#I'm hoping this solves the ToDo Book Is Out Of Sight And Therefore Forgotten if there's no cover to close
pirefyrelight · 2 months
after about 3 years of the same cracked phone screen my phone has started giving off imminent death knells (constant literally constant USB port connected USB port disconnected and because it's a system notification I can't block them outright though I can snooze them for two hours but this means my screen is never actually off which drains the battery and worries me when it's in my pocket)
And i thought hey, might as well get a new one. The paint on the case is also worn quite a bit away and the fingerprint scanner only works when it feels like so it will be nice to upgrade. It might even take less than 10 seconds to switch tabs.
Now here's the problem. Samsung won't take my fucking money. I have ordered this phone three times already. They send me a confirmation email. Then a day later they tell me (with the order code and model number a scammer wouldn't have don't worry the only thing they're scamming me for is my time) that the order was canceled due to insufficient payment info so I went back to the website (through the browser not clicking links on the email this isn't a scam but it feels like it is) and double checked everything was correct except for the big *canceled order* label.
I have done this three times. I have used both my credit and my debit card. I made an account for the third one.
I feel like I'm in fucking crazy town. What Do You Mean It's Not Complete show me the fucking box to fill!!
Customer support is also useless, to be expected. They have a little box you can describe your issue before even entering the chat room but they won't read that so I copy pasted the text whatever doesn't matter. They gave me someone else's payment information in the process so that's assuring.
They eventually just told me to go buy it from my local best buy and sure fine yeah that's a good look.
I went to best buys website and ordered the phone and my only complaint is that they sent me a verification code by email but then went to the next page before I even got the email?? That's sus. Wh why did you send me a code? If you're going to the next page anyway??
Whatever. Best buy has same price as from the official site, and free shipping arrives sooner than if I got the expedited shipping first try from the official site.
Just give phone? Give fone me. I give money you. You gib fone me. Asjdjfk
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