#I'm not saying I don't like white noise for that tine little thing
fernsehn · 2 years
You can basically bet your life on the fact that as soon as a tv show/movie starts to deal with explicit themes and ideas of christianity, it employs the most infantile concepts and perspectives on and of those ideas.
Which is such a shame to anybody who has ever embarked on a spiritual (christian or other) path that goes beyond a childish belief system and digs deeper into mysticism etc..
Those movies/tv shows aren't "wrong"... In a way, they just copy the prevalent concept of non-believers what it means to belief in a "christian" god ...or whatever. Mostly it's a a very strict black/white belief structure that's typical for what you believe as a child. You could also argue that many who call themselves practicing christians, never go beyond that stage.
The actual more mature, more chaotic, more complex B E L I E F s are so much more interesting and complicated.
Faith in many/most cases isn't just a dumb excuse to ease yourself into accepting death LOL. I mean...yes, there are a lot of dumb christians but ...that level of idiocy is reserved for the infantile bunch with their ongoing projection of daddy issues onto god and their obsession with formalities and whatnot. Anyway...people do not only trick themselves into some shit. They all know that death will come for them. What makes them believe is a freedom in the here and now that is not fixated on the idea of paradise or ressurrection (which is a thing that noone can fully grasp in any detail) AFTER death, necessarily. A freedom rooted in a deep sense of belonging, not to a group or even a set of rules. But a belonging to the whole, to everyone and everything. ;-)
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sonicboomseason3 · 3 months
🪿💥🥞 , Sonic and Tails?
ask game: send me AT LEAST 3 emojis (the more random the better) and AT LEAST 2 characters from sonic boom and i’ll come up with a little drabble in response!
Lying on one of the lounge chairs in front of his shack, Sonic looks up from his pancakes at the sound of Tails' voice and promptly spots him running towards him. "'Sup?" he asks as the fox skids to a stop in front of him.
"Behold, the Explodinator 5000!" Tails announces, brandishing his newest creation in his hand. It appears to be some kind of mechanical headband, complete with an antenna protruding from the top. "By putting this on, the wearer can make any desired target explode."
"Huh." Sonic looks back down at his pancakes. "Explode, like BOOM?" He tries to stab his downright stale pancakes with his plastic fork and lets out a frustrated sigh when he only succeeds in bending the tines.
"Explode, like BOOM! Do you have any idea how much this will help us in our battles with Eggman? I can just point this at his robots and reduce them to smithereens!" Tails finally takes his eyes off of the Explodinator 5000 to look at Sonic. "It isn't limited to just his robots either—Sonic, what is that."
"Pancakes," Sonic replies blandly, gesturing towards his plate in much the same way as Tails was doing moments ago with his invention. "Meh Pancakes, actually. Meh Burger's experimenting with the idea of a breakfast menu, and—"
"I'm talking about the giant bird."
"Oh." Sonic glances over at his other lounge chair, which is currently occupied by a giant white goose. "His name's Bruce. Bruce, meet Tails. Tails, meet Bruce."
"Hi," Tails greets stiffly.
Bruce honks.
Sonic begins to explain, "Bruce wandered into my shack this morning and climbed on top of me and woke me up with his goose noises—by the way, not the best way to start the day, don't really recommend it—and I couldn't chase him out, so..." He makes eye contact with Bruce and reaches over to scratch his head like one would do to a dog. "He's my pet now, I guess. Or at least he is until he decides to leave, whenever that'll be."
"And you're sure this isn't gonna just be another Buster incident?"
"Buster was a robot that shot slime. Bruce is a real goose. Trust me, I checked already."
"I don't think I wanna know how you did that, but that's good at least." Tails can't help but wince a little when Bruce honks again. "Just... make sure you know how to take care of him."
"Pretty sure he's wild, so he should know how to take care of himself—Hands off." When Bruce suddenly leans forward and tries to take a bite of Meh Pancakes, Sonic pushes him away a little more roughly than necessary. "They're mine. And believe me when I say you're really better off never having these."
Bruce's responding honk sounds downright enraged at being refused subpar breakfast food, but Tails is ready to dismiss it as simply his imagination... until Bruce suddenly lunges for him. He yelps and instinctively holds his hands out in front of him to protect himself, but instead of attacking him, Bruce snatches the Explodinator 5000 out of his grasp with his beak. Before either hero can digest what is unfolding, the goose tosses the headband into the air, and it lands squarely on his head.
"What the—" Still holding his pancakes, Sonic rolls out of his lounge chair in the nick of time. He barely registers the tiny explosion that goes off right above him, only fully realizing what's happening when he feels the charred bits of the back of his lounge chair rain down on him.
"Sonic, he's trying to explode you with his mind!" Tails says, horrified. "I really think you should give him the—"
Sonic leaps to his feet, still keeping a tight clutch on those accursed pancakes. "Bruce the Goose, you put that dangerous thing down right now!" Honestly, he sounds more like he's trying to get a small dog to spit something out and less like he's defending himself from a wild bird out for his blood. "I said put it down!"
Bruce honks, and Sonic dodges three more explosion attempts within the next five seconds.
"Pets," he grumbles at Tails. "Word of advice: If you ever think about getting a pet yourself, get a gerbil or something."
And then he dashes off. With the pancakes.
Bruce honks the loudest honk he's honked so far and takes to the skies to give chase, leaving Tails by his lonesome.
Tails stands silently for a moment before sighing wearily and pulling his notepad and pencil out. Flipping to the appropriate page, he quickly skims the notes he already has written. "'Explodinator 5000 - Status: Complete. Testing: Successful. Field Results:—'" He jots down the most recent update. "'—Stolen by a goose determined to cause a Sonic BOOM.' Huh. Wonder when I'll learn my lesson to not invent things that'll endanger my friends."
He ponders that thought for a moment before shrugging.
"Oh well, back to the workshop. Been meaning to work on that one invention that throws knives at everything within three feet of it anyway."
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