#I'm gonna wake up in the morning and realize none of this was legible won't I?
15 questions, 15 mutuals :)
Tagged by @lepetitfruit , sorry I'm a couple days late on responding to thiss
There's no way I'm gonna tag 15 people, but I suppose I'll tag a few of you
Were you named after anyone?
My first name was chosen by my parents after some biblical person, it was related to trouble having me etc etc, I've heard the story plenty. My middle name is the same as both my great-grandmother's and my aunt's I believe.
When was the last time you cried?
Actually cried? Not sure, I'm the suppress-emotions-when-possible type. Getting a bit teary and doing my best to avoid crying? When a character died on a show I was watching a few days ago
Do you have kids?
Dear god no, nor do I plan to. I mean, maybe if my future partner really wants a kid I'll consider it, but there is no way in hell I will be the one giving birth. Not a chance
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
If you haven't heard me use sarcasm, either I am dead or you've never spoken to me for more than 30 seconds.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
For some reason I seem to have accidentally trained my brain to look for queer signals right off the bat, so ngl it'll probably be that. Sounds bad, I know, but it's the truth
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
"Happy endings" is so non-specific, it could be practically any genre! Including scary stuff! But anyways, I haven't watched a ton of horror but if whatever I'm watching doesn't have a satisfying ending I will revolt (aka read fanfics) so I choose happy endings
Any special talents?
I do competitive archery on a national level, I think that one counts. I also can and will improvise practically anything small-ish into earrings
Where were you born?
Same general area I live now, Illinois, good ole American midwest. Yes, I am dying inside.
What are your hobbies?
Can I just repeat the "special skills" stuff? Archery, making earrings, and anything else I may hyperfixate on at any given time. Those things include half a million fandoms, way too many craft projects, and the occasional writing sprees.
Have any pets?
The only one who's tecnically mine is my cat, Pippin (named after the hobbit). The other animals in my house include Daisy, our beagle, and my sibling's two ferrets, Merlin and Myrtle.
What sports do/ have you played?
Feeling a bit repetitive here, but once again my answer is archery
How tall are you?
At least 5'7 last I checked, could be a little bit more
Favorite subject in school?
Well, back when I went to public school I'd always say science, but given the fact that I was 8 and only went through 3rd grade there's some room to change there. However, in my homeschooling ventures my work was much less rigidly defined by subject so I'm honestly not sure which to say here, I just teach myself anything I'm interested in
Dream job?
If I could get this writing demon in my brain under control that'd be fantastic, I need it to start spitting words onto pages please. Other than that, is it too much to ask to find a hands-off job that generates it's own income so I can travel and socialize and just live?
I'll tag... @superwho-ace @lonely-little-astronaut @renee561 @mon-sher-liam @siriuslythatbitch @seventiessunglasses @homoromoacecase
No pressure obviously, and if anyone else sees this you can say you were tagged by me, go for it!
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