#I'm just kidding but maybe I can drag someone into madcom hell! it'd be nice!
cerise-on-top · 2 months
🥺 fluff 2BDamned x Reader? Reader finds 2B asleep at his work desk so they carry him off to their bed, so that they can sleep together. Little bonus is like Reader tucks him in first before they join the bed.
Hello! Gonna be honest with you, this is longer than I intended for it to be! I could have continued writing for this, but I'm restraining myself here! Cute request, though! Thank you!!
2BDamned Falling Asleep at His Desk
Honestly? I feel as though it’d be pretty rare for 2B to fall asleep like that. Sure, it happens from time to time since he works hard for Nevada, but he’s too vigilant for it to happen frequently. Plus he downs caffeine like there’s no tomorrow. But when he’s tired, he’s tired and won’t wake until his gut feeling wakes him up or until he’s had a full night’s rest. You carrying him to bed? He might stir a bit from the sudden touch, but it wouldn’t be enough to wake him up. I don’t think he’d notice you carrying him to bed either until he’s woken up. But it’s super sweet either way. You putting him onto your bed, placing the blankets over him, and giving him a kiss on his forehead. While 2B may not be the most physically affectionate guy normally, he doesn’t really have a say in the matter when he’s unconscious. Besides, having you somewhere near him calms him down greatly, even subconsciously. While he will tolerate you spooning him when he’s awake, he kind of just melts into your arms when he’s sleeping. Yes, he’s the big boss of Status Quo, but that doesn’t mean he can’t appreciate his lover. When he wakes up, he’s fully aware that he slept at his desk for some time since his back hurts worse than usual, but he still finds himself surprised that you carried him to bed. He’s not the lightest grunt out there, so that’s a sign of you being physically strong. Probably another reason why he sleeps better with you. If he’s awake before you are, then he’ll stare at you for a few moments, before sighing and smiling. You care so much about him, it sort of astounds him. In cruel Nevada, where violence is the ordinary and kindness was rare, you made him feel loved. Kisses your forehead, hopes you don’t wake up, and thinks about what kinds of missions to assign you to. Probably something easy to digest, something that lets you spend time with him. Maybe he’ll have you escort him somewhere. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll take you to Burger Gil’s for a nice burger. Of course, it’s on him. When he’s still too tired, or when he doesn’t want to leave your warmth just yet, he might lie down again and snuggle into you. He may be the strong leader among the two of you, but that doesn’t mean he won’t let himself feel protected by you either. Again, it calms his nerves. Besides, he’s more cuddly when he’s on the brink of falling asleep.
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