#I'm just..I'm just sitting here fsdfssf
alemanriq · 5 years
Same anon here I'm not a hater or trying to be rude, That's just what i felt from your posts and that was just my opinion about what a shipper means and I'm not into veteran ships at all and i don't consider my self a shipper either. Personally I think if i like a relationship between two characters, that doesn't make me a shipper. I have to clarify that bc ppl assumed that I'm attacking you.
I’m sorry that happened. I personally didn’t feel it as an attack, so I remained neutral (I commented that they shouldn’t assume you were an angry shipper or something but just someone who didn’t say things right). But I still think your perception of shipping was (is?) wrong or at least the way you worded the conclusion you came to after reading a short urban dictionary definition, anon. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t rub me the wrong way (I did feel misjudged…again) but I explained why as decently as I could.
You did say “1.from what you said, you are not a shipper, 2.you see LH as a brotp in canon, 3.you don’t want them to get together in a romantic way” and that sequence of assumptions is wrong because these three statements are not consequent. I probs wasn’t clear enough but I will make an extension of my former explanation here:
- You can admit two characters have a brotp bond in canon, while still wanting or wishing they’re together, or just imagining that there’s a remote chance they could develop a relationship, or even just acknowledging a relationship is not possible in any way and still liking to imagine them together. Do you see what I mean? that is what makes you a shipper; not the fact that you think a couple has, how do they call it, “canon proof” or the highest of possibilities; if that was the case, how would you even call people who ships crackships? crackshippers? is that a term? haha.
- Just like no one should assume that you ship two characters just because you enjoy their canon interactions (really people, don’t do this), no one should assume that I don’t want two characters to end up together just because I don’t see all their interactions as romantic. I repeat, there’s non-romantic ways to perceive love between two characters. Is not that the latter applies to me anyway because I’ve always made my ships have tints of romance from time to time in fan content as far as I remember 😅 (since 2013-ish), is just that, from experience, I know that the term “shipping” has become an umbrella term for some, given that they do have an emotional attachment to a relationship between two characters, but just don’t feel the need to see them doing conventional romantic things (I think that’s why the last part of the wiki article adds that it can also be used as a friendship term)
Now everyone can be certain that you didn’t mean to label someone, but you were rather…analyzing? based on your knowledge from personal experience…or formulating a question? maybe? xD; I’m not sure but it was definitely not the first thing it was just a logically wrong thing to say. The one thing I know is that I cannot undo other people’s reaction to your words, and again, I’m sorry about that. Also, this is up to you, but I’d like to know who you are (to apologize once again lmao orz) and talk more in private too; just because we don’t like the same things is not reason to be scared of each other (not saying you are, but just in case hjdhads).
I’m not saying people jumping at your words was right, but I wasn’t surprised at that reaction either. I didn’t tag my ask bc I knew backlash would still come for both of us, one way or another. I’m not tagging this one either.
You probably didn’t know this, but believe it or not, that wrong perception of shipping is exactly what extremist fans use as an argument to invalidate people like me; people who doesn’t want to engage with one side of the fandom, and tries to get the best of every thing they enjoy, even if, to said extremist people, one “cancels” the other. (i.e. shipping two ships that share one character)
I know I’m about to be redundant, but no one has the right to define what we ship or not / to assume what we will defend or not, based on our likings or a bunch of comments/interactions with other fans without looking at the whole picture first (unless I constantly and actively show an obsessed and openly biased attitude, that is). I say this because it’s been relevant to me for the time I’ve been around. Others that “sTay iN thEir LaNe” (can you hear how dumb this term sounds to me) think everything is fun and games for people that stays in middle ground, when in fact it is a nightmare 😂 it doesn’t matter if you do 100 arts or reblog 100 posts of ship A, foolish fans will always see only the last time you gave an opinion of something you don’t like about A or an A shipper that makes all of other As look bad, or see that you’re not enabling all of As attitude as bad as they might get, or they will only look for the times you talked with someone that is known for hating A (yes, people who likes different things can have thoughts in common too, go figure), or the last time you gave a like to a person they don’t like, or how you didn’t defend an A person when they got into a fight with a B person, or look for the last time you shared something in favor of ship B or C, lots of other reasons to start jumping at you and labelling you as a hater, hypocrite and biased person, because that’s obviously way easier than looking at everything else before judging someone. I think this is what just happened with you and your ask too, not to mention this ask came in a bad timing, you were misjudged too and I apologize…I will just stop talking and keep apologizing lmao.
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