#I'm probably going to manually alter the post date
kaenith · 7 years
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Inktober 2017 - Day 31
Kinda modern-AU-ish I guess?  Since it probably doesn’t make much sense for them to be cosplaying cartoon and video game characters in medieval Hyrule
Vio and Shadow are dressed as Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens), Green as Aang (A:tlA), Blue as Undyne (Undertale), and Red as a Charmander (Pokemon)
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13leaguestories · 2 years
September Forecast
Shall keep this short and simple but ha, I remembered to do one of these. Don't everyone applaud as much or throw tomatoes. A mix of both is fine.
As many of you know Superstition is on the slate. The plan is that I get S2's update done before the end of the month and then in October, S3 will be ready to start rolling out. There's no exact date yet so please don't ask me. I'll have an entire post come out with the date when that happens. It'll have the same bi-weekly schedule as S2 and probably will be a Tuesday thing like always.
S1's update is out. You can use old saves but you'll have to do a lot of character creation tweaking because of altered and added variables. Same will go for S2 so I would just say wait if you're trying to replay.
Also let me address this since I'm sick of seeing it and folks for some reason and Rant Tierra is so close to sprouting her second head. Superstition is four seasons now. I don't even understand why it's a big deal when it wasn't like all seasons had a out there detailed plot out. I went through and realized that 5 seasons aren't needed, hence why there's four. Wowee, gee willy, look at that, who'da thunk.
Stop asking me for dates. For the love of all things holy, please stop asking. I don't know! So unless you want me to start saying 2025 then don't ask. Trust me, when I know, you'll know.
The last female romance, Chanara Mitchell, will be added and I'll start adding her to asks. I'm not going through the old asks though, if you want her in one of the old ones then ask and I will but I won't manually do it cos I don't manually have that patience. (Did that even make sense. Probably not.)
Am I missing anything *twirls around in chair* Naw, I don't think so. Until S2's update.
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greentrickster · 2 years
Are the UD endings here? Because I don't really want the Lawyer duo to go through the skip button ending.
Although there is also that new Voice Recorded ending, which should still have the original Narrator voice there...
On the other side, I'm just imagining Stanley and the Narrator having a blast with the coffee machine. He's definitely programming one of these when he gets back to the office.
How much do the rest of the AA characters know about the switch? Where these two new guys have come from?
The UD endings are here, but since Stanley and the Narrator have done them all, that means Miles has access to info on all the outcomes.
The first bad ending they run into is actually the Zending, because before that they (understandably) didn't realize just how dangerous some of these endings could be. They spent an hour or so in the Zen room, then Phoenix left through the only unlocked door, and they found the staircase. After Phoenix doing some exploring and finding no other way out, Miles gave the 'room' he's in a good hard scrounge, found the binder with all the endings in it, had a very brief panic attack, and then noped out of it hard via the reset button. They'd both been a bit loath to try that until this point, but no way is Miles letting/forcing Phoenix to jump off that staircase three times.
Even if he probably would survive it much better than Stanley ever has.
Because Phoenix is indestructible.
Once Miles has manually reset, Phoenix goes and hangs out in the employee lounge while Miles goes through all the endings with a fine-toothed comb (and a red pen), then figures out how to make some adjustments. They explore a few more of the safe endings, get a feel for the office and how it works, let Miles get used to the controls and everything, then start adding their own assets and endings. Including, as mentioned in a previous post, the Climb the Roof Ending, the Cafeteria Ending (which involved adding a fully-stocked employee cafeteria, done mostly to see if they could), the Samurai Ending (which involves the broom handle), and, of course, the Romantic Date Ending.
Over on the other side, Stanley and the Narrator have become deeply entrenched in the coffee vs. tea debate, and everyone's picking sides.
Important question: Do Stanley and the Narrator get drawn into the ladder debate?
Important answer: Oh yes. And the Narrator's firmly on Team Stepladder, because while all stepladders are ladders, not all ladders are stepladders, and it's paying attention to details like that which can make or break a game or piece of narration.
The AA gang don't know where Phoenix and Edgeworth have gotten to, but they're under the assumption that they got caught up in a case or a mystery or something, because that's just their lives, and they'll call if they need help. Stanley and the Narrator are assumed to be just a couple of weird tourists. Because anyone who hears the Narrator speak and makes any assumption other than 'extremely English' is a very unique individual. I mean, yeah, it's weird that the British guy's apparently never had tea before, but he's drinking it now, so whatever, there's a dead body to investigate and weird people are a dime a dozen in the AA world.
(Also, when they return, it takes Stanley and the Narrator awhile to discover it, but Miles also altered the Zending, so now it has two possible endings. The first one is the usual trauma-staircase, but now there's also a door at the foot of the stairs. Opening reveals an outdoors area similar in landscape to the one in the Freedom Ending, but at night. Walking through the door resets the game, but it's also possible to sit in the doorway for as long as desired, enjoying the night breeze and the stars.)
Thanks for the ask!
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