#I'm going to be interning at a gallery this summer!!!
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ceratinus · 5 days ago
Still doesn't feel real
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elenthyaolyenths · 2 months ago
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Ok, it's time, isn't it? My first "Art Versus Artist"! and always, my complete Good Omens Art Gallery if you are curious!
Hello my dears! Your little Frenchie wing-addict here! 2024 has been a hell of a ride, so many great things happened since I decided to join the Good Omens fandom ! What a ride, yeah, from my first Red Art sketches in January to my most recent full-colour tries and experimentations - most of them still secret, sorrryyyyy. My wrist surgery and the physiotherapy still going on, depression and health problems hitting hard again... BUT I KNOW I wouldn't be here without the fandom and without your wonderful support.
The constant research of my own art style, while i was granted the chance to work with amazing writers and artists. The pleasure to share my improvements with you all, dear followers and friends!!!
Thank you so much, for everything. Wishing you the best for 2025, I hope I'll be able to make you smile and dream even more!
Linktree - Masterpost - Ko-Fi - Prints of my Art here!
And, here, I'll have to stop a minute and try to remember ALL of you dear people I'd like to thank even more personally... with all my love and my gratefulness. (!long text under the cut!)
@vavoom-sorted-art dear M'am, I have already told you how one of your Tumblr posts litteraly saved me in the beginning of 2024 and gave me back the courage to continue to make art. It was probably a very small thing for you, but for me it has been a life-changing thing for the best. Thank you again, thank you so much for your kindness, and your advice about my art during this year. I wish you the best for 2025, for your studies and everything else <3
@malohkeh-main My dear, you're the first one who encouraged me to do this personal Red Art Daily Challenge in January. Thanks for your wonderful support and our translation teamwork, life happened between us but I'll never forget our discussions.
@floscrap-blog, my dear frenchie friend I have met on international GOAD sub, while we were living almost right next door, how was it even possible?? Dear Hun, thank you so much for your kindness, I'll treasure our friendship forever.
@kotias, the one and only! I can't even say how much I'm grateful for you finding me and dragging me into the wonderful behind-the-scenes of this awesome fandom. Because of you (and it's a compliment) I was suddenly drawing even more, writing again after a 3-years-blank-page-syndrom, meeting so many new people and collegues and friends. My life has definitely changed the day we started to talk, and I discovered what the tag "found family" might mean. Thank you so, SO MUCH, Madame.
Thanks to @goodomensafterdark for creating the best goblin nest ever. Your whole community supporting me when I was about to get my wrist surgery and when I was scared as hell? Probably my best wonderful memory ever of this summer. Still crying about it. Thank you so much, for everything.
@demonsandpieohmy, dearest, I still remember this comment on my art on GOAD, mentioning your fingers tingling... and then, "To Shreds" was born, and it was just the first of our several collabs together. Thank you so much for your trust and your support on my very first NSFW artworks! Thank you for your friendship, we might have talked less these last months but it's always a pleasure. Wishing you the best for your ulterior writings!
Thanks to @the-bentley and @cassiecasyl for choosing me on the Reverse Bang Minisode and for our wonderful teamwork!! I have been uncredibly lucky to have you both.
Greatings and many thanks to the people who supported me on Ko-Fi and/or commisionned me this year. It's been an honor and a true pleasure. <3
Hugs, love, and big thanks to my dear friends and fellows artists/writers: @daneecastle (your kindness and your advice still help me everyday, dear), @gribouli (tellement heureuse d'avoir pu te rencontrer, merciiiii pour tout!), @nosferatini (Thank Mama Nos for everything, can't wait for 2025 ;-D), @sweetmascherari (the "BIG" project was so much funnier by your side!<3), @eybefioro (my dear I'm so happy to finally be able to work with you!)... and I probably forgot people and I hate it but be sure I'm so so grateful T.T
Thanks even more to all my lovely friends from the TNAN discord - and specifically to @itsscottiesstark, my dear friend and co-moderator. I love what we have created there and even if this BIG BABY of a network is sometime a little bit overwhelming now, it's always a pleasure to co-event with you and having fun during your Story-Times.
And, last but not least, thanks to my dear internet Spouse, @captainblou. Writing and arting by your side has been one of the most wonderful things I was able to do this year. Thank you for that, and for everything else, each day, every day.
Happy NYE everyone! See you in 2025!
Tag-list (ask in comment to be add if you want to be notified next time I publish my Good Omens arts and WIPs! A lot of secret work is almost done and is coming!!!)
@goodomensafterdark ;
@floscrap-blog ; @demonsandpieohmy ; @amagnificentobsession ; @captainblou ; @mamamissy
@ineffable-hyperfixation ; @itsscottiesstark ; @moralsofanalleycatsposts ; @featheredboaconstrictor ; @lenareadly
@fearandhatred ; @eybefioro ; @crowleys-bentley-and-plants ; @ashfae ; @crowleys-hips;
@paperclipninja ; @silverdphantom ; @neverlet ; @naturallyteal ; @goodoldfashionedlovergirls-blog ;
@madaims; @daisydimple20092 ; @seraphhiim ; @rebeccakatmauri ; @cobragardens
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sojournerstales · 2 months ago
WF1999: Summer Heat
fem!drifter x Eleanor Nightingale.
Drifter and Eleanor catch-up after last night's instant messaging doesn't end well.
01: Alone With You.
Late September. Höllvania summer heat. Sun-bleached colours and acrid air. Everything goes by in a blur spurred on by the roar of the atomicycle's engine. The sound of it pitches down, coming to a hard left swing at a junction pile-up. Its tires squeal, burn out against the asphalt, and then I pick up speed again.
The air feels good on our sword-steel skin.
Today I am Mesa. The world around me is highlighted by chokes and vantage points. Things she notices when we blitz by on the Tomi, like the corner café balcony that turns the plaza below into a shooting gallery. Or the hard corner coming up signalled as a blind spot. I feel it like an itch, Mesa wants to either take it slow and snug to register what lies ahead, or at a wide smooth arc to aid her reaction time.
'Sorry girl,' I talk to her sometimes, 'We're just cruising right now.' And we take the angle easy, 'Danger nil, yeah?'
Our destination - which we are closing in fast on - is the Höllvania Zoo. It's the first place my mind went to when Arthur asked me if I 'have any idea where she's gone now.'
Yeah, I have some idea.
We park up, dismount, thumb the barrel-end of Mesa's index finger. That last bit is a habit I picked up from embodying her for so long. The kid (long story) and I each have our favourites, Mesa is mine.
Höllvania Zoo. The sign above us is adorned with silhouette animals I only just recognize. I look around and different points are highlighted again. In just a quick scan I have everything I need to turn the zoo entrance into a shooting gallery, but I don't have immediate visual on Eleanor.
So she gets the jump on me. Like a warm hand down my spine from a great distance. "I swear," She says - and her voice is threaded through Mesa and directly into my head - "there's not a moment's peace in this town."
The sound is entirely internal. Telepathy, right now just a projected voice and a hanging line for me to think in reply. "Where are you?"
"I can see you," Eleanor sing-songs in my head. Mine, not Mesa's. That's the strangest part of this feeling. I'm so used to the Frame being the point of contact - but here Mesa is just a throughline.
I look around again. Mesa's senses hone in on tracking. She spots the tail-end of someone else's atomicycle sticking out from behind an information booth.
"Up and to your right," but Eleanor gives us the answer. I get the distinct feeling of an eye-roll along with it. "Go on then, show us your legs. Get up here."
Eleanor is at a rooftop corner looking down at us. It only takes a hop, a skip, and a bullet-jump to reach her. I've come to appreciate Höllvania's urban sprawl. There is always something to kick off from and rarely a ceiling to stop me so long as I'm above ground. Mesa performs a quick tuck-and-roll to come over the ledge of the roof and then we rise to our feet.
There she is. Cross-legged, barely turning to look so I catch her in profile. I quickly dismiss Mesa's highlights - now focused on the technocyce nerve clusters, the weaponry, and Eleanor's head.
"I had to cover for you. Told Arthur I knew where you went." Mesa has no mouth, I talk to Eleanor through that telepathic link she left open.
"Hardly covering for me if it's the truth, is it?" Eleanor smiles. The smile widens when she catches my reaction, because you can't hide anything from her. And it's complicated, too, it's like how a kavat buffs your hands. It's playful, but it's on her terms.
Putting feeling in my replies comes as second nature. It isn't so different to learning Transference. "Not what I meant," I groan. I walk up next-to-and-behind her. A foot of distance. From on high like this we get a good view of the zoo grounds. Animal enclosures overrun with techrot and weeds. Facsimiles of Earth's habitats turned alien. If you can get used to the pulsation, the living signs of the techrot, then it's a nice view. One of the few nice views left in Höllvania. I know for Eleanor it is a little more than that.
Eleanor raises an eyebrow now. Maybe I'm thinking too loud. "I know what you meant," She reclines and pats the empty space by her side. "Come on, take a pew."
Invited, I leave Mesa behind. The feeling is like emerging from a viscous pool. An immediate cool sense of relief, even stepping into a hot summers' day. My Self peels from Mesa and all those base senses that a human ought to have sharpen and everything Mesa feels is lost. The Frame relaxes, inert, processing only just enough to remain upright. She is a body without consciousness.
I slip my jacket off so I can take a seat on it and swing my legs over the ledge of the building Eleanor had claimed for a throne.
"Don't breath in too deep now," Eleanor warns me, projected voice as a purr, "They might prefer coming out at night, but that does absolutely nothing for the smell."
"Yeah," I rasp, "Got it."
Eleanor still talks in my head even when I switch to speaking out loud. No surprises there. "You didn't have to come looking for me, you know. I am a big girl." She casts a side-long glance in my direction, "I swear, it's like having a warden. I bet they love it."
They being Lettie and Arthur. "They just worry, that's all."
"Oh, don't I know it. I see the looks they give me."
Now I roll my eyes and I sigh and I nudge Eleanor's shoulder with my first, "Not what I meant, again." With emphasis.
"Yes, your See-The-Best-In-Everyone good nature is very well established, thank you." Her tone takes on that warning quality again, now without the purr, "That does not change the facts of the matter."
I have to concede, "No, it doesn't." But I'm working on it. I don't say that latter part out loud, but I suspect she gleams it from me easily enough.
Eleanor hums in my head by way of a response. The hum is followed by her honeyed voice, playful tone returning, (so mercurial,) "Neither Arthur nor Lettie are why you are really here, as convenient an excuse my brother can be. You want to talk about our little tiff."
I hold my breath for a second. "That all it was?"
Eleanor shrugs.
It had happened last night over KIM. She had been in a melancholy mood quickly spiralling down to the feeling of being an utterly insignificant speck in the face of something that spans a whole entire universe. A human lifespan weighed against the sheer totality of the Indifference. I'd had my own long day. I got short. I told her the same thing - something I realized - that Arthur had been telling her for years.
When was she going to make up her mind and fight? Wrong question to ask, wrong thing to say.
Eleanor is looking at me, expectant.
"How far does 'sorry' get me?" I ask.
"Your arse is still on this roof, so it's a start."
"Well, sorry." Because I have to actually say it for it to count. I shrug my arms close to my body and lean forward. It's a test of that feeling of vertigo when I look all the way down. Heights feel high when you aren't piloting a Warframe. "I get it. Realize that what I said wasn't what you were looking for."
"Ding-ding. Two for two, Drifter." She is still talking like it's a game, but with the connection between us I know it runs deeper. There are the words on the surface and the current they are carried on. Everyone is like this, of course, but it's most obvious with a telepath.
"But for what it's worth, might not be much, I wasn't talking about picking up arms and firing blind into the Void."
"I know," Eleanor's thoughts cut through that playful affection she had put up, "I may have been... Somewhat ungenerous in my interpretation of your messages. I was in a bad state of mind."
"Caught in a spiral. I get it." Believe me.
"Sometimes a girl just wants someone in the muck with her." And it's Eleanor's turn to nudge me. She does so by leaning her shoulder against mine. Brief, warm.
I smile. "Yeah, a girl can get that. Thing is though? With me? I'm never gonna stop trying to crawl out of it. I can't."
"That just sounds utterly exhausting. I don't know how you do it, honestly."
"Eh. Once you reach the top there's rooftops and pretty women."
"Ha!" This gets an actual sound out of Eleanor. Her laugh is a sharp bark from the back of her throat, followed then by something far more melodious in my head. She shoves me sideways. "Oh! You are a sly one, aren't you?"
I laugh it off, bracing against the edge of the roof. My expression gets all twisted into an awkward smirk. I'm about to push her back, but Eleanor hops to her feet and offers me a hand.
"Come on. This is where I wallow. I don't want to ruin that with too many saccharine memories."
Pulled up to my feet I get close to Eleanor and sense something. A spike of danger in her head, projected to mine, and tension up the arm I am holding onto. She releases me all at once and takes a big step back and apologia flashes across her face.
"Woah. Hey, we good?" Concern is obvious in my voice. I follow her half a step and am halted when she bristles.
"A little over-excited, that's all. Don't worry about it. Let's just get back before a purge-squad rolls through. Ha. That'd be just our luck."
"Yeah..." I am not terribly convinced, but I'll buy it for now, "Yeah, sure."
It takes less than a second to pull my Self back into Mesa. My senses re-immersed into her perspective of the world. Her muscles wake back up in sequence, sensation reigniting in every limb and mechanic. It feels like the best damn stretch of my life. Every time.
"--lo? Earth to Marty?" It's Aoi's voice coming through over the comms channel. Her voice all tinny. Not the full bass experience I get from Eleanor.
I send two signal-pings over the line so Aoi knows I am finally listening.
"There you are! Arthur is ten seconds away from hunting you down. El too, I assume. Listen, we've got Scaldra buzzing about a Hex sighting and considering all but two of us are home right now - Yeah, that's you."
Two more pings. Eleanor can see we're talking to someone, I have Mesa's head downcast, canting to one side, like she can pick up the signal better that way with two fingers touching her temple. Eleanor raises a brow at us.
"So-o-o you might want to start heading back here if they haven't caught up to you already."
One ping. No run-ins with the Scaldra yet.
"Very cool. I'll tell Arthur he can untwist his underwear. I figure you don't want him crashing the party."
I allow and internal wince. Aoi has me dead to rights there, she's said before she 'shipped it' between me and Eleanor. Whatever that means.
I let the comms line drop and turn Mesa to face Eleanor. "Looks like you were right about a squad. That was a warning from Aoi to get out of here."
Eleanor doesn't seem to put off by that. If anything she looks like an itch might be getting scratched. She pulls an earpiece from one of her utility pouches. "Sometimes I think I might want to add 'pre-cognition' to the list of gifts all this rot has given me. Let's hop to it, then."
part 1 of ?
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hypogryffin · 1 year ago
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ok but like so you know how portable had that one yukiko cameo. so like OBVI the remake is going to have p5 characters appear also <-straight copium. anyway here are my pitches
Image ID:
Three pages of rough sketches with colour blocks. Image 1 has Maruki (coloured blue) standing awkwardly with a seemingly nervous smile on his face, looking younger and wearing Gekkoukan High School's uniform. A smaller drawing next to him shows himself and Rumi (red) smiling and laughing together. The text next to them reads "If Maruki was school-age at the time of P3's story he'd be about 22-25 years old [during P5 canon]". The number 22 has an arrow pointing to it that reads "1st year HS", and 25 has another that says "3rd year HS". The text continues, "Since he's supposed to be older (I think), it wouldn't make sense for him to show up". A wailing emoji with its hands up in the air is added next to the block of text. From there, an arrow with the caption "But!" points to another sketch of Ichinose (green) in Gekkoukan's summer uniform. The message continues next to another drawing of Ichinose, this time in the regular/winter uniform, "I do think Ichinose is probably the right age for it! Definitely not because I've been wanting to draw her recently nope no siree". Further notes continue down, reading "One or two [ear] piercings, none on the face" with a drawing of an earlobe, "Shorter hair" with a dotted line and a sketch of scissors depicting that her hair is about shoulder-length, and finally, "She'd still be in her stoic era so no smiles here, LOL." Additionally, back near the drawings of Maruki, there is another sketch of Rumi in Gekkoukan's uniform, with a note that says, "Were Maruki and Rumi canonically high school sweethearts? Or did I just hallucinate that information"
Image 2: A drawing of Zenkichi (dark blue) in an unbuttoned suit. He has his hair in a ponytail, and his arms folded behind his back. The text next to him reads, "Zenkichi, approximately mid-to-late 30s. / He can't be aware of the Dark Hour for [the sake of] continuity in Strikers, obviously, but he could still be reasonably(?) involved? I.E. assisting Kurosawa with something? Maybe related to a request from Elizabeth, a social link story(???), or main story things like [A block that reads "Spoilers" in all capital letters]'s death or Fuuka's "disappearance". I don't know, man." There are a few asides written next to it, reading "Maybe [he and Kurosawa are] friends" and "Investigating Apathy Syndrome?" respectively. Then the text continues, "Could be [Public Security], or maybe a career police officer (as in pre-promotion or something, I don't know I'm not a pig, myself". An additional doodle has the information "Akane would be about 7 years old" alongside a drawing of Zenkichi blabbering senselessly about his daughter, showing off a set of pictures, to the Persona 3 Protagonist (light blue), who looks awkward and has "Go away" written behind him as his internal thoughts several times.
Also, there is a sketch of Mitsuru (red) in plainclothes, smiling as she holds up two tickets, saying "I have received tickets to a gallery by Madarame Ichiryuusai, I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me there." The next drawing is of Yukari (pink) smiling and looking up from the book she's reading, though visibly apprehensive. She says, "Uh, yeah, sure, that sounds fun!" While her inner monologue yells "That sounds so fucking boring holy shit". It then cuts to her gripping the protagonist's shoulders, saying, "I need you to come with me to this stupid ass art museum I can't say no to Mitsuru-senpai." The protagonist says, "I, like, could not want to do anything less-" but is interrupted by Yukari adding, "I'll buy you dinner after and you can bring Aegis." The protagonist says, "Deal."
Image 3: A drawing of the lobby of the dorms. The protagonist (blue) sits on one of the couches with Koromaru (grey) sleeping with his head in his lap. The TV is on, showing a picture of someone standing at a podium with microphones pointed at them, and blares "Diet member Shido Masayoshi makes bold new proposal on foreign policy..." The protagonist watches, seeming disinterested. The next drawing is of the Big Bang Burger logo, with someone saying, "'Big Bang Burger'?", getting the reply, "Yeah, they just opened a shop last week. Wild Duck's got competition now, I guess." The next panel is of Ryoji Mochizuki (teal) and the protagonist standing together, revealing Ryoji to have been the first one to speak, now continuing, "Eeh, wow, that name is so lame!" as he smiles genially. He then turns to the protagonist, pointing to himself as he says, "Hey, you wanna try it? I'll pay!" The protagonist shrugs and says, "Sure."
End ID.
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liaromancewriter · 1 year ago
Control What You Can Control
Premise: Ethan has second thoughts about a new phase in his life.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff Words: 1,100
A/N: Late submission for @choicesflashfics week 58, prompt 2. I'm also using week 59, prompt 3.
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The summer sun was high in the sky, its sharp rays shining through the treated glass ceiling. Where the city streets battled sweltering temperatures, the hospital atrium was a cool and bright hub of activity. Patients, visitors, nurses and doctors glided around each other like actors on a stage.
From his vantage point on the seventh-floor gallery, Ethan Ramsey watched the familiar scene unfold below. There was a time when he’d stand at the windows of his old office and gaze down at the emergency drop-off area. Sometimes, it was the only time he had to himself in the day to just think.
There was a simplicity to his life he missed now that he was chief of medicine. He missed working with patients most of all, solving the puzzle of what brought them to the hospital, that moment when a diagnosis just clicked.
Now, it was all over, he sighed morosely, tightly gripping the edge of the steel handrail. And he wished he could go back and do it all over again.
“You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders, Chief. Having second thoughts about the wedding?”
Ethan rolled his eyes at the glib comment from Tobias Carrick, his former nemesis slash colleague slash occasional friend slash permanent pain in the ass.
“No, just contemplating how much lighter life would be without your unsolicited commentary,” Ethan shot back sarcastically.
He scowled at the other man over his shoulder. “It's like mental weightlifting, really, and more intense than any wedding jitters.”
“Who’s having wedding jitters?” Cassie Valentine asked absently, eyes on her phone as she joined them.
“Your fiancé,” Tobias smirked. “His sigh was ponderous enough to sink the Titanic. Might want to check if you can get your deposits back.”
Cassie’s gaze zigzagged between them before her green eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Tobias, are you riling Ethan up for no reason?”
“How could you ask me that?” Tobias feigned offense.
Ethan grinned when Cassie stared Tobias down, using her haughtiest and most severe expression. It was one he’d seen her use only when someone or something truly vexed her and reminded him of why people called the Valentines American royalty.
For once, Ethan was glad not to be on the receiving end of it.
Tobias held his palms up in a universal gesture for peace, but Ethan could see him sweating bullets. Served him right, he thought. Ethan grinned wickedly as the other man made some excuse and rushed off.
“Are you having second thoughts about the wedding?”
Ethan silently groaned at Cassie’s question. He looked away from his perusal of Carrick’s retreating back to find her watching him. She was more curious than concerned, and he figured that was a good sign.
“Not about the wedding, no,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I was just reflecting on this past year, everything that’s happened.”
Cassie peered into his eyes, and he knew she could read him like an open book. “You’re having second thoughts about your job.”
“Maybe.” Ethan shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m enjoying the challenge, finally having the power to change things from within. And god knows the residency program needs an upgrade. But…”
“You miss seeing patients, doing research,” she finished astutely.
“Yes,” Ethan admitted, leaning against the railing. “Oh, what the hell.” He crossed his arms defiantly. “I sometimes, very rarely, mind you,” he warned, “miss teaching interns too.”
Cassie burst into laughter, her eyes twinkling as she threw her head back in an uninhibited display of amusement. Her laugh was loud and contagious, making everyone’s head turn in curiosity.
“You miss interns,” Cassie gasped out the words, still chuckling. “That’s like the funniest thing I’ve ever heard!”
Her shoulders shook, and tears leaked from the corner of her eyes.
“It’s not that funny,” Ethan grumbled, somewhat annoyed by her reaction.
He shook his head and turned to walk away, but Cassie held up a hand to stop him.
“I’m sorry,” she said sincerely, lips upturned in a smile. “I shouldn’t have laughed. But, I’m trying to reconcile the man I met in intern year with the one standing before me.”
“That was then. This is now. People change,” Ethan muttered.
When Cassie threw him a disbelieving look, he unfolded his arms and rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine. I don’t actually miss interns.”
“Thank god.” Cassie leaned into him. “You had me going there for a second.” She slipped one arm around his back. “Seriously, though. My grandfather always taught us if we don’t like how something is, change it.”
“This is the same grandfather that threatened to cut you off when you applied to med school instead of joining the family business?” Ethan asked skeptically.
“Yes, but,” she said, waving her hand dismissively, “he’s right more often than he’s wrong. My point is, Ethan, it’s up to you to find a way to make the job your own.”
“What does that even mean?” he said, confused. The job was the job. He knew that going in.
“Take shifts in the community clinic, take over the care of your former patients, undertake a research study.” Cassie listed things off on her fingers. “You can be the chief of medicine and a doctor. Balance your workload by hiring a medical director to do the things you don’t enjoy or won’t have time for.”
Cassie pressed on when he remained silent. “Naveen chose you because you’re what Edenbrook needs, not because you’ll do the job like anyone else would.”
Ethan turned over her words in his head, thinking through the ramifications of changing things. It could be done, of course. There was at least one hospital that he knew of that did what Cassie was proposing. Maybe there were more?
“I need to think about this,” he said eventually. “That’s good advice, though.”
“Don’t sound so shocked,” Cassie laughed. “I’m the head of Edenbrook’s famed diagnostics team, after all, and pretty remarkable at diagnosing what’s wrong.”
“And so modest, too,” Ethan quipped, placing a swift kiss across her lips. “Thank you.”
“Someone brilliant once told me, ‘Control what you can control.’ Well, this is something you can control,” Cassie added when he smiled at hearing the familiar words.
He folded her in his embrace. “Brilliant, you said?”
“Handsome, too,” Cassie smirked. “Alas, his tongue can be acerbic, and he refuses to do dance challenges with me on TikTok.” She snickered. “But, I love him anyway.”
He lowered his head, lips hovering above hers, tantalizingly close. “Then it’s a good thing he loves you too.”
And then he kissed her.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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lesb0 · 3 months ago
Off topic but what's it like living in LA? I'm considering moving there for work and I'm curious if you're willing to share :)
I will try to condense what 24 years felt "like" lol but I am now more aware that I was very privileged to see every aspect of LA and took most things for granted. Even still, I'm learning things were either regional or upper-middle specific experiences, like living a block from exposition park down fig or going to San Diego every weekend for my summer "job" as a conservation zookeeper in my little khaki uniform.
LA has a unique geographical combo of all the natural terrains grouped together that makes it one of the most beautiful coasts on earth. I know people who did a beach surf, mountain biking, ski trip, and desert camping in one day. The pollution is awful but the grey clouds of ocean mist just feels cleaner to breathe. The sun will come out to dry up the marine layer and kiss your cheeks by 11am. The fires and landslides are scary. But the earthquakes are fun.
you have the widest international mix of stunningly designed immigrant towns that feel more like teleportation, so many major flagship museums, the most innovative nontraditional art galleries, unparalleled delicious restaurants, cutting edge of vegan American cuisine, the worlds best shopping from 99¢ to hermes, popups and events every week. so there's always something to do. Even the tourist stuff like Hollywood can be fun, I've attended many movies premier nights with everyone dressed up as princesses at El Capitan.
People are way friendlier and way crazier and way more community forward so you can't be some antisocial isolated weirdo, you need to go speak to humans. The opportunities are endless, I knew so many people who moved there poor and homeless but made it work. All the child actors are exploited laborers with 0 rights or autonomy. I used to think "some of my friends have a job inside the TV just like my job is cleaning my room" until I realized the parents were all robbing them.
If you make celeb friends, they will get you into cool parties and give you jobs later, my aunts first job was as tom greens' chef because she made him laugh. One of my school friends lived in one of those Malibu camper communes parked all along the pch while hustling on a B lists singers home stylist team as a fashion student from Idaho. Red carpets aren't fun, you mostly just get yelled at to move out of the way and it's only cute when you're little and all the pretty actresses pick you up. Home of all the greatest makeup fx artists, horror props, and costuming people in the world: so Halloween is the biggest craziest all & out holiday of the year. Everyone leaves for Christmas so it feels slow and quiet with less traffic.
I used to find it really annoying when transplants aggressively called themselves angelenos until I met someone born and raised on the east coast last summer, one of my best friends now. she worked in LA for a few years as a college professor in the 00s and still whines about wanting to "go back home" and "missing home" every time we talk, like you can see and hear it in her beachy hair and mean-bubbly hippy personality. LA has a way of crawling under your skin and pushing out your previous concept of home because it feels more alive and home-y than other cities do.
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etherealacademia · 5 years ago
hiii ! i'm a big fan of your blog i've found it vv inspiring re. my studies :) just wondering what sort of DA things you do outside of your studies / academic things you do in your spare time that aren't necessary to your grades ??
hey! here’s a list of academic things i do outside of university.
if your question was about my non-academic activities that are reminiscent of the dark academia genre, lmk and i’ll make another post!
i read a lot of literary fiction and poetry
i write poetry and am always on the lookout for lit magazines and journals/independent presses to submit my work to. i’ve been published a few times, i don’t really talk to my friends or family about it because i worry they would think i’m arrogant for mentioning it
before the quarantine, i went to art galleries and museums several times a month (i have a free annual pass) and learned a lot from each visit
i do freelance journalism; i interned at a news outlet last summer
i watch international and experimental cinema on criterion collection. i also sometimes go to an independent theatre that airs niche documentaries. i think it’s really important to expose yourself to thought-provoking films
ive been to a few book awards ceremonies + literary events with my mom and her friends before. i’d like to do that more often, especially since many of the events are free
i spend a lot of time in secondhand bookstores looking for old crumbling hardcovers. my friends and i often buy the same book, read it separately, and then report back to each other with impromptu reviews
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andreamdelph-blog · 6 years ago
February 20, 2019
As a twenty-six year old young woman living hundreds of miles from a mother fighting over the recent death of a man I loved too late, my stepfather, and another hundred miles from a father whose passion expresses itself through range, anger, and misguided love, I am finding the words that will set me free.
I realize that telling the truth is way different from finding the truth and finding the truth has everything to do with revisiting and rearranging words. Revisiting and rearranging words does not only require vocabulary, it requires will, and maybe courage.
Revision is practice. Practicing writing meant sitting down and sitting still. Through this past year, my body did not want to sit still. I jumped into opening a gallery space, into work, into unwarranted relationships and vacations just as a means to escape the death of my father, the ghosting of my maternal father and the breakup from a man I lost myself to. I'm now convinced sitting still and writing are my paths to memory. I do not know what this series will become, who it will help and how it'll effect my long term goals to become a published writter but this is my begining in finding my words. I want to thank Kiese Laymon for writing HEAVY. He has helped me find my courage in sharing this love story between my mother, father and myself.
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I bought a journal, as I have done each year since fifth grade. I started to write what we hoped I had forgot.
February 15, 2019:
I get emotional. I some times believe I make these memories up. I some times think these are false memories and he only hit me a total of three times. I start to doubt the seriousness of a daughter being beat by a man who stood at 6 foot two, weighing at about 200 lbs. I can only remember those for now. The way your eyes filled with anger when you beat me because my hips were filling out, for my reminding you that I was my mother's daughter.
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I remember the time you gritted your teeth at me and bit my face. I had just came back from visiting my mother in Cleveland. I was twelve-years-old. I'm remembering this because that was the summer I hid my becoming a woman to you and my mother. I felt the tension building inside of you as you searched for clothes my mother bought me during my trip. A mini skirt, tight jeans. During that search, you found pads. You found what you were looking for: A short, iron buckled mini skirt from Khols my mother loved to see me wear during our trip to Chicago. I blocked out the words you called me but remembered the breaking of my lip as the buckle on the belt hit my face. You never meant to hurt me. You beat me for my own good.
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I was a growing young woman with a mother living in Cleveland and you were a passionate man who understood the thoughts of men. With your misunderstandings of your own pain and addictions to pornography, You were trying to keep me aware, it was misguided, but I understand and love you for your efforts. I understood early that you beat me because something was beating you. I reminded you of the first woman who broke you. My mother. whose hips filled out as she walked, whose face men were drawn to and thick exotic accents as she spoke. A slim thick Peruvian woman with curves and lips that excited you and men around. Nevermind the complexities of who this woman was and still is today. Her psychical attributes reminded you of my growing body and how I should hide it from the men at the mall from the boys at school and to you in our home, playing basketball in our yard, going to dinner, walking our dogs.
At twenty-six I can understand my shame when I look at how my body has filled out. At twenty-six, better articulated, I spend hours with these thoughts. I spend days ruminating over realities and memories that are painful so that I can understand how we, the three of us got to where we are today. My mother, a cold, distant women who internalizes her pain so no person can call her 'weak', --possibly a byproduct of my grandfather, her father Papa Lucho (I'll speak more on family later) And my father who at days and even hours before he beat me touched me gently and told me he loved me are keeping secrets that are not their own to keep.
Having toxic parents is more challenging than those with relatively functional families can imagine. Nothing is ever a simple conversation. Almost everything is riddled with passive aggression, subliminal, truama, and projection. It is truly an aquired skill to not become triggered. And these are the same individuals who usually grow up to become hypersensitive, almost like a self fulfilling prophecy. They are accused of over reaction, because of toxic family members truly believe that their abuse is validated and should be digested. When it is not, and the individual expresses sadness and discomfort, they are made to feel as if their reactions are wrong. As if they are confused about the nature of what's going on.
I wish you could have chosen one kind of touch. Even if it was just beating me. That would've made everything less confusing.
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jawnkeets · 7 years ago
what types of things did you do that you put on your personal statement? i'm in year 12 so could really use some help (also congratulations that is AMAZING!)
thank u so much 💗
i’m thinking about doing a long post w tips for writing the personal statement sometime as ik y12s have to start thinking abt it v soon!!! so will be more detailed in that and will let u kno abt it when it’s done :+)
it depends on which unis ur applying to, is the first thing i’d say!!! a lot of unis love hearing abt ur extracurriculars, but oxbridge don’t care at all and want you to keep them to a minimum (tho u should still put them in bc the others you’ve applied to will want to see!). i personally only wrote a short paragraph on my extracurriculars. to give examples of appropriate extracurriculars, i wrote briefly in the penultimate paragraph of my ps about:
• winning a national poetry competition• doing grade 8 cello• the plays i’m currently acting in• winning international taekwondo medals• working part time at a fish and chip shop
so like anything at all rly !!! i’d say dofe, charity work/ volunteering, jobs etc are all great to put here. you don’t have to list absolutely everything - i left stuff out because of the character limit.
as for the subject-based part of the personal statement, which should make up the majority, i talked mostly about books i had read on my subject outside of class. i think i’d bore u w listing all the books i included in my ps lol (idk if that counts as stuff i’ve done as such so it may not answer ur q - but lmk if you’d like me to), and it’s probs not such a big deal if ur not applying for lit (pls let me kno what u r applying for ahh i’d luv to hear it’s all so exciting!!!). in short, i used the books i do at school as a sort of springboard - for example, looking at humour in jerusalem, my a level drama text, lead me to look at humour in marlowe’s dr faustus and also in hamlet. this shows that you’re thinking about what you do in school and are taking it further!
it would also be great to go to lectures/ exhibitions etc (aside from the ps - they’re amazing!!!). some things i talked abt:
• going to see the portraits of the romantics in the national portrait gallery in london• going to the keats house• one of the lectures i went to, which was on the role of the fool in literature, at cambridge uni• an english lit summer school• going to the british library• going to a larkin exhibition in hull
if ur applying for science, work experience is fab to talk about too. if u can’t or don’t want to travel anywhere, that’s ok! podcasts and lectures online r perfectly acceptable and very worthy alternatives.
the important thing, though, is that it matters less what you have done and more what you can say about what you’ve done - does what you’ve done or where you’ve been demonstrate dedication? does it show that you would be a valuable addition to your chosen university? so after stating something, state HOW or WHY it has been valuable :+) 
basically, i’d have a balance of school stuff, extra reading, stuff you’ve done outside of school (subject-related), and stuff you’ve done outside of school (not-subject related).
this is super unclear bc i barely got any sleep last night and am super tired, so pls feel free to ask me to clarify anything!!!! hope this helps a little 💞
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bunkyoku · 4 years ago
Having time to pick up old hobbies like learning languages
Chatting in 日本語 with 母ちゃん
Hanging out in the pretty parks with friends
Having access to a real oven ! (I've been using a microwave oven for the last year)
Not worrying about my education for the first time in years
Going to a cinema for the first time in ~2 years
Telling all my weird ass stories from the last few years
The waterfront in my city
Seeing street art again
Going to museums
Being able to talk to almost anyone I meet in a language we both speak fluently
Being able to use food delivery services
Volunteering at my local charity bookshop again
Watching movies with fast food with friends
Drinking tea and reading in the hammock in the garden
Being able to buy cheap hair dye
Being able to wear the clothes I want without fear of being judged
Choosing what I can do with my time
Vegetarian sweets
Cooking with my mum
Seeing my brother
Dog walks with friends
Being in a city but having huge parks around and being a 15 min drive from the countryside
Indian takeaway
Going to beer gardens
Spending time in my big kitchen with so much natural light
Outdoor parties
Being able to buy clothes in my size
Finishing unfinished sewing projects
Making earrings
Going to different towns with friends
Our huge cupboard of tea and mugs
Having a dishwasher
Going to Wales with friends
Wearing summer clothes
Thrift stores
Finally being able to give the little gifts I've bought to my friends
Showing my Japanese tutor from 2 years ago how much I've improved
Hanging out with my best friend
Finally meeting my mum's boyfriend who seems lovely
Introducing new music to my mum
Having my own mini art gallery with my IB work because I can't attend my school's one
Having my own mini graduation ceremony because I can't attend my school's one
Seeing my grandparents
Seeing foxes in parks
Evenings with cider + good friends in parks
Choosing what I'm doing next year
Giving virtual tours to all my friends from here
Hosting my international friends !!
Vegan ben n jerry's
Petting the local cats when I go on walks
Baking the missed birthday and mother's day cakes for my mum
Having a normal toaster
Having a normal pillow and sleeping in my own bed
All the interesting objects in our house
Having a TV
Not worrying about having to wash a dish BEFORE I use it
Cereal + soy milk
Vegetarian junk food
Making my first purchase as a legal adult
I am very tired of my current situation so here are some things I'm really looking forward to doing when I come home for the first time in nearly a year:
Good vegan food
Being able to play music/watch videos out loud
Seeing my dog
Seeing my mum
My mum's cooking
Having my own bathroom that I don't share with 16 other people
Being legal in my home country
Seeing my friends
My sewing machine ❤️
The frogs in my garden
Our pantry full of beans and pulses and spices
Good soy milk
Bookshops where I can read the language the books are published in
Living without stress
My own room
Being able to use candles
Having a supermarket within a few minutes walk of where I live
Forest walks without worrying about bears
Being able to walk/take a bus to anywhere I wanna go
All my knitting wool
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