#I'm screaming because I love Baylan and I know nothing more now than I did at the start
eriexplosion · 1 year
Just finished the finale and I am going to eAT PLASTIC.
WHAT. THE. FUCK. WAS BAYLAN'S PLAN. I am going to throttle something they clearly were setting up for season two and now they are in a fucking PICKLE about that aren't they? The thing is that I fucking adore Baylan and now I'm EXTREMELY nervous we will never find out his deal because they haddddd to stretch it between two seasons.
Overall though, I did enjoy it, though again would have liked to see more of Baylan and Shin - they're just delightful to watch and I'm obsessed with seeing more of them. I love that Shin upon being set loose immediately decided fuck the Empire she's going to go JOIN SOME BANDITS. Feral queen. Morgan's death was unfortunately very underwhelming, that was one part that didn't click well for me.
One thing that really, REALLY stood out this season aside from those two though is that I think they got the absolutely perfect Ezra casting. Eman did so damn good and really tapped into the Ezra charm perfectly and he looks. EXACTLY like Ezra's dad in a way that makes me so emotional. And of course, I loved his reunion with Hera though I think he spent a little too long wandering around in a stormtrooper helmet. Baby boy you are so lucky they didn't shoot on sight what are you THINKING?
When he patted Chopper though ;_; I hope we get to see Chopper actually do things next season. Let the droid commit crime, he craves it and so do I.
Sabine finally using the force to pull her lightsaber in was a good moment, but when she went from that to JUMP AND I'LL BOOST YOU :D I was still just. Let's not get TOO confident now.
Still, I really love the addition of the idea that anyone can learn to use the force, some just have more innate talent, like. I love that. The idea that the force is in everything but only SOME people can learn to connect with it felt... a little empty in a way. Like yeah the Force is in everything but you're either born special enough to feel it or you're not. Having it be a talent anyone can connect with just makes it feel like a more integral part of the fabric of life.
And the KANAN MENTION. WAILING. He only got brought up directly a couple of times, but that means it hit much harder when he did get brought up.
Also Sabine literally never mentioned what she did to Ezra other than 'it's complicated' and that is so funny to me. Just go through your motions and refuse to answer and one day he will be flung back to regular space and you will still be here and now you don't have to explain at all!
I just would be more satisfied with this ending if we had ANY idea of how they are going to handle the Baylan Problem because he is so intriguing and played so well and they LITERALLY. DID NOT. TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT HE WAS DOING? WHY?
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