#I'm gonna be so sad if the gif links don't work lmao
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blazingblorbos · 2 years ago
oh nah. No- y’all, I know the game comes out in a week but I don’t think I can wait.
This scene is captivating me beyond end; I was reminded it exists and now I can’t stop thinking about it. There are so many tiny details that make me go bonkers
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Ms. Himeko why are you looking away like that,,,? 🤨
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The way March tries to say something but Himeko shushes her
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AND POM-POM LOOKS SO SCARED! :(((((  IT’S OKAY BABY ME TOO. Hide behind Welt he’ll protect you <3
I will say, I got this directly from my recording of the 3rd closed beta, so things may be subject to change!
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anyotherwriter · 3 years ago
Split Decision [2]
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I'm uploading early because for once I'm a few chapters ahead of the game? Usually means bad things will happen. Anyway, this is probably garbage, but I'm committed now. I did outline this entire series and chapter 2 and 3 were definitely the worst two out of the whole thing so struggle through with me. Also thank you so much for the feedback on the first chapter! It was greatly appreciated.
I included the a link for the playlist I started for when I write anything Daryl related. It's still in its infancy but I feel like it's gonna get out of control real quick.
Again, continue reading at your own risk. I don't include warnings on my work. TWD is a whole warning in itself lmao. GIF doesn't belong to me, but props to whomever it does.
A few weeks in Alexandria was like a few weeks in a fever dream. Well...not a dream per say, but more like an apocalyptic, ultimate survival fantasy. The food, running hot water, people that didn't want to kill you every five seconds? Incredible.
She wasn't too well versed in social skills anymore, so as the Alexandrians began to warm up to her being there, they'd started to approach her. It only took a few seconds for them to promptly regret their decision, though, as any attempt at conversation with her would be met with a lot of hesitancy and a sharp tongue. She appreciated that she wasn't dead yet and that they served hot meals when possible, but she still didn't trust them much. More times than not, she felt the need to leave. The walls seemed too tall, the nights too quiet. The constant hum and growl of survival was missing and it made her feel weak, like she lost her ability to do the bare minimum for herself anymore. But she was also thankful for a bed and food and a door lock that actually kept people out. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
"Coming to grab dinner?" A voice called to her, a familiar feeling of annoyance building up in her throat. She wanted to tell him to stop trying so hard, she'd come around on her own. But she wouldn't, not without a little nudge. Aaron could easily tell that was her case.
As he slowed to a stop in the middle of the street, patiently waiting for her answer, she felt exposed. She was sitting there in a pair of baggy jeans that someone had leant her when she came in, the late summer evening breeze blowing around her, reminding her that her hair smelled like "waterfalls" rather than body odor and iron. She was barefoot and she hated that she loved it so much. She couldn't remember the last time she took off her boots longer than to change out her socks or to bandage up blisters. She changed her mind; it was a dream.
"Probably not. I didn't finish my breakfast, I can just finish that later." She responded quietly with a small smile she knew didn't deserve a place on her face.
"No," Aaron shook his head, still not moving from his place. "Let's go get some hot food, mingle, make some friends…"
"Me? Mingle?" She cackled, reminders of the chatterbox she truly used to be before flashing through her memory at lightning speed. The more she remembered, the smile on her face became sad. "I don't think I should."
"How can I get you to leave that stoop?" He asked curiously, now taking a few steps towards her. She was still fidgeting with that plastic tape case in her hands the way she did in every solitary silent moment she had here, which was all the time apparently. The corners were rounding from the friction and a few new spider cracks started. Aaron and Gabriel have both been trying to coax her down towards the center of town with the promise of food and a tape player. She hadn't yet taken them up on either. Apparently the food was non-negotiable; someone always stopped by, typically an unfamiliar face trying to make small talk, would drop it by for her. She'd eat in the silence of her basement room and stuff any packaged non-perishables in the large bag under her bed. Just in case.
She didn't say anything, instead gently holding up the tape so he could see it. It was time to hear it again. And with a gentle nod of Aaron's head, she slid on her boots, tucking the laces quickly into the sides, and grabbed her backpack off the porch behind her. She followed him closely and silently. A few people had taken notice that she was heading the same direction they were, which made her anxious. It wasn't critical for her that people liked her, she would just like it if they did. Although, her general demeanor has made that rather difficult.
Aaron led her into the church, a place she definitely felt was very misplaced in a world like this, and into a back room. It's where the radio system lived that helped them communicate with the other communities. And the first time she'd heard that there were other communities, her head nearly rolled off her shoulders in disbelief, let alone the fact that they could talk to each other on a regular basis.
He reached into the bottom drawer of an old, dented filing cabinet and pulled out a familiar brick. It looked similar to the model she had, maybe a little older.
"Safe assumption you know how this works?" He asked quietly, his tone matching the overall quiet, serene feel of the church. She only nodded her head. He turned to leave her to it with a gentle squeeze on her shoulder.
And once the door closed and she was completely alone, she took a seat. The chair squeaked and squealed under her as she tried to get comfortable. She slipped the old, corded headphones over her ears, the foam on the ear pieces threatening to tear. She then sat in silence for a long time. She had a feeling of dread in her chest at the idea of hearing it again. She wasn't sure if she was ready to relive the memories that came with it, and the people, and herself. But even as the intrusive thoughts tried to drive her out of there, she found her fingers fumbling with the case anyway. She was alone, which meant she could feel alone.
Pressing play and hearing the first few drum beats from the all too familiar song immediately had her hurting and crying.
When she woke up in that cramped room, daylight was beginning to spill over the treetops beyond the walls outside. The small window showed her the people that were already out and about, doing their chores and trying to be normal. Her eyes were heavy and swollen. She had lost track of how many times she'd listened to and rewinded that tape, but with each time, a different wave of grief slammed into her. Eventually the heaviness made her tired enough to pass out right there on the table, the headphones still clinging to her ears. She tried to take a moment to gather herself but the heavier foot falls and conversation on the other side of the door had other plans. Then it opened.
She recognized the woman that takes a lot of watch shifts at the gate, though she couldn't remember her name. She had only seen the taller, burly man a few times from a distance. They were bickering about something trivial and hushed quickly when they spotted her still sitting there trying to collect herself.
"Sorry," she started as she took the headphones off her head and neatly wrapped up the cord. The buttons on the tape player were the only sounds in the room as she ejected the tape and stuffed it in the case. "I'm heading out."
"We sincerely apologize for interrupting. I presumed this room to be vacant." The man said to her rather quickly. She only offered a small smile to him as she grabbed her bag off the floor and crammed her arms through the straps.
"You're Y/N, right?" The woman asked as she stepped out of the doorway.
"Suppose so. I hope the gossip has been good." Y/N offered lightly, knowing full well that if they knew her name that there was talk.
"Nothing too exciting, I must say to my dismay." The man retorted with a serious look on his face. "I'm Eugene."
"Nice to meet you both." Y/N said quietly as she turned to leave. Her footsteps seemed exponentially louder since she was trying to slip out unnoticed. A scarce few people that sat in the church pews allowed her exit to distract them from their own thoughts. The door seemed much too loud as she shut it behind her.
The morning air was chilly and there was a small blanket of fog settling over the pond in the center of town. She hadn't expected to live past the blistering heat of this summer. She frequently experienced severe dehydration and hunger and lack of shelter and accepted her fate. The camp she'd been at before she was brought here was built from a flimsy tarp and the bastard had caught fire and took nearly everything she had with it. The woman that gave her her jeans when she first arrived promised to get her whatever she needed whenever she needed them. With the upcoming winter, she knew she'd have to cave and ask for warmer clothes. The only part that was a problem was the asking part.
There were several gray streams of smoke rising into the air from fires and the smell of burning wet leaves swirled around. The whole situation made her want to curl under a big blanket and watch old halloween movies and go to the pumpkin patch and bust out her heavy winter socks. It was a surreal thought, and a memory, that she hadn't thought about in so long. The safety and security and domesticity of Alexandria allowed that feeling to come back to her. She figured that she could quite literally go back to her bedroom and do exactly that. But she didn't have halloween movies or heavy winter socks or access to a pumpkin patch. But dammit if she couldn't go curl up in a bed under blankets and keep warm. And that's where she planned to go. But the smell of stew redirected her to the kitchens where people were beginning to gather for breakfast. Her stomach growled loudly, screaming at her for not eating since breakfast yesterday.
"You got a coat?" She heard a deep grumble off to the side as she approached the small building. Looking off to her right, tucked back a bit, was Daryl. He was elbows deep in cleaning and skinning a deer, his hands caked in blood and his hair falling into his eyes. His focus seemed to be fully enveloped in the innards, but he spoke to her again. "'s cold out here. Got a coat?"
She shook her head, watching as he dropped the lungs into a crusty bucket off to the side.
"You saw what I came in with. Where would I have been hiding a coat?" Daryl stopped his hands for a moment. He searched her face briefly, silently acknowledging that she looked skinnier than he remembered, or maybe he just hadn't seen her as much as he thought. Which didn't check out, because on his late nights - or early mornings, whatever you want to call them - when he'd head out to go hunting, he'd usually see her sitting on the front porch of the place she stayed at. He asked Aaron about it one time, and when Aaron told him she rarely left the stoop or slept, he grew frustrated. Not at her, because he fully understood how she was feeling. He couldn't exactly determine why he felt that way. Looking at her now, finally braving her attempt at a public meeting space, and also stumbling across him at the same time, brought him a strange sort of comfort. But seeing her without something so basic, something he could easily provide her with, he became uncomfortable again. And he hated the feeling of being responsible for her. But here he was, claiming responsibility.
"You alrigh'?" He asked, dipping his hands into a separate bucket full of water to rinse off the blood. He wiped them on a dirty rag and squinted his eyes at her.
"Fine." She said too quickly, tucking her thumbs under the straps of her backpack. "Long night." Daryl simply grunted, noticing her eyes were a bit puffy, not believing her at all. And she noticed that he noticed. And the part she hated most about crying was when other people found out she'd been crying. So she turned quickly and headed towards the smell of food and the low mumble of the growing crowd. Daryl simply watched her go and waited there, rag still in his hands, and waited to go back to the deer until he saw her start eating from a bowl as she disappeared between the houses.
A week passed by and the weather played a fake out on everyone. Although... every summer season seemed to do that. She decided she wanted to actually walk around a bit, explore, have people stare at her like a zoo exhibit. Maybe the more time she'd spend out and about, the less they would do that. She sat on the chair on the porch and began lacing up her boots. The basement was beginning to feel like a cage. One of her own making, sure, but she was growing anxious. She wanted to be outside before the cold stole the opportunity away from her.
She'd been putting off asking for a coat or a sweatshirt or even a long sleeved shirt. The break in the cold weather afforded her some more time not in somebody's debt. Granted, she already sort of was, but clothing seemed different. It wasn't like there was an abundance of new clothes coming back in through those gates. Whatever was inside the walls was all they had and she didn't want to take it.
"'ere." A mumble came from the bottom of the porch steps as an old plastic crate slapped the wood. She noticed Daryl standing there, chewing on a fingernail, as a young girl walked up the steps and gently put down another crate.
"Don't want it." Y/N said easily, turning her attention back to her left boot. Daryl was the last person she wanted to be indebted to. He huffed.
"I helped pick it all out for you." The small voice came from the top of the steps. Y/N turned and stared at the girl with the sheriff's hat that didn't quite fit as she toed the crates at her feet. "Uncle Daryl told me you didn't have any clothes."
"Well how can that be when I have these bad boys on." She challenged the girl as she motioned to her jeans and tshirt that was a couple sizes too big.
"Those won't keep you warm." The girl shook her head with a grimace. And with a sigh, Y/N sat up straight and contemplated. She could see the fabrics in the bins and knew they would definitely hold her over for the winter. She stood, made her way over, and crouched beside them. Her hand ran over a pair of gloves right on top.
"You know," she started, glancing at the girl and then to Daryl, "the last person that I asked for clothes from gave me a concussion." She began to laugh, remembering the cranky bastard. Daryl shifted his weight back and forth, the curiosity peaking in his chest almost as much as he felt the need to know who the person was; name, number, address, height, and weight.
"What was his name?" The girl asked curiously. This made Y/N laugh again.
"Rob. He was a cranky middle-aged bastard, mad at the world and starving… so like the rest of us. He carried around these three huge bags of clothes and they weighed him down horribly. Nearly got killed several times because of it. He wouldn't let anyone touch the bags or help carry them. He'd just sulk with them day and night. One night we were sitting around a fire and I saw a sweater fall out of it. It was meant for a woman, two sizes too big for me at the time, but I foolishly asked if I could borrow it. I mean… What was he gonna do with a ladies' sweater, right? But it set him off. He grabbed me by the arms so tight and yelled until his face turned bright red. Left bruises. My dad had jumped in, tried to get him off. Instead of just letting me go, he shoved me to the ground super hard and the back of my head smacked a rock just right.”
Y/N looked back up at the girl, as she watched her intently. She could tell the girl wanted to ask so many questions. Y/N sat down on the top step right next to where she stood.
“What’s your name?” Y/N asked her.
Y/N smiled her way, barely remembering what it was like to be her age anymore. She seemed so strong and confident and Y/N could only recall being incredibly annoying with strangers and simultaneously mad about her mom. Adolescence for Y/N was weird.
“Well, Judith,” she started, “thank you for picking things out for me. That was very kind of you.”
And Judith smiled at her. Daryl stood there and watched the two interact, wondering how Judith had such an ability to get people to talk. He figured the fact that she was a kid was mainly why, but he’d come across enough kids in his lifetime to know that Judith was something special. He hadn’t heard Y/N speak so much to anyone since they’d found her crowded up in that tree. Since then, she’d gone quiet and he’d almost forgotten what her voice sounded like. Aaron would often joke that she was like Daryl, in a way. He described it as ‘fiercely independent and doesn’t want to look helpless’; Aaron wasn’t wrong.
“Was it recent?” Daryl’s gruff voice interrupted the two as they started sifting through the clothes together. Judith and Y/N somehow ended up with winter hats on their heads, each having a single glove from the pair on one hand and Y/N slid off the boots she’d just laced up to slip on a pair of worn, white tube socks that were now a cloudy gray. She looked up at him briefly and then back down to her toes, her pinky toe finding a wear hole.
“Nah, that was at the beginning.” She shrugged as she slipped the hat off her head and put it in the loose pile beside her.
Daryl felt relieved. But the longer he stood there, watching her try on the things they’d brought her, the more questions he had. He wanted to ask her what happened after she’d hit her head. He wanted to know what happened to that guy. If she ate breakfast this morning. If she wanted to trade socks with him because his didn’t have any holes. But he didn’t ask anything of them.
“You be good.” He offered to Judith instead as he started to back away from the pair. As he turned to leave, he heard the two start to laugh a little, presumably at Y/N offering ‘no promises’.
Again, feedback is always welcome! If you would like to be added to the taglist, just let me know.
@captain-tch @wateroffmahwings
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baekhvuns · 3 years ago
Bestie uh look at this hot bitch https://twitter.com/PSHsource/status/1528651982914867202?t=cEzABvk3uMb8OhEFG1cnzg&s=19
Gonna end myself I NEEEEED THIS POLA: https://twitter.com/hwaupdates/status/1528623149025112064?t=1LpoyY1Q2bD8Hjj2zUvbqw&s=19 BOXER HWA IS MY ENEMY
Also I ordered the Wonderwall merch, but they announced more and the PCs are different OF COURSE, but I'm gonna be strong and not buy... all I can do is count that one of my friends gets a Hwa photocard and gives it to me <3
Anyways, lil boy: https://twitter.com/MAS_43ver/status/1528650223592931328?t=Gn35XgIhqayf8jnxtFXZ7g&s=19
This reminds me, I haven't s2 of Bridgerton, totally forgot about it lmao, I kinda liked s1 though it pissed me off at times
Wave Hwa makes me think of bad boy SH fic from ateezmakemeweep THE SURFER BOYFRIEND
AK really wrecked us so badly, what an icon. I also couldn't believe because me and Hwa were matching, I was about to change my hair actually, but thought DAMN NOW I'M GONNA RE-DYE THEM RED! #twinsies. Red hair is amazing, but difficult to manage, so I get why it didn't last long, but 2021 was the year of Seonghwa's hair. I thought he won't top red, but DV hair happened and I felt blessed, but that wasn't enough?! He had to go pink ksudurueuhesgsgsg he did it for me
What did you talk about 👂🏼I think we should rob Seonghwa period. He has too many things I want
😳😵😩😊🤤🤯 - me reading about the villain Y/N fic, pls we love a sexy simp 🥰 oh no poor girl though, but she doesn't stand a chance. Make it 80 chapters or 74637k words bestie it's up to you, but I want it to be long af obviously
Oof rip to that fic and many many others. I recently found a link to one work, but I can't access it since it's under "read more" and the author deleted it 💀
I'm the pigeon lady from Home Alone lmao, cat lady too, just animals lady
Yeah the canals look nice, but 🙊 especially when it's really hot. I stayed in places directly on the canals and mmmhmmm nothing like some stinky water first thing in the morning
Exactly. At this point she doesn't even have many shooters left, I only saw some teens being dumb they're probably same as her 🤡 I really can't predict Hybe's decision at this point, but I doubt she'll be back, this is too big. I saw their stage the title was LE SSERAFIM - Fearless (without Garam) and I screamed ejudisdhshshsjd
Yeah another clown moment from the military stans 🤡
No actually Tomorrow had a happy ending! It was kinda open too, a bit cheesy maybe, but I'm glad everyone's good <3 the show was tormenting enough, sure I would love to see more and I have questions so perhaps they rushed it a bit, but the last scene ❤ Also we saw mr man LSH in handcuffs KNEELING... I mean it was a sad moment actually, man was so miserable (but what's new) yet everyone was like skudushdhdhsissyjs sexy man why so sad?!
Now I can't stop thinking about the series, I wanna finish The Sound of Magic but how can I 😭😭😭 when you eventually watch it let me know, cause we need to talk
The tattoo is done! I actually don't know how many I have, cause some are kinda connected but more than 10 for sure - DV 💖
hi hello!
Bestie uh look at this hot bitch https://twitter.com/PSHsource/status/1528651982914867202?t=cEzABvk3uMb8OhEFG1cnzg&s=19
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Gonna end myself I NEEEEED THIS POLA: https://twitter.com/hwaupdates/status/1528623149025112064?t=1LpoyY1Q2bD8Hjj2zUvbqw&s=19 BOXER HWA IS MY ENEMY
Also I ordered the Wonderwall merch, but they announced more and the PCs are different OF COURSE, but I'm gonna be strong and not buy... all I can do is count that one of my friends gets a Hwa photocard and gives it to me <3
you better get a hwa pc or that hwa pola 🔫 LAMINATE THAT POLA BC ITS WORTH TO BE IN A MUSEM PLS,,,, how many merch’s did u buy..
Anyways, lil boy: https://twitter.com/MAS_43ver/status/1528650223592931328?t=Gn35XgIhqayf8jnxtFXZ7g&s=19
i have been avoiding this photoshoot bc it makes me want to write this wedding etl and i 😭😭 CANT DO THIS I WILL WRITE IT AFTER I FINISH THIS ONE
This reminds me, I haven't s2 of Bridgerton, totally forgot about it lmao, I kinda liked s1 though it pissed me off at times
season two >>>>> season one BESTIE WATCH IT WATCH IT !!!!! the chemistry is much better this time,,,, they will piss u off bc tHEY WONT KISS FBWMNDKW but absolutely 100% watch it 🔫
Wave Hwa makes me think of bad boy SH fic from ateezmakemeweep THE SURFER BOYFRIEND
AK really wrecked us so badly, what an icon. I also couldn't believe because me and Hwa were matching, I was about to change my hair actually, but thought DAMN NOW I'M GONNA RE-DYE THEM RED! #twinsies. Red hair is amazing, but difficult to manage, so I get why it didn't last long, but 2021 was the year of Seonghwa's hair. I thought he won't top red, but DV hair happened and I felt blessed, but that wasn't enough?! He had to go pink ksudurueuhesgsgsg he did it for me
wHAT AN ICON,, my friends get scared when i mention red hair hwa bc they all start going feral nfvvwndbsk FBMWHDKD RED HAIR IS HARD TO MANAGE BC THE COLOUR KEEPS WASHING OFF INTO PINK / CHAMPAGNE 😭😭😭😭 no fr 2021 seonghwa’s hair on top,, im just rly afraid what he’s going to do this time around i 😀 silver or blondy ash better come back 😭
What did you talk about 👂🏼I think we should rob Seonghwa period. He has too many things I want
we actually were planning to meet up but he said they’re a little busy right now,, 😭😭😭 YEAH I WILL ROB SEONGHWA’S ALBUM COLLECTION THAT ONE WITH SIGNS AND HIS JEWELRY COLLECTION ON SPOT
😳😵😩😊🤤🤯 - me reading about the villain Y/N fic, pls we love a sexy simp 🥰 oh no poor girl though, but she doesn't stand a chance. Make it 80 chapters or 74637k words bestie it's up to you, but I want it to be long af obviously
villain y/n is so sexy omg,,,, he’s the bIGGEST SIMP FOR YN AND WILL MAKE SURE EVERYONE SEES IT,,, his girlie tries to take a stand but yn isn’t interested in meddling between them but mr hwa is always there ☺️,,, BFMWHDKW 80 CHAPTERS PLS I CRY WRITING ONE SHOTS ID PASS AWAY AT 80,,, series but like 4 parts 🔫 bc each part would be like 15k+
Oof rip to that fic and many many others. I recently found a link to one work, but I can't access it since it's under "read more" and the author deleted it 💀
I'm the pigeon lady from Home Alone lmao, cat lady too, just animals lady
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 animal lady with the best cats and pigeons ???? gotta stan,, dv anon vincenzo era
Yeah the canals look nice, but 🙊 especially when it's really hot. I stayed in places directly on the canals and mmmhmmm nothing like some stinky water first thing in the morning
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Exactly. At this point she doesn't even have many shooters left, I only saw some teens being dumb they're probably same as her 🤡 I really can't predict Hybe's decision at this point, but I doubt she'll be back, this is too big. I saw their stage the title was LE SSERAFIM - Fearless (without Garam) and I screamed ejudisdhshshsjd
YEAH FBWJDHWK the way they re-recorded the song and changed the choreo so fast iM sURE THEY KNEW pls the whole v and jennie thing 😭😭😭??? they’d be so hot but out of nOWHERE
Yeah another clown moment from the military stans 🤡
when is there ever not a clown moment from them dbfbf
No actually Tomorrow had a happy ending! It was kinda open too, a bit cheesy maybe, but I'm glad everyone's good <3 the show was tormenting enough, sure I would love to see more and I have questions so perhaps they rushed it a bit, but the last scene ❤ Also we saw mr man LSH in handcuffs KNEELING... I mean it was a sad moment actually, man was so miserable (but what's new) yet everyone was like skudushdhdhsissyjs sexy man why so sad?!
LSH IN HANDCUFFS GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE HE W- oh he was miserable??? stop it.
Now I can't stop thinking about the series, I wanna finish The Sound of Magic but how can I 😭😭😭 when you eventually watch it let me know, cause we need to talk / The tattoo is done! I actually don't know how many I have, cause some are kinda connected but more than 10 for sure - DV 💖
I WILL YES WE WILL TALK ABOUT THAT SHOW JDJDJD,, 10??? BESTIE UR LIKE THE EMBODIMENT OF WHAT ID WANNA BE,, omg did u get it in a like or like broke the lyrics down or have an illustration with it?
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do u see his muscles.
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logicalstansadvice · 4 years ago
"We are starting a revolution here!😂 I'm having sooooo much fun!!!! I'm gonna go and comment again from my other id!"
That up there is what the morons on the hate blogs are doing right now. They are harrassing that Boris guy because Sebastian "looks old and high" and "they are travelling during a pandemic". Ffs everyone travels, it's been almost 2 years since this virus appeared. I'm so sick of their pandemic concern bullshit. What do they expect that we all stop living for the next 10 years until this virus becomes the common flu? Lock ourselves in the basement like them and hate on the world that keeps turning?
Also, about him looking old, are they blind? He looks perfectly happy and healthy. What the fuck do they see when they look at pictures of him? Are they hallucinating or smth?
Anon 2: Omg mods I visited a few of the hate blogs just to see the meltdown after Boris and Inigo posts. And damn the no-lifers in this fandom are really something. The ridiculous assumptions and their fake caring about the pandemic. Like wow. Just days before Seb's birthday they were talking about their vacays and now that he's the one travelling, suddenly they are concerned about the new covid strain and are in full CDC mode on his ass.
Anon 3: What the actual fuck is wrong with people in this fandom? I saw on another blog the mod is asking the followers to go on Instagram to whoever posts pics of Seb and Ale together, and "call them out", which is actually code for harrassing considering the language they use and the fact that they approach strangers. This whole calling them out for travelling is getting stupid. There is no lockdown now, everyone went on vacations, not just celebs. Pretty sure the anons doing the calling out did too. So what the fuck is up with this? I wonder what excuse they will use after the pandemic is over. It's disturbing to see criminals (imo that's what that mod is) use the pandemic as an excuse for their criminal actions. They also said to go comment on the official pages of people or companies they work for! Like, lmao moron, do you think those people don't go on vacations since over a year now?
Heroine - I am so over the way they want to punish someone because they see something they don’t like and then pretend it is something noble by linking it to a real issue for marginalized people.
Ruby Woo - it's irrational hate, is what it is. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
What pisses me off is that they're using an actual, real social justice issue - which costs people their LIVES - to hide behind.
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They call Ale a racist, but are too busy devoting their energy to creating fake accounts to comment on a fuckin' Instagram post (!) to actually get involved in fighting racism in real life.
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They don't actually give a single solitary shit, just wanna use it as ammunition against Seb's girlfriend.
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