#I'm gonna go pass out now; just like Colt and Shelly in the story lol
ticklykitty216 · 3 years
YO I JUST GOT INTO THE BRAWLSTARS FANDOM!! If you're looking for tk requests
Then how about a tickle fanfic with Colt and Shelly having a Tickle Fight (Could be a ship fic or not its up to you!)
(Ack! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get to these requests!! When I opened them I had motivation but when they started coming in I lost it, but now I’m finally (and slowly) starting to get to them!!)
(Also ngl it actually took me a while to think of how this specific scenario would play out)
(Also, I don’t know spanish, so I had to used a random english-to-spanish translator so if some of the things Shelly says doesn’t make any sense to you spanish speakers, I’m so sorry lol)
Shelly was unpacking some of the boxes in her room. She’d moved in a few weeks ago but never fully unpacked some of the boxes she’d brought over. She had moved in with her “friend”, Colt, because she’d been running low on money and it had been getting harder to pay the bills, Colt had offered to let her move into a spare room, she’d only planned to stay for a little while to get her situation figured out but Colt kept insisting she stay.
She’d been on the fence about staying with Colt, on one hand it was super easy to deal with bills if they both pitched in and would split their money to pay for them, on the other hand... Well, she was living with Colt. As much as Shelly liked Colt, the sheriff was... full of himself, and that was putting it lightly.
Don’t get her wrong, Shelly liked Colt, he was friendly and nice, he was a good shot as well and every now and then he says something that’s actually funny, but he also was cocky and obsessed with his appearance. This normally wouldn’t annoy Shelly that much if these things just happened every once in a while, but Colt constantly spent hours in the morning getting ready and would get sassy and snap at her when she pointed this out to him.
She’d been mulling over her options when she heard a knock at her door, “Yeah?” Shelly asked and Colt peaked his head in “Speak of the Devil and he shall appear...” Shelly thought sarcastically and Colt smiled nervously “Hey... Was just checking in on you, you’ve been in here for a while and was getting a little worried.” Colt said.
“Worried? Why would you worry?” Shelly questioned, “Well, you’ve been in here all day and I haven’t seen you that much!” Colt said and allowed himself into the room, Shelly looked out the window and saw that the sun had began to dip below the horizon, shoot, had she really been in here all day unpacking?! She looked down and saw that she’d only gotten through a 2 and half boxes of her unpacked items and frowned, she hadn’t even been unpacking she’d been lost in thought the whole day...
“I’m fine Colt, just been thinking about things...” Shelly finally respond, “Thinking about what?” Colt asked and Shelly sighed before rubbing the back of her neck “About... Your offer to stay here..” she said before then pinching the bridge of her nose “I just... It’s been...” she stammered, why was it so hard to just explain to him the situation?! Shelly growled before looking at Colt, he just stood there with this deadpanned expression that held some slight concern to it.
“I’ll... I’ll tell you later, are you cooking tonight or are we getting takeout again?” Shelly said before sighing again afterwards, Colt was silent for a moment before he responded “Oh! Uh, I can cook for us! How would uh, spaghetti sound?” Colt said and flushed slightly “Sounds good, don’t burn it this time.” Shelly said and closed up the box next to her, she’d deal with that later. “It was one time Shell!” Colt said as he exited the room.
Shelly was sitting in front of her mirror brushing out her ponytail, she never liked having her hair down, not even when she was getting ready for bed or going to sleep. Colt had managed to not burn the pasta this time, but the meatballs he’d made with the spaghetti were a little hard to chew, “How did this man survive by himself?” Shelly thought to herself while rolling her eyes and smiling.
She set the brush down and yawned while stretching, she’d already changed into her pajamas and was about to flop on her bed when she heard a knock at her door again “Yeah?” she asked. Colt poked his head in once more and smiled slightly “Hey uh, mind if I come in?” he asked “Sure, just be quick I’m tired...” Shelly said and flopped onto her back on the bed and looked at Colt.
Colt walked in, he was also wearing his pajamas and approached the bed “You said that you’d been thinking about my offer to stay?” he questioned and Shelly huffed through her nose and sat up “Yeah... I’d been thinking about it...” she said and Colt sat down on the bed as well, “I, haven’t decided fully if I’ll stay-stay, but I might stay for a bit longer...” Shelly said and Colt leaned in a little closer.
“Why not stay? I mean, I know your a little reserved and like your privacy, but isn’t it easier to share a house with someone?” asked Colt and Shelly felt her cheeks heat up a little “I mean yeah, it’s easier and yeah, I like my privacy... But, well...” Shelly said and looked away “Well?” Colt asked and shifted a little closer to her, “Well, I-” Shelly looked up at Colt and noticed how close he was to her, she flushed a deep red before quickly putting her hands to his sides and pushed him away.
** Colt let out this startled, squeal and giggled(?) as he was pushed back. Shelly, who was still flustered was now slightly confused, why did he giggle? Colt looked up at her as his face flushed as well. There was a moment of silence between them, before Shelly reached out and squeezed his side again.
“ACK! Shehehelly no!” Colt giggled and quickly swatted her hand away. Shelly for a split second sat there dumbfounded, before an evil look crossed her face, “S-Shelly...?” Colt said trying to crawl away, Shelly grabbed Colt by the legs and pulled him back over to her and she moved up so she was now looming over the sheriff “Colt... You never mentioned that you were ticklish!” she said and sat on top of the gunslinger’s thighs “WHAT?! Pfffft! I’m not ticklish!” Colt quickly said nervously pushing at her.
“Oh? Well then, if you’re not ticklish you wouldn’t mind if I did this would you?” Shelly said and began to quickly scribble her fingers into Colt’s sides. Colt made this half strangled noise as a peal of laughter tore out of him “WAHAHAIT! Shehehehelly nohohoho!!” Colt laughed as he quickly grabbed hold of Shelly wrist and tried to pry them off “What? I thought you said you weren’t ticklish?” Shelly said and started to squeeze all over his sides.
“Shehehehelly! NOHOHO! Stohohohop!!” Colt laughed and started to squirm violently underneath Shelly “Pfft! Stop? No way, I just started!” Shelly said and started to move her way up to his ribs. Colt made weird noise as her hands started to travel upwards, he started to kick his legs and shake his head “NOHOHO!! HAHAHA SHEHEHELLY DOHOHON’T!!” Colt cried out “Why not? This a bad spot?” Shelly teased as her fingers scratched at his lower ribs.
Colt let out a shriek as his ribs were being tickled, they were pretty bad. He tried pushing and slapping her hands away, but Shelly had surprisingly strong hands. He panicked for a moment before he quickly placed his hands at her sides to try and push her away. Shelly arched her back “AYE!!” she squawked and for a second she stopped her assault.
It didn’t take long for Colt to realize what he’d done “Nohoho way! You’re ticklish too?!” Colt said while giggling and Shelly flushed again “Not nearly as you!” Shelly said quickly squeezing his ribs, Colt gasped and squealed before rapidly squeezing Shelly’s sides. Shelly gasped and quickly shut her mouth and tensed up, she tried to focus on tickling Colt, but his hands were just as quick as hers, and he kept squeezing up and down her sides.
Shelly lasted a whole 20 seconds before she bursted out into belly laughter “COHOHOHOLT!!” she bellowed, but she kept up her attack at his ribs “IHIHIHI CAHAHAN’T BEHEHEHELIEVE YOHOHOU’RE THIHIS TIHIHIHICKLIHIHISH!!” Colt laughed as he started to spider quickly up and down her sides “YOHOHOHOU’RE OHOHONE TOHO TAHAHAHALK!!” Shelly laughed as she started to scratch between his ribs.
Colt using what little strength he had left pushed as hard as he could against Shelly’s middle and managed to knock her back. Filled with adrenaline he quickly turned the tabled and now loomed over Shelly, “Yohohou’ll pahahay fohor thahat...!” Colt said wiggling his fingers over Shelly’s middle. For a second Colt could see regret flash in her eyes before it was replaced with uncertainty and anger “Dohohon’t yohou dare!” Shelly said but a nervous and shy smile was already on her face “I would dare..” Colt said and plunged his fingers back to her sides.
Shelly once again arched her back and howled before she tried to fight Colt off. Colt pushed against her, keeping her pinned as he spidered all over her sides and occasionally her toned stomach as well, “COHOHOHOLT!! LO JURO POR DIOS, ¡BASTA!” Shelly howled as she shook her head “Sorry Shells, I don’t speak spanish! Could you repeat that?~” Colt teased as he tried her ribs, she apparently wasn’t as ticklish there as her laughter calmed just enough- “¡IDIOTA, HE DICHO QUE PARES!” Shelly said, she was still laughing enough to where it was a little hard to understand her.
“Pfft, who are you calling an “Idiota”? You’re the one who started this!” Colt chuckled, he may not know much spanish but he was able to pick that work out loud and clear! Shelly thrashed underneath Colt and squeezed his sides again “Nohoho! Shehehelly!!” he chortled “¡VAS A PAGAR POR ESTO!“ Shelly said and started after the gunslinger again.
After a few minutes of back and forth tickling and many things being said to each other, both in english and in spanish the two finally stopped. They both layed there on the bed gasping and panting, and giggling like madmen. Colt was laying on his back while Shelly was on her stomach, the sheets on the bed we half off and one of the pillows was on the floor.
Colt looked over at Shelly, “Whahat wehehere yohou trying toho sahahay before..?” he said through some stray giggled, Shelly was silent for a moment, “No lo tiene-” she stopped herself “It doesn’t matter, besides, I’m too tired to remember...” Shelly said dropping her head back down onto the bed.
Colt rolled his eyes before getting up off the bed and walked to the other side of the room, turned the light off before walking back over to the bed and flopped back down onto it “Hey! You have your own room and bed!” Shelly said and pushed his side, Colt giggled as he picked the stray pillow off of the ground and placed it under his head, “Sorry Shells, can’t hear you over the sound of me sleeping...” Colt said and quickly fell asleep. Shelly huffed and turned on her side away from Colt.
... She thought she might stay a little longer with Colt.
(Here, have this monstrously long fic, also once again sorry to anyone who speaks spanish, I don’t know it ^^’)
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