#I'm hoping I'm misreading that tho bc stealing others' pics is a scummy thing to do
izpira-se-zlato · 7 months
your Stožice Photo Dump photos have pictures from so many different angles and distances from the stage, did you move around so much somehow? 🤔
ahaha I wish -- I switched places with a friend after the shoving got too bad, but mostly the stage was just a pretty fun layout! We were on the left side of the cat walk if you looked at the stage (so "Kris's side"), and they came up the cat walk bit quite a lot, which enabled me to get different angles of them.
Since this got long -- and turned into something of another pic spam -- more under the cut :D
Here you can see the catwalk pretty well:
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It was a really cool layout, imo, bc it made for quite a lot of "front row", and granted, I wasn't actually barrier, but second row (behind the person streaming for JO Subs, actually! So my view was really close to what "viewers at home" got).
... Still close enough to get caught in the Omamljeno Telo Shower 😂😂
And then, of course, I thought the crowd was pretty stunning, too, so this is me having turned around and photographed the crows "in front of" the cat walk ... tip. Or whatever it's called
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Not included in the photodump (I think): the large LED screens they had so people further in the back could also see things. That was very helpful when Bojan lay down for Padam, because I'd suddenly lost track of him and the LED screens meant I could find him (and then zoom in on him, which is how I got the pic of him on the floor)
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This is said view during Padam -- probably looks familiar from the first pic I posted, because Bojan lay down right where the catwalk grew out of the main stage (and from the pixellation, you can tell that I had to zoom to catch him bc he was kinda small from where we were standing)
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But they were really great about moving around, and so they all kind of stopped in front of where we were standing? In the Bojan pic, you can see the camera mounted at the "tip" of the cat walk, and in the Kris with Jan and Nace (respectively) pics underneath, I was facing straight ahead. (The lying water bottle/cups are the same in all three pics)
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And, as I said -- I was right behind JO Subs, which you can see in this pic :D (I'd say "you have to trust me it's indeed JO subs", but you can probably cross-reference this with the stream, I think it's floating around somewhere)
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And finally, here's them on the "main stage" during Carpe Diem -- which probably shows why I only took very, very few pics of them on the main stage. They were just too tiny from our spot. But they did come to the front of the cat walk there, too, so I did get to see them up close once more.
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And finally -- my friend was sitting in the bleachers, so I can even pinpoint exactly where I was standing (even though you should probably be able to triangulate my position from all the pics). I marked my position in blue in their pic (this pic actually is not by me)
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God, Stožice was a blast -- if you made it to here, thank you so much for indulging with me in this trip down memory lane 😊
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