#I'm just actually a twink and I have no idea where to start
onesaltysir · 5 months
With how I've left facility work and am going onto home health I should probably start working out so I can actually lift patients on my own huh
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cryingat300kph · 5 months
Pretty Thing
Pairing: Sebastian Vettel x Boytoy!Mechanic!Reader
(Bad) Summary: When Ferrari gets a new pretty boy for a mechanic a certain 4x world champion takes notice.
Rating: M Warning(s): Mentions of sex, but no actual sex. Cursing. Use of Y/N. Allusion to homophobia in sports. F slur (but in a self-descriptive and reclaimed way) -Not Proofread-
Length: 1.4K Words
A/N: This is Seb in his chaotic flirt Ferrari era, like 1st/2nd year at Ferrari vibes. Also the ending is kinda cut off because I lost steam, but wanted to put something out. Let me know if ya’ll want this continued, I have ideas ;) <3
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“Lewis look, that’s who I was talking about.” Seb says poking Lewis’s arm gesturing towards the bar. “Him?!” Lewis asks turning back to Seb. “Yeah.” Seb suppresses the urge to add Isn’t he pretty? “Damn I'm surprised they would hire a mechanic so-“ “so gay?” Sebastian supplies. “Heh-Yeah.” “Well he usually doesn’t look like that.” Seb says again gesturing towards the man.
The “that” Seb is referring to is the absolute twink uniform you are wearing. You might as well be wearing a flashing sign reading “I like dick! ;)” And Sebastian thinks you look completely and utterly delectable; more than usual.
He’d had his eyes on you since you joined the team at the top of the year. At first he noticed you because were young for someone not on the PR team, and far too handsome to not be in a more front-facing role. He was glad he was known to make sure to get to know all new members of the Ferrari family, because it meant he could satisfy this curiosity; finding out you had climbed the ladder at the factory quickly and had always wanted nothing more than to be in the garage track-side.
His interest in you only grew as he got to know you better. He knew obviously that as a mechanic you weren’t just a pretty face, but he soon found out you weren’t just either of those things. But someone who was extremely funny, kind and just as much of a nerd about racing as he was.
And so, a friendship slightly-beyond coworkers started to form. Now, at halfway through the season you two could be called proper friends, but your friendship is still very tied to work. Either way, you feel comfortable around Seb, comfortable enough to speak freely of your interests and life outside of racing. However, one thing he doesn’t know about you was that you don’t mind sharing a bed with a man.
Its hard being queer in formula one. It’s 2015 and huge strides have been made, but motorsports lags behind. Especially as someone who is involved in a more “masculine” job at Ferrari you keeps your more flamboyant tendencies under wraps. European ideas of masculinity help a lot, but it’s still a bit lonely, stressful and draining, to be closeted.
Hence why you’re here.
It had been a stressful race weekend, but Seb ultimately got podium and everyone was rightfully really happy and the team planned to go for drinks with the winning Mercedes team.
Seb had protested a bit when you said you thought you’d sit this one out. “I would, trust me, but I’ve had this headache all day and I doubt a hangover will make it any better.” You lied. He had seemed to come back to himself, like his earlier protest was a slip. Laughing it off. “You’re right, go, rest. We need your brain intact!”
You had chuckled at that saying bye to him and driving back to the hotel to get changed before heading out for your real plans. You felt bad lying to Seb but after this weekend a guy needed some attention damn it! But most importantly you wanted to dress how you want and exist how you want for once even just for a couple of hours.
Without you at the party Sebastian is more melancholy than usual. He's cursing himself for crushing like a teenager, but without you there he’s lost interest. “Dude is this about the guy you told me about.” Lewis asks seeing Seb is obviously down about something. “what? no- it” “Where is he? Go talk to him!" “He’s not here, had a headache so he stayed back.” “Well you don’t seem to be having fun so go after him, just ask to hang out.” “But the team, i should-.” “Kimi is enough of a party for the team, he’d probably enjoy the company.” Lewis nudges him. “You know why I can’t Lewis.” Seb says seriously. “Yeah.” Lewis agrees and they’re silent for a bit before he speaks up again, mischief in his voice. “But maybe we could find some other entertainment for the night. To quell the ache?” “What are you suggesting?” Seb asks suspicious. “There’s a bar a couple blocks from here. Heard its a discreet spot, good for cruising.” He says like he’s stating the weather and not suggesting the two biggest F1 drivers at the moment go cruising for gay sex.“What if someone sees us.” “we’re in America, no one knows who we are.” And Seb is just tipsy enough, and yearning to fuck a stranger and imagine it’s you, so he agrees.
“Let’s do it!”
And so, Sebastian now finds himself at a loss for words, staring at you. At you, sipping a cocktail, half sitting on a bar stool, your back slightly arched. Honestly the picture is so inviting. Lewis is just looking at him with a smirk.
Sebastian sees that a couple men obviously have their eyes on you too. He watches as the bartender hands you a drink gesturing to one of the said men. You look over and the man starts to get up. Seb feels his fists tighten, but he relaxes when you hand the drink back to the bartender looking at the man apologetically. He’s glad the man gets the idea and sits back down, Seb doesn’t want to think what he would have done if the man had persisted.
Wait, so maybe you’re just out for a nice night alone, he doesn’t want to disturb that. But dressed like that? He’s having a hard time resisting.
“Lewis what do I do?” He asks. “The flirt is asking me?“ Lewis scoffs, but when Seb just looks at him annoyed, he Chuckles; he’s never seen the confident man so nervous before. “Just, go get him tiger.”
He knows it’s now or never, so Sebastian goes to the opposite end of the bar and tells the bartender to get you a drink.
-- The bartender hands you another drink. It’s top shelf which catches your eye. A couple men have bought you shots and stuff throughout the night but so far when the bartender pointed to who they all weren’t your type. Or they quickly stopped being your type the moment they opened their mouths.
When you ask who, this time, the bartender cocks his head to the end of the bar. You look over and it’s Sebastian! Your eyes go wide, unsure of what to do. What is he doing here?! Here, where you are looking like a complete faggot and nothing like you do at work. But he’s your friend right, he would’ve found out eventually and he just bought you a drink?
You tamp down the flicker of hope that tries to spark. So you just smile and raise the drink to him raising your eyebrows. It’s friendly coworker shit right? He’s just being nice. Your brain is forced to stop working overtime when he approaches you and starts speaking.
“I could barely recognize you y/n!” He says smiling and friendly, but with a hint of something? And he is blatantly looking you up and down. Tongue between his teeth. Oh. You can’t help lighting up despite being nervous. “Well let’s just say the Ferrari uniform is not my personal style.” You joke. “This definitely suits you much better.” He blatantly flirts, which catches you bit off guard, but you try not to show it, excitement now replacing your nerves. “You think the boss will let me wear a crop top to work?” “Maybe I could ask him nicely.” Sebastian says and then leans closer.
“Having something so pretty in my garage can only bring me good luck right?” “Oh, I don’t think you need luck, Seb.” You laugh because now you are definitely blushing.
“Every driver needs luck.” He says low.
The way he's looking at you. It’s almost too much. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. In the span of a few minutes you’ve basically come out to a coworker turned friend, but also discovered that apparently Sebastian Vettel, Ferrari driver, four time world champion also likes men. And now said Ferrari driver and friend is flirting with you.
You can't wait to see where the night goes.
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downtofragglerock · 2 months
So Godzilla, being film franchise that dates back to the 20th century, understandably lacks a large female cast, I wanted to see how many female kaiju the series actually has, but while thinking this over an interesting thought occurred
Japanese, as a language, has some differences regarding pronouns compared to English, and a lot of Kaiju get referred to in much more gender neutral language in original Japanese than they do in English, this has resulted in some interesting fan interpretations over the years regarding the genders of kaiju, and you bet I'm going to catalogue the ones I've encountered
Starting off, the explicitly canon female kaiju of the Godzilla cast:
Zilla (I think the movie tried to deny it, but the cartoon confirmed it, although final wars zilla is another question)
Monsterverse actually brings a number of explicitly female kaiju into the fold including:
The female Muto from 2k14
Barb, the other female Muto
Na Kika (formerly Kraken)
Some of the other unseen titans from King of the Monsters might also be ladies, but given as they are still unseen, that's just blind speculation
Now we get to the interesting part, the fan interpretations
Manda, Kumonga, and Destoroyah all being female is a pretty common and old fan interpretation, I know from firsthand experience that it at least dates back to the 2000s, but it could even be older
Baragon by comparison is far more recent, and I know for a fact this interpretation can be sourced primarily to the fact that in GMK, Baragon's performer was Rie Ota, and a behind the scenes clip of her doing the roars in the suit made waves around the fandom and even outside it in the 2010s
Hedorah is another more recent one, but interestingly enough I've also seen enby, bigender, and genderfluid interpretations of Hedorah as well. I guess there's something about the smog monster that screams gender to fans
Titanosaurus is again a newer interpretation, but fascinatingly a even newer idea has popped up in the past couple years that Titanosaurus is the kaiju equivalent of a femboy twink
Rodan being female is a very interesting case, both in origin and mainly due to the fact it only really applies to the Showa continuity and various fan continuities that desire. Basically the origin of this is that in the original 1956 film Rodan, there are two Rodans, a mating pair. At the end they both fall into Mt. Aso. When Rodan reemerges from Mt. Aso in Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster, there's only one. There's been speculation for years as to the origin of this Rodan, but for the longest time it was either assumed to be the male or somehow the child of the pair from the original movie. But in 2010s a new idea rose to greater prominence: What if the Rodan that survived and subsequently appeared in the rest of the Showa films was the female of the pair?
Battra is an uncommon interpretation, but I have observed it
@lydiathespiderqueen did some fanart of a female version of Toho's Frankenstein, as well as the Gargantuas, and it's really good
and @thesilkenlair did a compelling analysis of Spacegodzilla being female due to possessing physical characteristics of Biollante, as well as their behavior in the movie lining up disturbingly well with a phenomenon in nature where an animal will kill or try to kill the extant children of a prospective mate so undivided attention can be given to it and any potential offspring it may have
And that's all I've encountered, please do tell if I've missed some
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teddynivvy · 3 months
I have so many ideas… but first I need to ask if I can be 🫠 anon?
What are your thought on insecure Schlatt? Schlatt who assumes that you would like him more if he cleaned up a little bit (Twink Resurrection ™️). Reader who nearly cries when he tells them this, because they can’t even fathom where this is coming from. Reader who tells him that if it’s what he wants to do then it’s perfectly fine, but that if it’s because of some twisted thought process they will never encourage it. Maybe some fluff or smut where reader shows Schlatt just how much they love him.
just a thought…
hehehe yes ofc u can be 🫠 anon! schlatt my sweet bby :(
i do get the vibe that schlatt would make a lot of randomly mean comments about himself, where you're immediately like ??? what do you mean
and he'd try to be funny about it, being like "no no i'm actually fucking fat like don't coddle me" and you're like schlatt you're insane
and when he starts talking about losing weight and cleaning up his facial hair and all that, you're like i mean if thats what you want ? and you can tell he's unsure because he doesn't know how to explain his emotions
and he's surprised because you're so supportive of him, and he finally feels safe to be honest that he's just very insecure :(
and when he vents to you about himself, he gets really quiet and just lets you hold him while he explains everything and how he feels
and you'd rub his back and kiss him and tell him that he's so valid, and you love him no matter what
when you do get intimate, you find yourself worshipping him, kissing every inch of his body and reassuring him how much u love him just the way he is right now :)
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silusvesuius · 3 months
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savos/talvas 👶 idea born from @barvin0k's mind huhu. i wrote some thoughts down about them under the cut
basically talvas whose been separated from neloth on skyrim Ground... still searching for things to learn from different places and people. it'd be fun 2 see him in da college and for him to be a menace to other people his age because he's more capable than them + is aware of it. i think he'd hurt some academic-accomplishment feelings or just be a show-off without realizing it LOL. maybe he'd try and break out of his shell a bit but he wouldn't be all that good at it. anyways.. he'd naturally develop admiration for savos (wouldn't idolize him like he does neloth tho duh) and then have that admiration turn into feelings 😂 just cause he's searching for old man praise.
savos section: i always thought of savos as a lil gay.. i may not know his dream type but he would indeed like gentle guys like talvas. but also he's Definitely not into abusing his status (unlike neloth) and would find his attraction to talvas concerning. cos it is. LMFAO. he doesn't have a lot of experience i'd say + is more insanely awkward than neloth could ever be (savos is awkward from the heart while neloth's awkwardness would quickly morph into anger) so even if he wanted to, he wouldn't even know How to make a move on talvas. he'd probably just give into it when talvas starts making some advances first. besides he'd genuinely try to be a good guy for him instead of having some nefarious plan. 🥺 How sweet. he's gonna get himself fired. him not being a bad person at the core is his excuse and deflection for having inappropriate apprentice relations.. 'i love him..he loves me! 😭😭'
as i said in the image talvas is very much way too into the quirky boy pick-me pills after neloth's advances changed him forever as a person and is pretty much just searching for excitement (knowledge still comes first thooo ☝️☝️) and he's gonna achieve it by ruining the lives of some senior citizens he finds along his adventures. i don't think he has the ability to actually have a strong grip on his behavior or personality and the way he comes off to others but i think he can more or less develop manipulative tendencies i guess. i don't like viewing him as some sorta mastermind tho. he's still cute and innocent 😍 forget the part where he ruined your perception of self and pretty much lied about loving you and used you to get over his ex that is 8 times his senior 🤦‍♀️ You'll forgive him right it wasn't his fault. kinda. talvas does have something Cheeky to him tho i'm not gonna lie… him in skyrim would be him in his peak manic pixie dream twink era
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ewingstan · 11 months
We sort of touched on it in a prior post, but you’ve gotten a fair few details on how Mark and Carol raised Victoria by this point.
From what details you recall, how does her handling/raising of Kenzie fall into compare and contrast with those details?
Wooh. Hm. Well, I think she has Kenzie's ultimate wellbeing in mind more than Carol probably did while raising her and Amy. At the same time, when Victoria's first reaction to Kenzie getting publicly pilloried was "lets get you in front of cameras to argue your case, and also while we're at it lets keep our cape-network plan from falling through by jumping on the public-Scion-reveal grenade" I thought well. Yeah that's something Carol's daughter would think to do huh.
Its a dangerous relationship they're in. Victoria legitimately wants to keep Kenzie safe and stop her from overworking herself. She also really wants this cape group thing to work. She'd probably not consciously let the latter get in the way of the former, but she will let Kenzie fight as a hero if it seems like that's what Kenzie wants. The problem, of course, is that Kenzie wants what Victoria wants. Kenzie will act in whatever way will make the people around her happy, and so if she thinks Victoria wants her to be a hero (which you don't exactly need to be an observation tinker to notice), she's gonna make being a hero her whole thing. Not to mention that Kenzie also knows Ashley wants her to be an active cape, Sveta enjoys being on a hero team, etc....
I'll also say that the way Victoria's treating Chris.... kind of reminds me of how Carol treated Amy growing up? Victoria sees him as her responsibility: he's a member of the group Dr. Yamada asked her to shepherd, and he's a kid, and now that Dr. Yamada's gone that responsibility is even greater. Victoria is burdened with Chris in the same way Marquis burdens Carol with Amy; sure, Victoria does it a lot more voluntarily.... but she's also doing it more because she agreed to care for "the group," not for Chris. Chris is a responsibility that came packaged with what she wanted to do. And while the care she has for Kenzie seems to come from a place of genuine concern and affection, her keeping tabs on Chris feels strictly procedural. She's responsible for him, she'll keep tabs on him, nothing more to it. There's a lot of resentment and some frustration that boils into how Victoria treats Chris as a result. Insert your arrested development "I don't care for Chris" image here.
Hell, despite otherwise having pretty wildly different viewpoints when interacting with people, Victoria ends up resembling Taylor a lot in how she thinks about Chris, because it matches up so well with how Taylor thought about Regent. Its another case of "That guy I'm not as close to as the others, the dangerous one, the one whose probably a sociopath waiting to be let loose." I remember thinking that Chris seemed like "the Regent of the group" in my early reading, but they're really not so alike personality-wise, or even in terms of their place in the team dynamic; they're just positioned the same way in the mind of each text's narrator.
I read Taylor's reaction to Alec as one part fear-response to people who seem to delight in other's pain for no obvious reason, and one part a reaction to all the stuff she doesn't like about herself projected onto some twink in leggings. Her fixation on the idea that Regent must just like hurting people, that its just the kind of person he is, comes from the same scared confusion about why her best friend and the whole of the school started torturing her for no apparent reason. Its a reaction from a person who still categorizes everyone as bullies or victims, and is distressed about whether there's more to that and where she is on the spectrum. In her mind, he's a kinda evil dude that likes to hurt people because hes a bully and that's what bullies are, but actually maybe he's fine to hang around with? Which is getting churned in her head alongside her pledging to protect people by becoming a horrifying warlord and making long arguments to Pariah and Flechette about how villains can be helpful and heroes can be bullies. Taylor's relationship to Alec and her distance from him is symptomatic of her evolving views about who people can be, what power can be used for, and why people act the way they do.
Of course, Taylor conversely forms one of her strongest emotional bonds with someone who reminds her of her bullies even more than Alec does. But I think this makes sense for the same reason Chris and Kenzie could both remind Victoria of Amy but inspire such differing treatment. Bitch's first encounter with Taylor was a seemingly random attack that Taylor directly compares to the trio's assaults: she instinctively looks for a reason to hold back like she did for them, and then finds freedom in not having one. But while Rachel at first seems to directly fit the "bullies because she's a bully" model, Taylor learns pretty early on that Rachel has perfectly understandable reasons for her behavior, and that she can be predicted and made into a close ally if she just pays attention and puts in the work. Taylor's relationship with Alec is her sticking to the idea that the world is bullies and victims, and you have to find your place in it without understanding it because there's nothing more to understand. Taylor's relationship with Rachel, meanwhile, is her finding out the world isn't just bullies doing bad things because they're bad people. Rachel is the possibility of understanding the world, bringing it to heel, learning to love it and make it love you.
Similarly, Victoria's relationship with Chris is a reflection of everything she internalized from the Wretchening, while her relationship with Kenzie is her reacting against those internalized lessons towards something more hopeful. Chris is a medical freak who becomes a horrible misshapen monster on a regular basis and who suffers horribly for it, yet keeps choosing to do so. He's wretchening himself at the slightest provocation—he's impatient to wretchen himself! Add to that how his emotions rule him to the degree that they physically transform him, and that he shows absolutely no desire to reign them in, and its pretty clear why Victoria is often so negative to him. He's a powderkeg waiting to go off in a horrible way like his sister was, filled with strange and offputting desires turned into strange and offputting flesh, and unlike Amy he doesn't even have the decency to shamefully repress it. Chris is Amy as the deviant who qua deviancy will inevitably be a danger to everyone around him. Kenzie, meanwhile, is Amy as the sister who gave too much of herself. Victoria's shown at times that she hasn't forgotten how she loved Amy as a sister, how she wasn't inherently evil. She spoke with regret about not listening to Amy when she begged Victoria not to hug her. And she's pretty much said in-text "I don't want Kenzie, who I love as I once loved my sister, to exhaust herself to the point that she becomes lost in the way my sister did." Victoria looks at Chris and is reminded of all her fears of what strange and dangerous people will do, of her belief that bad people do bad things because their bad people. Victoria looks at Kenzie and remembers that's not true, and that she can do something about it.
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crazylittlejester · 1 month
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Okayokay, so at the time this au takes place, it's been about 5 years since the War of Eras and he has been promoted to the rank of General (like Impa I think) and is like a cool uncle figure to the knights in training.
Like most characterisations of hw Link (I'll call him 'Captain' because he would hate being so directly associated with the War), my guy has a shit ton of trauma that he's working through. For now I'm going to talk about the physical injuries he's had. Basically, at the start yk how Volga beats up this kid? Yeah, that's left a lot worse scarring. Like, Zuko from atla level scarring on his face, and it extends down onto his chest and the entirety of his right arm. As a result, the areas are either numb or he can't stand the feeling of anything rubbing against it (basing it on my own burn scar but anyways). Oh, and he's also got a massive scar across his throat from a messy attempted assassination. He only survived because of a fairy. Impa gifted him the scarf because he didn't want anyone to see the hero as someone that could be killed or scratched (completely ignoring the burn scars but he's a Link, he doesn't hold the triforce of wisdom).
Another thing is that when people found out that the War started over Cia wanting the Linkussy (I'm sorry) many harassed him and blamed everything on him, like to the point where people only ever saw him on the battlefield or sprinting back to his tent. Eventually it devolved into people saying the war wasn't worth fighting because he wasn't even beautiful (they said this because of his scars). At one point some soldiers managed to drug him until he was basically comatose and they snuck out in the middle of the night to deliver him to Cia and hopefully end the war.
He refuses to talk about what happened there. When he was eventually rescued, both of his legs were broken and he had Cia's name engraved in his back. Since then, touch has been difficult for him to accept.
Even after all that, he refused to turn bitter and still helped his teammates, even if they hated him, because he figured that if he was the hero then he needed to act like it before he was left to rot for being useless, or in case they decided they didn't need a hero.
How does toon Link and young oot Link play into this? They fought alongside everyone else, and were unofficially adopted as younger brothers by Captain. They were the only ones other than Impa and Sheik/Zelda allowed in his tent. He only took off the Hero mask around them because he refuses to lose who he was to who people expect him to be.
When the War finally ended, Captain slept for a week and woke up in the royal infirmary. He's lived in the Castle under royal protection ever since, because during the war somehow his home was destroyed and his family killed by monsters. This was retaliation after he was rescued from Cia.
Needless to say, Zelda got his twink ass in therapy. It's helped a lot, and now he can actually appear in front of people and take care of himself. He's still got a way to go, but now he can actually see a future for himself. Now he still works in the Hyrulean Military, but I don't know much about military stuff and it doesn't seem that interesting so cannot provide many details. But he's good friends with both Impa and Zelda and hopes to be a good influence on new recruits.
When my au happens, he's still depressed but he's functioning, and he serves as a lighthouse of sorts for the other Links. A person to talk to, someone to inspire them to keep going. The person he wishes he had when he was at his worst. He still refuses touch, but he shows love in other ways. Only Mask and Sailor really knows how it is a sign of just how much better he's gotten since the War, and they will stab anyone who badmouths him.
Side note: he's the only one who can get Mask to actually speak in this au.
Also, he isn't perfect. On his worst days, he can't stand the idea of anyone perceiving him and will have a full blown panic attack if touched by anything or he sees any eyes on him. Sometimes he accidentally lashes out at the other Links when they do something that unintentionally triggers him, and he believes they may betray him.
Anyway, I can't think of much more, sorry for the ungodly amount of text !!
(sorry i didn’t answer sooner i wanted to make sure i had the time read the whole thing)
I don’t think any of us are capable of giving this man a good time we all give him the worst life ever. DAMN. THIS POOR GUY (i say as if i treat him any better)
OUGH. im glad he got therapy 🥺
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 2 months
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The Psykopomp — Two versions, because I couldn't decide if she should have a real fencing mask for the second costume or if it should just be illusory over the respirator for both...
Bunch of closeups (and notes) under the cut:
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This is the Main Design™ — What she settles on, what she uses the most, and what defines her image as a "supervillain" (lol)
And since she's an illusionist, I ditched my usual rules for practicality and went with what looked cool. Equal parts Kylie Minogue and Raven from Teen Titans.
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Which means thigh high leather boots with 4 inch heels.
Also leaning into some Mercury imagery with this. I don't even remember why I decided this character should have vague Mercurial theming; I'm pretty sure I came up with the name first and then went on wikipedia looking for various psychopomps, though technically Scratch is more of a psychopomp than the self-styled Psykopomp since their abilities are actually like, directly related to souls, life and death. Lilith's power is mostly the manipulation of the nervous system, though this does allow her to manipulate and control dreams as well as potentially cause death by like... paralyzing the heart or something. So she's not totally off-base, just not quite what you'd think of for a character with psychopompic theming.
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When I was coloring this I was fiddling around with glitter layers and stuff. I went through all the layer effects just to see what they would do to the glitter and this effect with divide actually looks really cool. I almost used it but ultimately decided to keep it a fairly simple metallic leather-look like originally intended
Also the symbol for Mercury and the symbol for Venus are incredibly similar (and both can be with or without crossbar) which for a trans female character I was like, yeah okay. I might as well lean into it 😂
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Though obviously I went for the un-crossed version, so it's probably slightly less on-the-nose obvious but I think it looks cleaner.
Also since I originally set out with the notion of making the mask real in the second costume, I designed it as if it were, with a leather hood part based off of, obviously, fencing masks, though the lace-up back is... um... influenced by a certain genre of leather hoods, let's say...
(yes, she is a domme)
Anyway masculine version:
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In my character notes I had originally noted that I wanted the mask to be black with a gold symbol, because I thought it would look cool, and I was right but ultimately I felt that the gold mask with black symbol fit the look better, but it turns out that when a character has multiple costume changes that lets you use both ideas! lol
Anyway the masculine one kind of leans a little more Greco-Roman vibes (also kind of Robin Hood tbh)
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And naturally the winged boots are still dramatic and obvious, just much less girly.
Lilith is actually very into retro fashion and is in a neo-disco band so like, honestly, looking kind of like a mid-century Hollywood extra is fitting lol
As far as what's underneath the glamorous illusions:
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This is Lilith after already having been on estrogen for a year, which I realized halfway through the pic was like — what about the 12 months between her new costume and her new tits 😂 Just imagine the twinky reedy bod slowly turning into the lean but toned bod with curves.
Also worth noting that while she is glamored to have like, a slightly more rockin' body, what's underneath isn't that far off once she's out and established. Though in the interim it is very different because the Psykopomp transitions before Lilith does LOL so there is a brief period of time where this bombshell is hiding a skinny, gangly twink. But she's exploring her identity etc.
Timeline is honestly still not determined, as with most things in Scratchverse continuity... Right now I have it so that TJ meets the Sikopomp, then like 4 months later the Psykopomp becomes a hot babe, then another 2 months later (6 after meeting TJ) Lilith comes out in her civilian life and starts transitioning. And then obviously what I drew is Lilith like... a year later...?
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Her posture is also better after transitioning but that's because she starts like... getting in shape. Anyway. Pre-E twink is still insecure etc.
Anyway underneath the masculine glamor I went vaguely sportswear-inspired, as well as including the elastomeric respirator, but also... steel mesh safety goggles are a real thing?! I had been uncertain because Lilith wears glasses which would have made the costume and civilian versions too easy to connect as the same person, but mesh safety goggles designed to fit over glasses solved my entire problem lol
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see? too recognizable lol
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Anyway here's a version of the post-transition non-glamored costume where she has the respirator on instead of a real fencing mask. Like I said, I couldn't decide. God she looks like a TF2 character— anyway, the respirator is arguably necessary and is at minimum probably in the fanny pack because TJ's alchemical/chemical elemental powers mean that he sometimes produces... well. chemicals. To be fair to TJ, he's usually careful not to create toxic gases or byproducts that are difficult for the general public to contain or deal with because he doesn't want to hurt anyone but sometimes shit happens and while TJ may be passively immune or resistant to those chemicals, other people... aren't.
I think a fun contrast in their powers is that Lilith can make it so you don't process the smell of something, by manipulating your nervous system, but whatever particles make that smell up still exist, and if she leaves or turns the illusion off, the smell is still there.
TJ, once he learns he can do more than just blow shit up, can actually purify the air directly by converting the elements into a breathable mix, and this stays true if he leaves or loses consciousness or whatever.
anyway underneath the glamor Lilith is wearing gold winged Adidas:
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I was gonna have her wearing Docs in the post -transition one but I think it makes more sense for her to keep the winged sneakers, and I'll put her in the boots in the civilian drawings.
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fanny pack 👍
I drew her with white and black filters obviously, because most respirators for spray painting and painting in general that I founded tended to be white with black on the shell... and she starts out as basically a petty nuisance with a spray can.
But like I mentioned, TJ works with chemical elements, and particularly explosive reactions (thus "relative effectiveness factor"). Some of these are "pure" reactions but some of them, or the ones that damage other structures, can create various gases and byproducts, so I went for the magenta and olive filters as the most logical and wide-ranging coverage. Good to cover organic gases, ammonia and its byproducts and oils and stuff.
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Slapped REfactor into a cleaned up lineup just to show the contrast in their costumes. I put him in the middle but really he should probably be... all the way on the right side because Lilith gets her main costume at least a few months before TJ does. TJ doesn't get a costume until after he... *checks notes* ...gets arrested for reckless endangerment. So while the Psykopomp has that red tunic and shit TJ is walking around in a hoodie and a pair of ballistic goggles lol
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this art is a couple years old, but like. this. Lilith is out here like, working it, being dramatic, with flair. And the guy stopping her is some dude in a Looney Tunes t-shirt. lmao.
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panboba · 2 months
So a lot of people like the idea of tfa Sentinel and tfp Starscream interacting with each other, so I will share more thoughts about these two. I'm no artist, and I don't have the motivation to write a fanfic because this will be a long story. I might write it but it will take time. So these are scraps of my imagination with these two idiots. I will state these are my personal perspectives on these two, so please don't take them personally. I'm well aware that everyone has a different idea on these two. Share ideas or make comments, I would love reading them!
Now, where did I get the idea of these two connecting with each other? It was quite simple. Both are complex characters that have a coward attitude and have the characters and the audience to hate on them. It wasn't hard to realize that these two are literally the same person.
When I have these two interacting with each other. I love the idea of having both redeem. Of course, it has to be done right and take some time. I will die on this hill that Starscream should have gotten a redemption. I'm so glad that fanfics do justice for me. Sentinel is more complicated, I know a lot of people think he doesn't deserve redemption, but I personally would give it to him. Because as much as I love villains turn good, I also love antagonist "hero" jackass to being an actual hero and change for the better. I think the idea of these two redeeming each other fascinates me. However, it's going to take a lot, especially since they are both toxic, but it's isn't impossible!
Now I said in my last post about Starscream being a parental figure. I got the idea because I saw a post about Starscream being a potential good father figure, and I just thought he would be perfect for Sentinel. I also like it because I feel like Magnus was not a good authorative figure to Sentinel. Magnus just gave him orders and never tried to care about Sentinel's attitude or tried to suggest improving, just throwing shade. Starscream doesn't do that. He criticizes Sentinel about his fighting skills and makes comments about his shitty personality (look who's talking) for being an Autobot. Starscream realizes that Sentinel isn't being a piece of shit for the sake of it. He realizes that the blue bot is acting out of trauma and loneliness. Which Starscream completely understands because he's does the same thing (cough* Knockout). Starscream starts to sympathize with Sentinel and slowly starts caring about the blue bot. I want their dynamic like Optimus and Bumblebee except more bickering and mean attitude.
The two deeply hated each other at first, especially when they found out they're enemies in different multiverse. They get in constant arguments and constantly insult each other. Starscream at some point scratches Sentinel, which actually scares Sentinel. However, after some time, when Starscream does it again, Sentinel gains the courage to fight back. Starscream is an excellent fighter, which he wins at the end and makes Sentinel to be furious. Starscream gets really smug when he wins arguments and physical fights. Sentinel fucking hates it. He is confused how a fucking twink is more heavier yet has the velocity. I figured the two were going to be working with each other. Starscream sees that Sentinel is stupid with his planning and does a bad job at fighting, and is very cowardly. Starscream just has his mouth gape at Sentinel and yells while questioning how the hell he became a prime. If they are going to work together, Starscream forces Sentinel to train with him. Sentinel tries to refuse, but Starscream uses physical force, which makes Sentinel give in. Starscream doesn't want to train, but by primus, Sentinel is very horrible, which leaves the seeker no choice. However, Starscream is no better. Sure, he's better than Sentinel, but that doesn't mean he's great. It didn't take long for Sentinel to realize Starscream is also a coward and does make dumb decisions, which reminds him of his own starscream. Sentinel tends to tease starscream about those weird sounds that Starscream does when being scared. Starscream, of course, insults or scratches Sentinel, causing both to fight.
As they tried to get back home, the more time they spent, the more they learned each other. They both learned that their own Optimus are different. Sentinel is shocked that in Starscream's universe, Optimus and Megatron were best friends, and their dispute cause the war. Starscream shares the fact that the war cause the end of Cybertron, which made Sentinel to be very anxious, especially since Megatron is still out there free in his universe. Starscream was also shocked that in Sentinel's universe, Optimus didn't have a history with Megatron and was a young bot that actually has personality (no hate to tfp Optimus, I love him). Cybertron was still there, which had Starscream to be jealous since he greatly missed his old home that was destroyed. Starscream was weirded out by Sentinel's hatred for Optimus, for what he knows, every autobot loves the great Optimus. Then, they bonded by making mean comments about Optimus and other Autobots. After they are done laughing at each other insults, Starscream gets curious and ask why he hates Optimus, which immediately had Sentinel to be quiet. There was a moment of silence before Sentinel just said they had a complicated history. Starscream wants to pry more but leaves it there. Sentinel would make comments about Megatron, which Starscream has his optics to come out. WHAT DO YOU MEAN MEGATRON ACTUALLY HAS BRAIN THAT FUNCTIONS AND IS MORE CHARMING?! Sentinel asks how's Megatron in Starscream universe and tells him that right after everyone thought he died, he didn't come back with a great army or power, he came back with a rock that gets him high. That's when Starscream opens up that Megatron would constantly beat him. Sentinel is disturbed and wonders how Starscream gets to live like that. He then finally understands why Starscream can get a super beat down and still get up like nothing happened. Starscream is surprisingly comfortable in telling his life to Sentinel because he's different from the other autobots. Sentinel doesn't pity him. He just listens, which is enough for Starscream. Although he can see Sentinel being kind of uncomfortable with his dark stories but doesn't express it. Starscream's stories make Sentinel realize that being a decepticon is hell.
When Sentinel shares stories, it's just Sentinel bragging about being a prime and working to be Magnus, which Starscream had to hold his laugh. When Starscream asks if he has friends, it makes Sentinel to be quiet and states that a true Magnus has no time for friends. Starscream is confused by his reply. Normally, a typical autobot has to have friends. This is when Starscream realizes Sentinel is truly an abnormal autobot. He is not surprised, though, but it concerns him because even tfp Sentinel had companions and got along with Optimus. He tries to pry more personal info on Sentinel, but Sentinel resists and lashes out to Starscream. This is when Starscream starts to see himself in Sentinel. He's paranoic like him. He's a coward like him. He's trying to have an authority power like he does(Starscream being a leader/Sentinel being Magnus), He will do slimy things to gain benefit like him, and he's lonely like him. Starscream starts to sympathize ironically with Sentinel, so he tries to show a bit of affection. I know I said Sentinel would resists, but I take it back. He's absolutely touch starve and is desperate for compliments. At first, he does resists because Starscream is still the enemy, and a true Magnus wouldn't be friends with the enemy! But over time, he would slowly give in. It's been so long since someone is willing to give him the attention he craves. Starscream and Sentinel ended up getting close and not being hostile with each other. They actually start having more positive moments and no longer hate each other. Starscream stops scratching Sentinel, and Sentinel finally stops acting like he's above Starscream. Before they knew it, both ended up caring for each other deeply. However, they are too stubborn to admit it and still have optics on their primary goals. But sooner or later, they're going to face those feelings.
Phew! This was a long post. Thank you for reading! And again, share your ideas and comments! I wrote these at 1 a.m., excuse my grammar.
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innytoes · 9 months
missing Kidnapped by the fae moments (dunno if u still create for it) so here i am asking for some crumbs
Okay so you know the fae probably Went Hard on stuff like the summer and the winter solstice. Even though time moved differently over there.
So when the boys are back in the human realm, there's a bit of an adjustment. For one, LA doesn't have seasons the way the fairy realm did. And Reggie and Luke came from places in the US where winter was a thing, so they're kind of adjusting too. Though Luke is pretty fine with it, since he wears a beanie and no sleeves no matter what.
Willie and Reggie kind of miss the snow. I think Willie didn't care much for snow until Caleb stole Luke, who taught him the Joys Of Snowball Fights and Snow Men and Sledding.
Snowball fights were very much only a 'Caleb and the other fae are Out Hunting' thing after the first time a snowball went wide and hit one of the fae it was Not A Fun Time For Luke And Willie for several months.
So yeah, the boys are lamenting how they miss snow and sledding. Making sand-men on the beach is just not the same. Throwing sand at each other is Bad actually.
But, they get the bright idea, they could totally make a sled out of two skateboards and some cardboard, right?
Ray has a Very Bad Day after that. At least there were no broken bones this time but Reggie's on crutches for a week (it should have been more, but well, the boys aren't fully human yet) and Willie is Grounded from Skateboarding for just as long. Ray didn't even take his skateboard away, he just used the 'I'm not mad just disappointed' voice and explained it was unfair if Willie could skate when Reggie couldn't even walk
First time Reggie tried to walk through a wall with his crutches (what? his hands were full and doors are hard to open like that!) he went through fine... the crutches did not.
The boys do embrace other parts of the season, though.
Alex and Reggie really like baking. It's soothing, the steps are all laid out, everything smells nice, and there's food at the end. Julie and Ray and Carlos supervise the first few times just to make sure they understand the oven, but after that, they have free reign.
Reggie is the one who discovers the TikTok Baking Twink and starts trying more out there recipes. Some of which, Alex put his foot down to say no. He already lived through the horrific things that did with aspics and pineapple once, thank you. He has no need to relive it.
Luke of course is obsessed with modern Christmas music. Because he hasn't heard it seventeen billion times before, he really loves 'All I want For Christmas Is You' and he sings it to Julie once, really sincerely. Julie is utterly charmed.
He doesn't get why Flynn laughs at them.
When they try to explain Santa to Willie, he just nods sagely. Ah yes, he says, like the fae. You leave him offerings, he decides if you are a good person or a bad person, and rewards or punishes you as he sees fit. And he uses magic.
They are all very creeped out about Santa after that.
Willie does love the idea of gifts, though. Being raised by fairies, he has a very warped relationship with them, but when they explain that you get people you care about gifts for Christmas, he is all on board. Especially when Flynn introduces him to Sparkly Wrapping Paper.
(Yes, Ray has a conversation with Willie that if he wants things from stores, he must use money to buy them and not ask his crow friends to steal it.)
When Willie starts leaving them gifts, it's at random, in the weirdest places. But the right person always discovers them.
It starts normal enough, with some Fun Socks for Alex. Julie gets some sparkly glitter pens. Flynn gets some really weird soda she's never heard of before that has the same effect as seven sodas.
Luke and Reggie get rocks he found that look like a guitar pick and a dog, respectively. They are just as touched and excited as the others, though.
Carlos gets a videogame. It's a game that isn't supposed to be out until next year. Ray is starting to get a headache but Willie earnestly tells him it's not from a store.
Ray gets sweets he loves and misses from Puerto Rico. He has never mentioned these in front of Willie or any of the kids. He knows for certain they're not available in the states. He is scared to ask.
The gifts only get weirder but just as heartfelt from there. Food appears while Julie is studying that she didn't even realise she was craving. Sheet music for long-forgotten songs Luke only remembers snippets of.
Dogs appear whenever Reggie is sad, and once he's cheered up, they happily trot off to wherever they came from. Ray keeps checking the local facebook pages but nobody seems to notice their missing dogs.
Ray is almost relieved when Christmas comes around because hopefully it will stop the ever-increasingly-weird gifts.
He sits through the kids opening their stockings first. His new 'foster kids' are very easy to buy for, because there's so much they've never had and they appreciate just about everything. And yes maybe he did get them all little puzzles in the hopes of distracting them long enough that he can have a quiet afternoon.
Thankfully, the gifts on Christmas seem pretty normal. He maybe gets a little teary-eyed at the World's Best Dad mug the kids all got him together. And everything was bought in stores with money, just like Willie promised Ray.
Until the solid gold barbecue tongs.
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aethris-art · 6 months
pls yell about why u love zenos specifically (i also love him)
ohhhh where do I even begin
Like with most antagonists, I was actually just pissed off at him for the majority of Stormblood. (Emet being the only exception to this, I was sold the moment he did his cunty little introduction tbh) But his monologue right before possessing Shinryu just shifted my perspective instantly, because yeah, I do enjoy a good challenge (after all, I finished Lobotomy Corp's true ending completely vanilla, I'm intimately familiar with shooting myself in the foot for fun), and it is true that I wouldn't have gotten that far in the story if I wasn't enjoying the combat. That was the point that I actually started thinking about his character more critically, and realized he makes a perfect opposite to my WoL in every regard except for that enjoyment of combat. And where he embraces it, she rejects it and tries to hide from it.
Not to mention all the bullshit he does:
rising from the grave solely fueled by a desire to get beaten up again
somehow always having an unhinged twink feeding him the worst ideas known to man
becoming a reaper (great choice, the best, objectively cool)
turning into a fucking dragon, flying to the end of the universe, seeing you about to fight the amalgamation of the universe's despair and decay, and just going "omg can you hurry up Im bored as FUCK"
turning into a boss arena (this is still the funniest shit to me)
and then getting his ass beaten again and fading away in a blaze of glory
also being hot and not fitting through any realistic door frame
I really hope he keeps coming back every once in a while.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 8 months
Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut
She's honestly a way deeper character than people give her credit for, her arc is that of acceptance and being true to your heart despite what society thinks of you. Oh yeah and for the record she doesn't stand in the way of Lougosi because of her crush on Legoshi because I honestly think that she was more in love with the idea of being in a same species relationship than she was with Legoshi himself. I'm talking about the part where she falls for Louis and struggles with the knowledge that if she actually pursues him she's gonna be seen as a freak and never reach the social status she strives for. There's a lot to discuss with her character arc but NOOOO let's all just laugh at how she gets no bitches because Beastars fans see Juno as a joke. (I'm not mad I'm not mad it's fine it's fine)
shes cool but she doesnt have good chemistry with her canon love interest and therefore the fandom chalks her up to having no personality whatsoever. they see her as either an obstacle or a sex object basically
Done dirty by the writers and fandom alike
Keiko O'Brien
Certain People I Could Name insist on shipping her husband with the annoying twink doctor Julian Bashir because of the friendship they develop over the series. I maintain that O'Brien would never cheat on his wife, let alone with another man, and the response is often "they're in a polycule together!!!" which is even more out of character. Everyone please show my girl Keiko some more respect 😤
Wife of chief engineer Miles O'Brien, who is shipped with the chief medical officer, Julian Bashir. Show itself veered into misogyny regarding her and her marriage, manifesting as Miles constantly complaining about her and her encouraging him to go hang out with Julian and leave her and their daughter alone. Fandom responded to this by creating the "O'Brien polycule" including Keiko, Miles, Julian, and first officer Kira Nerys (who has another strange semi-romantic subplot with both O'Briens). Really, though, it just exists to have Julian/Miles without reckoning with Miles having to cheat to get there. I, too, was guilty of this in the past. Keiko had the potential to be a very interesting character (and started to be, early in the show) but it was never realized. She deserved better :(
keiko is a lovely lady and astrobotanist who had a whole romance with and married the more main character miles obrien but now frequently people sideline her to (semi-jokingly?) ship miles with his friend julian. she’s not the best written character and she deserved so much more from the narrative, but it still feels weird that the fan joke about her is always how much she is constantly encouraging her husband to cheat on her (which to be fair does happen a few times but not That much)
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xephyr-your-sticks · 1 year
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Good evening, Revalink Nation. I am once again back on my bullshit!
Have some modern-day human AU dumbasses! There's a little fic I'm working on for this AU as well, but with how many ideas i have for this thing, something tells me it's not going to be very "little" 👀. REGARDESS, there's some fun little deets in the read more, as well as one more drawing! ^^
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• I like to think that Link would be the captain of the colour guard. Those of my oldest followers, the ones that have followed me since I was an undertale ask blog, know full well that I was in colour guard my freshman year of high school. Lots of peeps put him as captain of the fencing club, but I mean, HEY, CG involves its own types of saber and rifles! Plus, it helps make things just that little bit more unique ^^
• That being said, Revali is, predictably so, captain of the archery club. You can take the bird out of the archer, but you can't take the archer out of the bird.
• They share a college dorm together, and for the first month, Revali spends it acting like he couldn't give two shits about this tiny little twink of a boy, but then suddenly shifts gears one day when a particular short black woman with red cornrows has a Talk™️ with him.
• Link promised Revali's Nana when he first moved in that he would cheer Rev up whenever he was in a sour mood. So Revali's disdain for him is quite confusing, given that they hardly know each other at that point. He's convinced for that whole time that Revali hates him because of his tourettes, (He later finds out that Revali actually does understand sign and that he hated not being able to read Link's expressions. It's amazing what happens when you actually tell people how you're feeling and why!)
• Before the Very Mysterious Young Woman who's Definitely not Mipha reams into Rev, the only time he was cordial with Link was when food was involved.
• Like seriously, when Link was cooking, that was the ONLY time for that first month where he felt he could talk without stuttering or messing up his words.
• After that first month, Link starts leaving notes for Revali in places he commonly was, or attatched to meals that were then placed outside their door. They're not typically anything special, just little words of encouragement, praises of his accomplishments, even empathy for a particularly rough day. He puts the words he can't quite get verbally out into writing because, at least that way, there's no perceived embarrassment when he speaks.
• Revali. Keeps. Every. Single. Note. He reads three very specific ones over and over again at night once he gets all of them. The rest, he keeps safe in a little wooden music box that his mother gave to him (it plays song of storms), and he'll go through and read those too from time to time. They're secretly his favourite. Link has no idea he keeps them at all.
• They start dating some time after an extremely important archery competition. The CG was off on the sidelines watching the competition, and Link sprints over to slam himself into Revali the moment everyone else on their school's side of things begin filing onto the field. That's when Revali truly learns his own feelings.
This is a good deal of points in my fic, and I've been working on it on and off between playing TotK, working, and packing up to move. If anyone read this far, thank you for listening to me ramble!!!
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bettsfic · 1 year
I think the world is in desperate need of your analysis on ZoLu (and perhaps write a lil fantastic fic while you're at it teehee)
FIRST of all, having seen nearly mackenyu's entire filmography (he doesn't have a ton of stuff and some of it is unwatchable but god i tried), i can confirm that he's always typecast as some kind of angry/sardonic brother figure. that's the key: he is always a brother whose conflict has to do with brotherhood. in one of the very few things where he plays a romantic part, it is with that character's sister figure (but who is actually a cousin).
so here i was, innocently expecting more of the same. but instead i get
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i have no frame of reference for the canon material, but i do have a frame of reference for mackenyu's Range, and i can assure you this expression hasn't shown up anywhere.
their dynamic is my kryptonite. goofy boyishness meets unwavering loyalty and reverence. i'm doomed.
unfortunately, i ship them in a very fucked up way no one will enjoy, and i'll probably end up walking into some kind of decades-long fandom discourse i wasn't aware existed.
i started writing a modern AU where baratie is a pseudo-fancy franchise steakhouse. the first part is sanji/nami. the second part is zoro/luffy (zoro is a bartender, luffy is a dishwasher; they're also roommates). i don't know if i'll finish or post it but here are some highlights from the zolu fic, which branches off at the halfway point of the sanji/nami fic. so we see this same scene from sanji's pov earlier.
note this is a very early draft, and it's only in reference to the live action. tw for alcoholism.
It’s Employee Appreciation Day at Baratie. Having been offered an open bar which he does not have to tend, Zoro feels amply appreciated. Luffy is on one side of him, crawling over him to talk to Usopp. Across the table, Sanji has just joined them. Nami, shit-faced, leans against him, and if Sanji doesn’t do something about this tension soon, Zoro is going to kick his ass. Fucking coward, he thinks, but the thought is cut short by Luffy crawling back to his seat, pointy knees and elbows digging into Zoro in the process, like a giant puppy that has no idea how heavy it’s gotten. Luffy’s leg remains crossed over Zoro’s thigh. They’ve been living together so long that Luffy no longer smells like anything. They share the same detergent, soap, shampoo. Zoro’s pretty sure Luffy even uses his deodorant. They have separate toothbrushes though. At least there’s that.
Zoro is less a roommate and more just a piece of playground equipment for Luffy to climb on. At some point these past three years, Luffy’s perspective of where his body ends and Zoro’s begins became skewed. What’s frightening is that Zoro doesn’t care. In fact he enjoys being Luffy’s plaything. He doesn’t have to bear the brunt of existence when Luffy is carelessly snuggling him like a beloved stuffed toy. 
[took a few paragraphs out]
The truth is that he can’t be alone. Doesn’t want to be alone. Those years of his life after Kuina died, wandering through life just trying to make enough money to get blitzed every night, he’d managed to convince himself he was a loner. He doesn’t remember much about that time. It might’ve been the next day or the next year that he downloaded a hookup app. He’d never liked sex—men, women, didn’t matter—but if he could find some sweet shy girl to fuck or a pretty twink, he’d do his duty and then he’d earn his place beside them in bed, hold them, fall asleep with them, maybe even wake up with them. Some of them liked him, wanted to see him again, but he never fucked the same person twice. He needed to be surrounded by people but he couldn’t be close to them. 
Luffy was kind of perfect in that regard. He was physically affectionate to the point of being literally clingy, but emotionally he stayed lightyears away. He was capable of meaningful conversations but he never made himself vulnerable. It was an admirable act. He could look you in the eye and convince you to follow your wildest dreams, could listen thoughtfully as you gutted yourself open in front of him, spilled your darkest secrets and greatest fears. But he’d never reciprocate. In fact, you'd think he didn’t have any at all. That he was living one step to the left of reality, and you could be there too, fearless, if only you followed him.
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transsexualhamlet · 6 months
4 and 8 for the character section of the fandom ask game for Mairon :)
fandom ask game
4- NOTP for character
I am pretty open to anything when it comes to people's ideas about who's fucking Mairon because let's be honest, he really and truly does get around. However those bonkers Amazon Rings of Power watchers who think Sauron and Galadriel are getting jiggy with it are where I draw the goddamn line. It's blatantly out of character, our lord and saviour has never been able to maintain eye contact with a woman (but in all seriousness i dont care do what you want)
8- A headcanon I have about this character
I'm not going to lie I've gotten so in my head about this man that some things I had fully convinced myself were canon I realized I had just utterly made up in my head. I must admit I was so obsessed with the image of Mairon bestowing the crown that would lead the both of them eventually into ruin to his master I had utterly forgotten Mairon did not forge the Iron Crown and that in the Silm it is credited to Melkor himself. My solution to this was that Mairon did forge the crown itself, but credits it to Melkor because Melkor insisted on setting the gems (both because they would have burned Mairon and because he was very weird about them). I just think that after 3000 years of holding down the fort waiting for Melkor to come back Mairon had a lot of time to get Neurotic and very obsessed with Doing This Thing For Melkor, especially with the added stress of Ungoliant's wounds on him.
Another thing I think about is that, although there is something very satisfying about walking around seductively covered in jewelry and showing the whole world that you have those in power in your pockets, Mairon sort of grows to hate it. Like, really, really bad. He reinvents himself completely in the second age, and that pretty twink anglerfish lure he makes himself is fun, because at the beginning of the second age everything is still fun- even though he lost Melkor, in some ways he still thinks he can get him back, and that this is just playing the long game, which he is proven well in (see first paragraph). But as time goes on it starts to grate. He enjoys looking pretty and talking pretty. But he misses running around naked in the woods with the wolves and ripping people's throats out, which the further he gets into this con he realizes he's never going to get back (single tear rolls down face, I know, so sad) This is something sort of under the surface with Celebrimbor because in some ways he is actually being genuine in his desire with the elves to put things back the way they used to be. But when he has to stick on that face again in Numenor, he is already tired. He doesn't like Pharazon, he doesn't like Numenor, he doesn't like anything about the world anymore, really, and he's very sick of pretending otherwise. I believe this must eventually have been quite evident to those who witnessed his whole Death Cult Phase.
I think this is why he utterly gave that up in the third age, it is not that he physically lost the ability to 'appear fair' as if it was some injury or accidental loss of power, it is moreso a metaphor- that he actively could not bring himself to drag himself together ever again. It was moreso damage that Eru's action did to his spiritual state of being, and I think unintentionally on Eru's part (I think Eru is always more confused with Mairon than anything else). He simply did not wish to desire love anymore, only fear. The desire to be loved was removed into the Ring.
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i-am-the-oyster · 6 months
Curious to know your opinion on the ‘Paul is dead’ theory. I’ve personally always hated it cause I can never tell if people genuinely believe it or if it’s just kind of a ongoing joke at this point. I will say though that some of the “evidence” and theories make some sense.
Oh thank you for this question nonny!
PID is *fascinating* to me, because it is so insane. Conspiracy-thinking seems to be part of the human condition. I think there's a natural urge to investigate, and piece together evidence. But some theories are more plausible than others and PID is just so incredibly implausible. Why does anyone take it seriously? (Some people seem to get really upset about it!)
Sometimes you get conspiracy-thinking around otherwise reasonable ideas (like mclennon). Where there's enough evidence that you can make an argument in favour of it, and it's not that far-fetched, but there's secrecy involved so drawing conclusions requires a bit of digging. This can lead people down some silly avenues of thought.
But often they start as a joke (like flat earth), and then some people ended up really believing. PID is in the latter category. You can trace the origins back to a joke article in a college paper. A lot of the so-called evidence is just made up (like imaginary funeral traditions from far-off lands).
Here are a few questions I have:
Who benefits from replacing a singer-songwriter with such an exact replica? Why not admit Paul had died (sometime in the last 50 years)? Bands replace members, that's a normal thing to happen. Why would the Queen get involved?
When did they find such a believable replacement, train him to play and sing like James Paul McCartney, do beyond-world-class surgery on him?
If someone has developed plastic surgery that effective, would they use that technology to change the world, or would they help replace one (1) singer-songwriter? How can you train a person to so effectively mimic someone with so many unique features?
How many people are involved in this thing? All of Billy's family, all of James Paul McCartney's (sizeable) family, the Queen. How could it possibly be kept under wraps?
(I really wanted a 'where' but I just couldn't think of one. Dammit.)
The photos with 'proof' are so funny to me, because it's so hard to make accurate measurements based on photos (even if you know the exact lighting and settings on the camera). And they never seem to take into account that a face changes as a person ages, cartilage continues to grow, and men's jaws often keep filling out. Skin loosens. And rockstars have plastic surgery (of the real, actually available, kind).
Of all the people to claim was replaced, they pick someone with such a magical mix of asymmetry and prettiness and androgyny. There's no one like him!
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I'm intrigued what 'evidence' you've seen that makes sense to you nonny! Please send a followup ask with more details.
postnote: My favourite posts about PID are for some reason proving impossible to find, if anyone has them please send a link! (Is it a conspiracy? *Gasp*).
Mothman - some genius noticed that Mothman's first appearance was days after Paul's supposed death, could Paul have faked his own death to become a cryptid, only to have his friends double-fake it?
Twink death - I had never heard of twink death until someone posted along the lines of "the first time the world was exposed to twink death on a large scale, the only way they could process it was by concluding he actually died".
Oh, and I also recommend the short film Paul Is Dead. It's very strange, and very funny.
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