#I'm kinda salty that megumi got dragged for months because of this
cherryys · 8 days
i do not like the fact that yuuta was able to just return back to his body without any consequences at all, still as OP as ever. His character now seems even more flat than before. I never particularly cared for Yuuta, but during CH. 261/263 I started to like him. I thought those chapters and that narrative decision drew his character out and really made him shine. for it to amount to practically nothing removes any stakes or emotional payoff for such a decision. Nothing really changes about him now, unless you count the scar on his head. that sucked, I really hoped there would be something, but now Yuuta's character kind of annoys me with how little payoff there is, along with the fact he doesn't really lose anything the entire series, and is still as powerful as ever. there should've been a balance struck with his CT along with Rika, but I guess gege wasn't willing to compromise.
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