#I'm overthinking a teaser for a teaser y'all I'm cooked
dusty-siltstrider · 1 month
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Alright got to thinking about this because if I'm not thinking about this fucking show then I'm not thinking at all
Lots of people (including me) initially thought this implied Viktor was gonna be the subject of the next teaser but imo that's Shimmer magenta. Viktor is more heavily associated with that spooky dark voidy purple. Though I guess there isn't a darker purple heart emoji so idk could be overthinking it. Maybe they'd use a black one?
Always found it interesting that his use of Shimmer is a darker purple than what we usually see from Shimmer (lighter neon magenta). Could be lighting, could be because it's a "variant." Could be evil magic shenanigans. Meh random aside.
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(pretty 🥺)
It's still so early in the marketing so I doubt they're going to reveal Viktor's new look so soon, not even just a subtle peek. He's arguably going through the biggest change in S2 so at the bare minimum they're saving him for the last 5 characters. More likely up there in the top 3.
And assuming we're getting a classic robotic MH then I think his redesign won't be quite as closely associated with purple in the end. Orange or yellow, maybe.
My current guesses for the next teaser are either Singed, Sevika, or maaaybe (long shot) Jinx. All associated with Shimmer magenta. It's safe to assume Singed and Sevika will have bigger roles next season, but they also won't be big enough to be considered major or core characters. Therefore they get character posters earlier on in the buildup to November. My money's currently on Singed.
anyway yeah was on my mind thamks for listening
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