#I'm new to collecting furbies
furbyboyk · 18 days
I'm pretty sure that Bernard is a Gold Stripe furby now that I look at him more closely but his tag says "1999" even though the Gold Stripe wasn't made until the year 2000. Does anybody have any idea why that is?
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ebaybears · 2 years
Rainbow Furby Deepdive
Now that I've decided my website is a sea slug fansite (long story) I don't have anywhere to put my rainbow furby research. I considered putting it in a youtube video, but decided to post it to tumblr instead.
Anyway, here it is! The forbidden furby lore.
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On the 14th of June 2016 supersonicmario0770 made a post on the adoptafurby forums. The thread was titled "Rainbow Furby?" and included a link to an archived ebay listing.
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"I have never seen one of these before or where it came from. I can't find it when I look it up, no sign of it anywhere online but this ebay listing. It's pink with rainbow ears, hair, and chest."
At first most forum members thought it was a customized furby with dyed fur, although some thought it could be an unknown prototype. While the ebay listing is unarchived, we know roughly what it said.
On the 15th aibo7m3 posted this:
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"I would err on the side of caution and and say that it's probably a custom too, but the seller's story is that this furby was an employee gift given to some of the members at tiger electronics (including her husband)."
Two weeks later on July 6th furbyandchips made a forum post, providing pictures of their own rainbow furby.
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"My friend bought me the other rainbow furby the seller on ebay was selling. Identical to this one. I do not believe it to be fake or custom made. I have inspected it closely and the bottom of the box was open, so the inside cardboard can be removed, but the furby is still attached to the cardboard and didn't look tampered with. All tags are present and in mint condition. Everything is as it should be and looks like it was made in a factory and not customized by someone. The seller told my friend the same story which I believe to be true going by the fact the other furby she bought with it was only furby number 4 of that release, which makes me think it could of been someone who worked for tiger to have such a early one. This furby is in a regular box but if you look at some of the other special editions they too were in regular boxes."
Three years later, on the 19th of January 2019 furbyandchips provided an update on their website heyfurby.com.
"Hello Furby Fans! To start off our new blog, I thought I would write about a very interesting Furby in our collection. I do not know her Furby name as I have never switched her on, she is still attached to the cardboard base from the factory. We decided to name her May May, which means Love ;-)
A good friend found May May on Ebay America and I have never seen another furby like her. A while ago I posted about May May on a furby forum to try and find out some information about her, but no one there had ever seen or heard of this furby. I'm not sure which generation she is, if she is a prototype, limited edition or something very special. She has all tags present and looks to be an Official Furby Release.
Looking at the photo you will see she has rainbow eyelashes and a purple face plate, unlike any other furby. She also has rainbow pattern ears, mane and belly.
Her colours are amazing and I wonder if there are any more around like her. We will always treasure May May and hope to eventually find out more information about her. Stay tuned!"
furbyandchips quickly provided an update on the 21st. In this post, furbyandchips described searching the wayback machine for furby.com articles, finding what they were looking for on a page titled 'news updates'.
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From the 9th of November 1999 until the 1st of August 2000 a competition to design a furby took place on the back of Post brand cereals. Children 17 and under were asked to color in their own furby design, and send their entry in the mail by the 1st of August 2000. Twelve designs at random would then be selected and posted on furby.com where a winner could be voted by the public.
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The winner was Brittany from Missouri, who won a trip to the furby design studio in Illinois, as well as recieving their own furby. However, furbyandchips was still left with some unanswered questions.
"So it turns out that this is in fact an official Furby-Tiger Release! (some doubted this on AdoptaFurby Forum). I wonder if 'Brittany from Missouri' still has her Rainbow Furby? Also were any of the other 12 entries created?
As far as I know, there are only two Rainbow Furby's in existence. The one that I own, and the other one the original seller (maybe) still has? After some more detective work, I found out the other rainbow Furby had a highest bid of $525.00 before the seller chose to end the auction early! I can only guess they had a change of heart and wanted to keep it."
Eight months later, on the 11th of august 2019 an update was posted on the private facebook group Furby Collectors.
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"Hi guys! I'm brand new to this group, and while I'm not a “collector” per-se, i am very proud of this furry rainbow dude right here. He's one of three in existence, made in 2000 when i was just 10 years old. i just so happened to be the lucky winner of a coloring “design your own Furby” contest hosted by Post cereals back in the day. i was flown to Rhode Island with my family and allowed to tour the Hasbro factory, meeting the artists, getting sneak peaks into prototype toys to come, and got to meet the CEO himself! He presented to me, in a formal greeting ceremony, with three of the Furbies I'd designed as a little girl. One to play with (kept outside of the box), one to keep sealed, and one they put into their archives. i felt ike a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Truly a dream come true for a kid. Sadly, when i was 16 years old, 13 years ago now, my boxed Furby was stolen from me and sold by my late older brother who had been battling an incredibly difficult and heartbreaking addiction. I've come to terms with it over the years, but have always wondered what happened to the rainbow siblings of this furry cutie. I'd seen images posted online of an Ebay listing with one of the sibling Furbies before but have not discovered much more about their fates. thought I'd reach out here and give a bit of backdrop to this weird story in hopes i may learn something! Here I've included a goofy photo of my multicolored friend from recently and a clipping of the arcticle written from when i was an excited 10 year old girl!"
This still leaves some questions. If the other furby furbyandchips's friend bought was number four, then why would the facebook poster believe there to be only three in existance, why would furbyandchip's believe only two to exist, and why would the original ebay seller say their husband recieved two as an employee gift?
We can most likely rule out the brother making both ebay listings, since he only had access to one furby. Could there be more rainbow furbies that we don't know of?
If you have any more information on this furby, please get in touch! I tracked down the news article the original creator was mentioned in, but I needed a newspaper.com subscription to view it so I wasn't able to get further information from that. I also wasn't able to check the facebook group for further updates as I don't use facebook. If anyone has pictures of the back of the rainbow furby and can share them, that would be appreciated!
Here's some more images:
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miss-multi45 · 8 months
Hello there! How are you doing? I'm a new follower and I just wanted to say that I love your writing so much.
If you're up to writing this, you don't have to: could you please write the ghouls/ghoulettes or Sleep Token vessels/vesselettes with a gn reader who just has a collection of the 90s furbies (if you don't know what those are, they're these electronic toys that would interact with you. However, they'd randomly turn on and start talking. Even if the thing didn't have batteries) on display in a shelf...
But, instead of looking like this:
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The furbies look like this (if you want more pictures then just search for cursed furbies and you'll find the most cursed looking things ever):
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I love cursed furby pictures, they're so funny to me. Anyway, if you do want to write this, please take as long as you need to write it. I hope you gave a good day/night/evening and don't forget to take care of yourself!
omg Y E S
creeped the fuck out by it.
"uhm baby..why do you have a homemade demon in your room?"
why do you have that when you can have him?
just don't get him involved and you're good.
admires your room.
"good work. my mate, making nightmares."
would steal one to scare the shit out of papa.
papa thought it was one of his rats but mutilated.
*shifts uncomfortably*
he doesn't like them, but he can cope.
don't leave him in a room with one. he'll either cry or hang from the ceiling light to avoid interaction with it.
"babe what the everloving fuck are these?"
how on earth did you disembowel a furby?
might join you if he's riled up.
"these are my C H I L D R E N ."
he loves his goofy goober and their possessed furby collection.
to creep out the other ghouls, he will bring it backstage to a show and run his claws through its fur while cackling.
doesn't make eye contact with them.
he's not scared, he's just a little concerned.
once growled at one because it touched him during a blood moon.
doesn't care
"whatever makes you happy, puppy."
watches with love in his eyes whenever you spook a ghoul.
looks at you with judgment in his eyes.
"kitty, how did you discover this as a hobby?"
stares at your collection for a long period of time.
encourages the behaviour.
"i will raise hell and its deepest darkest pits with you, my sweet little lamb."
makes you sit on his lap while you make them.
Y E S .
"i want to make one with you."
don't question it, let her do it.
she will make some absolute abominations.
might encourage the behaviour, depending on how bone chilling the furbies are.
"..what did you do it? it looks boiled."
she means that in the nicest way possible.
scared tbh.
"i don't really want to pet that. but it looks nice??"
will do everything but touch one.
"fuck yeah."
makes amazing ones.
give her credit, she will hang one up on the Ministry chandelier.
he's seen worse.
your creations don't even scare him, he likes them
thinks they're hilarious.
what the fuck.
he'll hold one at arms length and no closer than that.
they creep him out.
fucking loves it.
they're so out of pocket, and so is he.
don't stop making them, they're entertaining.
makes some in secret.
stand there for 37 seconds exactly, then walk towards them and adopt them.
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passionfruitmango · 3 months
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Look at this cutie!!! I've been watching the furby tag on mercari trying to choose the furbies I wanted to buy, this one popped up and I LOVED it, did some quick research to find out it's a Walmart exclusive furby baby! Tested and works!
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AND THEN THIS CUTIE is apparently still brand new in box??? So I'm hoping they work but even if not I'm SO EXCITED to indulge my inner child with opening one of these!!!
I was looking to get two (because obviously they need a friend to chat with!!!) and was originally eyeballing one of the Sunny orange and yellow furby babies, but the price of both of these being at or under 40? I couldn't say no!! I can always add more furbs to my collection in the future, these two are PERFECT to start me off! [With my newly acquired long furb!!!]
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furby-rocker · 7 months
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Meet Custard, my new Strawberry Milk 2005 Furby! :D
I got this little guy a few months back for real cheap since they were listed as parts, but I was able to refurbish them and get them working again!
I'm so glad I got them because I've been wanting this color for a little while now, and it's nice to have em in my collection :>
Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed the photoshoot ❤️🧡💛💚💙
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irrlicht-ghostfront · 7 months
HC time!! I have some HCs about Hazbin and its characters, and I wanted to jot them down somewhere (so I don't forget bc my brain is the size of a dead pea) Some of them I'm standing by until they get disproven (and will stand in anything I write) and others are more wonky (for when they seem applicable)
These will likely be mostly about Alastor bc whaddya mean he's my fave?
Apart from being a radio host, Alastor was also the on-call handyman for just about anything when he was alive - while he kinda only wanted to repair radios, he eventually became the man for everything
The children wolud also call him "the teddybear doctor" because his stitches for their toys were the best
Mimzy kept sitting on the jukebox in her bar and thus breaking it, requiring Alastor to fix it at least every two weeks
The Vees are the newest Overlords, and they're basically a 3-in-1 deal - they might not be considered Overlords if they aren't in a group
Alastor knows how to use most modern technology (and how to fix it) he just dislikes it
Alastor meets Rosie and Mimzy at least twice a month
Alastor's always wanted to partake in a stage production but everyone else was too afraid of him to actually get anything done
Alastor's father killed his mother - it was an accident but it still happened
Alastor cooks most meals in the Hotel - nobody else can really be trusted in the kitchen. Charlie accidentally exploded the stove, Vaggie rations the food, Husk just won't, Niffty's food can only be consumed by Alastor and while Angel has the skills, he doesn't have the experience
Valentino and Alastor have never really spoken to one another
Velvette and Alastor would get along splendidly - albeit only over text
Charlie thinks Vaggie's wings are the coolest thing and she's read all about proper wing care
Alastor reads Niffty bed-time stories sometimes - they always end in the most gruesome way possible
Alastor owns several hats he'll never wear but he keeps them clean because they were a gift from Rosie
Husk and Alastor play poker for fun
Niffty brings Alastor pretty rocks she found
Vox has a room dedicated to his Alastor-merch (this one's canon)
Alastor likes fluffy things
Alastor has hooves, but unlike Angel he isn't ashamed of his feet - he wears shoes because hooves and indoor flooring don't mix well
Before the Hotel, Alastor and Niffty were squatting in Husk's house
Vox was a scamartist - he sold useless products over the TV
Vox was stalking several people he thought were pretty, often young girls
In Hell, Alastor suffers from Chronic Waste Disease
Alastor has white scars all over his body - they were a result of several bottles falling onto him when he was a boy
Zestial is perfectly capable of speaking normally, he just doesn't to fuck with people
Rosie collects husbands like stamps
Susan thinks Alastor is a bad influence on Rosie and does not approve of their relationship (they don't have a relationship but Susan has selective deafness)
Alastor is far-sighted
Alastor stores his souls in furbys
Velvette is the only one left with a brain in the Vees
The remaining Egg Boi adopts Alastor as his new boss and nothing Alastor does can get rid of him
Okay that was it I think! I'm sure as soon as I hit post, I'll think of more but this will do for now :D
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rookiebat · 5 months
I'm a furby/general talking toy collecting veteran with a couple things stored up and a very bad idea.
1. two denim pantlegs from a pair of cutoffs I made.
2. serviceable craft skills.
3. an owl furby with catastrophic, unfixable water damage.
I was thinking. Can I steal her face and make a denim long furby? I've seen them made with buddy faces all the time. People make custom *skins* all the time so there should be a way to transplant a faceplate into new fabric, does anyone have any tips or resources? (specifically on faceplate transplant, ear and feet patterns appreciated if possible) It would be much appreciated :D
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Knitting for furby book outline
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At this point, I have gathered a pattern outline for this e-book.
As of right now, I have five items drafted (not final or written mind you) and plans for one more that'll serve as an easy starter project for complete knitting newbies to learn about stitch gauge (really important for furby items), how to cast on, join in the round, knit, and cast off in a shorter period of time while still having an end product for your furb.
This will not be a 'learning to knit from scratch book' it is intended as a pattern book that is accessible to all levels of knitter and all budgets. I do intend on having a starting chapter that will walk through supplies, pattern layout, and resources for readers.
That being said, this pattern collection could be a good way to learn knitting as the items are smaller but with standard yarn. and the patterns going in order of difficulty should be helpful.
I am one for making it work so I also want to provide guides for yarn substitutions, altering pieces that are too big, and editing patterns to make completely new pieces.
the first pattern is not drafted so this is patterns 2-6 ( more may come soon or these may be different in their final written form)
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i have a few of these made in my handspun so they're p chonky, making it a quick knit even for beginners. there will be notes on measuring your furb and getting your stitch count based on your gauge.
3. CHONK shawl/ collar/ cape
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This is also really simple and quick ( its slightly more difficult due to it being knit flat and needing to do some seeming. This is also in some chunky handspun and needs to be sampled again (this one is a tad small). I will give notes on changing the length to make this a collar, a cape, or a shawl to fit your furbs needs.
4. Worsted weight dress
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This iconic witchy sweater dress is where the difficulty increases a tad, but the result is having more room to customize the garment. it is in a worsted weight so smaller yarn but not tiny. it does involve increasing and decreasing in ribbing which isn't hard but can have a learning curve. this pattern will include instructions on making the folded collar and accessorizing the garment.
5. Frilly Shawl/ cape/ collar
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This pattern is a sister pattern to the 3rd pattern, it's the same garment type but is a bit more involved. it uses fingering weight and optional mohair for a fuzzy look. this starts flat and is joined in the round to do ribbing, and then stitches on the end are picked up and increased to create a frill/ floof thing.
6. Clown collar
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this final pattern uses the same yarns, and techniques as the last pattern but in a different way. this pattern uses some seaming techniques and requires a folded hem (knit or sewn together). this can have as few as one frill and as many as you desire.
The mohair isn't held double so yarn subs will be a bit harder but not impossible. I'm trying to keep all of these yarns to ones that can be picked up at a big box craft store or an lys for accessibility but Mohair maybe the one outlier, but if the halo from the silk mohair isn't necessary for you then a fingering weight (4-ply ) should be okay.
Anyway thats the outline that i have so far, let me know what you think!
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readingismyhobby24 · 4 days
HIII FAITH!!!!!!!!! how have you been doing today? anythinggg interesting happen ? :3
today at school we went to town hall which was pretty cool :3 its all leaving my memory now.
really good news tho !! i finally started talking to an old online friend of mine again!! me and them used to talk a BUNCH they even mentioned that i was the reason they had their massive furby interest
(they have like 50+ furbies and i have 3💔 i need to get them to show me their collection or ill die)
i also joined a server on discord thats technically a remake of an old server i was in ?? its like a group of people with ocs of this one backrooms entity (entity 68 aka the partypoopers :3 theyre guys who wear blue masks with frown faces i think theyre silly)
one of my ocs technically used to be a partypooper (but for lore reasons he isnt anymore, rip the idea of buzz being a partypooper 2022-2023) but my friend just gave me two of her old partypooper ocs she didnt want anymore so i have to assign them numbers
(their names are hatchet and katana :3 theyre siblings!!)
speaking of assigning them numbers. give me a random number from 100 to 1000 >:D
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(^ my friends ‘partypooper oc’ he technically isnt one but hes labelled as one in the server his number is 222. the emotes were drawn by @/zappers-silly-shenanigans :3)
Hi Noah! I'm doing okay. I'm not gonna lie, though, my arm is in a lot of pain and I have no idea what I even did to it 😭 But I'm okay. Nothing interesting has happened because I've literally just been on my laptop or phone all day 😅 Thank you so much for dropping by!
That's really cool! I hope you had fun! And that's so exciting that you've started talking with your old friend!
And wow! That's cool and interesting! I'll give you the number 545! I don't have a reason for it other than it being the first number to pop in my head 😂
Thanks for coming by! I hope the rest of your day/night is good!
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sadieosc · 19 days
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Also, I got a new pin and keychain, and I'm probably going to put that on my backpack for school
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Also, I got two chokers and found these fish necklaces (I wish I bought them agh) and found a funny lookin angry bird lol
Also, I got some stickers, but I accidentally left them in the car, lol. I'll (might) post them tmw
I also went to toys r us and found ZHUZHU PETS WHAT, so I'm might be going back there to get some🤤🤤 and I got a furby, so I'm starting a new collection now yayaya her name is polly she's cool going to get a gf soon don't worry😍 I also want to get a blur furby so I can make it hatsune miku theme lmao. Oh yeah, I will post the chokers to
K, that's it for today, bye bye😼🫶(I will probably make a first day of school blog, so yeah👽)
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cinn0min · 2 years
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I just started collecting furbys and these are all the lil guys I have so far!! I'm new to furblr so I'll introduce you guys to my furbs
// Jamba Juice (autumn/witch furby) \\
Was found by my dads friend in the trash and given to me, he had his original box but it was very damaged
Doesn't work, but I could probably fix him if I had the time
//Tropical Smoothie Cafe (2000s furby)\\
Was found with Jamba Juice in the trash and given to me. He also had his original box but it was very damaged also
It works but It has a very severe case of MSA :[
// Quench (leopard furby) \\
Bought off of Facebook market place and picked up by friend because I was scared to go and get her LMAO
He works just fine!
// Jonker (jester furby) \\
Bought off of Facebook market place for 125 dollars cos I thought that was a steal compared to other prices I've seen! plus he was unopened with a box in awesome condition!!
Kind of works? He's a lil slow and his speech gets delayed sometimes. I'm not sure whats wrong with it
I have a church mouse furby on the way right now!! I will make and intro for them when I get em
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plushie-lovey · 4 months
Hello I am the anon who found their rabbit and furby again. I am not listening to my brother and taking your advice. I am autistic and he doesn't show any kind of interest in accomodating that so I believe this is just another example of his ignorance. Yes, they are my friends and they make me happy. I have some toys and plushes but it's not a big collection.
If you could give advice on cleaning up that would be helpful. I have tried to degerm etc. the furby is white and has child's make up on it and glitter stains. The fur is a dark grey white just now and lost it's fluffiness. The rabbit is a blue jellycat and has lost fluffiness. It had chocolate stains on it and I had clean off with soap and water. But it was already bedraggled when i thrifted it so maybe getting it clean thoroughly is best I can do
I'm glad you're brushing off what your brother has said. He's just not able to feel whimsy as easily I suppose. Let him be ignorant, while you remain happy with your plushie buddies. You deserve to be happy!!
I did some research for you on their restoration btw! I'm glad that you specified your bunny is a Jellycat, because Jellycats might need a bit of a different approach to cleaning than other plushies. Although I always try recommending a hand wash for beloved stuffed animals, I've seen people say a good machine washing will work wonders on a Jellycat. A popular Jellycat blogger named Victor @ jellycatstuffies has a washing tutorial on his pinned post here. I also looked up a couple more tutorials for you here and here. Though from the state your bunny is in, I might also recommend a restuff alongside a good bath, especially to get rid of most of the bad odors that may have come from their other home (if you or someone you know is able to sew them back up. Don't open them if you can't close them again. That would be sad ;-; )
As for your furby. Well, I'm gonna be honest I don't know much about them. But! There's a huuuge furby community on Tumblr as well as Youtube and other places that can teach you how to clean your friend up. I think most people would recommend removing the skin entirely for a bath. Though it might depend on what generation/era your furby is. I'm honestly not sure! But here's one tutorial I found, and there's tons more out there. If you wanted, you could even customize your furby to make them more unique and breathe a new life into them!
If you feel you're in over your head when it comes to cleanup, though, you can always seek out a stuffed animal hospital. My personal recommendation is Doctor Beth aka @ doctorbeth here on tumblr, though she may only be able to help with your bunny (I'm not sure if I've ever seen her restore a furby's hide before). It'd probably also cost irl money, and you might even be on a waitlist to be seen, but her work is fantastic and would be well worth the patience and expense.
Once again I wish you luck with your reunited buddies, and hope their spa goes well!! Maybe afterwards once they're all clean, you can even treat them to some accessories (collars, kandi necklaces and bracelets, bandanas, whatever!). And please remember to take care of yourself while also caring for your friends, ok? 💖
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passionfruitmango · 4 months
New Pinned Post Time!
Hi! Welcome to my blog, a digital collection of a LOT of things I like! My name is Sunshine, I've also got friends who call me Sunnie 🥰💛
This is a living document and may be edited/shuffled around over time! I hope you enjoy your time here! Feel free to like/reblog/follow/send asks at your leisure 💖 I'm a rapid fire reblogger and occasional queuer so I'm always looking for new people who like the things I do!
~I'm 28, so I ask that if you are a minor to not interact with my blog! My pronouns are she/they, and as a 12H sun I prefer not to be perceived in my physical form. (Why yes I am also genderqueer)
~I also have a partner!!! Meaning I am in a relationship ✨️✨️ so if you're here to be weird, go do that where they do that at, aka NOT here.
Tag info under the read more!
Most tags I'm using are for my own cataloging purposes, and for others to find the post! I also LOVE talking in the tags, as should you 💖 it's like a part 2 to the post! Some I accidentally use interchangeably and that's okay!
--Common aesthetic leaning tags I use are:
Weirdcore, oddcore, strangecore, dreamcore, surrealcore, webcore, vaporwave, synthwave, liminal, sky, nature, water, winter, and the occasional traumacore when a piece hits DEEP, positive ominous/ominous positive
--Within the aesthetic tags I'll occasionally breakdown things into smaller niches such as:
Palms, palm trees, crt, monitor, fruitiger aero, spheres, orbs, bubbles, light source, blurry, blurred, low qual, low poly, 3d render, glitch, neon, and general color tags
--Common interest leaning tags I use are:
Pokemon, tamagotchi, neopets, squishmallows, stuffed animals, kandi, astrology, flow arts, cannabis, furby (I use like 5 different related tags for furby)
--"Personal" tags I use are:
Sunnie vents, sunnie thoughts, mine/my edit (for my edits and digital art), heh (funny), real (self explanatory), mood (similar to real but not), mama trauma (when I'm talking about /that/), 12H things, anti capitalist/anti capitalism,
--Other uncategorized tags I use are:
gif, perfect loop, transparent, ref/resources/for later/masterpost,
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furby-rocker · 6 months
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Meet Cricket, my new Color Change Furby!! I got this little guy within the trade I did with my friend Cricket, who I named them after!! :D
They're such a beautiful little Furby with stunning Neon Green Eyes! :]
I'm so glad I have them in my collection, truly an amazing Furby & they fit so well within the fall scenery!!! :>
Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed the photoshoot ❤️🧡💛💚💙
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jmrothwell · 9 months
2023 Fic Round Up
Number of Fics: 81 New Fics; 3 Prompt Collections, 2 Continued Fics,
Most of the writing done this year was prompt fills (71 stand alone prompt fics).
Also have the We Run Together series on tumblr that I have yet to transfer to AO3.
2022 Roundup
(Tumblr disliked my original draft so I had to significantly cut down the information in the list)
Prompt Collections:
Chemicals React (Chapters 57-68)
Round Robin (6+ Sentence Fics) (Chapters 11-29)
3 Sentence Fics (Chapters 18-29)
Deep in My Bones (G, Julie & Carrie, Julie/Reggie, Part 1: 2023 Prompts)
Furby (G, Alex/Luke/Reggie/Willie/Bobby, Part 2: 2023 Prompts)
The Stage is Set (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 3: 2023 Prompts
You are Not Alone (G, Alex & Reggie, Part 4: 2023 Prompts)
Still Come Back to You (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 5: 2023 Prompts, Part 7: Kiss Kiss)
Clocks Move Forward (G, Trevor-centric, Part 6: 2023 Prompts)
Stranger Than Fiction (G, Julie & Alex & Reggie, Part 7: 2023 Prompts)
Glitter on the Highway (T, Reggie/Flynn, Part 8: 2023 Prompts)
To Follow Where You Are (T, Reggie/Carrie, Part 9: 2023 Prompts)
Not All Treasure’s Gold (M, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 10 2023 Prompts)
Cold as Ice (G, Reggie/Willie, Part 11 2023 Prompts)
Want This to Last (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 12: 2023 Prompts, Part 10: Kiss Kiss)
Like Never Before (G, Reggie/Luke, Part 13: 2023 Prompts)
With a Taste of Your Lips (G, Alex/Willie, Part 14: 2023 Prompts)
Keeping a Moment (T, Alex/Luke/Willie, Part 15: 2023 Prompts)
Leave All This to Yesterday (G, Julie & Reggie, Part 16: 2023 Prompts)
Let the Rain Pour (G, Julie/Reggie/Flynn, Part 17: 2023 Prompts, First Published: February 2023, Completed April 2023)
So Close And Still So Far (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 18: 2023 Prompts)
Dream to Me (G, Reggie/Will Byers, Part 19: 2023 Prompts, Stranger Things Crossover)
A Hold of Me (T, Julie/Reggie, Julie & Alex & Luke & Reggie & WIllie & Bobby, First Published: March 2023, Completed: March 2023)
Kiss it Better (G, Alex & Reggie, Part 20: 2023 Prompts)
Come Up for Coffee? (T, Alex/Willie, Part 21: 2023 Prompts)
So I Don’t Lose You (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 22: 2023 Prompts)
But I'm Livin' (T, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Part 23: 2023 Prompts)
So I Whisper Now In Your Ear (T, Julie & Alex & Luke & Reggie, First Published: July 2022; Chapter 7 published: March 2023)
Here With You (T, Julie/Reggie, Reggie/Luke, Part 3: Hanging by a Moment)
The Devil Searching For Redemption (T, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 24: 2023 Prompts, Part 1: Devil Searching for Redemption)
I Could Be The Monster (M, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Part 2: Devil Searching for Redemption)
A Lovely Night (G, Julie/Reggie, First Published: October 2022 Completed: November 2023)
Getting Carried Away (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 25: 2023 Prompts)
Do You Want? (T, Alex/Luke, Part 26: 2023 Prompts)
I'm Here I Promise (G, Ray & Luke, Part 27: 2023 Prompts)
He Once Was a True Love of Mine (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 28: 2023 Prompts)
Someone You'd Call Your Enemy (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 29: 2023 Prompts)
A Feeling Running Through Our Veins (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 30: 2023 Prompts)
Someday I'll Wish Upon a Star (G, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Part 31: 2023 Prompts)
A Line Without a Hook (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 32: 2023 Prompts)
I Would Waste My Time (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 33: 2023 Prompts, Part 3: Feats of Crimson)
Pain Relief (G, Reggie/Luke, Part 34: 2023 Prompts)
We'll Make Sure You're Okay. (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 35: 2023 Prompts)
Over and Out (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 36: 2023 Prompts)
Cherry Blossom Kiss (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 37: 2023 Prompts)
Miss You (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 38: 2023 Prompts)
A Matter of Time (T, Julie/Reggie, First Published: June 2023, Completed: October 2023)
Competitive Baking (G, Rose-centric, Part 39: 2023 Prompts)
You Got the Keys (G, Julie & Reggie, Part 40: 2023 Prompts)
Jump Then Fall (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 41: 2023 Prompts)
Glasses (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Julie/Reggie/Flynn, Prompt 42: 2023 Prompts)
PokéPlush (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 43: 2023 Prompts, Part 6: Kiss Kiss)
Maybe I'm Your Love (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 44: 2023 Prompts, Part 11: Kiss Kiss)
Always Find My Way To You (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 45: 2023 Prompts)
What A Time (T, Reggie/Carrie, Part 46: 2023 Prompts)
Would You? (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 47: 2023 Prompts)
Only Thing To Say (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 48: 2023 Prompts, Part 1: Kiss Kiss)
fearless // good night (G, Julie/Reggie)
A Damn Cold Night (G, Julie & Reggie, Part 2: I'm With You)
Take Me by the Hand (M, Julie & Reggie, Part 3: I'm With You)
Misspeak (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 49: 2023 Prompts)
'Til We're All Alone (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 50: 2023 Prompts)
Unexpected (G, Julie & Willie, Part 51: 2023 Prompts)
Cygne Noir (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 52: 2023 Prompts)
A Beauteous Flower (G, Julie/Reggie/Kayla, Part 53: 2023 Prompts)
Keep Asking Why (T, Bobby-centric, Part 54: 2023 Prompts)
Happily Ever After...So Far (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 55: 2023 Prompts)
Missing You (G, Julie/Reggie)
Complete Now (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke)
Rained In (G, Julie/Reggie/Kayla, Part 56: 2023 Prompts)
There For You Till the Very End (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 57: 2023 Prompts)
Dream Ripped at the Seam (M, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Part 3: Devil Searching for Redemption)
(All I Really Want is) Something Beautiful to Say (G, Julie & Alex, Part 58: 2023 Prompts)
Come Take Me Home? (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 59: 2023 Prompts, Part 4: I'm With You)
Homework and Teddy Bear (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 60: 2023 Prompts)
Until the dice roll five or eight (G, Julie & Reggie & Luke, Part 61: 2023 Prompts)
A Needed Hug (G, Ray & Reggie, Part 62: 2023 Prompts)
Dangerous Hands (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 63: 2023 Prompts)
Long to Hold You Tight (G, Reggie/Luke, Part 64: 2023 Prompts)
Connections (G, Luke & Carrie, Part 65: 2023 Prompts)
"That's My Side." (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 66: 2023 Prompts)
Caramel Macchiato (G, Flynn/Carrie, Part 67: 2023 Prompts)
Save Me From Tears (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 68: 2023 Prompts)
Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love (G, Reggie/Luke, Part 69: 2023 Prompts)
'Cause you asked for it (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 70: 2023 Prompts)
Photos or It Isn't Real (G, Flynn/Carrie, Part 71: 2023)
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waltsmest · 1 year
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Some furby doodles
On first pic there're all my furbies that I have now in my collection. I'm new at collecting furbies
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