#I'm offering free hugs for all those who are devastated and are in need of comfort
zuzu-draws · 1 year
Can someone explain to me why I, a sukuna fan from day 1, want to cry over Gojo's death. Feels like i'm going through a withdrawal of sorts, :') I just know that once the series is over and everyone's dead (Sukuna included), the fix-it fics are gonna hit soo good ..
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shakti-tiger · 11 days
Having a "time out" from Tumblr
If you're feeling good about today's Good Omens news please don't read, if, like me you're feeling deeply troubled by it, then feel free to read on.
Yesterday the Independent paper was able to quickly go and pick up some comments off X about how devastated fans were about the possible cancellation of their show. Comments that didn't mention the victims or the problematic nature of having Neil Gaiman involved at all.
Today we hear that Neil Gaiman is offering to "step back" whatever that means, from the production so that it can continue.. "
in some quarters I see that people are taking it as a chance to have hope, to even celebrate the fact that this makes it more likely that the show moves forward.
I am only going to give my own personal take, that I'm finding it deeply triggering to see those kind of comments around because it kind of feels like a free pass for Gaiman. This means that he can get his show made, profit from it, take the plaudits, if there are any, just by keeping his head down.
If /when it comes out we're still going to have to see publicity about it, people are still going to give their opinions about it, and in my heart I'm going to know that it was written by somebody who has taken advantage of young women and lied for years and years.
And also the ideas of somebody who is deeply troubled screwed up and definitely needs hell of a lot of therapy, if they were even ready to admit that they'd done anything wrong.. "Deadline understands Gaiman’s offer is not an admission of wrongdoing".
It's no longer going to feel like a love story, it's not even going to feel funny, it's going to feel like a vindication and service to someone who doesn't deserve it.
So whereas previously I was finding that I could maybe find a corner of Tumblr that I might fit into now, I'm going to stay clear of it for the moment because I know people are all processing this stuff in their own way and I've said that on previous posts but I'm just a little raw around this kind of celebration at the moment. And that's okay.
And if I put my self-analysis hat on, I know that this is a reminder trigger for people in my family carrying on as though everything was wonderful and fine, when in actual fact it wasn't. it feels like not being heard. It feels like people getting away with stuff. And that obviously still isn't quite healed for me.
Sending love, hugs, angel wings, glitter, dolphins and possibly even Kraken to anyone who fancies them. 🕊️🌟💖🧸🐬🐬🐳🐋🪽🪽✨🪩
Oh and please don't mention Terry Pratchett in the same breath as Season 3 to me. He had his hard drive and all his unfinished works destroyed under a steam roller after his death.
This is an extract from an interview with Terry and Neil in 2006. Interestingly both of them were asked about a sequel. Terry's response is below.
“Neil and I thought about a sequel an awful lot initially. We talked about it on tour. And I think it was a big relief to both of us, when one day we looked one another in the eye and said, 'I thought you wanted to do a sequel.'
Neil's response was less unequivocal..
“We are actually just starting to think about beginning to ponder the idea of exploring the possibilities of perhaps someday writing a sequel together. It may happen, it may not."
Really I'm not convinced that any of this was Terry's idea.
Rant ends:-
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with Marcus Alvarez.
Request: Maybe for a Marcus fic it could be his wife dealing with the transition from Mayans to the cartel and becoming friends with Emily and having play dates with their kids and Marcus is just proud of her for taking it so well. Thank you ❣️❣️❣️
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Warnings: none.
Word count: exactly 1.2k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author.
You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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Having a sip from the glass of red wine, you keep your gaze in the middle of nowhere. You can't stop thinking about your husband taking off his kutte and giving it to Obispo. The club is his life, but the problem in his knees won the battle. He has been very irritated since the doctor told him that he couldn't ride for too many hours as he used to. So, taking the advantage that he has gone to the clubhouse, you left your son with your sister, waiting to have a moment alone. Together.
You have been his anchor since you met him, when you were a mere mechanic who changed the tire of his bike, in a secondary road to Oaktown. Now, and since six years, you live in the surroundings of Santo Padre where the main charter is installed. Practically jumping off from the couch and leaving the glass of wine over the auxiliary table, you walk barefoot to the hall. Marcus is there, placing his black bag over the floor after closing the door. He looks devastated and unhappy, as you have never seen him before. And that, breaks your heart into a thousand pieces. Biting your bottom lip, you lead your steps close to him, raising your right hand to his chest. Caressing it slowly and shortening the distance between both, you hold him between your arms. Just a second after, he starts to cry inconsolable, clinged to your body.
You don't even know what to say, preferring to keep silent, slightly touching the back of his head with your fingertips and leaving some kisses on his temple. Having a deep breath, you cup his cheek in your hands, cleaning his tears and leaning on your tiptoes to reach his lips. A dearly kiss that looks like it calms him a little.
“I will always be by your side, amor mío”. You mutter, showing him that soft smile which he fell in love with many years ago. “And yes, I know that Mayans it's your life, but when one door closes, another one opens. Just… think about the good things that have that new opportunity. You used to complain about not sleeping, about missing my food, about missing your family…”
Maybe these aren't the best words, but you're trying hard to make him feel better.
“At least… I will see you often and… I will spend more time with Marcos”.
“Yeah, we miss our papi”. You nod pursing lips. “And tonight… I'm gonna spoil you. 'Caaause, our overactive son is having a fun night with his auntie, and I prepared you lasagna with five… not four, but five cheese and two bottles of red wine are getting cold in the fridge. And after dinner, we can have a relaxing bath, enjoying the silence of our home”.
“Thank you”. He just whispers, a little bit calmed.
“For taking care of you?”
“For supporting me like you do every single day, bad or good, no matter why”.
“Yeah, I've already earned a place in Heaven”. You chuckle kissing him again.
“Te amo con todo mi corazón”. (I love you with all my heart).
“So do I, papi”.
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Stepping out of the black SUV, you have a quick look of the huge mansion in front of you. And you're sure that you have never seen a house so big, clean and good decorated. Closing the door of the car, you walk towards the backseat, to help your three years old to go down. Your husband is looking at you, with that kind of gesture that lets you know how much he is in love with you. Feeling proud of any single thing you do for him, just like now. Making the effort to meet Miguel and Emily, knowing that even if they're not to your liking, you will not complain. But he's aware that Galindo's wife and you will be good friends, being actually so similar because of your intelligence and your maternal instinct. Even if you're braver than her, because of life circumstances.
“Ready, pap—mi amor?” You say lifting up your son between your arms, coming closer to Marcus. “You look pretty good on a suit”.
“Do I?” He laughs, knowing what it means watching you leading your steps to the main door.
“Maybe I will need some advice later”. You whisper, after covering Marcos' ears for a second, making your husband chuckle somewhat relaxed.
Before the mexican can ring the doorbell, his new boss, and old friend, is already opening it to hold him in a gentle hug.
“Marcus, amigo. Mi padre estaría orgulloso de esta nueva alianza”. (Marcus, my friend. My father would be proud of this new alliance).
“Lo sé, Miguel”. (I know, Miguel). He says with a sincere smile on his lips, before turning at you, to place a hand on your lower back over the skirt of your black silk dress. “Mi hermosa e increíble esposa, (Y/N), y mi amado hijo, Marcos”. (My beautiful and amazing wife, and my lovely son).
“Es un placer conoceros al fin”. (It's a pleasure finally meeting you two). The younger man is directed to you, taking your free hand to kiss the back of it. “Come in. Come in, please”.
Even if you're the most curious woman in the world, you're trying to not look like that, keeping your gaze on close things and not traveling it around your position.
“Marcus!” A high-pitched voice from a blonde woman coming, pushes you out from your thoughts, guessing she must be Miguel's wife.
Watching Emily hug your man so dearly, makes you know that you will really be friends. She looks like a family person, just like you. One of those who enjoy a peaceful Sunday lying on the sofa with her husband and her son, maybe watching some TV show. But you're not really sure if Miguel is into this kind of plan. You're lucky that your husband is.
“Hi!” She says to you then. “Look at you, boy! You should be Marcos, right?”
Your son hides ashamed his face into your neck, making you all laugh softly, leaving a kiss on his head.
“Sorry, sometimes he's… like that”. You say, caressing his back as he clings his hands on your nape. “Marcos, say ‘hi’ to Emily”.
He just smiles with his wrinkled nose, closing his eyes.
“I'm (Y/N)”. You say then, offering her your right hand, waiting to be shaked in a formal salute. Even if it's not your style. But the woman shakes her head laughing, before hugging you. “Ah, sorry… I'm not used to…”
“It's okay”. She says, so kind that you already like her. “Do you want some coffee? We have peach juice for Marcos, if he wants too”.
“Eh, baby, you heard that? Your favorite”. You say, seeing him raises up his head nodding.
“Good, we have some… things to talk about them”. Your husband adds then, palming Miguel's back, before leaning towards you to kiss your forehead and his son's.
“Yeah, enjoy your business”. You tease him, pocking his nose. “We're gonna do funnier things”.
“I'm pretty sure about that”. Emily laughs, knowing what you are talking about.
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Kim Kai Fluff
@theloveinkimkai 😏😳😈😎 enjoy ❤❤❤
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There was something wrong with your eyesight that was your first thought when you saw the blurry blown up stalker pic of the man you were currently dating.
It was so absurd at first you didn't even recognize the place or the person in the picture. We never really get a far away look at our life unless someone deliberately tries to encapsulate moments in the form of photographs and those are taken consensually.
This was not consensual. This was a rude, crude, and an undoubtedly cruel breach of someone's privacy and you couldn't believe people could be capable of such injustice and harm living in what we call civilized society.
The worst part was that you started to think about the girl in the picture next to her celebrity date and after a while it dawned on you who it was and why she looked so damn familiar.
And no matter how hard you tried for the next fifteen minutes to try and erase that information from your brain, you couldn't do it because holy gods in heaven that was you. In the picture. In the midst of a secluded street you were absent mindedly sharing an ice cream with… none other than Kim Kai, the person you were on a date with the previous night.
How could they have gotten these pictures up on that stupid website so fast? When you still have a hangover from all the wine you drank the previous night?
Let's face it, this wasn't your first time on the site. You went there occasionally to keep up with the life of your favorite people and though it frequently bothered you to see these stalker pics, you had to admit that you were guilty of seeing them too quite a few times. Something that you were about to swear off of now because before today it had never quite hit you how terrible it was to distribute those pictures and the accompanying vicious articles. Karma was a rotten bitch.
It was the first time that happened to you and it dawned on you just how inappropriate and screwed up it was to invade people's private lives for a few hits to your site. The people who did it didn't think twice clearly but you were miserable.
You don't even know why you continue to read the post below those pics.
And maybe you're a glutton for punishment because why else would you do that to yourself? Reading the contents of the ridiculous, inciting viewpoint of the author that basically makes you sound like another one of Kai's conquests.
Kai isn't exactly a virgin and that's why you like him. He doesn't have all these pretenses. With Jongin you get what you see and even though last night you were certain you meant something to him now you weren't so sure.
Because suddenly you were being called words that weren't suited for an intelligent conversation. They were calling you a whore and you didn't know what to do. Should you just ignore and pretend nothing was wrong?
Just then you get a phone call from a number you don't recognize. Thinking it might be Kai, he checks in with you frequently even when he's in locations where there's no reception on his phone so naturally you pick it up. “I know you're his current slut,” a woman's voice said. “But he's had way better. What was Kai doing going out with someone like you?”
Before you can even get a word in, the woman speaks again. “My friend used to go out with him you know,” she began. “And she's a popular idol, beyond beautiful, and still got dumped when he was done with her. That's what he does. He doesn't care about you. That innocent idol appearance is all an act. You're not seriously buying it you're not that naive are you?”
The woman continued to speak and say vile things and you don't know why you couldn't just hang up. Because there's a part of you, that insecure, negativity ridden part that says she might be right. “He could go out with anyone in the world and he chooses you? Stop kidding yourself, Y/N.”
Saying your name out loud was the last thing you expected from her but there she was doing exactly that.
“You must be wondering how I know your name,” she said. “I have contacts in the industry. If you go out with someone like Kai expect your personal details to be outed. For your worst mistakes, the ones you've forgotten about, will come out as well. I suggest you take some time to think and then make a decision. There are going to be endless sacrifices for an outsider like you. This community has never been patient.” Saying that she hangs up.
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You're left standing in the middle of your living room with no idea what your next move should be. All you want is to talk it out with Jongin but he's in rehearsal and you don't want to disturb him. That's not the kind of person you are. So you decide to spend the rest of your day organizing your kitchen.
But soon you start getting attacked by more phone calls and this time some of them leave you mean texts. And the subject of every single comment is the same: leave our oppa alone. Leave our idol alone. You even get one from a reporter asking you to give a statement and offering you a load of money in exchange for a juicy story.
All this keeps piling up until you feel like there's no more space in your head for any more and you feel a little heavy in your chest and on the verge of throwing your phone out the window. You have somehow managed to stay away from the stalker pic site and at least that's something you tell yourself. You can do this. It won't last forever. But no matter how much you tell yourself you can live through this those texts keep coming and they keep getting angier.
When the doorbell suddenly rings you almost jump. And when you've settled down a bit you answer the door and the sight of the man standing in front of you makes all those emotions you were holding in, burst.
And you're suddenly a crying mess like you've never been before and you feel Jongin’s arms around you tighten and his worried voice is the same soothing and kind as always. “Are you OK, babe?”
And suddenly it dawned on you that you are standing in the foyer.
At least you can finally stop crying now.
Kai closes the door and locks it and you notice the shopping bag in his hand that he places on the breakfast bar. The second his hand is free he comes back to you and hugs you again even harder this time.
In all your confusion and anger his arms give you the strength you need to finally broach the subject with him. But before you can speak he pulls you away gently so he can look at you and gaze right into your eyes. “They said terrible things about you, didn't they?” Jongin says.
You don't want to cry again so instead you try to say something positive. “It's not that bad” why would you even say something like that? When you feel like a mess inside?
Kai looks at you and knows you're lying. “Do you know how many times I've been called ugly on some post or comment? I've been called everything from stupid to untalented. For one art is subjective. Even the art god made in the form of us. You know how they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder? It's a fact. Ugly people see ugly things because it's nothing but their own repulsiveness being reflected. That's why you can't take a person's views about any of these things seriously.”
You try to smile but it's not easy.
“OK, tell me precisely what it is that's bothering you?” Jongin wants to know.
You hate it but you also know that you have to get this off your chest or it will bug you forever. “I'm not the only girl you've dated,” you finally let it out. “It doesn't bother me but I can't help but think maybe what I feel for you is way more than what you feel for me.”
“That's not true, Y/N. Yes, I've had plenty of experiences and that's why I'm able to know the difference between real and temporary. Between lust and love. And what I feel for you isn't just lust. I've known you for months now and every day I feel like I want you even more,” Jongin pauses and kisses you gently. “I love you, Y/N.”
Suddenly you feel flustered. “Why are you saying that? If it's because I'm upset--”
“Do I sound like the kind of person who has to resort to saying that to get what I want?”
Of course not.
You don't know why you even said such a thing. But then you realize just what he's done. Kim Jongin just confessed to you that he loves you. And he's not done, because out of nowhere Jongin’s lips press against yours, gently, and you feel that rush you always feel when he gets that way.
There's no one else in the world who can make you feel that way.
When he finally breaks off he stares at you. “Isn't there something that you'd like to confess?”
You bite your lip.
There's only so many seconds a man like Kim Kai can wait patiently for your response. So his impatience makes you forget about everything that was bothering you and all you can do is grin. “I don't think so,” you say playfully knowing full well it's going to bug him.
“You know what,” Jongin says. “I wasn't going to play the Baskin Robbins card but you're forcing my hand. If I don't get a reply to my artistic confession then I will have all the ice cream and eat all the take-out.”
So that's what the fragrance was. Delicious, delicious, food.
“You can't possibly finish all of that before I steal your dumplings,” you retort.
Suddenly Jongin can't stop laughing.
If he was gorgeous before his laughter basically devastates you in every way. Whatever seriousness you were currently holding on to is gone the second you see him laughing like that. Innocent. Beautiful. All heart. Mine.
“You can steal all the dumplings you want after I get my confession!” Kai groans.
This time it's you who's laughing.
You're still smirking when Jongin grabs you by the shoulders and jokingly pushes you on the bed. When he's on top of you he kisses you again.
“Not fair,” you say without much conviction and he knows he's won.
“Say it,” Jongin says. “Or you'll get to spend the rest of the night right under me and I can't promise what might happen.”
You realize that for once in your life you feel happy. This man makes you feel like you are wanted. He makes you feel everything you craved to feel. Desire. Warmth. Comfort. Loyalty. And now…love.
Which is why what you say next comes so naturally you don't even know how it happened.
“I love you, Kai.”
Why do you feel so emotional right now? You don't want to cry so you try to smile.
Before you know it, Kai kisses you again. “You can have the dumplings but I need the sugar.”
You jokingly try to push him away but you can't stop laughing. “Could you be more corny, Kai?”
“I could be if I tried,” Jongin says. “But I have to warn you. My superior corny might not be something you can handle.”
“Two can play that game,” you say responding to yet another kiss.
Kai goes silent and looks at you. “I meant what I said before. I love you, Y/N. I really really love you.”
You bring him closer. “I love you too, Kai.”
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wthomeland · 8 years
I'm trying to figure out the point to this reveal that Dar has sexual abused Quinn. Why is it necessary? And what does it mean when Dar says "I never forced anyone to do anything?" Am I supposed to believe a 16 year old Quinn allowed it? I'd be more inclined to believe that if someone younger which I suppose is naive of me. I mean poor Quinn. I just want to give him a big hug.
Anonymous 2 said to wthomeland: Hello! As we all know, last episode was really hard to watch, for so many reasons. Considering the scene between Quinn and Dar, which you think is the purpose of it? Do you think is a plot device? What this might mean to the story going forward?
flor4life said to wthomeland: Well I loathe Dar Adal so much now that for a moment I forgot about Q/C. I want him to die in pain. What do you think is next?
Anonymous 3 said to wthomeland: sent an ask awhile ago about dar trying to turn q against c. I think the answer was something like “why would he do that”. Apparently because of jealousy?! 🙊😷
Anonymous 4 said to wthomeland: Well, Dar is officially on my shit list. Don’t see how he can come back from this one. Now we need Astrid to tell Quinn how absolutely devastated Carrie was when she thought he was dead.
Anonymous 5 said to wthomeland:  Totally agree with your episode 7 review. I thought Dar was supposed to be a red herring! Could he be, still? But, even so, how can they possibly even remotely begin to redeem him after this? Why introduce this shady but okay character in season 2, develop him over the course of the series, and then totally destroy him in ONE episode? I guess we have to rename episode 7: “Shady Becomes Satan, FYI.” Ugh, Javadi’s shooting didn’t even seem that coldhearted in comparison to all we went through.
Anonymous 6 said to wthomeland: Is it even possible Dar survives this season? I just don’t see him coming back from any of this.
Anonymous 7 said to wthomeland: So being the righteous, ethical American citizen that I am, I want to see Dar brought to justice by the courts, have him face humiliation from his peers, and sent to prison for the rest of his life. Would also love to see Q testify against him, with C in attendance to support him. But then again, we’d be coming full circle if Q took him out. Imagine the irony in that. Preference, WTH'ers?
Anonymous 8 said to wthomeland: Pure speculation, but do you think this could be Dar’s final season on the show? Not sure how they could begin to “redeem” him at this point, and I doubt they’ll have the gang chasing him around the Middle East for two more seasons. Love F. Murray Abraham, though!
Anonymous 9 said to wthomeland: Do we know what Dar’s current position/title is in the CIA? He seems to have a lot of power. And I don’t like that there is no active director for the second season in a row. Who is Dar answering too? I miss Estes and Lockhart.
Anonymous 10 said to wthomeland: So is Dar, like, the king of the deep state or something?
Hi everyone, sorry to clump you all together again, but we got slammed with asks today, as you might imagine. Also, I’m sorry to say in the process of cut and pasting in here I lost a couple of other asks along this same vein, so I apologize in advance to those of you who never get an answer from us 😬.
I’m going to try to tackle the “purpose” of this reveal from the perspective of Quinn and Dar’s characters separately. Although I can’t really say yet whether it was “necessary,” I’ll give you my understanding as it is now. 
For Quinn, this is an extension of what we learned about him in 5x12. We know he was recruited at 16 with the express purpose of using him to honey-trap targets (”pretty enough to turn the head of a Hong Kong paymaster”). So the implication is that Quinn did this for the CIA as part of his missions and did it willingly. This was not news to anyone.
Quinn came from a hard life on the streets; it doesn’t seem too big of a stretch to imagine he may have been turning tricks already when Dar found him. I think the bottom line is that Quinn was used to doing whatever it took to survive, seducing perverted old men and accepting Dar’s advances were just part of his survival instincts. I imagine Quinn never really thought of himself as a “victim” in this scenario, perhaps not until now that he’s older and his injuries are maybe forcing him to examine his past. 
The reveal definitely offers us a little more insight into the Quinn/Dar relationship. Why Quinn has such a hard time breaking away from Dar and the CIA. I do think, even though Quinn was a hardened street kid, he probably sought in Dar a father figure and wanted to please him. Perhaps unconsciously then, there was definitely this abusive, dysfunctional parent/child dynamic playing out. (Sorry for my layperson’s psychoanalysis, just going by what’s just kind of “out there” LOL)
ITO the reveal’s purpose for the story, I feel like at this point it necessitates some kind of “endgame” type confrontation between Quinn and Dar. Quinn HAS TO break free of Dar now. If the reveal doesn’t lead to this outcome, then I will probably have to declare it gratuitous. 
ITO the purpose of Dar’s character, I do have the feeling that it signals his end. Like many of you, I don’t see how he is redeemable at this point (unless perhaps he ends up sacrificing himself for Quinn? but that seems far-fetched LOL). I do hope between now and the end of the season, though, they manage to build some texture into Dar’s character again. It seems a shame to let him end his run as a really interesting “ambiguous” character as a one-dimensional villain. This, to me, would be very disappointing. (I’m with you, Anon 5)
As to Dar’s role in the conspiracy, clearly he has his fingers a lot more stuck in the dough than he would if he were a red herring, LOL. Nevertheless, I still harbor my doubts that he is the mastermind and have, since watching the episode, developed this little fantasy where Dar is actually a pawn in somebody else’s pawn and is ultimately brought down by his own weight. That would bring some poetic justice to Dar’s downfall and make it perhaps feel worthwhile. 
Let me just tie up some loose ends from your asks:
Anon 3 - ITO Dar’s interest in keeping CQ apart, I don’t think it’s “romantic” jealousy since Dar’s relationship with Quinn is about control. In Carrie, he sees a rival ITO his influence on Quinn. 
Anon 4 - I do think something like this will come up next episode between Quinn/Astrid. But Quinn can ultimately only be convinced that Carrie loves him by Carrie herself. 
Anon 7 - I want him to die, preferably a victim of his own game. 
Anon 8 - I do think this could be his last season, sadly 
Anon 9 - It’s not clear what Dar’s position is, but he seems to report directly to the Director. I also hope the Director makes an appearance this season. 
Anon 10 - I don’t think so. At least I hope not. 
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