#I'm not maintagging this only to spare the feed and as of writing this I'm the two most recent posts
shiroselia · 3 years
Okay actually: Here’s my epic opinions on all the Gen 3 horses as of March 2022, because I have lots of opinions and I think which horses you like is one of the most interesting things about SSO players
Just going in whichever order I can remember them, so not in order of release
Also: Long Post, Sorry, I wasn’t gonna read more it. but I feel legally obliged too ngl.
Jorvik Warmblood: I personally really like the Gen 3 starter rework and I think it’s very very cute, I own five of it starter included, and the colours are quite nice, however had I reinvented my Gen 3 purchasing earlier I would only own 3 of it, but I personally think it’s a very good free horse, I just wish SSE would prioritize it for the baroque bridles since the starter is kinda supposed to be your “can do everything accessibility horse”
Connemara: I used to like it during the early days of Gen 3 but not I honestly regret buying it a little and it’s blacklisted from my alt purchasing because it’s honestly a little outdated in my opinion, I generally like early Gen 3 but the absolute start of Gen 3 isn’t really my thing anymore
North Swedish: First things first, I don’t think SSE needed to tweak their animations at all and I don’t understand why you’d tweak the North Swedish’s animations over say, y’know, the Gen 3 Friesian, but I don’t mind them very much, overall I love the North Swedish, it’s very friendshaped and I’ve ridden around on my two copies a lot, I love the coat textures on them and I think it’s a very solid early Gen 3 that definitely holds up
Fjord: Perfectly good Gen 3. My only complaint is that I wish the brown Gen 1 colour got translated to Gen 3. But I think the horse itself is very nice! It’s very friendshaped and cute and huggable and I appreciate it. I don’t adore it or anything but it makes me happy. I don’t really have any strong opinion either way but that’s definitely not a bad thing.
Akhal-Teke: I used to have a way more negative opinion of the Akhal-Teke than I do today but I don’t really like it still. I think it’s objectively really good and a good representation of the breed from what I can tell, but I don’t really like this type of horse. The colours are super cool and I like those, but the horse model doesn’t really work for me. The best thing about the Akhal-Teke is Kampos and Tellina.
Paint Horse: I expected to like this a lot more upon initial impression than I actually did. I wish the colours were executed a bit differently. I think it’s a good Gen 3 horse, but it’s just not realy my thing. I have a super hard time picking a colour I like, ‘cause I could totally see myself buying one if I find a colour I like ‘cause the model itself is cool, but I just can’t really get behind any of them.
Appaloosa: I’m gonna be completely honest I had no expectations for the Gen 3 Appaloosa because both the Quarter and the Paint were breeds I did not care about at all so I expected the last of what I consider the “western three” to be a horse I didn’t care for either. Boi was I wrong. I fucking love the Gen 3 Appaloosa. The coats are amazing. The animations are cute. The horse model itself is the most friendshaped thing I’ve ever seen. Had I not have the biggest name block right now and a strict horse purchasing schedule to follow I would’ve bought one as soon as it released. I adore the Gen 3 Appaloosa and I can’t wait to get one on both of my accounts.
Marwari: I originally didn’t feel very much for the Marwari and it was a horse I was very “Eh, it’s fine” towards for the longest time. It grew on me a little but for a while it was a horse I wanted to buy really only because I wanted as many breeds as possible. Somewhere along the line though I really started liking it, and once I actually bought one way earlier than I originally planned, I ended up loving it. I usually don’t like the neater horses but the Marwari just works for me. The colours are all super cool and I’m having a bit of a crisis on deciding which colour I’m choosing for my alt. Overall a super pleasant surprise of a favourite.
Quarter: I’ve tried liking the Quarter, I really have. It’s honestly a horse I’ve declined in opinion about but I don’t know if it’s me originally liking it just because I felt like I should or if I just reevaluated it. Point being, I don’t realy love the quarter very much. I think it’s perfectly cool, but it’s just not a horse for me. It’s just a horse that every time I consider buying it I always go “But do I really wanna?” and the answer always ends up being no. Yet another horse I wish I liked ‘cause the concept is super cool, but man I just can’t bring myself to. I feel absolutely nothing for the Gen 3 Quarter. (I do like the App colour, but every other colour is way too grayish for me tbh.)
Finnhorse: Whoboi. Talk about an unexpected S-tier. I originally wasn’t going to buy one at all ‘cause it took so long for me to find a colour I liked. But once I decided “No, I like this one colour”, and I actually bought it? This is one of my favourite breeds. I absolutely adore the Finnhorse and I think it is severely underrated. Some of the colours aren’t for me, but the ones that I do like work very well. It’s been an absolute joy to train the one I bought (and am currently training as of writing this), and I’m genuinely shocked at how much I ended up loving it. It was a horse which I originally barely cared about, but it’s definitely in my Top 3 Favourite breeds right now.
Andalusian: I think the Andalusian overall is very cute, but I prefer it as an accessory in my home stable. I’m not super hot on especially the slower animations, and it definitely makes me pick others over it if I wanna ride around on a non-starter. When it first released I wanted to buy like 4 of it, but once the release hype died down I realized that I really only liked one of the colours. but that colour is undisputably the best of its kind (dapple gray Andalusian for Jorvik president).
Arabian: I originally had a very hard time liking the Gen 3 Arabian tbh. It was not for me at all, and I decided that “No, I won’t buy a Gen 3 Arabian”. While it’s still not one of my favourites, that has changed. The Arabian has grown on me a Lot, and I think it’s a very good Gen 3. It’s still not a horse I fawn over or anything, but I think it’s cool and I will atleast buy it, even if it’s of a lower priority.
Clydesdale: They are so friendshaped and I will fight anyone who says a bad word about them (/lh). They were probably among my favourite Gen 3s at one point, but they aren’t anymore simply because there’s other breeds I like more. Among the earlier selection of Gen 3 though I think it is Way ahead of its time. It’s incredibly solid and I want a plushie of one right now. Definitely one where I don’t love every colour, but the ones that I like are Very good. (Gray clydesdales my adored)
Percheron: This is without a doubt The best Gen 3 currently and my absolute favourite breed in the game. I love the Percheron, and its the Gen 3 horse which I have bought the quickest after its release. Usually I wait atleast half a year or so before a horse gets bought, but this one took three months only because I took a break when they initially released. They also hold the crown of “Best alternative mane style” without any competition and I am begging SSE to bring back the person who made it and I want to give them flowers. Nothing more to say but that I love it and it’s my favourite breed.
English Thoroughbred: It has some of the best colour selections out of all Gen 3s and I think it’s cool. I love their nerd mane and I think it’s overall a super cool horse. I have some gripes with it but they’re very minor and aren’t a fault of the horse but how tack interacts with it. (The saddle moving while the horse moves my hated) I think it’s super cool and I like it quite a bit. Not my favourite but it’s a horse I 100% recommend and I think it deserves a pat. The gray one is also one of The best looking horses ever made in the game and I stay firm on that SSE can’t make a bad looking gray horse.
Jorvik Wild Horse: It has the Songsorrow in its roster of course it fucking slaps. I love the Jorvik Wild a lot. I think it’s an exceptional practice in mixing realism and fantasy and it’s just overall expertly made. It’s just one of the coolest things in this game and I love it alot. I originally wasn’t gonna buy more than one of it but the Songsorrow exists and it is undoubtedly the best horse coat in the game so what can you do. The coat variety is overall great too and I am firmly of the opinion that there is a Jorvik Wild for everyone aslong as you actually like the breed itself. Gen 3.5 is one of the best things to happen to this game and I think the JWH is a great receipt on just how far horses have come in this game. It makes me feel like a proud grandma y’know.
Curly: I am literally known as That One Person That Likes The Curlies and it’s an SSOBlocc inside joke that I have bad taste because I like the curlies. I like the curlies a lot. Now, yes, the animations are. what they are. but I like the curlies despite its gait animations not because of it. I love the horse model and it has The cutest idle animations. The coat textures are also super cool and I really like everything about them except for whatever happened to its back. It’s a perfect, lovely, friendshaped home stable accessory with great coat colour variety and I will fight anyone who says that the curlies are bad. I like them, this is my post, fuck you. (/lh as per usual, you can dislike the curlies it’s fine I promise)
Chincoteague: Worst Gen 3 Breed. I have never liked it. I never will. (/lh but I genuinely do think it’s my least favourite Gen 3 and that it has been since release, it’s only really competing with the Connemara these days)
Friesian: The animations are. not good. but the model is good and I like the colours of it. I will never forgive the fandom for witchhunting Lisa for it upon its initial release and I think the Friesian Fiasco Trademark is top 5 worst SSO fandom behaviour across the board and somethign I am still salty about. But I like the horse and if SSE ever get time to redo the animations I would 100% buy the brown one.
Gotland: Best pony breed in the game. I don’t actually own a Gotland as of writing this, but I can’t wait to actually get one. (Or three, technically, two will go to my main and one to my alt) The colours are all really good, and I think its animations are incredibly well suited to the breed. It’s just cute alright I want to give it a hug I think it’s so good I love it. It’s just a well made horse, what can I say.
Irish Cob: I think the Irish Cob slaps mad silly. It’s one of those horses which I think look fucking cool. It’s a horse which I feel is being talked less about these days, which is fine, but I really love it and I wish we talked about it more. The colours I like on it are S-tier, but the other colours I don’t really love. But it’s such a cool horse and I think it’s a very cool coldblood and interpretation of the breed. I’ve always liked it as far as I recall and it’s one of those horses which I have a huge appreciation for. Idonno it’s just realy cool.
Icelandic: It took a very short warming-up-to period of a few days, but once I got a good look at it I realized that yeah no the Gen 3 Icelandic is fucking good. I like whatever SSE tried with the mane tech and it’s super cool. It’s just a cool breed, I don’t really have much of an opinion on it yet ‘cause a) it’s super new b) I don’t own one yet, but I can say that, like the Appaloosa, it is Super ahead in my get-horse-list and that definitely accounts for something.
Jorvik Pony: I think my opinion on the Jorvik Pony has declined a little as more ponies release in the game (read: Nothing can top the Gotland it’s just too much of my thing), but it’s still a horse I like. It’s cute and friendshaped and cheap and the colour variety is great. I just think the lack of leg makes some of its animations look a little silly and I think MC looks better on bigger horses. And therefore, with the JSP being the smallest horse in the game that also looks Very compact, ofc it looks a little silly. Some of its animations I also feel I don’t love that much, but it’s overall a cute little thing. Friendshaped, good, but definitely not a favourite.
Lusitano: I own four of them take a guess. I feel like you either prefer the Lusitano or the Andalusian, and I definitely prefer the Lusitano. I wish the mane wasn’t a flat 2d texture but I can live with it. I love its animations, the colours are fucking good. It’s a solid Gen 3 and one I probably ended up liking way more than I expected. It’s one I like very much and I think it’s a nice breed.
Knabstrupper: Joining the side of “God damn it I wish I could like you but can’t”! Give it up for the most confusing Gen 3 to me. I like it? But I don’t? But I do? Idonno bro. The one thing I know for sure is that it wears the Andalusian animations better than the Andalusian only because actually doesn’t skip leg day.
Trakhener: I to this day mourn the original animations, and for you guys who were around for my early days of SSOBlr knows I have been Salty On Main about that whole fiasco. But I’m quite over that honestly. The ones we have right now are pretty good and spending your life being salty about decisions in a mid horse game takes you fucking nowhere. I like the trakhener a lot and that is fucking that. I think it’s a great warmblood breed in the game and the colours especially a cool. It’s just a good horse what can I say! It’s a horse I like a lot, and I think it deserves a little more recognition than I gets, people never talk about it and I feel like it deserves to be talked about atleast a little. It also has the only genuine orange flaxen horse coat I like and that accounts for a damn lot. (It’s my favourite trakhener coat but I usually never like them on any breed at all)
Welsh: I’mma be real with y’all, I don’t really have a super strong opinion on the Welsh. It’s. a Gen 3 version of the Welsh Pony. Idonno. I think its eyes are a tiny bit too big, but overall I think it’s a perfectly fine horse. I think it’s way too new for me to have solidified any Takes on it, but overall it’s just the definition of Meh (positive). I’m a little sad the normal bay didn’t get translated into Gen 3, but I like the colours we got.
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