#I'm not here to argue about any of my opinions pls I'm just stoned and enjoying my life bye
reclusivedouche · 1 year
Riverdale 7x10 Thoughts
This episode is so gay holy shit!!
Okay, please understand Archie and Reggie are boyfriends god
And honestly Betty and Veronica, like come on that would work too
Basically that's how it ended up, how it should've been
Reggie and Archie must kiss
This episode was great because no Alice or Hal
Too much Frank
Fuck tho when Reggie came home all late and Archie did the dad talk fuck
The fanfiction I am currently writing in my head
I also love that they're not just glossing over the Betty and Reggie potential over the cars.
Really looking forward to the kissing next week lmao
Also a great no Julian episode. He sucks, like I get it but like he's only good to get punched
Love some Cheryl and Toni (and even Clay) even if it means we have to deal with Kevin, also
Seven seasons and I have never once, not once, liked Kevin
It's fine, his stories are always fodder for better storylines
I do love how delicately they're doing Cheryl and Toni this season. Everyone's one true OTP hahaha
Love to learn Brad Rayburry had a black wife down south.
I love that she showed up and gave good evidence of not suicide
She was so cute
Jughead and Tabitha are so cute
Idk why tf y'all are so mad this is still in the 50's like??
This season is peak, so so good
And fun??? Sorry but the last few season, tho good have been kind of a slog
whatever tho that's just me
I am concerned Tabitha is leaving again because we need a Jabitha kiss asap???
Lest we forget:
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My absolute favorite moment omg I'm still thinking about how great it was
Like yes it was sad, of course, but like it's great for the story
Why does no one like this show for the story like when are you ever given something this bonkers
This is literally written by people from the Glee writer's room like
You all loved that shit but?
I am annoyed we did not get to actually see Fang's concert. Even just a few screens like we just get him singing tuttie fruttie or whatever while he walks to Midge bc ofc he is famous now
Or gonna be
Look tho, Fangs is great this season. He is looking fine af
And like
He and new Midge have great chemistry
I'm sure this plan for him being famous is definitely going to smooth over the pregnancy for Midge's parents like
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I'm here for it tho, I cannot forget the frogs pregnancy test, which is real
I'm also again glad Alice was not in this episode as she is literally my mother (this season specifically) so I cannot
Hear me out, tho - if the next episode is Halloween, I mean Julian has to dress up as like the doll?? Like he has to??
I bring this up bc Halloween is my mother's birthday so it applies
It is almost 4am and I should go to bed but like
Archie and Reggie wrestling in the ROAD
Just kiss
I get that's the straight man's "kiss" but like
Also out here Pops is just giving these kids everything always?
lmao a car to Reggie
Either way, they just need to take one of the cars up to lovers lane so things can get steamy bc
We cannot do anything with Uncle Frank around??
Again, I must ask, what were he and Hal doing that they both showed up in Betty and Archie's rooms during the peep show AT THE SAME TIME
Gay shit
Or KKK things maybe? Yikes. Idk what older white men of this season are doing but
it is gross and I hate it
The full on lack of adults in this episode was perfect also more of that please
Again, I cannot overstate this, but this 50's thing should last most of the season because it is fun and enjoyable and the story is gonna end how it ends so why be stressed
It's so good, I will not get off this soapbox ever sorry
Don't @ me either
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notsolong-pause · 3 years
ship requests
“Hey 👋 . Can I get a male HP ship (from both eras if possible) pls . Thank u so much ! . So I m a Gryffindor (with a bit of Slytherin ) . In my free time , I would love to read fantasy or sci-fic novels or facts maybe , listen to music , research about anything I want to , do something my parents denied me off maybe . If my friends are available , I'll also go downstairs with them and play . I m not as such interested in sport but I love to play cricket and badminton . My hobbies are dancing , horseriding , reading , researching , cyber and swordfighting (I haven't done it yet tho). I love the trope of fake relationship or enemies to lovers
Next is my personality . Well , I can be shy if I m not comfortable with the person , but if I am then I am very talkative . I don't trust ppl at the beginning until they prove themselves . I m very reliable and trustworthy but I tend to hide my emotions . I like my privacy, I don't even share that with my bestie sometimes . I come off as a rebel and I can get annoyed very easily . I love to organise a room . Everyone comes to me for advice . I also have a very good sense of humour which comes out in front of ppl I'm comfortable (they say I never used to fail to surprise them with my hidden qualities) . I m also quite modest . I m a risk-taker and I always stand up to my friends , I also have their back sometimes . I can also be a bully to my enemies or my friend's enemies but only if they start it first . Idk what is it , but ppl tell me I carry a powerful aura and many boys get attracted to me . Also , the popular ones used to attract to me a lot because I could be seen as a quiet nerdy girl . I come off as very unique at first meeting . I m practical with my decisions but as said , I hide my emotions or else the emotions would have led me. I m also a human lie detector , or that's what my family tells me . The thing that stands out in me isy dressing style . I am very curious. I m also very much mysterious . I m loyal to a fault . Now my flaws are that sometimes I don't believe my friends at all and it hurts them since they ask me to be honest and I tell them the truth . I can be blunt and cold without realising it but I don't mean to . I am an extrovert so keeping me from doing something can make me insecure . I m sensitive to criticism . I can be super suspicious, like a looott . I hate when ppl try to control me, even my parents so I end up going against them or I follow their instructions half-heartedly . I can be very very stubborn . I also get many intuitions but I ignore them . I hate when ppl are unreliable , everyone's lazy but atleast they should do their work after some rest . I also hate arrogant boastful PPL . I hate when someone disrespects me and I immediately cut them off from my life . I hate lame excuses given by the ppl whom I expect something to do and they didn't. I am very patient but once they cross their lines , they wish they hadn't . I guess this is too much ? (Lol sorry but excited ) Thank u so much for ur time dear 💗”
a/n: Hi! Thank you for so many details!! It’s lovely. You also asked for TMR ship, so I’ve decided to do a HP form one era and one for TMR. Hopefully, you are okay with that:)
p.s.: sorry for being a Draco slaughter. i’m also doing all the other requests, thank you for them!! they are going to be trade in a day or two. sending love <3
Harry Potter:
I ship you with Fred Weasley 
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(so badly, you’re a perfect match)
First of all... being stubborn and taking risks is something that you probable have in common, which is going to create a perfect enemies to lovers dynamic. Maybe academic/prancing rivalry?
You constantly mocking each other, but not meaning any harm or anything, even though others might think that you hate one another
Him always helping you to break the rules if needed, but still making sure that everything is alright, and everyone is safe. And you would keep an eye on him back, supporting him when he doesn’t know what to do
He would be surprised when you started to open up, and crack jokes, but would love them so badly. And he definitely is very grateful whenever (and if) you chose to tell him something private, and wouldn’t tell anyone else even if he was tortured
You would always give amazing ideas for the shop products. And he would be like: “Where do you know that from?” “Don’t know, just thought it was interesting and decided to investigate”
You were walking in the dull lights of a corridor from the late detention in the Snape’s dungeons. You got this one for arguing with a certain Weasley. This was entirely his fault, though, but he didn’t get caught, and you could still see the stupid smirk on his stupid face when you were assigned to come down here after classes. The Slytherin do was just nearby, and you heard a couple of voices around the corner. You were hopping these were some of your friends from Slytherin, but as you listen closely you herald none other than Malfoy. “These Weaslebeeys are ignorant trash just like their father. Who’s would willingly study what muggles’ life’s are like? That’s just dumb”you didn’t know whether he was just showing off in front of his friends or if he was being serious, but you were furious at the moment.
“Malfoy!” - you energetically approached the group.
“Another gryffindor”, - he smirked. “Why don’t you spend an evening at your dorm or some other lame place?”
“Cut it. Take it back” - you face was almost stone cold. Eyes glimmering dangerously in the flickering light.
“Are you defending the Weaslebees?” - he grimaced, being so proud of himself for no reason.
“It’s not their name, and they don’t need any defense. You’re being an arrogant prick towards my friends, and I’m not going to tolerate that.” - you were stiff, your fists clenched in order to hold back the anger. How dared he speak in such diminishing manner about people 100 times better than him!
“What are you going to about it?” He replied cheekily, stepping forward.
“Well... I don’t know, how about TheLocomotor Wibbly!” - you were gripping tightly onto your wand, and Draco suddenly fell to the floor. His legs turned to jelly.
“You little...” one of his friends pointed your wand towards you, opening his mouth to jinx you back. Suddenly there was a loud bang, everything was covered with the thick smoke, and you were pulled to the corner. You instinctively pointed a wand on the person in front of you, still unable to see anything.
“Easy, lady” you recognized the voice. “Fred? What are doing here?” you were genuinely surprised, and started wondering how much has he heard. “Came to rescue you from the Snape’s claws” he smirked. “Why?” you didn’t understand a thing. “No fun being brilliant if you can’t see that and get jealous” - he cocked his eyebrows. You huffed back. “Well, thank you, I suppose.” “Oh good, I thought I’d never hear that”. You surprised a smile. “Let’s move already”.
“By the way”, he stopped you, “did I hear you calling me a friend?” You nudged his shoulder. “Don’t think too much of it, Weasley”.
The maze runner:
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I ship you with Gally
He’s the one to understand you not opening up fully and immediately and keeping things to yourself for 110%. He’s mysterious himself, and he can give you every time in the world (sorry, i’m love him sm)
Again... the enemies to lovers dynamic, ESPECIALLY considering the whole thing with him killing Chuck (still hurts, though).
He can be very protective from time to time, so you can have “Because I care for you!!” arguments when you’re being reckless and decide to risk in order to save him.
He's honestly the sassy king of the show. Taking your sense of humour in account, I belive that he would really appreciate that you have it and can back him up. So you would exchange jokes back and forth
He's also absolutely giving you every freedom in the world not even attempting to control you or tell you what to do, he would only give out advices. And as far as he realises you're sensitive to crticizm, he starts to control himself in order not to hurt you.
"Please, never do that again". You and Gally were walking around the Last City, back to the shelter.
"Do what?" You asked, raising your head to the boy slightly ahead of you.
"You know what I'm talikng about". He turned his head to you, and stopped in the shaddow of the narrow street between the houses. His gaze was pretty serious, and both of you were extremely tired after yet another mission in attempt to undermine the existing regime.
"I don't think I do". You looked up at him with the confusion in your eyes.
"What you did back there was very risky, and you could have not make it. Don't risk like that ever again".
"But the cranks would've gotten you then". You protested. In your opinion, what you did was the only option.
"I appreciate the concern, but I could I handle it". He was starting to get stubborn, while you were getting angry.
"That's not true. One of them was hanging on your throat. That's not something people cal 'I handle it'". You threw your arms in the air, gesturing.
"I'm not letting them take me instead of you!" Gally was almost shouting at this point.
"Well, I'm not letting them take you either!"
You both went silent and were walking angrily towards your shelter, turning, sneaking, and hiding.
"Gally". You called in a few minutes. "It's just that I really care about you".
"I know". He told you, looking back again. "Just promise me, you're going to be careful".
"You know I really can't promise, but at least I'll try".
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