#I'm in constant pain always sick getting sicker and then I'm fucking stuck in this situation
wounddread ยท 2 years
with all disrespect, what the fuck's wrong with your brother
He's. Ugh. My mom has never disciplined him for his behavior and he's just literally always been mean, even as a toddler. Always. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and he constantly abuses us and my mom just lets it happen. Then she comes to me crying about the way he treats her all "I don't know why he's like this :((( do you think he loves me :((((("
It's totally maddening because ughhhh when he hurts me (I'm disabled, I have cancer, I am very ill and getting progressively worse) and I tell my mom she's just like "I don't know what you expect me to do about it." Like cool. Awesome. Or she blames me for it. My brother broke my rib about 2 months ago because he stole my game and I asked him to give it back so he beat me up and my mom was like "omg it's okay (brother's name) you don't have to do that I'll buy you your own game" and that is literally THE MOST she's ever done in my defense.
My living situation just literally sucks ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
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