#I'm rusty af don't come for me lmfao
hex-xiv · 3 days
A Gifted Tome
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The timing was everything for those within the underworld network. The network drew in the attention of the unsavoury folk and the curious, often the curious bit off more than can chew and would be forced to join the underworld. 
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For this particular soul, they were the curious kind. A noble, sold to the underworld for their prying. The nobleman believed his gil could keep him safe. But everyone knew that it wasn't the gil that made you powerful there, it was the power you wielded. Your gil was just a substitute. 
Cleaning his bloodied hands, the tall elezen man stood and walked to his subordinate who was busy cleaning off the weapons used to teach this nobleman a lesson. 
For months rumors circulated that he could kill the leader of the underworld network. His claims were outlandish, that not even other powerful men and women in the network would dare to proclaim. Considering he was the one who found and funded this particular part of the underworld. 
"Well?" His low baritone voice rang out in the dimly lit alleyway. 
"A minor noble of Ishgard." The other man's voice replied with a file in hand. 
"I don't mean the dead bastard, I meant the soul farrier."
The man scrambled closing the file and hung his head low. "The soul farrier should turn up soon, will you make your way back to headquarters, boss?"
The tall elezen man thought for a moment and wondered whether he should return or remain standing where he stood. He was always curious about the work of the soul farrier. 
"I'll stay." He turned and leaned his back against the wall with his arms across his chest. 
"It's about time I meet this soul farrier."
When they called, she answered.
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Curiosity always got the best of her and while she was once one of the woods and peace, her fascination with the dead lead her to a nomadic lifestyle. No death was ever the same and just when she thought she learned all she could about the underworld there was one soul that truly held her attention. 
As if she knew they were speaking about her she made an appearance dressed in a dark cloak with a hood covering her face. Under the hood her sea blue eyes were glued to the corpse before her as she walked closer to the corpse. 
Maybe by now she could tell who the killer was? Maybe knew his methods enough to tell if those she worked for were the same? Or maybe they were different. She worked effortlessly and when she was done she pulled the hood from her head revealing her viera ears and wolf haircut, "Sleep well." She spoke in a hushed tone before slowly walking away from the scene. "I wonder what you did to deserve such a fate." Her eyes however shifted to see the pair if they were in a viewing site.
"So are you the one I should thank for all my recent work?"
The soft footsteps against the cobblestone path brought attention to those waiting in the dimly lit alleyway. 
His arms still crossed over his chest. Standing in the dark alleyway, Hex wore a dark suit with a hard-to-distinguish colour. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows with a silver clasp chain on the collar that glistened lightly. 
There were rumours that the soul farrier was a hyur, but how wrong they were. He lifted his head as he gazed down at the Viera. 
"If you have to ask then you know I won't grace you with an answer." The tall elezen pushed himself from the wall and walked towards the Viera. 
"As for what this sod did to deserve such a fate, he threatened me." His tone was cold and unforgiving. 
"Soul farrier, is that your name? Or is it a simple moniker for your profession?"
She didn't have to ask, she knew very well but there was a joyous tone in her voice, " A threat? I must say that I do admire your craft," If one were to call killing a craft it would be her. No kill was ever the same and each told their own story. 
"I wonder if the last one was because someone crossed you if I compared my notes just right." 
Soul farrier was a simple moniker for her profession. It added a certain darkness to it and made her feel slightly powerful to those that actually took the life. "To those I work for and with yes. To those that are friends or allies I go by another name."
Her eyes fell towards the other, "Apart of the cleanup crew as well?"
"A simple warning." He smiled looking down at her now. There was a soft glow to his crimson eyes and just as quick as they appeared, they were gone. 
He didn't have to say anything to his subordinate, the only indication given to him was a simple nudge of his head. 
"Please choose, Soul Farrier. A payment from the leader of Onychinus." The shorter man wore a full mask over his face to hide his features and wore a black and dark crimson modernised hanfu. He presented a pouch of gil to her, or a tome wrapped in black cloth. 
The man looked at her slightly perplexed and shook his head. His answer silent.
Her smile grew in admiration and respect until her attention was brought elsewhere, "Hm?" She turned to face the shorter man but leaned over to look between the two items. Gil was easy to come by if she ever needed it all she had to do was provide some form of entertainment or help some messy murderer in the shady streets of Ul'dah. It was the tome however that nearly called out to her. 
She looked back, "You've spoiled me this time." She said as she reached over for the tome. Her eyes sparkled as she took it in her gloved hands and slowly removed the cloth. "A man of fine trinkets as well? I hope we continue doing business with each other." 
The tome itself was black with a moth like creature on the front cover. Her eyes were glued to the book as if she was ready to sit down and be lost into another world but as she opened the tome all there were was crimson pages with a purple glow. "No words... Such a strange thing." But as she spoke it was as if the book came to life. 
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The book shook and fell on the floor as the air around them started to blow crazy. The pages flicker and words slowly appear as if they were being written right there on the spot. "I call upon you creature to serve me again." Her left brow raised as she read it out loud and from those pages that violet glow turned into an orb that started to take shape. 
The orb started to take the form of yet another being, that was until wings and something else upon its head appeared. Giggles soon filled the air and that violet glow busted like shattered glass revealing a moth like creature. 
A soft yawn filled the air "You called for me Master..." The mothlike creature spoke looking between the trio.. "...." She first flew towards Umari and then towards Hex and his subordinate, "You are not her... Where is my master?" Her head tilted to the side as her eyes danced between the bodies before her. It was hard to tell if they bared any life or if her eyes were just like some of the souls Umari decided to never help. Lost and wandering for all time.
After the selection was made, the man took a step back and stood silently off to the side of the tall elezen. 
Hex glanced towards the tome and nodded silently. "Payment for a job well done." He took a step back just like his subordinate and stood close to him, his arms crossing while she flipped through the wordless pages. 
At first, his eyes narrowed, wondering if the rumours were baseless. He paid a hefty sum for that tome, equaling nearly 50 million gil. If the seller was wrong about it, he'd skin them alive. 
As he was about to leave and search for the seller, a burst of air came around them and a burst of purple came from the crimson pages. 
"Rumors were circulating around the underworld that a tome existed for the sole purpose of housing some form of entity. Seems those rumours were correct."
Hex gave a half-tilted grin and nodded towards the others. They all left and he took those few steps forward as he glanced down into the pages and then the moth-like creature that came fluttering towards him. 
"The gil will be deposited to your account. Both forms of payment were yours equally. You've done a lot for Onychinus and me as an extension. We finally meet, Soul Farrier." Hex eyed her with a vacant expression.
"Soul Farrier?" The moth-like creature struggled as she fluttered her wings towards Hex, "My master was no such thing. She was beautiful and like you. But much darkness.." A series of giggles escaped her lips as she fluttered towards Umari, "Did you steal me? Does that mean you are a Soul Farrier? Are you my Master now.." 
The moth flew up a few feet before looking down at them both as if she was a god.. A very small god.. "Bound by pages I may be but to tame a deal must be made. For who open my page-" Before she could even finish she saw Umari's lantern and was quickly drawn to it. "Such pretty light.. What is it used for..." 
Umari looked at Hex, "So your intention was to truly spoil a girl. I guess I can use the funds for a new dress or two. After all, I must look presentable when I have such wonderful clients." Her attention was then brought back to the mouth. "It is use to let those know they are no longer lost and will be carried back to the stream. A light to guide them to their new home." 
Sybil stared at it and even tried to steal it. Her hands were firm on the handle until Umari smacked her hands like a child being denied a treat. "There is no touch.. You were speaking and I am interested." 
Sybil's tired eyes looked at Umari and then at Hex before fluttering away. "Soul Farrier is a new master to me but for Sybil to work a deal must be made. I am hungry one.. I could eat you both.. No it won't be because I will be here and no one will find me again.." 
Umari thought for a moment, almost chewing on her bottom lip before putting the pieces of the puzzle together. "A voidsent. Well that explains it... So a deal then... I keep your book safe, you work for me in aiding the souls. In return to feed you get a bit of what remains of their aether." 
The very thought made Sybil's mouth almost water as she fluttered towards Umari and offered her delicate bruised hand, "A deal made. A deal was kept. Sybil obeys Master." 
"Umari but when in the presence of strangers Soul Farrier." Her gloved hand shook the delicate bruised one and it was like a violet ribbon had wrapped around the hand as if sealing their fate and binding the two together. 
Sybil soon pulled away and fluttered towards Hex. "So now that one is done this one has questions. How did you find my book? Did you kill my master?" As she was just a few inches above him her small wings grew tired causing her to almost fall face first on the pavement. She sat down and another bruise claimed her left cheek. Her soulless eyes looked towards Hex almost as if she was about to cry. "Ouch.. That hurt..."
Hex watched as the moth flew between them. Extinguishing her energy rather quickly. While she sent a barrage of questions he remained silent, his eyes turning down to the worded pages until the moth threatened to eat them. 
He looked up to the moth and his eyes glowed a much brighter red, showing the little voidsent that he'd extinguish her life if she so much as touched a hair on his head. 
"Truly, I couldn't have my associates dressing like they came from the slums." Hex mouthed, his eyes on the moth, eyes still glowing red. 
Once the deal was struck, his eyes dulled to their original colour. 
Umari, so that's her name. Hex made a mental note of the Soul Farrier's name. He liked knowing the names of those he worked with, but in this world, names were never given out. Names were worth more than any gil, any weapon, any treasure. Names were something that could be controlled. And having her name? Well, that was more than enough. 
Hex made no inclination of what he was thinking. His face remained neutral even as the moth fell to the blood-stained cobblestone. 
"A procurer found your tome. You'll learn soon enough you can't ask these questions, sweetie." Hex's gaze swept up to Umari. 
"Teach your pet the rules of the underworld, lest you find your head on a pike." It wasn't a threat made from him. But a threat that everyone in the underworld knew. An unspoken rule if you will. 
Don't ask questions, unless you have the gil or information to pay for it. Or you'll pay with your life.
Sybil stood up and walked towards Hex like a newborn deer. "You..." She stopped as she listened to his words and then looked at Umari and then back at him. "No more questions... questions..." She then bounced on her heel with an attempt to fly again but she only found herself falling on the bloodied stone again. "That means... Master is gone.. No more questions for this one knows.. She is a creature. Not here nor there.. Maybe over there.. Where it is dark." Maybe it was a riddle or maybe she was still trying to remember the last memory with the previous owner. 
She then looked towards Hex and attempted to fly once more, this time it was a success."Two more questions. These are okay.. One may I come closer to you and ask another but something only meant for two ears and no more." She waited and if there was a consent she would flutter closer and use her hand to cover her lips and part of his ear. "You are like me but not me. We are the same no? I seen pretty color.. But shh secrets are always safe with me." She would then offer the side of her face as if offering to get his answer before fluttering away. 
"No more questions... Not here.. Or there.. Not in the world of darkness. We go now and find something to eat.." 
Umari watched the interaction and only waited until it was time to speak. "I would never dress like that. Only the finest but also what makes work easier. She will learn the ways so next we meet she won't be so curious." She winked towards Sybil who by now flew just a few inches over Umari's head. 
"No more questions.." She did look around but watched as Umari picked up the tome to see if there were more words. "Looks like I have some reading to do." 
"Lots of it... Master knew so much and was greedy."
"Gone into the aetherial sea... or worse." Hex tilted his head down at the little moth. He was close to leaving them there but the moth finally flew up and leaned into his ear. 
His eyes swept down, his lashes just gracefully touching the apples of his cheeks when she made the connection to the void festering within. 
She'll be useful. The void within him spoke. He didn't give the moth an answer, but the slight flicker of light in his eyes gave her unspoken consent. Though it wasn't his doing, it was the other one. 
"I heard moths need their powder to fly, so watch your tongue, sweetie," Hex whispered, barely enough for her to hear. 
When she was done, or well when he was done with her. Hex lifted his hand and used one finger to push her head back to give him some breathing room. 
"Good, we'll be in touch and there will be another job for you soon, Umari." He placed a hand in his pocket, tosing an aether stone to the moth. 
"I won't expect all the contents of the book to be relayed to me, but I am curious as to what's in it." Hex motioned to the book, expressing some interest in it, but not enough that he'd take it away after giving it to her.
Sybil was fragile at least for the moment. Her head slightly flew back from his touch, "No push please." However she heard his faint whispers and then hushed. She caught the stone and looked at it as if she was about to eat it. "......" 
Umari nodded, "Should I find something that may seem useful to you I will gladly share." She said in a flat tone while her focus was on Sybil who indeed tried to eat the stone. "That's not for that dear. I am being called again.." She pulled her hood over her head as her eyes focused on the book. Once the book was in Umari's hand Sybil started to grow smaller. 
It was almost like she was about to return to the book until she took a seat on Umari's shoulder. As she came in passing she handed Umari the stone just before claiming her new seat. 
"She went to the sea.. Not much worse... They always get too greedy..." She softly repeated and then it was almost like Sybil became lifeless. Her soulless gaze fixated on what basically was her prison. 
Umari smiled, "Let's keep the name private now. You never know who is truly listening." She kindly bowed as she started to leave for her next body. The tome was kept in one hand as she pulled the lantern from her belt. The lantern began to softly glow and once again Sybil stared at it.. 
"Pretty light... Light leads somewhere..."
Hex nodded, waiting for her to go in one direction so he could go the opposite. His eyes turned down to the little moth who followed the light just like any other insect. 
He wondered how much the little thing would know or if it would be useful in the future. Nevertheless, the tome was out of his hands and in the hands of one of his long-time associates. 
"Mmm.," Was all he said in response to her wanting her name private. 
"Until then, Soul Farrier. Keep your link pearl open, there will be a job soon enough." Hex went in the opposite direction, disappearing into the dimly lit roads with red and black smoke billowing out from beneath him.
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Collaborative writing with @cruelintent-xiv
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piduai · 2 years
finally sat my ass down and read vol 31 of gk properly
1. i know that i personally was fed like a pig about to be sent for slaughter but i'm greedy so i'm still a bit annoyed there was nothing new for the epic saga of tsurumi and ogata. like i'm feeling antagonized here. is it my own fault for having unrealistic expectations? yes. will it stop me from complaining? no.
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2. the line about becoming bait is gone, now he's saying just 'sugimoto and co are coming here'. i thought it was weird af when the chapter came out so i am not displeased
3. reading these chapters reminded me of the convos around each of them i either took part in or saw glimpses of and reaffirms my strong conviction that if you sent a handful of pebbles to first grade they'd put the vast majority of gk readers to shame in terms of intelligence. anyway i remember particularly how much weird fucking discourse that page of sugimoto looking at asirpa after she shot ogata brought. funnily sometimes the volume versions give a little bit more insight into the most controversial things that went down in the eng speaking part of the fandom, so i imagine japanese readers could have had some difficulty with that too. there was an added page in 309 of sugimoto thinking "her alone i can't take with me. her alone i can't put on a vip seat on the train to hell"
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and then two additional ones in 310 after ogata yeets himself off the train
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in which he's like "at the end of the day, i couldn't treat her like my partner, not truly, not from the bottom of my heart... not until i saw that she's resolved to follow me to hell". don't get me wrong if you're a stubborn dumbass with less emotional depth god granted a rusty kettle no matter how pre-chewed and soft the food you're being spoon-fed is you'll still be fucking stupid i guess. and not GET IT. but the story tried, it tried
4. the close up page of ogata blowing his brains out has been wiped, now it's a distant focus and shiraishi, asirpa and sugimoto are shown looking at him in shock. very disappointed, it was my favorite page in the chapter
5. the whole seemingly random exposition in 309 of tsurumi's plans he just tells us because he wants to is not random at all, it was strategically placed there as a set-up for the omake. lmfao. so that has always been planned as the true ending i guess. except in the volume he tells all of this to a corpse because why not
6. 306-308 were gk's greatest flop era, genuinely the worst 3 chapters in the entire manga. i was mad as shit when i read them as they were coming out and i was mad as hell reading them now. absolutely disgusting. and also 0 improvement on them too, tho i guess since they're unsalvageable it would have been a waste of effort. but i am tired of those two. i am tired of everything related to them so i'll just pretend they don't exist
7. in the mag version sugimoto only punches ogata once, but in the vol he goes oraora mode on his ass. lmfao
8. the way the tsurussy has been kept shadowed for half a chapter before he lost his bones (which he kept in his HEART POCKET) and THAT page... chef's kiss
9. also not pertinent to the volume alone but i love how sugimoto beat ogata's ass but tsurumi gave him a good fight <3 close combat competent king
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i love her
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