain what they lost. Each one thinking he or she is the only one plotting. Ishamael is a fool!” “What?” Egwene said sharply. “What did you say about Ishamael?” The old woman turned to present a crooked, ingratiating smile. “Just a thing poor folks say, my Lady. It turns the Forsaken’s power, calling them fools. Makes you feel good, and safe. Even the Shadow can’t take being called a fool. Try it, my Lady. Say, Ba’alzamon is a fool!” Egwene’s lips twitched on the edge of a smile. “Ba’alzamon is a fool! You are right, Silvie.” It actually did feel good, laughing at the Dark One. The old woman chuckled.
Egg asks what the crystal sword is and Silvie explains it's Callandor, the Sword That Cannot Be Touched, and the Sword That Is Not A Sword. Only the Dragon Reborn can touch it, and the High Lords don't like having it here, but they can't get rid of it.(6)
There are footsteps, and Silvie tells Egg she should leave, but Egg can't make the stone ring take her elsewhere. Silvie hugs her, saying she'll take her out, tuck her safe into bed, then touches the ring, and pain overcomes Egwene.(7)
She wakes with a shriek, startling Nyn and El. She says next time they'll decide on a time to wake and they'll wake her if they have to dunk her head in water. She tells them all she saw, except Perrin talking to the wolf, because it's not her secret to tell.(8) The events in the Heart of the Stone do seem to confirm that the Black Ajah is setting a trap there.
Nyn says the best way to catch the person who set the trap is to spring it and wait for them. The Amyrlin has cut them loose, to make their own decisions. Elayne says she'll need to write to her mother, lest she start a real war between Andor and Tar Valon, but she will not let them go alone, or stay wondering if the Aes Sedai teaching her are Darkfriends.
None of them have much coin left, after the journey from Toman Head. Egg asks whether they should leave tonight, but Nyn says she needs real sleep after all that, and they can give the Amyrlin one more chance to seek them out. If the Amyrlin doesn't reach them by midday, she means to be on a trading ship before the first hour after noon.
Egg admits in a small voice that she doesn't want to be alone tonight, and El agrees with her. Nyn says the bed looks big enough for three, if they keep their elbows to themselves. A little later, as they try to get comfortable, Nyn laughs. Egg asks what's so funny, and Nyn says she's thought of someone who would be more than happy to carry El's letter and leave Tar Valon. She'd even bet on it.(9)
(1) Can you think of any reasons for these particular Aes Sedai to come and observe them like this, besides them being most of the named Aes Sedai we've met here, besides what Egg guesses? (2) Curious. We haven't seen Perrin in a while, have we? (3) And poor Rand, running off on his own, running from and running to the same thing. Of course he's been tormented in his dreams by visions from Ishy. (4) Who do you think Silvie might be? Is she herself, or someone else? (5) A hint, of course: only people sworn to the Dark call him the Great Lord, otherwise he's called by one of the common names. (6) Presumably, because they can't touch it to move it. (7) So, someone who knows what the stone ring is, and how to control it? (8) She saw the first hints of it, back in book 1 traveling with him from Shadar Logoth to Caemlyn with Elyas. She knows there's something to it, and that it's his own business only. Good for her. (9) Who wants nothing, absolutely NOTHING, more than to leave Tar Valon right now and be away from all these witches?
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trainerlynda · 1 year
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cambion-companion · 11 months
I have a laaat of thoughts and feelings on how completely Byronic Silvie is and how utterly tragic and poetic and moronic and fierce and intense and morose her vibe can be. She is the ultimate misery’s scream-into-the-abyss gal and I am so hooked on that. I know you don’t write Loki-verse fan fiction (or do you? 🙋🏽‍♀️) but I would love to read an angsty angsty slow burn when I find one.
Are you watching Loki? What are the vibes we are getting? Any fics that you would recommend?
You are such a girls’ girl I feel like, something so wholesome about your whole vibe. Just keep doing you and shine bright.
I am glad I found myself on your side of tumblr 🫶
Why hello there!
I heard that the season two of Loki came out, I'm glad you're enjoying it so much! Sylvie was a very enjoyable character to me in season one. I honestly went through my Loki phase in 2012 haha so it's been a while but I still very much love his character. It's just such a shame what Marvel did to him in Infinity War...just flushed almost a decade of character growth down the toilet.
Isn't Sylive also based off Enchantress? Or am I remembering that wrong? Either way, I adore her actress as well! Thank you for sending in this lovely message, friend! You're more than welcome to hang out over here any time 💙💙
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
I shared this on the server but im also sharing it in here, enjoy the angst muajajjajjaj --------------------- Lily knew something was wrong when they found a new resting place in the catacombs, last time they were in this part of the kingdom it wasn't there, that zone was full of blighted of all types, always coming back, no mater how many time's the Umbral Knight, Siegrid or Silva killed them. They send a quick glance to the spirits, deciding that it was better to sit in the bench before continuing to the next room, because for some reason they felt something evil coming from there, something worse than any blighted they had to fight, including the Blighted Lord. After some minutes of being seated and watching their companions speak with each other, they decided to advance to the next area of the catacombs, hoping that they gut feeling was wrong. They felt the air escape from their lungs the moment they saw what or more correctly, who was awaiting for them in the room, they could recognize that blue scarf everywhere they go, their expression become one of horror once they really looked at the captain. His armor appeared to be fused to his skin, his tunic it looked like it has lost it's colors in some part's, in other's it was torn to pieces, with some part's of the cloth hanging, the worst part of it was his face, his hair had gone from that golden color to one that made it look like he had earth scattered all around it, his eyes where all black, with what look like blood around them. They noticed that Warrior's (or what was left of him) didn't realized they had entered the room, but that was short lived, because after they got close enough, they heard him mutter something that sounded like a name, seconds after he looked at their direction, letting a cry out (of anger or anguish? that will be forever a question on their mind) and launched himself with his sword to attack them. Lily, already knowing this was going to happen, let the headless defender out among other spirits, ready to fight the one that they once could consider a brother. ------------------------------------ They stood in front of the petrified body of the hero, it was a difficult battle, even more when it was revealed that he had a monster form, one that made him look like Silva and Siegrid in that form, but still looking like himself. They let a silent sob out, not wanting to attract the attention of their companions, before extending their hand, letting it rest in the forehead of Warriors, felling the blight starting to abandon his body, absorbing it and with it the last memory of the hero before they become this "monster". It showed him running, trying to escape from the rain and getting separated from the other hero's, it showed the speed of how the blight took over his body and it showed how he ended up in the catacombs, alone and with none of his brother's to help him.Once they came back to themselves, they heard him say something, this time being able to identify what he said. -Thanks, kiddo........ After that they realized that life left the petrified body, but they also felt a spirit joining them, looking at a side, they could see Warriors standing next to the Umbral Knight, he send them a little smile, but Lily could see that the other spirits didn't find him very funny after how he hurt them during they battle, sighing, they decided to just go back to the bench in the room before this one and rest.If they founded Warriors already consumed by the blight, they didn't want to imagine the states of the other members of the Chain. --------------------- (Cloud look, I am over the writing block, are you proud of me ? /j)
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veliseraptor · 2 years
Pretty sure I found your blog after following Silvysartfulness, and you were one of the few people blogging about MDZS/CQL who didn't send up a million red flags. And then I started realising what a ridiculous number of other interests we have in common, so that's settled you as pretty much a forever-follow. Especially the villain-apologism, but also the 80s fantasy, Silmarillion, and more. Even the stuff I'm not personally into has some pretty awesome insights that I'll still take a peak at (Kinnporche, WoT,) and I'm always here for updates on your CQL fic. Especially ILCBT. ♡
my first thought was "does this make Silvy the gateway drug for me" so, you know. and thank you! I am delighted also by all of the fandom crossover and you're assuredly a blorbo from my notes, always like seeing you around
now I'm thinking about how I kinda miss ilcbt. and thinking about what I could write in that verse. hmmmm 🤔
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isaacapatow · 1 year
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post-meeting, after the council agreed that ares be fitted with an ankle monitor for the peace of mind of the community
Ares Melaina -finds himself half-dragged by Isaac to his apartment building near the junkyard, before finally yanking himself loose- You gonna tell me what the hell we're doing here?
ike -stops, staring flatly at Ares- What did you expect? No, really, tell me -- what the fuck did you expect, Ares? That Silvy wouldn't recognize you, or that she'd be willing to just leave it be?
Ares Melaina -stares at Ike for a moment, before running a hand through his hair- I didn't even remember her, okay? And I had no idea she'd be here.
ike Saying you don't remember the one-woman survivor of your group's massacre doesn't make it sound much better.
Ares Melaina Well, I remember her now. -crosses his arms- Look, I ain't proud of it, but I can't change what happened.
ike No. I know you can't. -bites down on his tongue one one side of his teeth, regarding Ares- And while I still think you've got that shitbird streak running up your back like a stream of crap instead of spinal fluid ... I like your brother. And you're a decent raider so far. And the thing between us was twenty years ago.
Ares Melaina -looks at him with some surprise for a moment, narrowing his eyes- So, you're helping me because you like Luc?
ike I'm helping you because you don't have to be a shitbird all your life. Or at least... -sighs, looking annoyed- ...you get to learn from King Shitbird, which happens to be me.
Ares Melaina -raises an eyebrow- You? King Shitbird? I mean I didn't think you were the king of morality but I find that hard to believe.
ike -stares at Ares for a moment, not quite sure how to take this- Aaaaaanyhow. I'm gonna put a lowjack on you. I'm pretty sure this ain't the first time you'll be getting an ankle monitor, but be glad it's not prison orange or hobble chains.
Ares Melaina Wait, what? -blinks at Isaac- Oh hell no. A fucking ankle monitor?
ike You wanna stay in town or not? I could put it around your neck if you prefer.
Ares Melaina -stares at Ike for a moment, before scoffing- Yeah I bet you'd enjoy that.
ike -meets Ares' gaze evenly- Maybe I would. You would too.
Ares Melaina -blinks at Ike, not having expected the retort; straightens himself up- What? Hell no I wouldn't. The fuck are you talking about?
ike You'll get there. -keeps eye contact with Ares for a few beats longer than is comfortable- Now get inside. You're having this thing put on you whether it's your ankle or your throat or your goddamn nutsack. -unlocks one of the four apartments, which each have separate outer doors, and waits for Ares to go inside- This is where we put all the shit that doesn't have an immediate use. So you just helped the ankle bracelets graduate.
Ares Melaina -returns the gaze for a moment, before having to look away- Fucking hell. -mutters this under his breath before he follows Ike into the apartment building and into the storage room- Great. Sounds like I accomplished something. -casts a glance around- Why do you guys even have those?
ike What, the ankle monitors? -shrugs, a little nonplussed that people are finding this such an odd thing to scavenge- I wasn't thinking of this scenario specifically, but clearly it's become relevant. Aside from that ... to keep track of anybody who's headed out but we need them to not wander too far. Or if we're sending one of the dogs out to search for something so we'll be able to tell where it is. Hell, if we wanna trace a walker horde without having to put eyes on it all the time. I dunno. There's stuff to be done with pretty much anything.
Ares Melaina -glances at the random things lined up on the shelves- Huh. Good to know. -turns back to Isaac, arms crossed- So what are the rules with that thing? You guys are not putting me on house arrest from what I could figure.
ike -turns around from where he's been inspecting the bands and receiver- You tell me, Ares. Go on. I wanna hear what you think should happen to you, so people feel safe even with you here. You used to hustle -- show me some of that grifter skill.
Ares Melaina -seems to think about it for a moment before answering- As a raider, I need the highest possible range. If you really wanna put that thing on me, the base should be with a raiding partner, set to maximum distance.
ike Right. So that means it's gonna be you and me playing three-legged race for the next few months.
Ares Melaina Wait, what? You're gonna be my- oh fucking hell. -grumbles, running a hand through his hair- Because you're the head raider?
ike Among other things. -picks up one of the bands and lifts his chin at Ares- C'mere. Lemme see if this one brings out your eyes.
Ares Melaina You're not actually gonna do that. -stops and shakes his head before stepping up to Ike- 
ike -drops into an easy crouch and wraps the band around Ares' ankle, just testing to see if it's still viable, then looks up at him with a grin- Hoping I would opt for some other location? -stands up again- It'll be fine. I'll have to jury rig a corresponding base for me, but that's not your problem. Well, I'm your problem, but you get what I mean. 
Ares Melaina -stares at Ike for just a moment before getting his bearings back- You wish. -he mutters, putting his hands in his pockets- So, if I get far enough away from you, you'll be alerted, right? You can't really see where else I've been?
ike -frowns, although he's got a slight, interested smile- Ares. This here, this ain't extra yardage on your leash. When we're out there together you are expected to stick to me like a drunk co-ed on a barfly old enough to be her dad. -grins for real this time- A situation I'm well familiar with, in case you wondered. It's insurance. It's not freedom.
Ares Melaina -is quiet for a moment- So you're tellin' me you just put a damn collar on me and expect me to stay by your side like some sorta dog?
ike -lifts his nose, looking down it at Ares as they're stood this close together, his smile taking on yet another tone to it- And you better heel when I tell you to.
Ares Melaina -stares up at him, his jaw clenching; he suddenly grabs Ike and pushes him against the shelf behind him, forearm pressed across Ike's chest- The fuck I'll do.
ike -grinning even fucking wider now- Ahhhhh, there's my good dog. You wanna bite? Try it. I got the choke chain on you, boy, sealed and sanctioned by the Council and the entire fucking town by extension. Go on. Do something. Let's see how much you haven't actually changed one fucking bit.
Ares Melaina -he stares at Ike with anger and defiance, increasing the pressure on Ike's chest; a frustrated growl bubbles in his throat- You know what Ike? Go fuck yourself. -he suddenly leans in and crashes his mouth into Ike's and let's his teeth catch on the other man's lips-
ike -doesn't push Ares away; doesn't respond immediately, though, until Ares bites against his lip and then Ike reaches up to grab Ares' hair in his fist and twist, hard, to disengage them; staying close, though- Aw, kiddo. You're drunk and I'm old enough to be your dad.
Ares Melaina -He licks his lips when Ike pulls him off; his gaze is still frustrated and piercing, though now there is something new there too- Thought you were pretty familiar with that.
ike -blinks slow at him, keeping that grip tight so he's holding Ares' head motionless when he leans in and kisses him again, firm but impersonal, finding Ares' tongue and sinking his teeth into the side of it until blood comes bubbling out and he's still biting, shallowly, till his teeth get all the way through and snap against each other-
Ares Melaina -eyes widen for a moment when he feels Ike kissing him, a shudder going through him when he can taste his own blood; his free hand grabs onto Ike's hips, digging his fingers in hard; a choked groan escapes him when he feels Ike's teeth connect but he doesn't push away, instead, with a low growl, he tries to deepen the kiss, demanding-
ike -Ike bunches his free hand in the front of Ares' shirt, a fist pressing into both their bellies, then pulls out of the kiss, mouth working for a moment before he spits; a splatter of warm, thin blood plus the scrap of Ares' tongue he'd bitten clean off, hitting Ares' face. Ike grins lazily, blood all over his teeth and dripping in thicker globs down into his beard- I'm not fucking you. Not like that, not right now.
Ares Melaina -he breathes heavily when he pulls away, not even flinching when Ike spits into his face; his gaze is dull, glazed for a moment before it clears up and he swallows down the blood pooling in his mouth- You're chickening out now? Drunk co-ed too much for the old man?
ike -lets go, laughing for real, and points a finger at Ares- You're funnier than I remember. -wipes his mouth casually with the back of his wrist- This is a new situation. We're both getting our footing. So you just ... keep the train in the station a while longer. By the time your tongue heals up we can revisit this.
Ares Melaina -he stares at Ike for a moment before stepping back- Lot can change in twenty years. -he takes a deep breath, spitting some blood onto the ground- Alright, fine. I'll damn sure remind you, though.
ike Oh-kay, kid. -is quiet for a few moments, the air settling between them- Let's get this done, then. So you can start living something like a normal life.
Ares Melaina Ain't nothing like a normal life for me anymore. -takes a deep breath- Alright. Let's get this done.
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silvyysthings · 1 year
Omg happy birthday, Silvy! I hope you're having a beautiful day! I'm sending a big hug your way. 🤍🫂
My dear 😍😍💙thank you 😍😍
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t4tbedehopmar · 1 year
I'm sorry you've had a bad day silvy :( I'm here for you if you need anything!! Sending kisses and hugs your way 🩵🩵🩵
DW DW I'M OK NOW!!!!!!!! the power of bedehop saved me once again <333 kissing and hugging u tho wehehe <3
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astrosilvie · 2 months
hi Silvie! How are you? I wanted to ask you about the birth time and place of birth in charts, is more about how can those things affect your analysis? For example I really don’t know my birth time :( does that and the place of birth changes the perspective I can get while reading my chart? The thing i know is that the time is related to your rising sign but that’s it.
also in the compatibility with the boys, if we send you those details but we don’t know our birth time we can still get a compatibility post?
hi lovely! i'm good, thank you for asking and coming by! <3
so the compatibility that i do here is more surface level (because a deeper one would take much much longer, maybe someday i might do more detailed synastry) so i don't include houses or composite stuff, the time of birth is mostly so i know your rising sign which is quite important but not necessary. you can still definitely send over your chart even if you don't know the time of birth and i'll match you! :)
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helenasandsmark · 1 year
💒🎶🦄 for u bestie <3
💒 What show would you want to live in? - tough one! I think something like The Society could be really interesting, very Lord of the Flies esque ya know? Suits might be fun too but like as a side character because the main characters have too much drama. I'd like to say like X-Men Evolution or like ATLA but i would die so fast in a superhero world. Oh actually Lost in Space would be awesome... there's so many shows to choose from i just can't
🎶 Favorite song right now? - i can give you the three tied for favorite... heh... I Love You, I'm Trying by grandson; Behave by SZNS; and GANG$TA by SILVY :) i will say def depends on my mood but as of this week it's those three
🦄 How do you perceive yourself? - i dont. I dont like being perceived i dont like perceiving myself, everything would just be so much easier if i was a silly little fly on the wall el oh el
Send asks !!! (Ty ty for the ask beloved💕)
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